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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11653822 No.11653822 [Reply] [Original]

Why do poles and Slovakians keep a fish in their bath to eat on Christmas day?

Why not just kill it and put it in the fridge a couple days before eating it?

>> No.11653828


>> No.11653834

To try and get rid of the mud flavour.

>> No.11653855

They say it's the "tradition" and to keep it fresh. It still tastes like shit though

>> No.11653882

What kind of fish is it?

>> No.11653887

a carp

>> No.11653888

how do they bathe themselves if the fish is in their bath?

>> No.11653891


>> No.11653909

Why would you put fish in the fridge for DAYS?

>> No.11653916

how do they take showers ?

>> No.11653924

>taking shower in a bathtub

>> No.11653930

In Poland, that's only an aquarium.

>> No.11653933

This. If it chills in fresh water for a few days it supposedly makes up for a lifetime of eating shit.

>> No.11653935

oh yeah, right, you retarded americans don't understand the concept of efficiency

>> No.11653939

Carps are the "pigs" oft the fish.
They live in ponds with no watercirculation.
Keeping the fish in clear water for a day two will clean the meat to Get rid of the muddy slimy taste.

>> No.11653980

you just buy buy buy buy your things.
oh, you have a shower and you changed your mind, you also want a bathtub you're going to use three times a year anyway because americans never wash and stink ? Well just pay some construction company to add an extra room to your "master bedroom" (just the words "master bedroom" are unbelievable. It really shows how you mongoloids are vapid and totally devoid of humbleness, kindness, empathy, hospitality, good taste and common sense.) and have them put a bathtub ! that easy ! just use money ! of course you won't even actually do the job yourself because you are ignorant, you have no skill besides eating fast food and swearing and stinking like an american. then you will brag about your new bathtub located in your shit cardboard house (typical american construction) to the hypocrites that you call friends (because americans are incapable of warmness and happiness and empathy and friendliness they just are robots who smile in your face and gossip and stab you in the back and try to ruin your life because they are jealous, because you understand that having a bathtub under a shower is infinitely more efficient than being stupid and wasting money on paying a construction company that does all the job for you so you can stay in your couch watching netflix, not exercising and eating shit delivered fast food)

>> No.11653995

Must suck being poor

>> No.11654000
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>> No.11654003


>> No.11654010

>this mad that people have nicer things than you

>> No.11654011 [DELETED] 

i asked my dad why we couldnt have a tub when i was a kid. apparently due to american construction bathtubs cause black mold build up behind the wall and it can ruin the entire house. something to do with cheap american cardboard frames

>> No.11654012
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>> No.11654013

stop replying to yourself you stinky pollack roach

>> No.11654017

Excellent post
Trully we are a wicked and miserable people

>> No.11654019

Nice trips

>> No.11654029

yes you are miserable because you will never experience true life surrounded by people that love you you are entrapped in your pseudo culture that doesn't exist (because american culture does not exist unless it is referring to buying new things and destroying the lives of those who surround you because of jealousy and shitty ego that makes you think you are better than everyone else hey you are not stop believing that you cretin)

>> No.11654039
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Finally lost it, have we? Holidays sure can get to people, can't they?

>> No.11654047
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it flushes the mud out of it.

do you want to eat carp with mud in its flesh?

I always put carp, perch, pike in a bath for a couple of days, make friends with it then kill it.
its unerving having a carp watch you take a crap

>> No.11654066

Jesus anon have you ever met an American

>> No.11654086

>being this much of a eurocuck
you know, most likely Americans bathe more often than people in whatever cuck shithole you live in.

>> No.11654088

im not even a burger but this is embarrassing

>> No.11654099
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So we have traditions that you are not used to, who cares

>> No.11654110

cuck cuck cuck that's all you have in your mouth why even use the word cuck you pathetic imbecile I think that you are trying to repress your fetish

>> No.11654114

i was referring to the samefag autist

>> No.11654126
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Dude you're suppose to use salt in your meals not your posts

>> No.11654135

you may not be american but you are in your head you are trash like them you do not deserve anything

>> No.11654145

what the fuck are you talking about?
Americans have bathtubs under their showers. I bet you think we wear shoes inside too.

