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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11557302 No.11557302 [Reply] [Original]

Gastronomy is fucking pretentious bullshit. Food is not art. Literally the most important thing about food is its flavor, not how it looks on a plate.

>> No.11557334

Flavor can be enhanced by other taste factors such as presentation, so you're an idiot.
That being said, I agree with the first sentence. It always looks stupid to me and the people making a big deal about it just have an air of snobbery about them imo.

>> No.11557351

people who let the way food looks influence how they think it tastes are retarded
for example: "eww this fried cricket looks gross why would you ever eat it"

>> No.11557360
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That looks like someone put their cigarette out on your food

>> No.11557366

It's leek ash

>> No.11557372

What's wrong with it looking nice AND tasting good?

Such a strange reaction to plating...

>> No.11557390

>I get to decide what is and isn’t art
pretentious faggot. How do you not see the hypocrisy in this?

>> No.11557422
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>people aren't allowed to think for themselves

>> No.11557543

Your original post suggests that you don’t hold that sentiment.

>> No.11557600

That plate looks like it was just found on some garbage dump.

>> No.11557601

Which restaurants have you eaten in that plate food like that?

>> No.11557602
File: 230 KB, 600x2845, Dont-overuse-the-word-literally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally the most important thing about food is its flavor

>> No.11557673
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>Literally the most important thing about food is its flavor
Liiiiiiiiiiiiterally the most important thing about food is its nutrients, faggot.
Food is fuel, not fun.

>> No.11557676
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>> No.11557678
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>> No.11557693
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>> No.11557707

Im literally gay btw

>> No.11557717

you're literally a bundle of sticks.

>> No.11557724

>Literally the most important thing about food is its flavor
no, dude, stop, seriously. It's nutrition.
Nutrition is the most important thing about food.

>> No.11557871

Literally had been said so much that it has literally lost all meaning.

>> No.11558062

As fuck
The fuck
I feel bad for kids today. Educational systems have failed them, financial systems have failed them, civics and families have failed them. They just stare at screens and mumble, 'AF, TF, literally!' like neanderthals.

>> No.11558082

It is. This isn't the dark ages, grandma.

>> No.11558106
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>> No.11558961

It really makes my blood boil. It's truly a plague on the language. It's actually cancerous. It totally makes me crazy. It's absolutely destroying the world

You're literally a fucking idiot

>> No.11559280
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Disagree. Most customers can be sold on looks alone. Not too mention, its fun and looks pleasing to make. Slapping this same meal on a plate haphazardly wouldn't look appetizing at all.

>> No.11559304

>let's defund education to raise people stupid enough to support defunding education and then bitch about the ignorant kids, ok?
Oh, christ the absolute state!

>> No.11559793

Education isn't a brick building with a pricing fixing cabal on outdated books.
We're in an age where all the education you could want is at your fingertips and free, yet we're the dumbest with the most years of 'education'.

>> No.11559802
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>Literally the most important thing about food is its flavor
Nope, no it isn't. I hope you're stranded, turn down emergency rations and die.

>> No.11559815


1) It is scientifically verifiable that presentation plays a not insignificant role in taste.

2) To take it to the extreme, how would you explain cases of cheap, generally poorly flavored foods being lauded for their taste when presented as fancy (I'm reminded of a few experiment where Franzia was served to wine clubs and peddled as a rare vintage)?

>> No.11560015

>hAhHaHa bro just eat this greasy-looking, messy slop of food I threw together, I sweAR it tastes gOOD

>> No.11560101

Literally placebo effect.

>> No.11560130
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for me, its abusing the word literally to piss off seething grammarfags

>> No.11560134

Why is something not allowed to exist simply because you don't like it? Gastronomy lead to stuff like instant ramen and cold brew coffee

>> No.11561818


>> No.11561834

>this greasy slop o shit
As opposed to an olive oil money shot? Truly this is high cognition anon.

>> No.11561871

>Gastronomy is fucking pretentious
You know this because for YOU it would be. You are not a member of the socioeconomic class that is the audience for gastronomie, so a guy like you claiming to appreciate it would be pretense. If you walked into a restaurant on this level you'd stick out like a sore thumb, and it would be obvious to everyone that you do not belong there. Those people are not your peers. They live in a different world than the one you inhabit, and have already become jaded to things that will never be within your reach. Stick to gaming he buffet to get your money's worth, because that's where you belong.

