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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11181903 No.11181903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I enjoy eating food outside of my natural ethnic heritage

>> No.11181911
File: 8 KB, 250x229, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't enjoy eating food outside of my natural ethnic heritage

>> No.11181935

So let me get this straight. You are bot an NPC of you eat the same food everyday? That seems like a very NPC thing to do desu.

>> No.11181941

It's okay mostly but the thing that gives me pause is how dirty and unhygienic the lesser races are.
So I do tend to avoid it.

>> No.11181943

What mene is this?
When this mene came out?

>> No.11181962


>> No.11181971

The fuck do you eat then?

>> No.11181972

only dipshit low-test normies fear what isn’t familiar

>> No.11181975

non player character? aint make no sense.

>> No.11182129


>> No.11182131

why the fuck did people start calling the feeling man "wojak"? never was its name, never will be

>> No.11182196

Stop trying to force this you fucking piece of shit. You saw how easy boomer fucks got forced into meme territory and thought you could be part of something, even if its some unfunny bullshit. Stop trying.

>> No.11182202

I bet you don’t even know the meme originated from /int/.

>> No.11182243

Grinman likes to grin.

>> No.11182264


>> No.11182275

I won't click that just someone pls tell me what npc is?
t. D&D

>> No.11182286

Non Playable Character.
It's the new /pol/ meme to slide threads and shit-up the board, brought to you by JIDF and CIA niggers. Thank Terry. RIP.

>> No.11182293


>> No.11182298

Yeah, I'd consider most of the /r9k/ infestation that.

>> No.11182309

yeah but you don't really believe 4chan rates shitty, uneffective bots?

>> No.11182314

What do you mean 'rates'?
Do you know where you are? This site has spawned every meme you've ever known for the last 15 years.

>> No.11182326

yeah, nah
USED to- but nope
pls don't suck my lumber

>> No.11182353
File: 516 KB, 1000x1200, 1481141541741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only NPCs limit themselves.

>> No.11182355

Oh great, the new "anyone doing/liking anything different from me is X" meme is here
How interesting

>> No.11182368

Don't forget to sage these everyone, /r9k/ faggots are not going to invade here.
Also the stupid faggot stole this meme from a youtube comment. Its pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.11182429

Sage isn't a down vote, you stupid fuck. If you want a thread to die just don't reply to it.

>> No.11182480
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 1523726939985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you so fucking retarded you don't know how sage works? Holy shit, newfag retard.

If you don't want a thread to be bumped and still want to comment in it, you sage it.

lmfao, you really are a newfag from /r9k/, thinking sage is a downvote.

>> No.11182531

Nice bait. Just wanted to let you know I'm bumping this thread.

>> No.11182541

Some guy did a survey of 30 people, and people who want to believe they're islands of sanity in an ocean of mindlessness got aroused enough to draw a new picture.

>> No.11182591

lmfao, nice autism, im saging just because you think I care you bumped this.

It came from that kid who was practicing open carry, but looked like an autistic sperg NPC walking around the neighborhood in full military apparel.

>> No.11182777

Why are NPCs so defensive, bros?