>> No.11654146

You need to learn how to use parentheses.

>> No.11654150

>Americans wasting such a expensive mineral like salt on meals.
Oh yes, you just love to use it on everything you want to shove in your lying maws.

>> No.11654157


>> No.11654186

Lurk moar

>> No.11654193


>> No.11654203

To make it halal.

>> No.11654231

McMansions don't. There's a separate shower room often with 2 showerheads so the "wife" can shower with Tyrone while hubby is wage slaving 12 hours/day and the tub is typically a separate jacuzzi surrounded by a brick facade.

t. builds mcmansions that look pretty but are built matchstick level shoddy for a 30% profit off of the selling price

>> No.11654236

Houses here in Polland may have better materials but holly shit they lack aby unique design. They're just fucking squares made from plaster or bricks and plaster

>> No.11654251

Underrated post

>> No.11654298


>> No.11654366

There's only three states I haven't been to, and excepting Asians, I have NEVER seen anyone take their shoes off to go inside.

>> No.11654371
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Most homes have these sitting at the front door so I dion't see the issue anyways.

>> No.11654373

This. Purges the mud taste.
Pretty common practice.
Simmilar things is done with yabbies/crawfish as well as feeding a "clean" diet to snails for a few days

>> No.11654470


>> No.11654521

Le American culture doesn't exist despite all modern popular music being either American or American knockoffs, same with film, television, American literature is not most popular in fiction, et cetera

>> No.11654576

You are platinum mad

>> No.11654603

>I bet you think we wear shoes inside too.
Some of us do in the summer and if we don't leave clean pavement.

It depends on what kind of floors you have. Even carpets are easy to clean as all of us own vacuums, many of us own shampooers or have products that can be sucked up by a vacuum, and carpet is affordable to be replaced if accidentally damaged.

It's easier to run around in your socks but I'd rather strangers keep their shoes on.

>> No.11654642

>bathtubs cause black mold build up behind the wall
>cheap american cardboard frames
>american bathtub
>black mold behind cardboard frames
This sounds like your goddamned issue. We didn't build your house frames. Why the hell would an American tub be different from a polish tub? It's a fucking tub.

>> No.11654662

Know how I know you're stupid? The fish actually helps clean you but you can't use fragranced soap

>> No.11654663

based trips 'huh?' poster

>> No.11654673

DO you think any young men have persuaded a carp to perform oral sex on them?

>> No.11654674

Its fasting for fish. I do the same thing with fresh water fish. Cleans a lot of the pond taste out of them.

>> No.11654719

This is true. Everyone wears their street shoes covered with vomit, blood, excrement and urine into their hovels and when their spawn drops the obligatory pacifier on the floor shove it right back into their mouth. It's no wonder 'murricans are literally disease ridden stinkies with cooties.

>> No.11654725

American tubs are made with greed and lazyness.

>> No.11654820


Do you live in the 11th century?

>> No.11654883

I was taken to this fish restaurant in rural china once, that was in an old villa, with a swimming pool, and we went out back to the swimming pool and picked out a fish swimming around to eat.

It was fucking delicious. Although, supposedly, there is also merit to not eating totally fresh fish, as fish develops more umami after you kill it.

>> No.11655166

Insectoids eat rotten flesh, big news
They also eat fetuses, shit, and living rats

>> No.11655196

>fresh live fish out of a pool

dude it's the opposite of rotten

>> No.11655210

fucking based

>> No.11655212

What's it like living in an uncivilized shithole?

>> No.11655292

>Although, supposedly, there is also merit to not eating totally fresh fish, as fish develops more umami after you kill it.

>> No.11655355

kek you're just mad because all of the fluoride, chlorine, and lead in your water would kill a fish before it had a chance to die trying to clean you

>> No.11655452

I'm from New England originally and my friends families as well as mine never wear shoes inside. I'm not Asian.

