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11482870 No.11482870 [Reply] [Original]

>WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.

>> No.11482931
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>Don't live in California so can't get cancer from it

>> No.11483323

If it has more than five ingredients, you will lose the battle

>> No.11483329

california is retarded
i knew this state was going to shit when they took away our plastic bags at the grocery store and now blackmail us into buying store branded ones for 10 cents a pop

>tfw everyone just throws all their shit in the cart and says fuck bags

>> No.11483336

those poor bastards

>> No.11483355

>tfw everyone just throws all their shit in the cart and says fuck bags
I'm pretty sure that was thw intention.

>> No.11483368

But it is literally green capitalism.

>> No.11483398

1)You don't live in California
2)Believe it or not they make bags out of paper
3)Multi-use bags cost anywhere from $.99 to $2.99 and last for years
4)You're an idiot
5)See 4

>> No.11483450

Pretty much this. Go live in China with the rest of the assholes. Not even a Californirtard

>> No.11483470

have you ever used a paper bag you absolute retard
they suck ass

>> No.11483474

California might have the snobbish people in the world, but they're American so go fuck yoself you commie.
Rest the world keeps trying to break our union apart, but all it would take is another 9/11 and we'll be beating those war drums again 50 states strong boi.

>> No.11483480

Have you ever shopped for yourself you mongoloid, I'm sorry your little t-rex arms can't carry things. Fucking double bag your shit if you're such a spaz.
And yes, I shop at Trader Joe's. The bags have handles on them. Technology is amazing.

>> No.11483489

>trader joe
shan't respond to your dogshit coastie opinion m8

>> No.11483524

Well you >shan't respond because you don't have an actual response for why you can't use paper bags.

>> No.11483545

>but they're American
California is the absolute antithesis of all American values, just like Massachusetts and Vermont

>> No.11483546

Can't even tell if you're ironic or genuinely retarded. Every Californian must die to ensure America even has a chance. Also 9/11 was a joint operation between the American government, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. And not that you remember but we all forgot about 9/11 and all the poor retards we sent to die protecting poppy farms in Afghanistan within the year.

>> No.11483596

The state of California is cancer.

>> No.11483600

Born and raised in California. Prolly gonna move. Its pretty gay.

>> No.11483607

my boss literally said this after using methylene chloride to clean splattered asphalt oil off his face
dumb, shitty, stupid old fucker. i can only imagine what the looks on his wife and children's faces will be like when he gets cancer

>> No.11483619

Idk but if he's old it probably won't be too long before the inevitable anyways.

>> No.11483620

Incidentally the last two are comfy tier places.

>> No.11483626

>Prolly gonna move.
I heard Texas is a pretty purple state you can help turn Blue.

>> No.11483640

Why would I do that? So I have to move away from there too?

>> No.11483642

don't lie, Pedro

>> No.11483647

>Why would I do that?
Who knows why you commiefornians fuck up other states, I guess youre just unintentional fuck ups.

>> No.11483652

Mexicans are Christian conservatives and I'm not Mexican.

>> No.11483659

Fuck off children, you have your own board for this nonsense

>> No.11483660
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Cancer spreads

>> No.11483668

>why you can't
because they rip
because they get wet and fail
because if you put anything in them that has the slightest bit of condensation on it they fall apart

>muh double baggin
it's not a problem with plastic
paper bags are a step back and people who defend them are autistic

>> No.11483750
File: 1.17 MB, 1271x712, A1EBC751-DAD4-4A74-82F7-5D5A9A319F37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is a stupid state run by stupid shitty assholes with fucked up priorities.
Pic related: The gay jewish lawyer last named "Wiener" from San Francisco that decriminalized the intentional spread of HIV, hanging out at one of numerous pride events. I am not making this up.

>> No.11483761
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>> No.11483763

>tfw white hispanic

California deserves to be nuked.

>> No.11483773
File: 439 KB, 2048x1536, ffffsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that label is on so many things it is desensitizing and ignored. It should specify the chemical(s) or something because it gets used on products that don't, like cutlery, etc.

>> No.11483782

They all have to die, jeez.

>> No.11483793

That label means the company that made it is not liable when you get cancer

>> No.11483801
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>tfw everyone tried to tell me I was a hoarder for saving my grocery bags
>who is laughing now

>> No.11483820

>informing people that a product has links to causing cancer is a bad thing

I'll never understand retards who see that as a bad thing. Have they taken to far a time or two? Probably. But throwing the baby out with the bath water is just as fucking stupid.

