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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 240 KB, 1882x1104, Sodavspopvscoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11356294 No.11356294 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.11356305

>you want a coke?
>okay, we've got dr. pepper or mountain dew

>> No.11356307

Ah yes fellow boomer! I love this post I see on mozzarella foxfire facebook page my son set up for me. Haha, it's POP! Like Howdy POP!

>> No.11356314
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>> No.11356315
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Nobody cares

>> No.11356411

>map based on 120,464 respondents
>out of the entire US of fucking A which has a population of 327 million.

>> No.11356419

It's pop and you know it, bud

>> No.11356433
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heres your white coke, bro

>> No.11356437 [DELETED] 

It's called lemon lime coke, retard.

>> No.11356456

>Believe in something
>Even if you are already dead

>> No.11356462

Do Coasties really call Sprite "White Soda" or "White Pop"???

>> No.11356465

Reasonable: soda
Acceptable: pop
Unacceptable: coke

>> No.11356468

i do like a nice cold glass of No Data

>> No.11356472

sh-shutup, you're not allowed to point out my flaws in logic

>> No.11356535

Based and redpilled. Any other purple country bros out here?

>> No.11356543

>not master race

GTFO OP your opinions are shit.

>> No.11356582
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Nah, we say Sprite. Soda is too Vague:

Soda includes:
- Cola
---- Coke + Pepsi + Max + Etc
- Lemon Lime (called "Sprite" casually even though Sprite is a brand)
---- Sprite + 7 Up + Sierra Mist + Fresca + Etc
- Orange Soda
---- Fanta + Crush + Etc
- Alternative Citrus's like Squirt / Cactus Cooler
- Root Beers
- Dr Peppers

The only white Coke I've heard of is that Japanese special

>> No.11356586


>> No.11356590
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>drinking liquid sugar instead of just water


>> No.11356596
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>he isn't doing GOMAD

>> No.11356598

14 year olds aren't allowed on 4chan

>> No.11356599

>"what'll you have?"
>*waitress looks disgusted* "okay"

>> No.11356621
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>He thinks the waitress will think more highly of him if he orders a sodie-pop

>> No.11356623
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"I live an ascetic lifestyle, you know. No masturbation, cold showers, no sugar et cetera. Brings me closer to G-d, you know"

>> No.11356629
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It's spelled "God" you retard

>> No.11356637

his face wouldn't look like that if he actually drank water. Cleared my acne up completely

>> No.11356639
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>> No.11356754

>Reasonable: soda
>Unacceptable: coke
>Most comfy: pop

>> No.11357435

>"OMG, Sarah, that weirdo ordered just water!"
>"lol Does the fatty think he's healthy?"

>> No.11357440

I moved to Florida from Chicago for about a year and my mom told me that when the cable guy came to give us a new box she asked him if he wanted a pop and he got offended at first because he thought she meant punch him in the face or something.

>> No.11357444

Some southerners use Pepsi as a generic term.

>> No.11357453

>how do representative samples work

>> No.11357462

It's soda. We call it soda in California and Florida, grew up in both. My Ney York grandpa called it soder, which is close enough. Soda. It's soda. Fucking Chicago shitstains call it pop.

>> No.11357463

Calling all soft drinks "Coke" is fucking retarded because Coke is a brand. It's like calling your neighbor's Car a Ford when it's clearly not or telling the waitress you want a Big Mac when all they have on the menu is a cheeseburger.

>> No.11357465
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Read up on the basics of statistics, retard

>> No.11357495

No, it's like saying you'll grab a kleenex, q-tip, or a band-aid instead of a tissue, a cotton swap, or an adhesive bandage. In the southeast Coke is a genericized trademark. Ford isn't anywhere in the country.

>> No.11357497

I'm glad I am never looking for serious answers on 4chan because of you ignorant fucks

>> No.11357499
File: 90 KB, 324x334, 4217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking I'll give you a pop

>> No.11357500

calling all types of pop 'coke' is fucking retarded and it's exactly what I'd expect from inbred southerners

>> No.11357502

Why the fuck would you look for serious answers here of all places?

>> No.11357509

soda pop
soft drink
mixer (indian reservations)
fizzy whiz wozzle

>> No.11357513
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>> No.11357520

>this just in, Floridians are retards

>> No.11357523

I wouldn't, can't you read?

>> No.11357544

No I went to a public school.

