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10940605 No.10940605 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for an authentic recipe, Austrian or German

>> No.10940618

boil potate
salt and pepe potate
dill potate
apple vinegate potate
olive oi potate
green onyum potate
norm onyum potate
mix potate
potate salade

>> No.10940621


>> No.10940636


>> No.10940656

>olive oil


>> No.10940674

Yeah, I thought in German salads they use a lot of vinegar, with maybe little to no oil

>> No.10940675

There’s been a wonderful thing happening since you were frozen 500 years ago. We call it mass production. Companies can produce more than their local market can consume and do what we call export. It means that things popular in a region can be sold in regions where the product can’t be produced. It’s amazing.

>> No.10940717

>forgets bacon

>> No.10941397

I wish I could remember how my grandma made it. It started with cooking bacon up and removing a lot of the grease. Then you take the grease and add sugar to make the sauce (maybe I am forgetting something, I never helped her cook). Then once that's warm you pour it over the cooked potatoes and add some diced celery and black pepper

>> No.10941403

with the addition of vinegar that sounds about right

>> No.10941411

Why do North Europeans (I'm looking at you Germany, Austria, England, Ireland, Poland, Czechia) have the most boringest food imaginable? Is it the cold?

>> No.10941416

Yes! She would use apple cider vinegar iirc. I will have to try making some of her recipes, thinking about it is making me sad she didn't let me help her cook and now she's gone. I miss her

>> No.10941427

Bavarian here, classical Bavarian potato salad goes like this:

waxy potatoes
white or red onions
stock (I use vegetable)
oil (rape/sunflowerseed, no olive!)
distilled vinegar
salt, pepper, chives

Cut onion into small dice, marinate dice in vinegar.
Cut potatoes in half or quarter for shorter cooking times, boil thoroughly in well salted water until soft (25 minutes for medium sized halved potatoes), dice potatoes (or use slightly thinner but larger slices), add to onions and vinegar, add salt and pepper, then add some stock and stir until the salad is nice and "smooth". Squash some of the potato dice with a spoon or fork to increase smoothess. This will also soak up stock if you have used too much. Add oil at the very end for smoother texture. Decorate with chives.

Dont worry if the salad is too vinegary initially, the vinegary flavour lessens when you let the salad sit for a short while. You may actually have to reseason and add some vinegar. And maybe some stock too. I always find it pretty difficult to gauge and get it right from the beginning. Just a tip if you make it for a party or something, you may put the fresh salad in your car tasting perfectly fine but take it out bland and dry half an hour later.

>> No.10941429

frozen 500 years ago. lol

>> No.10941474

Btw I am actually only half Bavarian, my mother is Silesian. She makes a really delicious Silesian potato salad. YOu need ...

two thirds potatoes
one third sweet apples
pickled cucumbers
pickled pearl onions
hard boiled eggs
pepper, salt

dice the well boiled waxy potatoes, cut apples into eight wedges and those into thinner slices, dice pickled cucumbers and hard boiled eggs. Put all that in a bowl and mix, add mayonnaise until everything is just very lightly coated, dont drown everything in it.

Apparently "typical" Silesian potato salad also has some bologna sausage in it, but IMHO that would be too rich.

>> No.10941488

>Is it the cold?
Unironically yes, cold weather>more food storage techniques>less need to use a truckload of spices to mask rotting meat taste. That said I'd stop just sort of calling it bland, mustard, strong cheese, fermented foods are all common in northern european cuisine.

>> No.10941613

Austria is clearly central and not northern

>> No.10941623

this sounds like southern american potato salad

>> No.10941796

Tons of german refugees emigrated to South America after the war ... also I guess there are only so many uniquely different ways to prepare potato salad

>> No.10942144

it's only authentic if made in those countries

>> No.10942147

what does that even mean you shitstain

>> No.10942451

Thanks, I meant to say if anybody on here from Germany/ austria knew how to make it. I just went Stupid for a sec lol

>> No.10942453

^^ authentic means when it’s made in that country. Also, I just screwed up wording it. So fuck off

>> No.10942466

Thanks, sounds delicious

>> No.10942482

Once again, Anon delivers

>> No.10942501

These look really good,
do you have measurements? I'd hate to fuck up and use too much vinegar or something.

>> No.10942596

He is probably one of those 'muh heritage' fags with 1/32 german ancestry mixed with the irish, italian, pole, cherokee and pitbull sides of his family.

>> No.10942617

you forgot switzerland

>> No.10942703

this but with either some bacon bits or some diced peeled cucumber

but bologna is a must

>> No.10943919

>some bacon bits or some diced peeled cucumber
Definitely not for classical Bavarian potato salad. Not an issue of course if you dont care about "authenticity". In our house we admittedly do often eat it with sliced cucumbers.

Regarding the Silesian potato salad if you eat it as a stand-alone dish (as is perfectly OK) bologna is alright I guess. If you are planning to eat it with Bratwürschtl or barbecue meat it would be too heavy IMHO.

>> No.10943934

I dont have measurements, I just eyeball it. You could remove some of the marinated onions before the other ingredients are added, you can always add those back in later if you a more piquant salad. Pretty difficult to remove excess onions afterwards ... regarding the stock and vinegar, just add them bit by bit. And the vinegar mellows out after a while, like I said.

