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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 513 KB, 1381x1217, American-Cockroach-e1451153882479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11419626 No.11419626 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey there.. can I have some of what you're cooking?

>> No.11419647
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>I'll invite a few of my family members.

>> No.11419811

sure fwen! where ya from?

>> No.11419817
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>> No.11419819

Looks turkish to me.

>> No.11419825

;.; why u do dis? living beings are all special...

>> No.11419851
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>> No.11420539

Joe's Apartment

>> No.11420596

I never thought I'd miss a fucking cockroach but ever since I moved out of my mums, for the last two apartments I've been plagued by tinyass german cockroaches which get literally everywhere and breed like cockroaches (huehue)
The big guys aren't annoying at all in comparison and way easier to pop control, though I do remember a couple of times as a teen waking up to one crawling on me.
My first apartment was infested when I moved in, my current one... Eh I have no excuse. I could definitely keep the place cleaner.

>> No.11420620

into the pot he goes!

>> No.11420629
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Nice try. No food for you.

>> No.11420632
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Leave my people alone! We just want your food.

>> No.11420910

Bannerlord delayed another year

>> No.11421327

Please don't fly

>> No.11421339

SO !

Has anyone tried the PROTEIN meme ?

Is it really nourishing and healthy and crunchy or just plain disgusting ?

>> No.11421343
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>mfw too lazy to spray/insect control and I just live with them now. Every time I turn on the light at night I would see a couple of them scurry away.

>> No.11421368

That's no way to live, friend. A $10 bottle of boric acid and 10 minutes will make life more bareable.

>> No.11421419

>not having an egg maker to toss in the kitchen that'll take care of the roaches
Lmaoing at your life right now

>> No.11421425

>Chinese cockroach farm
>aka every restaurant in China

>> No.11421431
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I live in a old ass unit that was built in the 60s, there are lots of crevasses, holes and cracks. I bombed them couple of times but they just come back. It is futile.

>> No.11421432

trade cockroaches for chicken shit and flies

>> No.11421433

i'm sorry, bro :( I hate them so much.

>> No.11421558
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>not letting a couple of lizardbros into your house to get rid of your bugs for you

Laughing at all northernfags right now.

>> No.11421596

The roaches here in central Florida are basically the same size as the lizards and frogs that are willing to come indoors. I've literally watched them walk past each other and not even fight.

>> No.11421628

I'm suffering from this too, any advice bros?

>> No.11421639

You guys don't visit me anymore. What happened?

>> No.11421653

I live in Louisiana, so roaches are literally everywhere you go. In our house, we have them in the attic and elsewhere. Not a huge infestation, but they're literally everywhere and you cannot stop them, they always come back.

Anyways, one time when I was about to fall asleep, I have an air vent right over my bed, and it's pretty much right on top of my head. Well, there's a space between the drywall and the vent, and because it gets so humid here in summer, with the AC on and the vent getting cool you get a lot of moisture in the attic which attracts the roaches. Anyways, one night I'm sitting in bed and a roach literally drops out of the vent right onto my face, I almost had a fucking heart attack because of it. Sorry for the tl;dr but I fucking hate these cunts so much.

>> No.11421732

boric acid roach killer. If you don't got pets just pour it along the edges of walls, more generously around your bathroom and toilet and kitchen walls and wake up to more dead roaches every day. Add that with an exterminator and you'll be alright for awhile.

If you have an apartment though unless the building is keeping up on that you're just holding them off for a couple of weeks at a time. German roaches are brutal to get rid of without straight up fumigating the place and even then.

>> No.11421737

that one time in australia I encountered a roach so huge that I tripped over it on my way to the toilet. screamed like a little girl.

>> No.11421740
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I've never even seen one in person and I spent three months homeless. How filthy do you have to be to get these?

>> No.11421756
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make a syurp of sugar and borax to kill ants and roaches. they eat it and share it with the nest because its sweet obviously then they die in about a day.
I went to the Philippines for a vacation recently and saw the biggest roach in my life. it was about 5 inches long, no shit. It felt like stepping stomping on a mouse. if you have roaches like that youd be better off glue trapping them. Fuck roaches, fucking things make me freak out so hard, its like a real emergency if I see one.

>that feel when you see a roach, engage it, then it gets away. its now hiding somewhere you cant see.