>> No.11357953

it's called fizzy drink you plebs

>> No.11357977

that's good if you live in the UK

>> No.11357982

the true patrician term is soda pop

>> No.11359554
File: 30 KB, 400x372, Goodboy_CokePepsi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking carbonated beverages

This whole discussion is pointless. In a couple of years it will be completely moot.

>Waitress: Hey sugar, what would you like to drink? Coke? Mountain Dew?
>Kid: The fuck are those? I'll have the matcha infused kombucha with the rosehip scoby on the side. Also, I ordered it on the restaurant app so your services are no longer needed.

>> No.11359557

centrism is for dorks chief

>> No.11359572

Should be called DIABEETUS!

Quit drinking that shit.

>> No.11359588

>I'll get a coke
>what kind?
this is a conversation that happens every day in the south. Sherman was right

>> No.11359595

Waitress doesn't give a flying fuck what you order as far as healthiness, she just wants you to order as much (in dollars) as she can get you to.
Soda = $2.5-$4 per person added to the tab (but unlimited refills)
Water = free
Alcoholic drinks = $5-$15 per drink with no free refills, this is the best way to up your ticket totals

It sucks to have a table order only waters because you know they're cheap bastards and aren't out to have a good time, just to get food and leave, which are the worst kinds of customers, and usually the type to complain about unimportant shit too.

>> No.11359598


>> No.11360004

>mixer (indian reservations)
that's as hilarious as it is sad

>> No.11360007

>everyone who doesn't drink sugar water or alcohol with every single meal is cheap and doesn't have fun
is this bait or just an NPC?

>> No.11360263
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>> No.11360280
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Yeah because going to a restuarant to only eat food is retarded, right?

>> No.11360291

Just an angry waiter who thinks they're entitled to every last cent in your wallet.

>> No.11360471 [DELETED] 

>calling every kind of soda by a singular brand name
Southern and flyover """""education""""" everyone

>> No.11360479

>calling every kind of soda by a singular brand name
Southern """""education""""" everyone

>> No.11361171

Pop sounds dumb and childish. Also sounds like what people probably said in the 50's or some shit.

>> No.11361304

based and checkedpilled

>> No.11361310

now here we go now

>> No.11361919

I’ve read on one of those things that some people call it “Tarzan slam”. Not sure if that was a joke that went over my head or if anyone actually calls it that ever.

>> No.11361937

No. I’ve never called anything “white” pop/soda/coke/soft drink/fizzy drink. I call Sprite “Sprite” or the generic term I use is “pop”.

t. Washingtonian

>> No.11361948

That’s a common Jewish spelling in order to avoid any possibility of using His name in vain.

>> No.11361950
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1525694268395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I order soda and the female waitresses all line up to give me a series of blowjobs

>> No.11361955

I think it’s probably more that you aren’t drinking all the extra sugar than just the increased water intake.

>> No.11361956

southerners are subhuman

>> No.11361969

This. 100%.

No, because if you ask me for a q-tip I know you mean whatever brand of cotton swab I have. If you ask me for a Kleenex, I know you want whatever brand of tissue I have. If you ask me for a Band-Aid, I know you want whatever brand of adhesive bandage I have. If you ask me for a Coke, you could mean any brand of carbonated soft drink so it doesn’t work the same.

>> No.11361970
File: 95 KB, 450x405, 1538278451974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I order beer and the waitress sits me on the table on my back and puts my legs behind my head to lick my asshole while another brings me a straw so I can drink my beer laying down

>> No.11361989

Why? I am sure they brainwash you there too.

>> No.11362041

>you could mean any brand of carbonated soft drink
Which is exactly what people mean by it in the areas of the country where it's used generically. "Get me a coke" "What kind do you want" "Coke" etc.

>> No.11362048

I actually fell for that meme, became fat as fuck.

>> No.11362061

ITT: progun talking to himself

>> No.11362497

public school means something different over there, it's akin to private school here in the US

>> No.11362508

IF IT'S NOT COCA-COLA, IT'S NOT COKE. Are all video game systems Nintendo? Are all copy machines Xerox? Are all cars Model Ts? No. Call stuff what it is.

>> No.11363034

>letting a brand infect your mind

>> No.11363053

saran wrap and kleenex are both brand names too

>> No.11363061
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>> No.11363062

I don't use either of those names. It's plastic wrap and tissues.

>> No.11363069


>> No.11363075

you guys are just jealous of the BASED south, we do things differently around here

>> No.11363076

>sample size of 40 people per county