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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10904218 No.10904218 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to get really drunk. What's the best drunk food to eat? Low effort a plus.

>> No.10904405

Pretty much anything that's warm and greasy like my butthole.

>> No.10904410

Frozen pizza

>> No.10904494

Hard boiled eggs

>> No.10904507

Those are a shitty version of deviled eggs.

>> No.10904525

I've been shitting on fast food and people who eat fast food for years, but started working the line again a little over a year ago and got so burnt out on cooking when I got home that I tried the fast food places on my drive home and have found that the only good one is Taco Bell, and is actually really good if you're drunk. Not everything, or most things, but my go-to order is 2 frito's burritos and a 5 layer burrito (1380 balanced calories for $4.50). I nuke them for 30-45 seconds when I'm ready to eat them and use a couple packs of fire sauce with each item.

>> No.10904528

Pizza or tacos

>> No.10904533

Don't eat anything. You'll get much drunker and you won't piss as much soild material from your ass when you get up. Not eating while drinking copious amounts of alcohol is how twinks stay tightly slim.

>> No.10904535
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>Eating more food makes you more drunk

>> No.10904540

>you won't piss as much soild material from your ass when you get up

But then it sprays all over your butt-cheeks and it's too fucking early to hop in the fucking shower.

>> No.10904652
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It's pretty trashy, and they always put the dollop of sour cream at one end instead of spreading it out (seriously, why does Taco Bell always do this shit?), but it reheats great and is hard to put down when drunk. I have a shelf full of good hot sauce, but for some reason only fire sauce really works with Taco Bell burritos.

>> No.10904663


>> No.10904766
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I like it.

>> No.10904777

How drunk are you?

>> No.10904791
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Take a egg put it in a cup clasp the cup and heat the egg with your hand until cooked

now consume.

>> No.10904799

Can someopne explain this to me? Why are they ruining their food with sand?

>> No.10904801

Lol cuz they're niggers.

>> No.10904815

>animal planet

checks out

>> No.10904843

I fucking hate buzzfeed so much.

>> No.10904853

It's not too thrilled about you, either.

>> No.10904877

>England = cheesy chips
No. Why are they lying?
t. Bong

>> No.10904886
File: 117 KB, 880x586, jack-in-the-box-tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy 12 of these $6. Eat the leftover ones in the morning - boom, hangover gone.

>you're welcome

>> No.10904895

man FUCK buzzfeed. Only they could manage to make ALL of that food look so unappetizing. Especially using that top down meme food video format. FUCK

>> No.10904900

Notice how the TV channel is called Animal Planet?

>> No.10904917
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>drunk food

>> No.10904937

Yeah, it's nonsense. Germany's mos popular drunk food is definitely döner kebab, probably followed at some point by frozen pizza. Currywurst is a snack you get at the Volkswagen cafeteria, or at a shopping trip in the city during the day. I've never eaten it when I was drunk
Yeah it needs to fucking die

>> No.10906048

Did you not get your cheesy chip license?

>> No.10906160

>literally the worst fast food item in existence

>> No.10906232

If you're gonna go for shitty Mexican at least get a beefy 5 layer from Taco Bell.

>> No.10906270

>taking advice from twinks

>> No.10906319

>posting buzzfeed cancer
kys op

>> No.10906483
File: 109 KB, 681x383, 20120325185609_frikandel%20015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not gobbling down big black cocks after a night on the town, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.10906499

you just don't get the point of jack in the box tacos. they're hardly trying to be mexican. they barely resemble tacos even. they are a junk food in their own league

>> No.10906503

you're not drunk enough if you haven't been drinking for so long your stomach hurts so bad the only thing that'll sooth it is more hard liquor

>> No.10906506

I get how shitty they are and how no one should ever eat them.

>> No.10906508

leffover lunch sides tacos, green spagetti, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, rice, beans, just throw them into the tortilla.

>> No.10906514

go eat your taco bell then, your majesty

>> No.10906517

I fucking will. The steak quesadilla is actually pretty good, though I miss the smothered burrito.

>> No.10906520

del taco is better

>> No.10906543

Fucking champ?


No one here in Ireland EVER orders that when drunk. Not because it's not popular but because we have no spuds :(

But in reality, it's chips (French fries for you Amerifags) covered in garlic mayonnaise and cheese in addition to a good fight and then more beer.

>> No.10906688


that's how they cook it with the heat from the sand.

>> No.10906781

nignogs never came up with cookware so their go-to option is just putting the food on (or in) the ground near a fireplace