>> No.11421764

God help you if they start flying

Spot on about it being an emergency. Even if I manage to kill the faggot it just ruins my entire night.

>> No.11421769

how can you stand that..i would have glue traps everywhere at else

>> No.11421772

>drops on your face
im so sorry you have this memory. I still remember once when I was a teenager I was brushing my teeth, looking in the mirror when a big roach falls off the celing and right on my shoulder. I slapped it away, ripped my shirt off while running out the front door. I still vividly remember that and it was nearly 20 years ago.

>> No.11421779

these big cockroaches can fly. The worst thing is they are very bad fliers so theres a constant panic they will make a beeline for you.

>> No.11421786

I dont have flying roaches where I live, but I have these weird flying bugs that somehow get in my house and when they fly it sounds like a WWII fighter plane, and they only start doing flying at 4 fucking goddamn AM. these black things with 6 legs, slender looking. I have no idea what they are.

>> No.11421791

all insects have 6 legs anon........

how big are they? what do they look like?

>> No.11421800

>that feel when you see a roach, engage it, then it gets away. its now hiding somewhere you cant see.
I cannot sleep until I've killed it. It could crawl out of its hiding place while I sleep and walk all over me. Disgusting.

>> No.11421809

not even an inch long, kinda skinny and solid black. and they smack into walls non stop until I kill them.

>> No.11421815

>the average family in california

>> No.11421846
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>> No.11421879

Just call an exterminator. Try to find some trustworthy ones with a contract that guarantee they will get rid of the problem for the agreed upon price (this might not be accomplished on their first attempt though). Otherwise you wont have any guarantee at all, and you might just be throwing money down the shitter.

Next step is to keep your house clean, dispose of trash immediately, dont keep food around etc. If you live in a block with a roach invasion, consider moving

>> No.11421883

I grew up with pretty large cockroaches, some of which could fly. They're nothing compared to when you're going to sleep and hear one of these fucks scurrying along the wall next to your bed.


>> No.11421891

Nice to see fellow sufferers on othe boards.

>> No.11421921
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You people are all insane weaklings. They're harmless animals, seal your house better if you don't want them. Your displays of manly bravado at killing something a hundred thousandth your size aren't fooling anyone. It's idiotic to kill things.

>> No.11421931

Surprisingly, not very. Once an infestation starts they're resilient little bastards. They can survive off of crumbs, dust, and literal feces, as well as cannibalizing themselves, so in addition to regular extermination you have to keep your house pretty much spotless all day, every day, until they finally all die off.

>> No.11421933

>harmless animals
They're disease vectors, anon.

Also, you're defending a fucking roach. A stupid, shitty, brown faggot that deserves as much pain as I can possibly inflict on it along with its entire taxonomical family.

>> No.11421937

this. humans fear of cockroaches is completely unjustified and even if there were a case where they transmitted some disease it would be an overreaction to kill millions of us.

>> No.11421939

cockroaches are gross and i hope one crawls into your ear and lay eggs

>> No.11421949
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>believes urban legends

>> No.11421951

>my compensation rage is supported by insulting an arthropod that literally has no idea what I think of it

>> No.11421953

So are fruitflys, dogs and touching a tree.

>> No.11421954

They're literally valueless creatures, much like mosquitoes.

>> No.11421964
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But they aren't valueless. They function as effective decomposers and predators and support a robust local ecosystem. The fact that you built your home in an ecosystem and expect to be magically free of it is hilarious.

>> No.11421966


>> No.11421973

>They function as effective decomposers and predators and support a robust local ecosystem.

we're not talking about the hundreds of forest cockroach species,those are benign and actually important to ecosystem. We're talking about the 5 or so that mostly inhabit human homes, they can go extinct for all i care.

>> No.11421975

That happened to my dad twice with different arthropods. Neither cockroaches. Little animals like warm holes. Also they didn't lay eggs. "Holley said she didn’t have any permanent damage or infection."

>> No.11421977

>says nothing about perma physiological damage

>> No.11421979
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You mean the ones evolved to live alongside us in a natural role? Even they are, as stated, effective predators and decomposers. Your problem is that you think you're exempt from existing in your ecosystem.

