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10843920 No.10843920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are meat eaters such selective moralfags over animal welfare?

>how dare he kill that lion for their own pleasure LET'S SEND HIM DEATH THREATS

>> No.10843927

are you okay there vegan bro? it must take a lot of energy to hold down the shift key as long as you did without any meat in your diet

>> No.10843942

I'm not vegan. I know the world is full of fucked up shit and that I don't have time to moralfag over every last thing. Doesn't change the fact that meat eaters are usually huge insufferable hypocrites when it comes to animal welfare.

>> No.10843971

dumb frogposter

>> No.10843976
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What are your opinions on the opinions of meat eaters who send death threats to domestic pet abusers but simultaneously fawn over bacon?

>> No.10843985

Why are all vegans so gay and dumb?

>> No.10844014

>hold down the shift key
This is your brain on meat.

>> No.10844024

Learn to read. >>10843942

I considered including such an example in the OP but then thought it'd be redundant. So same opinion.

>> No.10844043
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>> No.10844055

Not sure what your point is. There's a lot more fucked up shit in this world. Example: http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2018/01/graphic-video-viagras-behead-father-and.html

>> No.10844057

Pigs are a dime a dozen
Lions are rare and you can't eat them and you can get bacon without killing a pig you brainlet

>> No.10844081

Lions are a wild, threatened species that is vital to its ecosystem and also holds value in many cultures. Pigs are farm animals that are completely domesticated, and are bred/murdered in mass. To put them in the same scale is to be willingly ignorant for the sake of trying to call out non-existent hypocrisy.

>> No.10844095
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>animal agriculture isn't the biggest contributor to the decline of wildlife
>money paid to kill Cecil the lion isn't actually going towards helping the local lion population
>old as fuck Cecil wouldn't be killed and replaced by a younger and fitter lion in the pride soon
kys moralfag brainlet

>> No.10844104

because pigs aren't endangered you fucking retard

>> No.10844107

What does lion taste like?

>> No.10844144

Because a morality of preserving the environment isn't necessarily based on any retarded muh animal rights doctrine. I reduced my red meat intake, not because I think it's wrong to eat cow, but becauae there are alternatives that don't damage as much as cattle. I can also be in favour of giving them a comfortable life for many reasons.

>> No.10844174

>you can't eat them
says who. if I ever have the opportunity to successfully hunt a lion, then I'm damn sure having lion steak for dinner

>> No.10844183

>you can get bacon without killing a pic
wait, wut?

>> No.10844189

>wut is sustainability

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.10844208

Most people probably eat a bit too much meat but it still has a purpose for being eaten. I eat meat about once per week or whenever I can tell that my body needs it, and that's a lot different from killing something for fun.

>> No.10844227

Because different animals have a different level of intelligence as well as a different impact on the enviroment. This is what happens when you don't pay attention in school and post funny peepee frogs on your phone in class.

>> No.10844236

So why does no one cry about bees then?

Dumb boomer

>> No.10844244

They do tho

>> No.10844253

He means you can pay money to get someone else to do the dirty work for you.

>> No.10844255

No they dont

>> No.10844256

>muh intelligence meme
Pig are more intelligent than dogs. We should all start eating dogs.

>> No.10844265


>> No.10844267

Only plants give a damn about bees

>> No.10844279

a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of the simple minded.

>> No.10844594

You're kidding right it's well known that if bees go away we're in deep shit, so there's a ton of effort put in to keeping them alive to the point where it's illegal to destroy a bee nest (not a wasp nest) in certain areas and in fact having one on your property is basically a gold mine because people will pay you to safely take it off the land to keep the bees around

>> No.10844618

What in fuck's cunt anon

>> No.10844624

why do fat meat eaters talk down to me when I slip and have one non-vegan donut once a month, yet they an't go a meal without eating something fried, taking heartburn pills, or saying "ooh I'm so full uuuugh."

Stick to any disciplined routine for more than a week you slob, then come talk shit about my eating habits.

>> No.10844679

OP, do you have evidence these are largely the same people? I think the people sending death threats over poaching are probably vegan, not "XD BACON" types

You didn't just pull it out of your ass did you? Did you OP?

>> No.10844690

I don't care about animals' wellbeing the way vegans pretend to. The fact of the matter is that our existence depends on the consumption of other organisms whether it's plant or animal life. If anything, meat eaters are more "just" in their consumption unlike vegans who decide arbitrarily that animal life is more significant than plant life

>> No.10844696

>hurr do you need evidence for the fact that gravity exists?

Besides the fucking obvious, people left pig feet on his property. Not something vegans do.

>> No.10844699

>why do fat meat eaters talk down to me when I slip and have one non-vegan donut once a month, yet they an't go a meal without eating something fried, taking heartburn pills, or saying "ooh I'm so full uuuugh."

yeah... I'm putting my money on that you personally know nobody like this and are just creating stereotypes in your head to get mad at.

>> No.10844705

This is fucking mental gymnastics up to 11. Vegans say they want to reduce suffering. The scientific consensus is that plants do not experience pain. (Yes, they have physiological reactions to stimulation, not the same thing as ability to perceive pain)

>> No.10844707

>you personally know nobody like this and are just creating stereotypes in your head to get mad at.
meat eaters are pretty good at this

>> No.10844716
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When the lion killing happened vegan circles were calling out meat eaters' hypocrisy in their moral outrage.

>> No.10844722

Ah yes, Jimmy Kimmel and David Cameron are prominent vegan animal right's activists.


>> No.10844727

>he doesn't realize he was mocking the vegans stupidity about not knowing there's a caps lock key
this is your brain on vegetables.

>> No.10844731

neither are most lions you fucking retard, and Cecil for example belonged to the largest subspecies population in southern africa, you fucking retard.

>> No.10844734

>this is your brain on vegetables.
Quintessential american post.

>> No.10844803

>just as if not more horrifically murdered
Stunning before slaughter is pretty much instant unconsciousness and no stress, not really comparable to an animal that was shot in the wild unless you land a perfect shot which doesn't always happen. Isn't that the person who ate like 10 lbs of lettuce for lunch or something? She doesn't look very healthy.

>> No.10844871
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>Stunning before slaughter
Which farm animals do you think this applys to? If you think the meat industry is humane you're delusional.

>> No.10845216
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just commit suicide already

>> No.10845222

Anything with four legs. They do it because it's required. I've been to a bunch of abattoirs doing contract work and they all do it. Not because they want the extra expense, but because it's required.