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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11728166 No.11728166 [Reply] [Original]

>Yin Yang Fish is a dish which consists of a fat-fried whole fish (usually carp) whose head is alive after cooking. The fish is scaled and gutted, but its head can remain alive for some time without its organs. The body is dipped into frying oil while the head is protected. The fish is covered in sauce and served on a plate. Its head continues to gasp, its eyes move, especially when irritated by the sauce.

>> No.11728173

We make this dish specifically just to trigger white beta vegan soyfags.

It is very good entertainment for us to see degenerate vegans cry.

>> No.11728256


>> No.11728303

I just don't get this kind of stuff. Why do this to an animal? I know alot of them don't have true brains or true thought like a human might or a smarter animal might, but this is just torture.

I'm not a faggot vegan or anything, I eat any and all food under the sun. But there's no reason to do shit like this. Or like that crab that's still alive in those webm threads, or whatever else.

What purpose does it serve? Would you want someone to eat your deep fried body while you were still alive and conscious?

>> No.11728311

asians have no empathy, they are literal insect people who get kicks out of torturing their food.

>> No.11728314

It's a dick-measuring contest, just like those ultra-hot "sauces", pentuple-hopped IPAs, etc. Except in this case it's "muh fish is fresher than yours", instead of "muh sauce is hotter than yours".

>> No.11728322

>I just don't get this kind of stuff. Why do this to an animal?

Because it makes dumb white faggots cry. lol

>> No.11728333

> Muslims are busy dominating Europe
> Chinese are busy dominating Africa and the rest of the world
> White beta millenials are busy crying over food

lol. I for one, look forward to natural selection weeding out weak assed white people from the gene pool.

>> No.11728337

>complain about empathy
>consider a diferent culture "insects"
LMAOing @ ur life

>> No.11728339
File: 22 KB, 399x286, Bow Down To Your Master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians have no empathy

False. We love obedient dogs that do our bidding.

>> No.11728343
File: 45 KB, 580x350, China Loves Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>False. We love obedient dogs that do our bidding.

Obama was a good, good boy.

>> No.11728345

Africa is dominated by whites and chinks abusing a few african countries for raw minerals is not "colonisation".

>> No.11728346

it's not actually "alive" dumbass

>> No.11728354
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Centuries of getting raped, cannibalized and holocausted made only the most inhuman survive. The result is a chink without higher brain functions on anything which makes humans differenciate from animals. They consider torture fun due to it. They eat their own aborted foetuses in delicatess soups. So how can you expect anything else from them regarding animals.

>> No.11728358
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>> No.11728359

>crying over a fish

you people sure didn't cry when you dropped 2 atomic bonbs on other human beings

>> No.11728362
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Asian culinary culture. Never expect them to be your equals.

>> No.11728363

Why do white people care about fish lmao, this is why you are being out bred by Africans

>> No.11728365

because it looks cool on the dining table, and shows bow fresh the food is. Japanese have live sashimi as well.

>> No.11728368
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>muh insectoid supremacy

>> No.11728370

they deserve to go extinct at this point. Bunch of soys

>> No.11728387

why are americans so obsessed about ethnical backgrounds when they are a bunch of mongrelized racemixed mutts?

>> No.11728392
File: 42 KB, 501x585, 1531464999418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a chink bots learn to english thread
The third world should be cut off from interacting with the internet. No touchi touchi, looki looki only.

>> No.11728395

Look at the clock, Ching Chong, you're mostly speaking with europeans at this hour. Every civilised person despises your degenerate culture. It should be a sign that even american creatures do.

>> No.11728398

the posts in the image come from an american, dumdums

>> No.11728405
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did you say seafood?

>> No.11728407


The Chinese are cut off from the rest of the worlds internet though. Chang McZongzi needs a VPN to be on normal people internet.

>> No.11728415

>I only meant the picture
Yes, of course. At least now you know that even american goblins don't consider you to be humans - and rightly so.

>> No.11728421

Too many foreign students leeching off of western education thing they can open their rapebaby mouths on here, before fucking off to their shithole and not paying back their study loans.

