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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11416615 No.11416615 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever tried to replicate or take influence from fast food?

I tried this, McDonald style cheeseburger with no pickles, thoughts? Any ideas?
>Well cooked burger, seasoned with salt and pepper
>Pan toasted buns
>Chopped white onions
>Red ketchup
>Yellow mustard
>Slice of American cheese

Now here's the thing, what kind of cheese does McDonald's REALLY use? Their cheese is a bit tougher and has more of a tangy strong flavor, this typical store bought American pre sliced cheese I used is much softer and tastes a bit too much like milk, certainly no tang.

>> No.11416618


>> No.11416624
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>> No.11416643

Honestly looks better than pretty much anything else you've ever posted. Too bad you left out the pickles; turns out really you're just a fag after all.

>> No.11416647

patties are too thick

>> No.11416648

I don't order McDonald's Cheeseburger with pickles. Do you even know why?

Protip. It ensures a fresh burger.

>> No.11416654

the meat is cooked differently giving it a different takes and texture then you can get at home. besides that seems about the same

>t. McFag

>> No.11416656

Oh, and here I thought it was just because you're a basement dwelling obese manchild who finds vegetables icky.

>> No.11416663

But then you're stuck with a burger with no pickles

>> No.11416670

Untrue. I hardly ever order with pickles but I still get old burgers sometimes.

>> No.11416678

youtube dot com slash hellthyjunkfood

They used to replicate shit from all the fast food chains and share the recipes. I'm pretty sure they've done this before.

I made something from one of their recipes before. I don't know if it tasted the like fast food version, but damn it was tasty af.

>> No.11416681


you lost me at no pickles get that shit gone

>> No.11416686

As someone who has actually worked at McDonald's before I have no idea what you're talking about here.

>> No.11416694


Protip. you can just ask for them to make a fresh one you pickle deprived motherfucker

>> No.11416696


>worked at McDonald's
>I have no idea

yep that sounds about right

>> No.11416699

Nothing about how McDonalds prepares its burgers would make you more likely to get a fresh one by ordering no pickles.

>> No.11416750

Because it's not default.

>> No.11416766

They keep the burger patties in a fucking warming tray you retard.

>> No.11416784

No they don't

>> No.11416796

Yes, yes they do.

>> No.11416798


No U

>> No.11416856

Yes they do. I worked there.

>> No.11416938

I order my burgers without salt to get a fresh one.

>> No.11417056

make in n out burgers.
They're very simple

>> No.11417063

based protip poster

>> No.11417073

I've worked there. No it doesnt.

You want a fresh burger? Ask for it fresh.

>> No.11417162

What does that mean

>> No.11417316
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I like to cook slider sized patties on a bed of onions like how White Castle does. They turn out pretty delicious.

>> No.11417326

even though it's basically the same as burger, the shape weirds me out for some reason

>> No.11417328

Wendy's also has square burgers though.

>> No.11417354

It being square or the holes poked through? The latter is for faster cooking time.

>> No.11417431
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>Have you ever tried to replicate or take influence from fast food?

>> No.11417454

i don't think so, that's such a small amount, i think it's a cost saving measure

>> No.11417456
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>> No.11417462

Nobody orders just one slider from WC here in Burgerland. The steam from the onions is what cooks the patties, with the overall design letting it cook through faster since the heat can cover more surface area quickly. Give it a shot at home sometime, the patties are about 3"x3", takes about a minute to cook.

>> No.11417464

did in-n-out, mine was better realize i been jew all my life.

>> No.11418257


>> No.11418265

I cook myself burgers all the time, fast food is for chumps

>> No.11418273

the only thing I know is to mimic the onions you soak them in water to make them milder. to get the right cheese I think it's a mystery but you should keep trying different ones every time. try the kraft deluxe deli slices. (not sure exactly what theyre called)

>> No.11418341

Looks pretty good anon but where is the big mac sauce?

>> No.11418520


>> No.11418544

Actually I learned a lot about preserving food, cooking tequnique and seasoning.
what they do, they do well.

I make McDonald's Mayo sauce for burgers, use KFC crumbing for my fried chicken thighs /wings, I use a grill a lot more than I used to because you use much less oil and it holds heat

>> No.11418681

I've never been able to match the signature bland texture/taste of their patties. I've made them as thin, cooked at varying heats, mixed the meat to varying degrees of pastiness etc. I can't get it exactly like theirs

>> No.11418775

Does anyone have a collage or a gallery of every post made by this guy?

>> No.11419148

McDonalds stylw cheeseburger is just the most basic cheeseburger in America. Fucking cheese, ketchup, mustard and onions. You made a fucking cheeseburger

>> No.11419178

Wendy's style would have mayo, lettuce, and tomato.

>> No.11419208

As a southerner, I've never tried White Castle. Is it any good?

>> No.11419221

>as a southerner
Have you had Krystal? The exact same thing.
Otherwise just imagine a smaller, thinner, squarer McDonald's cheeseburger.

>> No.11419536
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It's on there. Pic related

>> No.11420548

WC rules

>> No.11420602

I don't know about the cheese, but in the US, McD sells cheeseburgers for $1.00. I'm not sure it's worth replicating at home.

And could be more expensive at home.

But good luck.

>> No.11420624

die onions boy

>> No.11420881
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HOMO4LYFE mother fucker. I cancel your no homo and now you'll become a trap-fapping faggot like the rest of us.

I replicated the Oporto's Bondi Burger at home using these recipes:
>excellent marinade tips

>portugues "piri piri" sauce, just roast capsicum and stuff blended but delicious

>mostly just how to cook a chicken breast but it has good advice about dividing the breast into thinner, more even, fillets

>> No.11420896

>no ketchup
I've been lied to this whole time!

>> No.11421046

Regarding the cheese, first try different brands, usually the cheapest are the softest. Second, don't try to melt the cheese on the pattie while it's cooking, just add the cheese when you assemble the burger and let the heat of the burger melt the cheese. This should result in a better texture.

>> No.11421727

Yeah it's not thousand island

>> No.11422036


>> No.11422050
File: 49 KB, 636x358, mcd_burgerpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no real way to replicate their burger cooking process unless you buy what they use (pic related)
if I remember correctly, land o lakes deli american cheese (with annatto obviously) tastes similar to mcdonalds cheese but better.