>> No.11655523

This was actually done most often in places that had communistic rule, they kept it "fresh" as a luxury because meat was scarce. It is most likely just a force of habit from a before time, sought out as tradition for some people

>> No.11655626

>do you want to eat carp


>> No.11655666

absolute sick cunt

>> No.11655983

God I wish I were that fish

>> No.11655988

Just imagine swimming in the cleanest waters you've ever been in surrounded by perfectly smooth white. No predators. Sunless and moonless cycles of light and pure darkness. Occasionally a massive entity sprays a stream of even more aeration in and occasionally drops food.

>> No.11656003


All play and no work makes Jack a dull boy

>> No.11656046

Eating carp for Christmas is poor fag tier

>> No.11656060
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>> No.11656099

This. The jewnited sharts of amerimutt is the cancer of mankind

>> No.11656136

>not having a 6br3ba mansion so that you can still shower while you fish
poorfags everywhere here.

Also, nice trips.

>> No.11656154

That's not culture, that's noise.

>> No.11656261


>> No.11656497
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>> No.11656544

People did that for centuries, because you cannot eat non-fish meat and carp is a cheap-ass, garbage-tier fish.

You know what hadn't been around for centuries? Fridges. So your options were to either not eat meat, develop a taste for rotten fish (apparently, there's a difference when it comes to carp), or keep it alive in a pool of water until you're ready to process it.

>> No.11656554

Wtfuck is this thread?

>> No.11656555
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>coming home and seeing the carp your wife bought for the feast

Its a cozy feeling, Christmas is around the corner

>> No.11656583


>> No.11656600

I heard that from nips, specifically, Jiro

>> No.11656607
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>> No.11656615

based mutants

>> No.11656622

>epic roast
>no reddit spacing
>loads of replies
This is an A+ post

>> No.11656627
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americucks unequivocally BTFO

>> No.11656710

Do you eat anything else on Christmas or just the carp?

>> No.11656750

>americans are jealous
>gets jealous and angry about a tub and a bedroom
5 star post

>> No.11656761

you have to march through vomit, blood, urine on a daily basis? what kind of brutal hellscape do you live in?

>> No.11656768

Housekeeping the ICU

>> No.11656777

In terms of food, how the fuck is "pig" an insult?
Literally one of the most delicious and versatile meat animals on the planet.

I like the carp tradition. It ensures the fish is as fresh as possible and it reminds me you that something died to make your meal. Makes you a little grateful of it. And it's a good lesson for the kids.

>> No.11656833

Potato salad, herrings, pierogi, croquettes, beet salad, bread, trout, barszcz and pierogi, and a lot of cakes and sweets

>> No.11656848

happy christmas everybody except americans and mental americans

>> No.11656857


>> No.11656859

The south.

>> No.11656872

absolutely based

>> No.11656899

Any school in Detroit, Baltimore, Frisco, or South Central LA for starters.

>> No.11656979

Errrm, no lamb? No pork? No turkey? No stuffing? No gravy? Errrrrrmm are you fucking okay there m8?

>> No.11657002
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>> No.11657045

Best digits ITT no other thread on ck even comes close

>> No.11657046


>> No.11657100

What they never heard of a little thing called SALT

>> No.11657105


>> No.11657110

doesnt sound very appealing. do you guys not have cheap lamb or turkey in Poland?

>> No.11657185

fucking winterfags go back to school

>> No.11657240

I never wear my shoes inside. Most guests who come in my place will take off their shoes after they see me take off mine. It's preference and most of the time the divide comes from those who use carpet or those who use coated wood.

>> No.11657296

Not really cos its a very traditional place and those are not really traditional lamb is eaten but its not a traditional Christmas dish

>> No.11657392

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.11657401

Lol please tell me none of you actually eat carps, they're disgusting

>> No.11657911

eastern europeans love it around Christmas time

>> No.11658261
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got a decent recipe for pierogi?

>> No.11658280
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based european /r9k/ poster

>> No.11658291

>buying new things and destroying the lives of those who surround you
How does that not sound awesome to you?

>> No.11658310

Carp is fine, they're actually vegan in their feeding habits so they don't eat literal rotting flesh like catfish. Americans just freak out about them because carp have a weird bone structure and they're too retarded to figure out how to eat it. Carp fight stronger than largemouth bass too, so they're fun as hell to catch.