>> No.11728424

europeans will be extinct in 200 years

>> No.11728427
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>> No.11728433

We survived the black plague and got a genetic upgrade, we survived multiple kikeries and got culturally programmed to hate them, we will survive a couple roasties getting offed by biological warfare before going full white power again. Anything else is you beeing illiterate and having wet dreams out of personal inferiority.

>> No.11728436
File: 47 KB, 534x712, Obama Chinese Pet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama was a good, good boy.

He was by far our favorite pet.

>> No.11728444

Some places like Australia and Germany have restrictions on eating live seafood, but not here in freedom land. Maybe in San Francisco because they have a lot of Chinese but it isn't on the radar of a lot of legislatures. After all we are in a thread about little known foods

>> No.11728448
File: 122 KB, 530x706, White Vegan Beta Male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11728454


Why are american white men so pathetic?

>> No.11728461

don't say that. they might shoot up another school.

>> No.11728474

>as he types alone from a basement

>> No.11728478


Because they're insecure, self-hating cucks who spend all their time watching BBC porn.

>> No.11728487


The absolute state of white people today. lol

>> No.11728499

I'm a married man and am politically active. Don't swallow your own Neet-koolaid, Chinkoro.

>> No.11728503

you must be a fish.

>> No.11728514
File: 104 KB, 1200x898, Chinese Air Superiority.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US military has already lost most of their technological advantage. It's only a matter of time before your weak ass country falls apart and devolve like Argentina did.

>> No.11728520

> "Man of the Year" in America

lol. This is just self indulgant degeneracy at its best.

>> No.11728522 [DELETED] 

but that pic says white men

>> No.11728526


With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

>> No.11728533


If the US ever went to war with China, they'd lose in a month. Half the 'merican liberals will spend their time protesting themselves while the other half will probably come fight for China. lol

>> No.11728557
File: 83 KB, 960x640, Chinese Rail Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half the 'merican liberals will spend their time protesting themselves while the other half will probably come fight for China. lol

This is funny cuz it's true.

btw: China already has working rail guns and hypersonic missles while fat retarded merican niggers are still trying to get their first working hypersonic missile.

>> No.11728567

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.11728568

Quite a waste of words to just say "China Superpower by 2020".

>> No.11728573

Thanks for your service, humble pest controll anon.

>> No.11728579

>shitposting on a cantonese basket weaving forum
>"politically active"

>> No.11728581 [DELETED] 


Nah. The illiterate 'merican niggers will still be sitting in their trailer parks when we turn off their entire power grid, traffic grid, banking grid, energy grid, and communictions grid.

The war would be over before 'mericans could even launch a single plane. They'd just be sitting in their dark trailer homes getting bombed.

>> No.11728583

based -'merican- autistic poster

>> No.11728585
File: 232 KB, 742x538, 'Mericans are Fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superpower by 2020

Get with the times. It's already happened. We own the worlds production + manufacturing. Soon we'll own your IP and service industries, while you do fucking nothing.

'Merica will be bankrupt in 10 years when China reaches the height of her power.

>> No.11728596

>irrelevant """people""" pretending to be insectoids just to own the muricans on an incognito shitposting BBS
What a sad state of affairs.

>> No.11728600


Yes. Crying over a fish is pretty pathetic & hilarious. I agree.

>> No.11728601

Again, I'm not american. Nobody cares for them, just like nobody cares for your shithole. You are insects, because you can do nothing but copy and destroy. All you can do is steal. You are so happy about those stolen goods that you think, you're now some superpower fully independant off whites, while actually deep done whishing for whites to enrich you, like you're used to. Should we every go into the night, you will degrade to where you have been before the european Götterfunke has broken up the darkness of this world. But keep up deluding yourself, I pitty you that the only thing you can build your ego own is destruction, like a woodworm devouring ancient art, think of itself as the new creator.

>> No.11728607

If you ever think letting China develop AI is a good idea, just remember this fish.

>> No.11728643

>letting China

lol Holy fucking shit. We're already light years ahead of you while your dumbass liberals sit on their hands discussing AI "morality."