>> No.11421980
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>no perma damage as they don't bite

>> No.11421981
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> Your problem is that you think you're exempt from existing in your ecosystem.
humans are the apex organism in this human environment and we dont actually need them to survive, so this doesnt apply.

why arent you growing mold and rearing cockroaches in your house? dont you want you magical little ecosystem to blossom?

>effective predators and decomposers.
its called using a fucking vacuum and a mop.

>> No.11421982

>confuses physical damage with psychological damage


>> No.11421984

>physiological damage

>> No.11421985

>what is PTSD

>> No.11421987
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You, with a vacuum and a mop are much less good at cleaning than they are. A robust ecosystem is beneficial to everyone and believing that your "at the top" so you can kick out the rungs "below you" is the belief of an idiot.

>> No.11421990

not physiological, that's fer sher

>> No.11421991
File: 178 KB, 656x555, d5749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have quite literally never had to deal with these niggers. I'm so fucking glad, just seeing pictures of them make me squeamish. Roach genocide best day of my life.

>> No.11421992

>A robust ecosystem is beneficial to everyone and believing that your "at the top" so you can kick out the rungs "below you" is the belief of an idiot.

>having pests in your home is beneficial to you

you're just shitposting now. Im out.

>> No.11421996
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Y'know people actually used to live outside right?

>> No.11422178

Do you realize how many animal species would go extinct or be significantly reduced in number and the repurcussions that would have on the environment w/o mosquitoes?

>> No.11422202

I accidentally stepped on a roach with my bare foot once. It haunts me.

>> No.11422206

That's what I was thinking. Clean tour place dude

>> No.11422208

Well yeah like in the 1950s when houses were invented but thats not the point

>> No.11422386

Paradoxically I find that going hard with raid in cabinets will destroy broods more reliably than foggers or what the exterminator uses.

>> No.11422387

Not him but the tiny cockroaches in my house have developed either intelligence to avoid boric acid laced snacks or immunity to it. It doesn't week anymore

>> No.11422400
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 8e4e2b36fb40c77af6e250712fe362f5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur less effichunt then they r!
You really liked Jurassic Park, huh?

>> No.11422405

I know. All those fish and birds, then the animals that eat them...and niggers wouldnt be able to get malaria anymore making their numbers explode even faster.
thank you, based skeetos.

>> No.11422445

This reminds me of my old apartment
>neighbor down hall is a hoarder
>takes shit out of the dumpster all the time and brings it back
>building gets infested with giant dumpster roaches
>can literally hear one walking up the wall one night
>have one fall on my pillow while sleeping
>one crawls over my bare foot while I'm watching TV

Eventually I called the sheriff's department and the health department and got him evicted because the landlord wasn't doing shit. He was a Nam vet so I kinda felt guilty but fuck you dude there's giant roaches in my home because of you

After he got kicked out the landlord hired some exterminators who were so disgusted by the guy's apartment they refused to clean it.

>> No.11422566

Just a fact friend.

>> No.11422605

I got a new neighbor a couple months ago and within a couple weeks roaches started showing up in my house. Fuck every one of you assholes who don't do basic pest control practices like sealing food scraps before taking them out on garbage days.

>> No.11422635

Lel, I think those are just beetles

>> No.11422641

I've never seen a cockroach eat anything. whenever I find one it is just hanging out near food. I never catch one in the act.

I think they just enjoy the smell of food.

>> No.11422643

German roaches shit everywhere and they smell horrible too. You guys with roach problems need to use the gel and they will be gone.
But you have to put out fresh bait every couple days because they don't like it as much once it dries.
Put drops of the gel on pieces of paper and put that where you notice the most roaches. Change the paper every couple days with fresh gel. They will die and cannibalism will kill them too and eating their own shit will kill them.
Gotta keep this up though to kill off the young ones.
Combat brand gel u can buy at the store but Dupont Advion roach gel is way better.

>> No.11422695
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>> No.11423699

are we not all one anon?

>> No.11423715

I lived next to an abandoned home for a while and got roaches when they migrated over to my property, they got into a sealed plastic container I had one time. I still to this day have no fucking clue how they got in it, it was hermetically sealed

>> No.11423793

How the fuck is that an actual (person)? It looks like a cartoon.

>> No.11424197

That is impossible, they may be elusive but they are not magical creatures with the ability to teleport.

