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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 966x594, KO-USA-SB-open-can-OO-overhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11697800 No.11697800 [Reply] [Original]

Sardines are called Sardines because they were first invented in Sardinia, where they were consumed only by royalty, due to their exquisite taste and lack of abundance.

Today, things are largely the same but a rare few do enjoy these delicacies on a regular basis.

>> No.11697808


>> No.11697811

Also I really enjoy inserting various household objects into my rectum, not sure if that's important for this discussion though.

>> No.11697817

>Sardines are called Sardines because they were first invented in Sardinia

>> No.11697826

It is. Look it up.

>First invented by Marquis Nunzio de la Sardine as a replacement for military rations. It was later discovered that they could be consumed by humans as well as soldiers [1].

>> No.11697867

Sar means “tiny”
Dine means “fish”

>> No.11697874

Sardines aren't that good. Kinda fishy taste with very little else except a salty overall flavor. They probably will give you worms too. This is the kind of stupid shit /ck/ always falls for. Idiots

>> No.11697899

Where did u get that from? I Google it exactly and can't find any wiki page is anything

>> No.11697900


>> No.11698000
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>> No.11698053

Thanks, OP. Forgot that I didn't filter "sardines" on this computer.

>> No.11698301

"fishy" fish are literally the best kind. see: mackerel

>> No.11698319

Where did Deenz come from? I Google it exactly and can't find any wiki page is anything

>> No.11698631

>Where did Deenz come from?

>> No.11698965

>eating tinned fish

>> No.11698969

There were regular threads here about deenz for quite a while. Someone also made a song about it.

>> No.11699003

Are there any sardines as good as King Oscars? Can't help but find the more fleshy and meaty ones inferior.

>> No.11699008

Sardines in a can are pretty gross and if you eat them something is wrong with you

>> No.11699025

Sometimes i'll buy the spicy pepper ones just for something cheap and different.

>> No.11699037

This thread reminds me of the 1980s. A time when you could make up absolute bullshit and if you were a good enough bullshitter everyone would believe you. Living in this smartphone instant google/wiki world is soul crushing.

>> No.11699040
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>> No.11699062

>Fish tastes like fish

>> No.11699083
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What do you guys think? I call it Sardines A La Faggot - a low carb, low calorie, high nutrient and high protein midnight snack.

1- open your olive oil deenz
2- pour the olive oil from tin into a pan at high heat
3. chop some onions and toss them into the pan too
4. add worcesterchire, seasoned salt (or adobo), whatever hot sauce you may fancy, and garlic powder
5. stir until fragrant and immediately remove from heat
6. pour back over sardines
7. top with tastiest cherry tomato at your disposal
8. serve alongside half a spicy garlic pickle

>> No.11699142


>> No.11700753

I saved this thread from certain death, and am here to claim my reward.
Point me in the direction of my Harem.

>> No.11700781

I will return to you, based Deenz thread, when you need me most.

>> No.11700783

>overall salty flavor
I have never had decent sardines that were very salty. Also, get off this board.

>> No.11700792

Nigga I don't caare

>> No.11700798
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How do you invent a species of fish
Fucking shitalian dumbass

>> No.11700931

Sauce on book pls. I love food books that aren't just recipes

>> No.11700948

The Australian Fish and Seafood cookbook, written by John Susman who's pretty much the best/most knowledgeable fishmonger in the southern hemisphere, if not the world. Name a fish and I'll try find a recipe

>> No.11700978

ive been devouring cans of KO's sardines for a few weeks now with crackers, mustard and/or hot sauce. are there any sweet things I can actually cook with them? I'm going to look from google and youtube, but I want to know the special things you guys make with them, since im assuming that cooking with them is not wildly popular

>> No.11700981

i wish they were packed in water instead of oil. they're too oily

>> No.11700989

You think you do, but you don't.

Water-packed sardines do exist but they're inferior.

>> No.11701020

Pretty much every water-packed fish is lesser than its oil version. I think it's because they put extra salt, and it messes the flavor.

Anyway, oil-packed is great if it's a decent oil (like, not bottom-rung hyper-refined canola), since you can pour it in a pan and scramble some eggs.

>> No.11701032

>this dude 'invented' a fish
sounds fishy

>> No.11701036
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this is pretty catchy actually

>> No.11701046

It came from here, and nobody forced it.

>> No.11701074

based pun postrr

>> No.11701105

Wrong. Just like how when I go out every year and hunt deer/boar/rabbit, I soak the meat in milk for a few days to remove the gameyness, because gameyness makes the meat taste like mud. Fish that tastes like how it smells is a trash fish. Regularly it's only bottomfeeders that have this problem. High end fish should have a very mild flavor with no fishy taste.

>> No.11701139

so you either hunt shit game or you are a massive retard

>> No.11701228

t.retard that has never hunted

>> No.11701235

It started on /fit/.

>> No.11701242

No, it didn't.