>> No.11561890

LOL. Have you ever seen a gastrofag be fed scratch home cooking? I had a guy devour almost an entire pan of cornbread once. He kept demanding to know what my secret was. He put a fair dent in everything else, too. I've no idea where he put it all.

>> No.11561907

>implying 'gastronomy' (by which I'm guessing you mean fine dining cookery) is just about looks

The amount of work that goes into some of that food to make it as delicious as humanly possible is insane. In addition, food can be really enhanced by presentation- tell me you've never seen a plate of food going by in a restaurant or somewhere and thought 'damn that looks delicious'.

>> No.11561926

Just because you appreciate places with Michelin stars doesn't mean you're immune to good home cooking or even delicious street food. The thing is that people usually associate with members of their own socioeconomic class, and someone near the top, who can easily afford to eat in fine dining places often is simply unlikely to encounter much in the way of home cooking (or street food, for that matter). Because nobody in his peer group is a home cook. They all have nice kitchens, and some have personal chefs, but they don't do any cooking themselves, not did their parents. Home cooking is exotic to them.

>> No.11561951

Michelin star restaurants just arent full of those kinds of people any more though. They probably used to be, but times have changed.

In my experience, at least half (if not more) of the dining room in a michelin star place seems to be people who would have saved up for a while to go, and its a big event for them.

Its not wildly expensive to go either. You can do a taster menu at a 3 star place for less than £200 no problem.

>> No.11562011
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You might be onto something with that. I mean not ALL fancy joints I've been to have been a waste of money, not by a long shot, but... some really seem to take advantage of people who aren't used to find dining. Like, they'll pretend to like it, or be afraid to say anything about it. They can write "Crispy poultry medallions on a bed of penne Romano. Served with pomme d'amour reduction and garlic dill emulsion" on the menu and serve bullshit like this for $30.00. (Yes, chicken nuggets, Mac n cheese, with ketchup and ranch dressing.) Obviously I am exaggerating, but I have seen a fair amount of rip offs, the excuse for it I suppose being presentation and the environment you eat it in.

>> No.11562039

>at least half (if not more) of the dining room in a michelin star place seems to be people who would have saved up for a while to go, and its a big event for them.
Certainly the trend in the 21st Century so far has been making fine dining less stuffy and approachable. The rise of the celebrity chef certainly helped that along. But I'd still say when talking about 3 star restaurants (and others in that price range) the cost of entry kind of assures an exclusive crowd. Places like Masa and Per Se are not full of punters celebrating their tenth anniversaries. They're full of rich people celebrating special occasions.

>> No.11562064

There are a lot of restaurants out there that arent going to get a star or even get close, but still charge high prices. Lots of places where you're probably going to pay at least £50 for 3 course a la carte. I used to go to them, and they are ok. But having been to quite a few I now avoid them. Doesnt feel like good value for money as they really arent memorable. I prefer to save the money and use it to go somewhere really good even if it is double the price.

Im certainly not rich. Have a reasonable income, but also a lot of debt. Ive eaten at places like Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, Dinner by Heston, Le Gavroche amongst others. Avoid the drinks, and it isnt too expensive. I was 21 when i went to Ramsays, and the food for one cost twice the amount my suit cost.

>> No.11562069
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>> No.11562081

>when i went to Ramsays, and the food for one cost twice the amount my suit cost.
You might not have realized it, but you probably did stand out as the guy in the cheap suit then.

>> No.11562104

Probably. And I remember before I booked that I wasnt sure if going to a 3 star place was a bit 'out of my league'.

Turns out, no one is really that interested in the people around them when they are paying that much for food, and have been on a waiting list for up to 3 months. And also, its not something to be bothered about - it might affect other peoples day but it doesnt matter to me what they think.

The trend seems to be away from pretentiousness, and towards a more welcoming environment in these places. The most expensive places I know in the UK are about £300 for the food. Thats far too much for me. But there are plenty of amazing places where you can get a taster menu for half that.

>> No.11562116

>most important thing about food is its flavor
So how disgustingly fat are you? 350? 400?

>> No.11562145

>The trend seems to be away from pretentiousness, and towards a more welcoming environment in these places.
Absolutely it is. The focus has shifted much more toward hospitality than exclusivity across the business. But in places where there are lots of wealthy people the cost of entry kind of enforces exclusivity anyways. The tasting menu at Masa is nearly $750 and Per Se just over $650. These places are not packed with middle class diners.