>> No.10943979

Growing up in pre-cuck Germany, i have never seen a single bit of bacon in potato salad.
And quite a lot of our potato salad was bought from butcher shops. Who the fuck is putting meat in it, if not even the damn butchers.

>> No.10944016


>> No.10944049

>no olive oil
You seem so adamant about that. Why? I wonder, still butthurt that Romans conquered and brought civilization to your germanic barbarian ancestors?

>> No.10944110

Because you want a mostly neutral oil for your potato salad.

>> No.10944329

Again the question, why? Olive oil will add a hint of fruitiness, spiciness or just that indescribable something extra. Seems like that would just deepen the flavor profile, not detract.

>> No.10944524

Not boiling potatoes with the dill?

>> No.10944654

Mayo or vinegar?

>> No.10944674



>Again the question, why? Olive oil will add a hint of fruitiness, spiciness or just that indescribable something extra. Seems like that would just deepen the flavor profile, not detract.

Bc thats what the pickles are for and in any classic german dish there is no olive oil period

>> No.10944691

bacon drippings, which is oil

>> No.10945577


>> No.10945731

>and in any classic german dish there is no olive oil period
So my original asssrtion here >>10944049 was accurate? Ok, *smirk*.

>> No.10946206

>you couldn't possibly know how to make potato salad if you aren't actually living in Dusseldorf
don't worry Franz, your national secrets are safe at home

>> No.10946318

Us, the Pennsylvania Dutch (Germans) add bacon to it.

>> No.10946336
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Cheese and crackers.

>> No.10946536
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this thread reminded me I could make a small bowl of potato salad with my leftover potato and spring onion

did up some mayo from scratch too cause I never eat or buy that shit usually, thanks 4chan

>> No.10946544

this pic was taken in australia, where the lack of american racial tensions and terminology make this sign 100% fine

>> No.10946548

what’s the fuck is pre-cuck germany?

>> No.10946631
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I smell an Australian

>> No.10946697

this post was written in Australia, where the lack of intelligent discussion and language make this post 100% fine

>> No.10946703

Germany before Merkel let millions of illiterate muslim goatfuckers and niggers flood across our borders and buttfuck our welfare system.

>> No.10946710

Classical Bavarian potato salad can be eaten with fish as well as with Schnitzel, ribs or Bratwurst. Bacon wouldnt go well with fish.

>> No.10946720

was delicious, thanks OP for the thought

>> No.10946728

Maybe you should Freikorps that shit.

>> No.10946739

Olive oil is just not part of Bavarian cuisine and is therefore not used for traditional cooking, just like shiitake mushrooms and truffle oil are not part of Amrican cuisine. You can't "refine" Bavarin cuisine either, Bavarian cuisine is unrefined and earthy by definition so to speak. Or maybe I should say the ingredients are, the techniques on the other hand can be pretty advanced and demanding.

>> No.10946744

What about eggs? My mum/grandma always put eggs in their potato salad. But then again, we are Austrian.

>> No.10946763

niggers you forgot the mustard and the onions, both are a must here in Austria.

Best to make a basic salt-pepper-vinegar-water-vinaigrette, chop onions and drop them in the vinaigrette so it's infused by the flavour.
Pour over the sliced potatoes why they're still warm, they'll draw more of the vinaigrette.
Oil (rapeseed or sunflower), mustard, more salt/pepper, chives and/or parsley, mix well.

Taste and adjust seasoning, set aside 30 minutes, it WILL taste differently.
Taste again wa la

I also suggest you boil potatoes in the skin and then remove it

>> No.10946767

>niggers you forgot the mustard and the onions

also Potato salad is the best when it's freshly made (warm)

>> No.10946774

As someone mentioned before beef stock can be used instead of water, be wary of salt if u do.
true, don't use old/cold potatoes for salat. No match, very disappointing

>> No.10946810

>removing potato skin

why it's the best part

>> No.10946912

this is not food related

>> No.10947067

>a sip thread died for this

>> No.10947074
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You dont belong on /ck/

>> No.10947109

you don't either with that newfag cancer meme

>> No.10947127


What term do the abbos use for white people any way?

>> No.10947137
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>> No.10947154

finna cringe

>> No.10947501

I live in Schweinfurt, and at every single Netto, Edeka, Rewe, Lidl, etc. etc there is a potato salad with bacon, usually several different brands, you have to be trolling or you don't actually live in Bavaria.

>> No.10947530

white cunt or white dog

>ehh ya fakken whyte KANT!

>> No.10947534

haha no way, I'm in schweinfurt too, do you go to FHWS?

>> No.10947540

all these retards in here arguing about bacon or whatever the "correct" regional variant of potato salad is don't realize that there are as many different recipes and variants to potato salad as there are stern Oma's who make it.

>> No.10947565
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Austrian potato salad:

>boil 600g potatoes and peel them whil still hot
>let cool for an hour or two
>cut into slices
>add a little beef stock
>60g finely chopped red onions
>3 tbsp apple vinegar
>6 tbsp vegetable or (even better) pumpkin seed oil
>salt and white pepper to taste
>maybe a little tarragon mustard

It does contain a little vegetable oil or pumpkin seed oil.