>> No.11701244

So, you all constantly smell like shit? How do you even live like that

>> No.11701248

Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.11701251

'murica of course!
no one care.

>> No.11701253

I was posting in sardine long before there was ever /deenz/. /fit/ posters only ever talk about boneless skinless chicken breast and muh macros.

>> No.11701254

Learn how to shoot accurately and maybe you won't be making gut shots that spill literal shit onto your meat and make it taste like ass, shootlet.

>> No.11701256

>I like things therefore I'm superior
Why are all boards infected with this mindset

>> No.11701260

if you don't like fish, don't eat it
don't ruin my fish

>> No.11701278

is there lead in the sardine cans or no

>> No.11701286


Tru Dat. I want to drop my $15 bottle of hot sauce on my $3 deenz

>> No.11701287

Clearly you haven't got a clue what your on about.
Take his advice and try lurking, dipshit.

>> No.11701291


>> No.11701294

>imagine fucking /fit/ posters of all people being this far up their own asses
Do you also think 'go 'za came from /fit/?

>> No.11701297


>> No.11701324

I aware of where most things come from because unlike you I've been here longer than a month.
You may be considered some kind of authority concerning 'memes' (as I'm sure you refer to them) by your high school buddies but you'll always be a newfag.

>> No.11701491

Never heard of a workshop? Maybe you should spend less time in your mother's vagina and be born already.

>> No.11701544

Polar brand is very very good

>> No.11701553

Serve it on a piece of toast or with crackers and I'd eat it

>> No.11701694

Can I order cheap bulk deenz online? What are the deen prices in your area?

>> No.11701729

God damn your people are stupid. I've never gut shot any animal I've shot. Wild game tastes gamey. "Gameyness" is a bad taste which is why almost all hunters do what they can to get rid of it. I soak my meat in milk. Others marinate it in vinegar.

>> No.11702113

cooked in can so no worms unless dead worms

>> No.11702141

Maybe you shouldn't be hunting animals that lived off city garbage dumps and it wouldn't have such a rotten flavor. Actual fresh wild animal meat tastes fine on its own.

>> No.11702157

the only guy i know irl who eats sardines from a tin also eats those canned vienna sausage

absolutely revolting

>> No.11702178


i grew up with fresh hunted meat and it always tasted delicious.
I am from europe tho, and we actually protect the nature our game lives in so maybe thats the reason.

>> No.11702188

Deenz are good

>> No.11702375
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I'm gonna try sardines for the first time. What brand/variety should I try. I want to try the best one.

>> No.11702391
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>> No.11702402

I'm in fucking rural wisconsin in the mountains. Wild game animals are gamey. You can get accustomed to it like >>11702178
but it will still always be better to remove it if you want it to taste like beef. It also depends on what cut it is.

>> No.11702404
File: 29 KB, 355x240, King_Oscar_Sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Oscar in olive oil.
Accept no substitues.

>> No.11702419
File: 29 KB, 400x400, la-sirena_f4e417a5-d485-4974-8514-ad068cd993ca_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

la sirena

>> No.11702425

I'd try those if I could find them but I've never seen those in stores in the USA. At least King Oscar's are available.

>> No.11702426

What animals are you talking about? Squirrels? The only wild animal I've had that was remotely unbearable in game flavor was a mountain goat, which was already at an old tough age.
It's possible that your tastebuds are so accustomed to flavorless factory meat that that's what you think meat is supposed to taste like? I don't know what else to say.

>> No.11702429

Hamburgers were invented in Hamburg-Er, Germany

>> No.11702430

they keep them in the Mexican section at my grocery store. They are huge though only 3 sardines per can

>> No.11702439
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>> No.11702442

I'll look around for them, from what i've read some of the Spanish ones are worth a try. It's cool to try different ones to make an differential opinion. Compare and contrast and stuff like that.

>> No.11702446

the best canned fish I have ever had came from Portugal but i forgot the brand

>> No.11702459

Maybe it's on this list, some anon here posted this link a while back.

>> No.11702461
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>eating your deens skinless and boneless

>> No.11702468
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>> No.11702491

Call me a weirdo but I love sardines on pizza, no pizza joints offer sardines as a topping, only fucking salty ass anchovies. So I add the sardines myself. One tin of King Oscar is good for about 3 or 4 slices.

>> No.11702498

actually pretty good desu

>> No.11702511

My mom was a real weirdo, she'd eat those sardines on some black bread with cottage cheese. I was like WTF until I tried it myself, that's decent.

>> No.11702514

>black bread
now i'm interested

>> No.11702516

Try it out, it sounds weird but it's pretty good.

>> No.11702551

Enjoy your slime and mystery blubber.

>> No.11702771

Do you mean pumpernickle? It's good with anchovies, never had it with deens though.

>> No.11702841
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>> No.11702875

An absolute treasure.

>> No.11702885
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I remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner.