>> No.11658314

We do it too. Ours was called Evzen (Eugene). Ate him schnitzel style with potato salad a few hours ago.

t. Czech

>> No.11658357

Many americans never have an opportunity to get their shoes dirty. Clean house to clean car to clean workplace to clean sidewalks to clean shops and back to clean house. Never step in mud. If shoes do get muddy or wet, of course you take them off. Some parts of the country, houses have a "mud room" specifically for taking off muddy or snowy boots.

I understand it is different in some cities like new york where people actually let their dogs shit on the sidewalk and spit their gum and filthy crap like that. But most americans aren't getting their shoes dirty, so why would they need to take them off.

>> No.11658360

you didnt eat him on christmas day?

>> No.11658364

they simply have higher standards for cleanliness than you do. even walking outside makes your shoes dirty. They're dirty enough even if you don't step in gum or mud.

>> No.11658368
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>> No.11658395

All Christmas related shit happens on the 24th here

>> No.11658460

>i have never used a public toilet in my life
Selective memory, anon?

>> No.11658509

based and redpilled

>> No.11658564

Yes, they did. Which is why there's a bunch of other Christmas dishes in the general format of Really Salty Fish Inna Veg/Oil, usually herring.

>> No.11658599

Everybody takes off their shoes inside. What the fuck are you talking abougt?

>> No.11658610

>bathing in your own dirt and grime

>> No.11658628

>taking a shit in public

>> No.11658679

>carp have a weird bone structure
You mean they have barbed wire hidden under the flesh in the last 1/3rd of their body. Now, as somebody who eats and likes carp, yes, there are ways to mitigate that. However, somebody who has only eaten salmon and tuna for their entire lives will find it quite a bit of work.

>> No.11658943

It's not a Thanksgiving feast, plus where I'm from you limit it to 12 dishes and can't have meat on Christmas eve.

Christmas day and the day after, there's duck, goose, hams, and leftovers from the Christmas eve feast.

>> No.11658957
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If you're making ruskie, use actual farmers cheese, twaróg, and not some kind of cream cheese. Onions are great and black pepoer gives it a nice hit of spice. Honestly it really depends on the cheese

I like to fry them up on smalec or lard after i boiled them

>> No.11659113

do you carry it home in buckets or coolers?

>> No.11659139

Are you a realtor?

>> No.11660746

holy shit you're right time to be a hobo

>> No.11660747

Did the fish died ?

>> No.11660750

the handheld shower attachment is in OP's pic

>> No.11660751
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Oh shit nigga, well done.

>> No.11660777

Why would you want to bathe though? Sit in your own filth for hours. It's not environmentally friendly either. If your task is to clean yourself then take a shower

>> No.11660815


>> No.11660837

damn, did Obama bomb the fuck out of your home or something?

>> No.11660852


>> No.11660861



>> No.11660873

I had no idea I'd ever find the thought of bathing with a fish so erotic.

>> No.11660874

There's actually nothing quite like eating a freshly killed fish. Try it someday.

>> No.11660880

If that's the case, why wear shoes at all? It's unnatural if you think about it

>> No.11660899

temperature and fashion

>> No.11660910


>> No.11660936

TO keep your feet safe.

>> No.11660956

Safe from what?

>> No.11660960


>> No.11660981


>> No.11660988

Stones, concrete, glass, disease, etc, etc.

>> No.11661018

I thought the sidewalks and so on was clean? If you didn't use shoes the skin on your feet would thicken and thus making it feasible to walk about pretty much any surface

>> No.11661041


>> No.11661048

NOthing is permanently clean.

>> No.11661119
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>bathtubs under your showers

>> No.11661207

what kind of shithole has 3 bathrooms for 6 bedrooms? jack-and-jill bathrooms are trashy-tier. Should be atleast 6 and a half bathrooms.

>> No.11661961

>not taking showers with your fish

>> No.11661985


>> No.11661997

Imagine unironically living in a former soviet pisshole

>> No.11662126
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>> No.11662135

OMG! Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump all on suicide watch.

