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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11698576 No.11698576 [Reply] [Original]


>“I’m saving the souls of all the people from having to dine at all these horseshit restaurants masquerading as Chinese food that are in the Midwest.”

So is he right or is he a racist?

>> No.11698584
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>> No.11698589

What do you mean racist? Sysco is garbage.

>> No.11698596 [DELETED] 


>gets fired for saying PF Changs and Panda Express aren't Chinese food and they suck


>> No.11698614

this event will go down in history as the first shot fired in the future war between the jews and the chinese
screenshot this post

>> No.11698618

He got fired for saying that shitty restuarants are shit?

>> No.11698624

That's not why he was fired, his shows aren't doing as well as they used to. He's not even fired. Nobody cares, get a hobby

>> No.11698634

he's a Jude, your enslaved cunt will just give him some other cushy job because you're ruled by israel

>> No.11698639
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>travels all over the world sampling and trying out different cultures food and trying to be respectful as possible
>for about a little over a decade
>"Uhh yeah I think chain/buffet style Chinese-American food is kind of dogshit."
>Asian Americans face when

>> No.11698640

all chinese food is dogshit

>> No.11698642

He has one new show. All the others are in eternal syndication. Why are you so angry over a harmless 4chan post? Incel much?

>> No.11698649

No, he's classist. The fact that he bagged Chinese in particular really didn't matter much, he's a jew ... they could have protected him from the fallout of that.

Since Trump got elected, bagging on midwesterners is just a terrible idea commercially though. They've gotten uppity and they spend a lot of money. They pretends it's about the Chinese to not have to admit the plebs have power, but it's because the plebs have power.

>> No.11698657


>> No.11698659

>some moron e-celeb chef makes a stupid race denigrating comment and gets his shit kicked in
>/polck/ has to post a thread about it 24/7 for months as being representative of white genocide.
God you people need to reevaluate your lives.

>> No.11698666

>posting a direct link to there
gross newfag

>> No.11698687
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>make on topic thread on appropriate board
>one time, on the day it happens
>mentions race, so it's instantly political APPARENTLY

>> No.11698708

/pol/fags are the biggest racebaiters on the site which is why the mods literally had to retardcorral those fags on their own board to notify them that Mayweather vs Connor wasn't /pol/ content

>> No.11698717
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The future is flyover, sweetie

>> No.11698735

>Incel much?
Jesus christ get a load of this guy. What does that even mean? Please fuck off.

>> No.11698736

Where will they eat on Christmas?

>> No.11698741

Yep. Incel confirmed.

>> No.11698745
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We already had this thread, and it was just a bunch of autists arguing about shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.11698754

I get more pussies than you any day chump
Take a hike and don't look back

>> No.11698762

Easy to do that.

When you are one!

>> No.11698779

I watched his show bizarre foods a lot, he's not a racist. This quote makes sense for him to say because he's all for authenticity and culture.
He really respected cultures as distinct and wanted to preserve their food and identities, and part of that has to do with not liking shitty, dumbed-down food.
It's just a fucking fact that Chinese food that's served in the US is dumbed down for American palates, but I guess paying homage to another culture and doing it correctly is racist if you're white.
All he wanted to do was create an authentic Chinese restaurant for Americans and the SJWs struck again. It's just another score in the book for the removal of identities and homogenization of cultures.

>> No.11698864

His crime is cooking while white and everyone knows that.

>> No.11698876

Dog meat maybe, but I’m pretty sure they don’t eat the shit too.

Who am I kidding, eating dog shit is probably some ancient Chinese medical treatment for syphilis

>> No.11698891


>> No.11698941

that'll teach him for sharing his opinions about food. who does he think he is anyway

>> No.11698952


Why would it be racist to call shitty chinese restaurants shitty...? Geezus fuck, stop with the fucking racism > everything mentality.

small town Chinese food joints fucking suck by and large because they just buy frozen shit, reheat it and give you a fortune cookie.

>> No.11698955

I sure hope incel isn't going to be the new generic insult but you sure are trying

>> No.11698961

roll coal motherfricker
*spits into mudjug*

>> No.11698971

He's totally right, but fuck you if you aren't down for some sesame chicken.

>> No.11698976

Is this irony or have you been off the grid for the past 3 months?

>> No.11699000
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yes, said some food was shit and was fired from a job where he talks about what food he likes and doesn't like.

>> No.11699093

not racist. just taken out of context. he has been to china and eaten authentic chinese food.
in merrica and other western countries they have had to dumb down the palette for the western tastes so its more bland.

same thing with genuine indian food and some bought in a western country: the flavours are more bland. but if you want them to turn up the heat the chef is usually only too willing to oblige.

>> No.11699120
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Seems about right. No one likes to watch a fat bald guy eating. Hire some cutties and we're talking

>> No.11699122
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>Indian "food"

>> No.11699137


>> No.11699236
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>> No.11699248

He isn't wrong though. Most Chinese takeout restaurants are just fried shit with a corn syrup sauce and MSG.

That being said, American Chinese is still miles better than authentic "traditional" Chinese food.

>> No.11699259

So if he said seafood or Italian restaurants in the midwest sucked would he be fired?

>> No.11699273

He should have done it the IGN way

-It taste like shit
-It looks like shit
-It's shit

>> No.11699500
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>> No.11699580
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>not enjoying fine cuisine

>> No.11699603

>implying Washington is on fire
It’s just all the smoke from my legal weed.
Ya fucking hillbilly

>> No.11699619

Chances are OP is a /pol/tard, and /pol/tards shit up this website so bad they had to be given their own containment website, but this isn't really a race thing. It's more of a "you insulted our glorious capitalist overlords, now you must starve!"