>> No.11702916

i like kippers better

>> No.11702946

Renee Zellywegs is so hot in this movie

>> No.11704059

Based ass-insertion poster

>> No.11704195

you just don't understand them deenz yet boy

>> No.11704238

How have I never heard this until now

>> No.11704870



>> No.11705080

these kinda suck honestly

>> No.11705591

Fucking awesome book.

>> No.11705602

Sardines and pickles go hand in hand. Baby carrots, shallots, beets, grapes. you name it.

>> No.11705606

You know there's a more efficient way to do that right? Rub your meat with anti-oxidants like mustard, garlic, rosemary, pepper, oil.

>> No.11705702

That probably tastes pretty good but it looks like someone took a shit onto your plate

>> No.11705735

No, it wasn't pumpernickle, it was black bread there's a difference. It'll take me a few to remember the exact name of it, it was harder and more dense than pumpernickle. I think it was from Germany, we got it in NYC. Gimmie a few to remember the name.

>> No.11705742

Maybe Schwarzbrot?

>> No.11705745


Rye bread? Pretty common in Europe, can be anything from mid-brown to black.

>> No.11705762
File: 354 KB, 2000x1333, Danish_Black_Bread-0ed780a9bb1361bdfc7a7996ff009675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Rye, not pumpernickel. I think it was this, my mom was into that, she was german/dutch/swedish.
For sardines I prefer Rye, it soaks up the oil of the sardines better.

>> No.11705765


>> No.11705775

There's a cool restraurant a couple blocks from me and if I give them notice they'll cook up a whole loaf of either rye or pumpernickel for me and slice it for me however I want. Since I can't and wont eat it all at once and it's fresh I have to freeze most of it so it doesn't get moldy. Fresh bread has to be taken care of.

>> No.11705800

It's only cringe because it's an ode to a meme rather than the food itself.

>> No.11705805

Thanks for reminding me you crazy /ck folk, I just ordered a loaf of rye from the place. I can pick it up tomorrow.

>> No.11705812
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>humans as well as soldiers

>> No.11705813

That is rye, silly.

>> No.11705853

Not that guy but Bela lemon sardines are god tier.

>> No.11705860
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Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.11705871

>discovered that they could be consumed by humans as well as soldiers
>humans as well as soldiers
The fuck is this implying.

>> No.11705876
File: 92 KB, 638x965, D1FAE231-C222-48CD-8B3F-C8709D4CFA64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Why would you filter Sardines?

>> No.11705882

It's the best fucking time ever. No need to put up with anyone pseudoscience or bullshit

>> No.11705906

That's whole grain rye, very typical in northern Europe. I love it.

>> No.11705922
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we don't have those in our waters unfortunately

Yeah it's fuckin' great, John and Hucks come in to my workplace every now and then

>> No.11705936
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>> No.11705953


>> No.11706151
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based sardinia

>> No.11706189

Based "based" poster

>> No.11706319
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Updated for posterity. Flag of New Sardinia.

>> No.11706353

I like

>> No.11707678


>> No.11707819

Nothing cringe about a guy utilizing
his god-given talent to spread the word about deenz

>> No.11708264

aluminum used to be more valuable than gold
who gives a fuck, gross fish in a can

>> No.11708283

Got a chuckle out of me

>> No.11708331

Thanks. Forgot that I didn't filter "huh" on this phone

>> No.11708462


>> No.11708524


>> No.11708850

You are the reason why I keep coming back to 4chan even after a decade.

>> No.11709164

>visiting 4chan for a decade.

>> No.11709170

that's not a real place.

>> No.11709178

Shut up

>> No.11709182

Meh, I don't do that regularly. I pass months without coming here sometimes and I mostly visit the boards where there's at least a good amount of serious discussions. I used to be a /b/tard back in time but that board is just a cuckold porn repository now.

>> No.11709185

>but that board is just a cuckold porn repository now
Ah yes, you mean the glory days when it was just a CP repository

>> No.11709187

Lol, you're not wrong but it used to be much more random and the raids were funny.

>> No.11709228

Born sinner, the opposite of a winner
Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner

>> No.11709312

Why were ancient Mediterraneans so based when it came to fish? Imagine how good ancient Roman garum was.

>> No.11709391
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i've always been hesitant to try them. are they deboned or are the bones soft enough that it wouldn't be an issue? also, do they typically remove the shit sack? i'll be damned if i'm munching on fish shit no matter how good it may be.

>> No.11709434
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Are riga sprats safe to eat? They're incredibly tasty, but they come from the baltic sea...

>> No.11709471

You're here forever, faggot

>> No.11709576
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>by humans as well as soldiers

>> No.11709653

worst canned food

>> No.11709852

Standard have powdery-soft bones, although boneless exist if you're still worried.
My understanding of the poo situation is that they're left in a tank and starved for a few days so they empty themselves, although I've never noticed any guts besides spinal cords in any sardines I've ever eaten.

>> No.11709855

Are you kidding? We're living in a time when the POTUS says whatever he wants and people who want to believe him just believe him. The capacity for fact checking may have improved, but the will to fact check has certainly declined.