BTW, this is the same reason why our medical research is 20 years ahead of America, especially in stem cells, cloning, and genetic engineering. It's at the point where the best and smartest americans come to China to do research.

Light. Years. Ahead.

>> No.11728648


why do people say this? china is not a female, nor is any country, and nor are machines.

>> No.11728663


AI is immoral & racist by nature. You white people should never develop your own AI technologies. You might do something wrong.

You should spend all your time & energy developing vegan fake meats. Leave AI and advanced sciences to us. It's too scary of a subject for you.

>> No.11728678

>brutal honesty from a computer is wrong
I don't wanna be right

>> No.11728699

What's with the tiger cut in half?

>> No.11728705

>AI is immoral & racist by nature.

amoral is probably the word you're looking for, my ESL friend.

>> No.11728716


Chinese data & science driven AI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> American politically correctness driven AI

>> No.11728936

So /ck/ is /pol/ now or?

>> No.11728968

>AI is immoral & racist by nature

This. I don't think white people could ever understand this and that's what makes them weak. Nature and science is "biased" or "racist" by definition. Natural Selection doesn't give a shit about political correctness. In nature, the strong win.

Trying to manually manipulate Artificial Intelligence to ignore data and statistics because of political correctness is self defeating and no longer "intelligent".

>> No.11728984

Because it demonstrates that it's fresh, which is highly sought after

>> No.11729299

I had live carp in bean curd in a restaurant in NYC chinatown. It was surprisingly good and I plucked the quivering eyeball and ate it for the lulz.

t. politically extreme progressive

>> No.11729311

Because bugmen lack empathy. It's a mindset, especially among people who follow ideologies of masses. They don't see much value in individuals so they don't treat individuals with any level of care.

>> No.11729321

*eats meat anyways*

>> No.11729374

because chinks are bug people. they just pick up on things and imitate.

have you seen them as tourists? they go around, pretend to do something for a photo and once the photo is taken they stop and move to to pretend to do something else, elsewhere.

like going to the beach, pretend to build a sandcastle, snap a photo and move on. instead of actually being at the beach and enjoying themselves and take a photos while there.

>> No.11729409

The fetuses are fake, btw. Art installation.

>> No.11729413
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freshness and quality go hand in hand. more sophisticated cultures know this better, which makes them superior.

>> No.11729424

china is a land of cheaters, it's the only way to guarantee that you didn't serve your customers a completely rotten fish

>> No.11729431

this shit doesn't work you know

>> No.11729433

>populism is associated with conservitards
>m-muh masses are evil
Do you even have a brain or just parrot your favorite Breitfart trope?

>> No.11729434

>it's fine to torture non-human animals unless done in front of you
Carnists denial as its finest.

>> No.11729438

Baby’s first redpill, chinks are soulless bug people. If you understood this you would also understand why they torture animals for enjoyment.

>> No.11729465

fish aren't animals. that's why we call them fish.

>> No.11729476

I'm guessing english isn't your native language.

>> No.11729478
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Weak American treat animal like human treat human like animal. Wonder why China 2019 superpower. Sorry.

>> No.11729480

are you sure this isn't just a gimmick? I wouldn't generalize an entire continent based solely on one bizarre dish.

>> No.11729489

Imagine being so pathetic that you have to larp as a chink on an american basketweaving enthusiast forum.

>> No.11729510
File: 59 KB, 1373x833, 1545522548711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you caught me. Based horseshoe theory BTFOs me again. Clearly the US and China are the same since they're on opposite ends of the spectrum.

>> No.11729583

post a video of it working

>> No.11729596
File: 358 KB, 591x785, 1253ef7afe4d2f2aa1ed4b0da7aeb7c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal abuse and small dicks have a strong correlation.

>> No.11729597

I’ve seen a lot of dead animals in my time, mostly calves and lambs that died in birth or shortly afterwards, it’s quite common for them to appear to breathe when they have no pulse or in fact have never actually breathed at all since their lungs were crushed on the way out

>> No.11729603



>> No.11729609

fish dont feel pain so whats the big deal??