>> No.11699723

>Asian Americans face when
I think you mean white liberals

>> No.11699793

The whole point of 4 and pol in particular, is that it isn’t as discriminatoraly racist as reddit or other shit instaban websites.
If you’re too much of a whiney infant that you need to bitch about free speach, maybe fuck off back to huffpist or some other “non-racist” racist “safe space”.

>> No.11699819


>> No.11699842

>Chinese people emigrate to Midwestern US
>make food that appeals more to Midwestern taste (super thick sauces, not much spice, non-Chinese veggies, emphasis on deep frying, etc.)
>refuse to change that formula over several decades despite Midwesterners realizing the shit they've been eating isn't real Chinese food
>actively acknowledge the food they're making is subpar (a restaurant in China opened that serves the Americanized Chinese food out of dishes shaped like toilets)
>mfw they get pissed off when a dude that has travelled all around the world and tried all kinds of native food calls the shit they came up with to please fat midwesterners bad
>mfw Chinese Americans refused to make their native dishes after Americans warmed up to the Chinese flavor
I mean all they had to do was make actually good food instead of corn starch, chicken broth, and sugar on fried chicken with some soy sauce

>> No.11699845

Forgot to add how much Chinese people hate that Americanized Chinese food for the most part. I dunno why they want to defend it now.

>> No.11700913

Because everything is identity politics now.

>> No.11700917

Fake News/Misleading Headline
>A representative from the network said in a statement that the decision to move the two shows to a rotation on Sunday mornings came before Zimmern’s controversial comment during an interview with Fast Company.

>“The shows, along with other food content on Travel, will no longer air on prime time, but on Saturday mornings in rotation. This decision came before Andrew’s comments were made,” the statement reads.

However, you also get this gem:

>Eve Wu, a baker, expressed her solid support for P.F. Chang’s after Zimmern labeled the chain a “rip-off.”

>“I’ll back P.F. Chang’s and their family any day of the week. Asians forever!” Wu told the publication. “If we have to be the generation that is going to be calling out problematic behavior, because in the past it hasn’t been, then I’m going to do it. . . . I will do a 100-year war with him.”


>> No.11700938

Pretty sure most Chinamen agree with him.

>> No.11700945

He apologizes when this is what he's up against? Fuck me. Thought you had some backbone, Zimmern.

>> No.11700952
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Honestly, wh*te people need to just roll over and die at this point. We've been enabling them for so long they think they're entitled to everything just because they're pink and smell funny

>> No.11702330

>man calls shitty food shitty
>the asspain generated would power all of NYC for 3 months
Those cookie cutter chink restaurants are dogshit. I'm convinced they all serve the same exact food imported in mass from a frozen bag. It's not even food, I leave and I'm hungry an hour later. I don't know what the fuck they put in that shit. I wouldn't feed it to my dog.

>> No.11702333

we're entitled to everything because we invented it. get the fuck off your white man machine and go shitpost to some other niggers in real life, when you get shot twice in the back and once in the ass you'll remember my post and pray for my forgiveness.

>> No.11702376

should have toned down the language and not make such a sweeping statement.

americanised chinese often feel like they belong neither here nor there, they still get asked where they are from even if they grew up in usa. But they also cannot connect with mainland chinese, the culture gap is huge.

thus their own americanised chinese culture becomes a refuge /pride? for them. When zimmerman called their restaurants shit, it was like he called their existence /local culture shit.

(doesn't help that most of young american asians are liberal and likely SJW.)

just my 2 cents perspective
t. singaporean chinese

>> No.11702398

also, i feel like if this happened in asia it wouldnt be such a big deal. It might not even get reported. At worst in the tabloids with a clickbait title. He will not get fired, that would be stupid. But in western society nowadays everyone has to walk on eggshells.

>> No.11702493

His new restaurant is getting shit reviews, is it retribution for insulting shit food?

>> No.11702519

>actively acknowledge the food they're making is subpar (a restaurant in China opened that serves the Americanized Chinese food out of dishes shaped like toilets)
Gimme the basic gestalt?

>> No.11702528

>flyovers on suicide watch

>> No.11702607

That seems to be the MO these days.

>> No.11702665

How do I report multiple posts?

>> No.11702936

Did we really need two threads for this celeb gossip trash

>> No.11702949
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>> No.11702954

Notice how they used the word "after" in the title and not "because." This is a clickbait non-story

>> No.11703042

He owned up to it, which is more than can be said for most backpedaling asskissing.

>> No.11703299


If he made fun of Taco Bell or some shit like it Mexicans would have actually agreed with him. American born Chinese are trash.

>> No.11703345
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>> No.11703378

It has nothing to do with "racism is bad". It's more like not being able to discuss anything without the thread devolving into a bitchfest about niggers, jews or liberals because /pol/dditors literally have no idea how to actually talk about anything else. It was funny at first, but it's lost it's charm over time as you can't even talk about cooking on a cooking board without these faggots turning it pseudo-political. Of course, this concept is lost on /pol/ddit.

>> No.11703816

He's right, ignore all the CCP shills defending their money laundering enterprises.

>> No.11703946

orange man curse is real

>> No.11704340


Ever had roast duck for cheap? Like fuck you French Cuisine levels of cheap. You wont find anything other than cheap greasy food at the local PF changs style place. Just check for any nearby Chinese BBQ places, we mastered the art of taking fine dining and making it affordable

>> No.11704420

Do flyovers really believe this?

>> No.11704440

He was always a faggot, just look at the way he ate stuff, sticking his tounge out and putting food on it and lapping it up like some kind of lizard. Disgusting!

>> No.11704451

... I bet he had to have little faggot interns cut up his food for him so he could lap it up like the lizard bitch that he is.