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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11430561 No.11430561 [Reply] [Original]

Don't like the taste of broccoli, what's best recipe to make it not taste like dogshit? Just put salt on and roast at 500 degrees?

>> No.11430577

Stir fry

>> No.11430582

What's stir fry?

>> No.11430584


>> No.11430588

Seriously, what exactly is stir fry? Isn't that some gook shit?

>> No.11430596

Blanch. Pat dry. Roast in butter, bread crumbs, and parmasean.

>> No.11430597

ye nigga yo u just fry that shit oil all hot then sauce it

bitch I make sauce you take some soy sauce an add some brown sugar, garlic, ginger, onion powder, chili powder and some fucking sesame oil

fucking fry your vegetables and sauce that shit

>> No.11430603

Doesn't putting bunch of unhealthy stuff on broccoli to make it taste good defeat the whole purpose? Why even eat broccoli at all then?

>> No.11430616

toss in olive oil and minced garlic and roast until done
steam then a quick stir fry with ginger and lemongrass
toss in olive oil, lemon zest, salt and pepper, roast until done

>> No.11430617

No, the point of eating greens is to get vitamins and nutrients (folic acid, dietary fibre).

You don't have to go overboard like an out of control lardass, just put a little bit to enhance the flavor.

>> No.11430626

This, you could also just put a spicy oil sauce on it without the sugar.

>> No.11430629

Stir fry after you sear a ribeye, using the remaining basting butter and beef fat drippings as your oil. You will need a little extra salt and black pepper, but you can keep the garlic and herbs in from the basting to keep them going for a second time around.

>> No.11430636

>Babby's First Stir Fry for People Who Can't Stir Fry Good

>> No.11431466

Boomer roasties get off this board

>> No.11431484
File: 63 KB, 449x375, broccoli_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're a frog poster just dump velveeta on the brocco heads.

>> No.11431489
File: 3 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Should I buy a wok if I stirfry often?
2.Are the cheap ones from asian stores ok or should I spend a little bit more for a better quality one?
3.Does the wok need to be 'seasoned'? Can you buy 'pre seasoned ' wok?
4.Are there such things are 'non stick'wok?

>> No.11431492

I'll one up you:

Stir fry with honey.

>> No.11431509

No. If don't have one of those gas fired jet burners like they do at professional Chinese restauraunts then you're wasting your time and money with a wok.

>> No.11431540


>> No.11431543

They make flat bottomed non stick woks for electric stoves, obviously they're inferior to a completely round wok over a flame, but it kind of works still. The inside of the wok is still round, the bottom is just flat on the outside to make contact with the burner

>> No.11431554
File: 16 KB, 267x274, dri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, so you are saying unless you have a jet fuel burner there is no point stirfrying? (I use gas cook top.)

>> No.11431571
File: 22 KB, 500x250, rollerballhouseman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I wrote. Read what I wrote, do understand.

>> No.11431675
File: 3 KB, 63x77, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've look at a few videos of carbon steel wok and I don't like that you have to maintain it after every cook and can't just wash it with soapy water because it's more work.

Is hard anodised cookware suitable for woking?

>> No.11431683