>> No.11729613

so u don't love animals i see

>> No.11729620

so this fish is being tortured because the Chinese can't trust their own people to serve each other fresh fish??

"Look at me, I'm not going to rip you off by selling you old rotten fish like everybody else does."

China is a true "tragedy of the commons" scenario spanning billions of people across. It's sad.

>> No.11729626

they are food so no. Love is a strong word only meant for use with close human companions. Using 'love' with animals is literally a mental illness and sign of emotional weakness. This misplaced empathy is also why the west is so weak now.

>> No.11729649

>t. soulless chinese bugman
go eat dogs faggot

>> No.11729651

its a marketing gimmick stupid

like those teppanyaki restaurants where the chef cooks in front of you. Obviously the vast majority of chinese food isnt served like this, thats why its special. Freshness of food is highly valued, as it should be. Its not about trust, but a brag that 'hey! our fish is so fresh its practically alive!'

thats japanese you twat

>> No.11729653

yeah, pretty much
miserable places are miserable for a reason

>> No.11729655

>soyboy cries over animals

this is like that buzzfeed video where a blue haired soyboy cries after having to kill a chicken. You weaklings cry over everything thats why you invite all those refugees into your countries so they can fuck your wife.

>> No.11729676
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Which is why I feel comfortable filleting them and disposing their still wriggling heads, bones, and tail. I also used to fish with live frogs hooking them through the bottom of their chin and through the back of their head, repeatedly casting them over and over again. Sometimes they would survive in the box tied to the shore after I removed a reed hook from their head after casting them 50+ times so I could use them the next day as live bait.

That does not mean I enjoy torturing fish, octopus, frogs, and other animals at the table because I think it's funny to watch them move about. Your lack of empathy is disgusting. At least in South Korea the act of eating tortured dogs because city people are finally evolving is disappearing.

>> No.11729687

>feels comfortable with them suffering out of his sight in the water or in the box
>doesnt feel comfortable with them suffering in front of him

own your fucking shit. Own it like a man. Can't bear it staring at you? hypocrisy is real

>> No.11729698

At least I have empathy and a soul, and I don't watch low-IQ buzzfeed videos, you small dick soulless-insect.

>> No.11729720
File: 71 KB, 644x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least i have empathy

>> No.11729733

imagine you wrote an essay only to get wrecked in 2 lines, kek

>> No.11729738

>small dick soulless-insect

>> No.11729744

go hug your animals and cry to them, child

meanwhile jamal is fucking your girlfriend if you even have one

>> No.11729763


>imagine you wrote something only to get wrecked in 1 word, lul

>> No.11729769

>being half alive and struggling in a cold styrofoam box overnight is ok
>being half in basically the same state for another half hour more on the table is not ok

can we call this empathy gymnastics? the amount of mental bending just so you can pat yourself on the back and say 'ha! i'm better than those people'

>> No.11729790

Go fuck your mom, you small dick kissless virgin.
Meanwhile, watch another buzzfeed video to buff your IQ, insect.

>> No.11729800

Vegaboo or person not realizing what a frogbox looks like? Because it was just wood top and bottom with mesh screen. And I had to constantly hook and unhook them.

Aside from sitting them in front of my bed in the cabin I'm not sure how much more they could be looking at, but I kinda have to steer the boat and watch the water while fishing. Then you know: head in, dock the boat, shut everything down, cover her, help others dock, clean the fish, head in for dinner, check weather and shower off, etc.

Piss off vegans and bugs.

>> No.11729813

>i unhook them so its ok! their wounds magically heal!
>another long essay as he fumbles trying to justify his moral highground


>> No.11729822

You dumbass. I used them until they were dead.

That doesn't mean I laughed and poked them like a psychopath.