>> No.11662650


>> No.11662789

no thanks

>> No.11663619


>> No.11663642

Breaking news, Bush senior is already dead. Whose next?

>> No.11663988

How did I not notice this post until 2 days later

>> No.11663991

You were too busy buying, I bet.

>> No.11664782


>> No.11664810

/ck/ is literally to letters away from spelling cuck, you cuck

>> No.11664814

>to letters
You mean three. Is American education really this bad?

>> No.11664842
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>tfw family never kept a carpbro in the tub
>always salted it instead
>now live in an apartment with no tub just a shower cabin

>> No.11664858

Buy a tin bath.

>> No.11664914
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>> No.11664924
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How do I know you're Polish?

>> No.11664931

can you pet a carp?

>> No.11664937
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>> No.11664939

Yes. It won't really enjoy it, because nothing in its life benefits from physical contact, but from the perspective of animals it seems like it would enjoy it. So people who imagine they're empathetic think they're giving it pleasure. Empathy is the illusion of understanding nowadays is what I'm saying.

>> No.11664961

A carp is a fish who find the most of his food in the mud, so basically when you try to eat it straight after you catches it you get this ground flavour. Letting it swim in clean water will gives you a better taste

>> No.11664962

Back to /pol/

>> No.11664971

Really? I've never been to /pol/ in my life. Weird.

>> No.11664998

You are supposed to be a friend with the carp and then kill it. It’s similar concept as Nazis used to train Hitlerjugend.

>> No.11665025

Spoken like a true /pol/tard

>> No.11665030

I might have to check it out. Maybe it's more my style than I thought.

>> No.11665066

Stop using 4channel pls

>> No.11665085

Off yourself, retard

>> No.11665091
File: 151 KB, 960x720, 1537980113441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /pol/ you shouldn't be on 4channel

>> No.11665119

How do those work when you're on a one way and the bike lane is on the other side of the cages? Does it flip? Also doesn't seem very aero to me...

>> No.11665131

that would likely be my last straw to run those faggots down

>> No.11665153

Those fuckers had better pedal faster than me. If I get stuck behind someone like that he's taking a fall.

>> No.11665180

Busted looking mismatched apparel, militant cyclist politics, fenders, and a rack is pretty much a guarantee they're faster than you. Don't take it personally, it's just conditioning. You'd be fast too if you spent that much time on a bike for that many years.

>> No.11665182

This is why I fucking hate cyclists.

>> No.11665192

If I sit in the bathtub will it suck my dick? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11665238

How ignorant and selfish of you to take no consideration to bicyclists safety distance

>> No.11665245

How ignorant and selfish for cyclists to be inconsiderate to pedestrians and carry things to knock and hit into them. When I was living in London, I was in more danger from cyclists than any other form of traffic. They ignore all road laws, they act like self-righteous pricks and they're a danger to everyone around them.

>> No.11665249

I want to see them dead. Nothing personal, It's just business.

>> No.11665259

I specifically said they should "pedal faster than me" so you'd know I'm on a bike too, retard.

>> No.11665264

Generalizing every cyclists, are we?
Those things would very likely bend with ease with contact with pedestrians. Why would there be any in the road anyway?

>> No.11665270

Because traffic lights, zebra crossing and so on are things, furthermore cyclists don't stay on the road. And any cyclist who does shit like that photo is amongst the twat sector of them. Now fuck off back to /n/ and seeth about 'cagers', knowing literally everyone on the street hates your lycra covered arse.

>> No.11665275

Cyclists don't care for road crossings at all. They'll scream at you for daring to walk onto a crossing with red light for traffic (allowing you to cross) or a zebra crossing where you're supposed to stop to allow pedestrians to cross because "I FUCKING WORKED UP A GOOD SPEED'. Obey the fucking law or realise that you're going to take your lumbs with the rest of traffic users who don't obey the law.