>> No.11424394

How do you "know" that?

t. teleporting cockroach

>> No.11424428

Study entomology pleb

>> No.11424436

a baby roach crawled into the container while u opened it to take a cookie

>> No.11424489

Don't bomb, get a spray with a residiual, something that lasts as a poison for a period of time upon contact, and spray it evenly into every crack and crevice and in the seams of your cabinets as well.

t. exterminator

>> No.11425453
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>talk about bugs
>feel tickle on leg

>> No.11425559

in central australia the bugs are a nightmare, I have no idea how so many enormous grasshoppers can survive in such a dusty shithole
at a """resort""" i stayed at a few hours drive from alice springs they would just slam themselves at the walls all night for no apparent reason, you couldn't walk back to your room without getting bodyslammed by a dozen of them and you'd have to open and close your door in a split second and even then some would inevitably get in
in the daytime you could chuck a rock into a clump of spinifex and 20 of the fuckers would leap out in every direction
not so bad here in sydney, you can get some biggish spiders and roaches in the house sometimes but nothing extreme

>> No.11425663
File: 35 KB, 425x343, 91xYVl5PocL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People, people! Pic related is how you get rid of even the worst roach infestations. These plus elimating the roaches water source. A Public Service message.

>> No.11426083

My old condo was infested with two types of roaches because the Cambodian neighbors next door were operating some sort of cooking business out of their back yard. I get disgusted on how they are allowed to sell the food to the public because the infestation was insane. At night imagine throwing handfuls of rice everywhere except those grains are cockroaches.

The infestation never stopped in my condo because the neighbors were infested but you need a 2 step process: gel to kill the adults and IGR to kill the eggs. The IGR releases hormonal chemicals that are harmless to humans but prevents the eggs from hatching and if already hatched prevents the baby cockroaches from shedding and growing up. Some gel combines IGR as well.

They're disgusting and the most disgusting ones are the ones with eggs hanging out of them and when you chase them they get scared and literally drops their egg sac out. 1 egg produces 50 cockroaches.

>> No.11426104

>cockroaches can live in the worst conditions
>they can survive a nuclear war
>can't cope with British weather

Feels good man

>> No.11426106
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>onii-chan, give me some kebab

>> No.11426185

stinkbugs? kill these mofugers on spot!!!

>> No.11426237

i spent a few years working in, on, and around Java and believe me, PLENTY of bugs will crawl in your ear and lay eggs / set up shop
i quickly became a kegel god, they also crawl up your shorts and try to rim you

>> No.11426245

>cockroaches can't survive or thrive
>british "people" can

>> No.11426473

This. Once had a couple of skinks that would run around and eat bugs.

>> No.11426487

im sure there are cockroaches in the uk.

>> No.11426633

And if you're in an apartment complex your neighbors need to do the exact same thing. Guess how likely that is. Fuck the apartment meme, when my lease expires I'm renting a house.

>> No.11426664
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>live in a shithole apartment
>neighbors are slobs
>set down poison and kill bugs but they keep coming in

>> No.11426679

Talk with them. If they don't cooperate, talk to the syndic or the landlord.

>> No.11426689

What the fuck

>> No.11426732

>talk to the roaches
Baka baka~

>> No.11426868

Completely agree about the Advion. Most effective gel bait on the market.

>> No.11427186


>> No.11427294
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That's not what he meant!
Roaches are a serious problem. They should be exterminated.

>> No.11427399

will using bug spray near my stove make my house explode? srs question

>> No.11427662
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Dumb buge poster

>> No.11427709


>> No.11427724

You can pay like $20 for caulk and a caulk gun and seal up all the cracks between the baseboard trim and floor. You can buy some cheap weatherstripping for doors. If it really bothers you it's worth the few hours of labor of crawling around on the ground looking for cracks.

>> No.11427728

Don't they shit and piss all over the place? Now you're trading roaches for filth.

Yes I realize roaches shit too but significantly less than whatever eats them.

>> No.11427774

Never seen a cockroach

>> No.11427798
File: 364 KB, 1438x1905, YTQwzIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based kitchen beetle poster

>> No.11427956

If the stove is either gas or electric then damn right it can very likely explode

>> No.11427963

Roaches shit a lot. It's like black pepper everywhere that smears.

>> No.11427972

>spraying pesticide near cooking area

just use borax or one of those eco green solutions

>> No.11428086


>> No.11428256


>> No.11428796

What is an avian diaper?