>> No.11729831

Chinese should drop all pretense and just feed their population with cannibalism

>> No.11729837
File: 226 KB, 476x453, 18b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used them until they literally gave up on life!
>prolonged suffering, a day, a night, who knows!
>i i-m better then -these- orientals i swear

>> No.11729864
File: 34 KB, 451x569, 58-561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish dont feel pain
There's no way to ever know that. You can pretty confidently say organisms like plants don't feel pain, but fish are way more debatable, with about as much good evidence for as against. Same with crustaceans. If I had to bet my money would personally be on them having some semblance of pain and suffering.
Also notice a lot of wishful thinking behind the "they obviously don't feel pain because X" arguments. Almost always seems to be pushed by people who eat and in some way promote the infliction of physical damage to these organisms in what would amount to painful stimuli in the event that they do have the experience of it. I eat meat and wouldn't even go out of my way to try to campaign for more humane slaughter practices, although I do think the animals I eat probably suffer and that I'm morally in the wrong both for participating in that system by eating them and in not working towards minimizing their possible suffering within that system.
I can at least say though that my opinions on the topic aren't being motivated by what I want to be true, and I wish more people would do the same when evaluating this because it just adds insult to injury if you're not only inflicting pain on them but willfully denying their pain as real to make yourself feel better about it. If I was being tortured and cut up live for food by extraterrestrials as part of their culture I'd hope at a minimum they'd own up to how they were causing me horrible pain and suffering instead of glossing over it as being impossible because my brain's too primitive and simple. There's something extra evil about not only injuring someone but reveling in it because of how objectified and worthless you've made them in your mind.

>> No.11729879

>a long winded, anti-science (fish brains are too simple and small for it) , emotionally based argument

HOLY SHIT cut off your balls already, literally facebook mom blogpost tier

>> No.11729927

if an alien ate you it'll get estrogen poisoning, so dont worry

>> No.11729964

It wasn't an argument for believing fish can feel pain. It was an observation that people like you seem to decide they don't feel pain more on the basis of how it makes you feel than because of real evidence.
Like I said, I still eat meat, and I don't even try to agitate for stricter standards for humane slaughter. I just don't pretend I'm in the right morally and don't adopt a convenient stance of "they obviously can't feel even though there's plenty of evidence either way" to make myself sleep better at night. Really you guys are the pussies for not being honest with yourselves about why you decided to assume as an absolute what we have not at all close to absolute evidence for. Coward.

>> No.11729974

it is unclean to keep an animal alive while you only cook part of it

>> No.11730120


>> No.11730291

>trade deficit = bad
The D-word makes it sound scary but it’s just a description of the flow of trade goods, not a value judgement. Anything you do to change it is going to either cause enormous deadweight loss (an actual bad thing) or require lowering yourself to the same level of human development as China to compete.

>> No.11730353

>our bidding
>chinese factories literally surrounded by suicide nets to keep the hive workers alive

>> No.11730590

>Sometimes they would survive in the box tied to the shore after I removed a reed hook from their head after casting them 50+ times so I could use them the next day as live bait.
You might not enjoy it but what you're doing is still pretty fucked up. If you're causing injury to something that doesn't result in killing it as fast as possible, it seems wrong. Unless you literally have no choice and you're going to starve unless you do that, and you're perfectly fine with it, then you might also be lacking empathy.

>> No.11731125

China is still a 3rd world country

>> No.11731335

>material deficit=bad
Are you a grocer supplier? If not, then you run a trade deficit with your grocers.

>> No.11731346


>> No.11731362

I'm not taking delight in doing it anon. They don't even seem to notice they're injured if you rip half their head off. I don't poke and prod at them and sadistically laugh and giggle nor do I keep ones that are so heavily damaged that it's just the muscles moving; they're just fed to the fish or turtles as nature is.

When I leave I release unused frogs, if there are any, they seem fine. Mind you it's been years since I've done this and I didn't do it in a fucking styrofoam box.

Just letting you know how I did things. I could let you know how I've recently cleaned live frogs if I weren't heading off to bed. But I don't find amusement in playing with their bodies alive, dead, or anywhere in between. Skeletons or skins is a little morbid but wanting to watch your meal dance around so you can laugh is sadistic.

>> No.11731660
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, china.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I thought you guys hated eachother?

>> No.11731663

why do you assume the people who eat this laugh and giggle?