>> No.11665278

I... don't think you meant to quote me, did you?
In some parts of town the sidewalks are far too narrow to hold all the peds and the motor vehicles are given a ridiculous amount of road space (like, 100 foot wide roadway, and a 10 foot wide sidewalk directly adjacent to the bike lane)

Often especially at lunch hour there are a lot of pedestrians spilling into the bike lane because it is not physically possible to walk on the sidewalk anymore

I don't blame them, I blame the cager lobby for having a tantrum every time we try to erect barriers on another roadway to reclaim much needed pedestrians space. Cagerism is mental illness so you almost want to not blame the cager either but the buck has to stop somewhere of course. The best thing to do would be to round them up and toss them into Long Island Sound.

But we've already reclaimed a lot of land in the last 15 years and there's more to come, so they are right to feel persecuted. Although they should just shut up and take it because honestly no cager ever did anything for civilization, other than ruin it.

>> No.11665282

How would cyclists ever not stay on the road? Try teleporting through a mass of pedestrians on a bike if you can manage to even stay upright for a moment, you'll see how well that works.
That doesn't happen, lol.

>> No.11665285

You've never lived in a major city, have you? This is a daily occurrence.

>> No.11665288

>Barriers on a roadway

Blocking people from crossing the road and making life harder for pedestrians because you can't be arsed to actually just follow the rules of the road and want special treatment.

Fucking cyclists.

>> No.11665291

You're shitposting too strong. There's no way anyone can fall for this being a real example of an actual cyclist. It's a perfect example of a stereotypical cyclist who deserves to be crushed under a lorry to the cheering of all around though.

>> No.11665304

Did you reply to the wrong post?
Cagers always like to make up a fake "rules of the road" that don't actually exist, while being completely ignorant of the actual rules of the road. For instance, minimum safe passing distance, dooring laws, right of way laws, etc.
Typical violent cager, can't solve a problem with its brain so resorts to advocating brutality. But this is why you can't manage to get a job in the productive parts of the city and have to use your murder box to transport yourself between transit deserts while road raging impotently at forces beyond your control.

>> No.11665307

lol u mad

>> No.11665310

>Violent cager.

I do'n't own a car. I'm a pedestrian. I walk or use the underground. Maybe a bus every so often. Shit like this is why we all hate you. Learn to follow the rules of the road.

>> No.11665313

If a lot of people are saying 'maybe you should learn how to act on the road' from pedestrians, other cyclists who don't treat their vehicle as a lifestyle and political movement and drivers, perhaps the problem is with you?

>> No.11665317

There's an interesting paradox that people who are most likely to cite: "The Constitution", "The Bible", "The Korean", "The Rules of the Road" are actually least likely to understand or have read any of them.

You know this thing you're using to shitpost, aka "the internet", lets you actually look up those "rules of the road" that you cite. Try it some time.

>> No.11665322

>reading a Korean
racist af

>> No.11665326

The problem is not me. I follow the actual rules of the road, as written. The problem is peds don't seem to understand that if I have the green, I'm going, and if they have a don't walk sign, they need to not be crossing, or at least look before crossing.

The reverse problem is also true, there are many crossings where they have the right of way, and I stop, and they just stare at me grinning like they're waiting for me to go.

Peds are in a sense even worse than cagers because at least the cagers are theoretically supposed to have taken some sort of test, although in reality most of them act otherwise.

>> No.11665366

Or maybe you're just a cyclist with a chip on your shoulder and no understanding of the fact that the whole of society doesn't exist to faciliate your lifestyle choice.

This shit is why while I do cycle I'd never call myself a cyclist.

>> No.11665382

whats the point of using faggy labels?

>> No.11665491

replying a second time to this absolute legend of a post

>> No.11665498

>whats the point of using faggy labels?
it's the same reason why people repeat memes here. they want to "fit in" to a group.

The cager one originally came from motorcyclists who felt that car drivers were "locked up, away from the feel of the open road". It's starting to become co-opted by leftist treehuggers who object to the pollution caused by cars

>> No.11665518

rent free

>> No.11665633


>> No.11665808
File: 327 KB, 1200x900, clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.11666765


>> No.11666783

I bet that tastes like CARP LMAOOOOO!

>> No.11667189

>abbreviating "pedestrian" is a faggy label
What am I supposed to call you? Non-augmented ambulatory perxyn?

>> No.11667314

Reddit tier