>> No.11483835

It's been 2 years. If you still can't remember to bring your own bag(s) you're the retard.

>> No.11483843
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>> No.11483850

Seriously fuck off to a different board you underage phoneposting cunt.

>> No.11483858 [DELETED] 

Fuck off eat my ass white nigger

>> No.11483861

California is the world's sixth largest economy.

>> No.11483863

Non-califag here. How does the bag thing work? Do you give them your bags and they bag it for you or do you just have to do it yourself? If you pay the 10 cents for their bags, does it make a difference?

>> No.11483872

I say this as a Californian, you don’t have to stick up for every retarded decision and disgusting cultural aspect

>> No.11483873

Not a calif fag but in a city with a plastic bag ban. Some stores will bag it for you others don't. Most will if it isn't super busy though.

I'm all for the bag ban. Haven't seen plastic bags littering my hiking trails or floating through the streams or wind since it's happened. Get fucked anyone who hates the ban. It's not hard to remember to bring your own bags.

>> No.11483880

They still bag your shit (this isn't fucking Europe). When you get to the checkout they usually ask if you need any bags. I usually only bring one small tote bag, and if it turns out that I bought too much to fit they'll usually just put the rest in another bag without charging me because nobody really cares; it's more of a deterrent/reminder to bring your own bags than some conspiracy to get extra money.

>> No.11483883

I don't and I don't agree with a lot of that shit. However, I enjoyed my time there. Turns out all these little random op-eds and clickbait titles don't actually reflect what daily life is like in Cali. It has issues no doubt but if you aren't a NEET and have desirable skills you can make a lot of money there and have a great time in a beautiful part of the country.

>> No.11483895

oh, so you’re an FYGM insulated from the proles. Ok. Be a good little champagne socialist and get an icepick to the temple

>> No.11483909

Not sure what your buzzwords mean kid but it's not my fault your life is a poor mess. If you focused less on issues that don't affect you on started worrying more about what you can do to improve your life your ass would probably be less chapped.

>> No.11484113

he's clearly a lowly codemonkey.

>> No.11484207


>> No.11484286

probably a google tranny

>> No.11484377

t. poor

Sour grapes. It's a shame good boy points and memes don't pay the bills.

>> No.11484507

i cant believe there are "people" whose pantries aren't filled with hundreds of plastic bags stuffed into each other
seriously, what do you guys line small trash cans with?

>> No.11484677

>if you're not a rightwing nazi fascist who supports trump as emperor-for-life you're unamerican
How'd that play on Nov. 7, Cletus? Lol!

>> No.11484875

>Ignore the cancer labels because not in California.
>Laugh at the poor fools that live there, getting cancer and being on fire.
>Have to go there one day for a job.
>As soon as I cross the state border my years of consuming California cancer products manifests at once.
>The tumors in my eyes blind me as the cancer in my brain causes a seizure.
>Cannot tell when I sped off the highway because to be honest, the highway feels the same as driving through a forest.
>Crash and die as my car explodes, causing another fire.

>> No.11486875

>no plastic bags at checkout
>unlimited plastic bags still there in the produce section

It's hopeless.

>> No.11486878
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>> No.11486904

>Move so you can vote for me

>> No.11487255

And you have your own board for your faggotry

>> No.11487263

This lole

>> No.11487296



>> No.11487344


>> No.11487350

The legislation was intentionally muddied with to make the labels mean nothing.
And labeling is all california can do because blocking cancer pesticides and similar actions, is something what only the feds can do, and they are in monsantos back pocket.

>> No.11487426
File: 136 KB, 600x484, 1523693145063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally admitting red states are properly managed to allow for a lower cost of living
>asking people to move there and vote the opposite to completely fuck that up

>> No.11487438

>properly managed
>zero job prospects
>no infrastructure
>trash food

>> No.11487439

What this guy said. Same deal with USDA organic, it was a defensive move by the giant monocropping interests to fight off a dangerous trend towards small scale quality-oriented food production pushed by librul coastie elitists like Alice Waters.

>> No.11487453

>rely on 50% federal tax dollars to maintain a minimally functional state budget
>cut education spending to the point where the only textbook is the bible
>cut infrastructure spending to the point most bridges and roads are either closed or crumbling
>fetanyl, heroin and meth addictions at epidemic proportions
>christian rightwing govts. implement the equivalent of sharia law
>well managed