>> No.11731680
File: 168 KB, 768x752, 1511565194384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr imports BAD

>> No.11731681

Because it looks delicious

>> No.11731682

ITT: white people crying about fish while their race slowly goes extinct

>> No.11731714

This, it's pretty pathetic.
White women in the west are literally prostitutes for free
White men become trannies and cucks
They import refugees by the millions
They have fewer children
White women are breeding with other races like crazy

Meawhilte how do they deal with it? Shitpost on the internet and cry about fish.
Yeah man posting edgy pictures and le based infographics will save the white race, give these men medals!

>> No.11731728

What other kind of sick fuck would want to eat this?

>> No.11731730

the same kind of sick fuck who leaves injured animals in a box overnight

>> No.11731739

ITT: Nips and chinks on damage control
you're subhuman trash, and you know it

>> No.11731745

Just don't do that then.

>> No.11731752

imagine being so triggered over some fish.

>> No.11731753

Sorry but hes right. Its called being a realist. I bet you think blacks dont commit more crime

>> No.11731766

Still has more carriers than the rest of the world combined. Who knows about their secret stuff

>> No.11731778

Yo I just came to /ck/ for the first time and wanted to see some interesting food

But I see this place has been infested by /pol/ as well

>> No.11731934

Jesus. Imagine thinking this kind of thing is tough. I doubt you have every hunted an animal or anything that might actually show some sort of higher level of masculinity.

Torture for tortures sake is fucked up and honestly kind of vio-gay

>> No.11731961
File: 21 KB, 608x427, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork brain tacos Deep fried in lard

>> No.11731966

my grandpa told me a story about how he was stationed in the Philippines. His new friend took him too a fancy restaurant, and the main entree was as described.
>metal lid in the middle of the table
>everyone is given drinks and appetizers
>finally the metal lid is lifted
>a semi-conscious monkey head popping out of hole in table
>it looks around
>waiter proceeds to take a knife
>cuts the monkeys scalp off
>gets a bone saw
>cuts the skull off
>everyone takes turns pulling out the brain with chopsticks
>dip in sauce and eat
>monkey is still moving while picking its brains out

>> No.11731974

are you sure your grandpa isn't getting senile and he just didn't forgot being an extra in an Indiana Jones movie?

>> No.11731984

yeah, he's never even watched Indiana jones. why, did that happen in the movie? i've never even watched it

>> No.11731998

You know ex-military fags are the biggest bullshitters on earth, right?

>> No.11732004

This whole thread is just Chinese getting defensive about this kind of shit and going on seething, totally unrelated "China best country! China dominate you!" Rants.

Are there any Chinese on this board who find this kind fo thing to be unnecessary and barbaric? Please show us that some of you have some humanity.

>> No.11732008

Oh yeah, that story? Your grandpa said that too?
Everyone tells that story, anon.

>> No.11732012
File: 78 KB, 1024x435, Monkeybrain-1024x435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11732015
File: 364 KB, 1024x768, 404828224_6a1bb30db0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's "little known" within its homeland at least, but soondae, which is a kind of blood sausage stuffed with pork meat, blood, rice, vegetables, and glass noodles blended together, boiled, and usually served with a mixture of salt and chili powder. It's one of my favorite street food but apparently a lot of younger people in korea are turned off by the blood.

>> No.11732035
File: 808 KB, 800x5132, 1531462659135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empathy is a human trait, anon. Don't expect insects which eat and torture their own, to have it towards lower animals.

>> No.11732072

>It's a CIDF thread

>> No.11732091 [DELETED] 

so when is this "chinks are humans" meme finally gonna end?

>> No.11732108

>Unironically defending our now almost complete reliance on unsustainable, third world Chinese labor and the culture of disposable, cheap, wasteful bullshit we have built because of it

>> No.11732111

yo r/asianmasculinity is on a different website bro

>> No.11732120

#respect fishes
#fishes have rights too
#fishes are people
#not my president

>> No.11732145 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that chinks aren't humans and should be considerd lower liveforms, far below the sentient pig. Truly only insects are on par with their soulless existance.