>> No.11562161


>> No.11562168

Yeah. Im not sure we have anywhere that expensive in the UK. At that point, youve probably priced them out.

Nice for those who can afford it, especially when they dont have to be surrounded by the lowly middle classes

>> No.11562182

Are you seriously arguing that the most important thing about food isn't flavour? That really isn't some controversial opinion only the morbidly obese adhere to. How out of touch are you? Do you really think you're doing something important putting a couple twigs on a plate? Jesus Christ

>> No.11562191

America has some stupid ass memes. Luckily there's also a ton of undiscovered gems that serve high end fine dining for $50 and under an entree and affordable appetizers and small plates.

>> No.11562205

>Nice for those who can afford it, especially when they dont have to be surrounded by the lowly middle classes
Like I said people are most comfortable around members of the same social class they are. The guy in the bespoke suit and John Lobb shoes isn't all that likely to feel comfortable surrounded by guys in jeans, Converse and thrift store blazers. He knows his shoes cost more than the monthly rent of those around him, and he really doesn't belong at the hip place with the up and coming chef and the relatively affordable menu. His peers are at the place with the stratospherically expensive wine list where his peers sometimes show off dropping thousands on wine.

>> No.11562312

>Are you seriously arguing that the most important thing about food isn't flavour?
Nutrition, fatty. It's nutrition.

So you're 400, aren't you?

>> No.11562371

I thought like this till I actually went to a place that had a 9 course tasting menu.

>> No.11562400

Only a faggot with bad genes would say that. You're either a former fat or a current self loathing fat hence the automatic fat hating rage. If you've never been fat you don't even think about that shit you just eat what tastes good in a moderate portion. Fatty.

>> No.11562457

>people go out to eat because of that sweet nutrition which they can totally not get eating home
I'm bony as an Auschwitz survivor m8. And don't act like you care about nutrition when you're a faggot that gets all his protein from jizz

>> No.11563696

400 it is. Got it.

Get help, fatty.

>> No.11563706

If someone served you the most delicious ice cream, but you had to eat it by having someone dip their erect penis into the ice cream and then into your mouth, it would be pretty hard to say the most important thing about food is its flavor

Yeah, flavor is important, but there's plenty of things/reasons why you eat food
I mean, nobody is vegan because cashew cheese secretly tastes really good
Nobody eats McDonald's because it's the best tasting food anyone could ever buy

Yes, flavor is important, but food is more than just flavor

>> No.11563820

The prices are getting out of control. a couple of years ago 3 star restaurants were under $300.

>> No.11564242

seems like you're projecting bro

>> No.11564253

You sound like my fat boomer mom.

>> No.11564288
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>> No.11564341


how do people even get this much money man. crazy. anyhow, is the taste of the shit they're buying truly worth the price?

>> No.11564794

>enjoys eating a dish because the dish tastes good
>enjoys eating a dish because the dish looks good
>enjoys the dish
t. autist who hates people who enjoy things

>> No.11564798

I am a chef with Gastronomy Incorporated and i tell you gastronomy is not bullshit

>> No.11564800

Anything can be art, if you make art with it.

>> No.11564985


nice pic

>> No.11565046

literally the only important thing about art is how it looks

>> No.11565052

It's called the culinary arts. It's a fact.

>> No.11565095

>>11557302 (OP)
The dressing of a plate is probably more important to the cook than to the person who eats. Try cooking for the enjoyment of it (and for others than you to enjoy), you'll see how you can't help but to try to lay out your ingredients properly and add little visual enhancements. When it is not for the sole purpose of subsistence, cooking is a multidimensional pleasure and the dressing is part of it.

>> No.11565113

Took me too long to write this post.
mfw my lunch is over cooked.

>> No.11565433

>Food is not art

Not the way you make it maybe.

>> No.11565655

...but the usage of literally on that book was correct, the use of figuratively is not. You're learning their direct meaning, not their made up meaning.

>> No.11566415

why do retards on this website always take statements of opinion as sweeping ideological statements and take it to mean no one else can have a different opinion

>> No.11567720

the most important thing about food is it's nutritional content

we eat to fuel our bodies, fats carbs water vitamins minerals etc. eating is not a choice based on how good something tastes

>> No.11567738
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Food is at times an art, a craft, and/or just fuel. Trying to say it's one thing or the other is like saying everything we look at with our eyes is either art or not. Oversimplification and wrong.