>> No.11732174

>unironically linking /pol/
as if it wasn't clear already

>> No.11732189

Many humans are just vessels for demonic souls. Some would argue that all are.

>> No.11732200


Obama was our favorite president. Such a good boy. Fuck that racist piece of shit Frump though. We want Hillary or Feinstin to win the next election. We own those bitches too. lol.

>> No.11732208
File: 97 KB, 470x470, Chinafrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Chinese are busy dominating Africa and the rest of the world

Fun Fact: China now owns more natural resources and land in Africa than any European colonial powers combined.

Africa, Australia, Mongolia, & Pakistan are esseentially our provinces now. Once we finish the Belt-And-Road initiative, we'll pretty much own the middle east as well.

>> No.11732214
File: 51 KB, 600x349, China Carrier Dominance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Chinese military is literally leapfrogging the US Defense capabilities as we speak. America's legacy is in the past. Your glory days are past.

>> No.11732215

>larping as a chink on a tajikistani cattle breeding forum

>> No.11732224

> Doesn't realize us "chinks" are already better ate computers than whites

lol At thinking we're niggers and don't use the internet or something.

>> No.11732227

yo dawg r/asianmasculinity is on a different website bro

>> No.11732229
File: 9 KB, 202x250, White Beta Vegan Fuckboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2019

When beta white males make Asian men look like Alpha Bulls in comparison.

>> No.11732251


>> No.11732254

>larping as a chink on a zimbabwean peanut growing forum

>> No.11732262


Yes, it's a scary, scary world when you realize that other people are better at the internet than you semi-literate 'mericans.

>> No.11732394

Is it actually alive or is it the trick with soy sauce?

>> No.11732430

>food and cooking

>> No.11732442

Yes it is. The brain still reacts and it still gasps to breathe.

>> No.11732452

In most restaurants if you buy an exspensive crab/lobster/fish they'll bring it out to the table for you to inspect. I feel this etiquette was indeed born from people getting ripped off

>> No.11732456

im not sure, its likley more a chicken with the head off situation, primitive/simple nervous system which just keeps twitching for a while...dumb enough to not realize its dead kinda thing....like the korean squid sashimi where the legs still move, or like killing an eel

this dish is not realy common, its basicly a show off dish becuase you have to have good knife skills and be super fast and precise to make the dish work

>> No.11732485

Based pest control

>> No.11732498

Torturing animals, and especially enjoying it, is a sign of being a psychopath. Get help you mentally ill faggot.

>> No.11732528

Your granddad was full of shit.

>> No.11732530


Cry more, beta white losers.

>> No.11732547
File: 617 KB, 498x498, 971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wonder who dropped the atomic bombs on civilians. And who used agent orange on those villagers. And who droned those brown people from 2km away.


surely it cant be the same peoples who are now crying over a fish with 1/100000th the mental capacity of a human. That would be extremely hypocritical.

>> No.11732548


Crying over food that millions of people normally eat is a sign of ignorance & bigotry. Get help you weak little sissy.

>> No.11732559


'Merican vegans. Full of shit know-it-alls who think they can tell the rest of the world how to live & eat.

>> No.11732568

I am white and my wife is out with the bull while I help her out with her inter matches and fur babies. At least Im not mean to fish, I'm so fkn superior

>> No.11734224


>> No.11735307

I thought Asians were intelligent. If you seriously think those examples you gave are similar you're a retard. Governments are full of evil pieces of shit. The average american doesn't want innocent civilians dead or small animals to be tortured for no reason. Asians seem to torture animals for fun, and this thread backs that up.

projection. Asians worship the superior white culture. Your entire modern culture is trying to emulate ours. Go eat dog or torture a frog or something.

>t. chink with a 3 inch penis

>> No.11735320

It has nothing to do with being an American. You're an idiot. These sort of overly emotional fags are seen in many countries. That's the key here: emotion. Chinks appear not to have it, which is why so many people call you soulless insects as you get off on torturing helpless animals for no reason.

>> No.11735340

Asian food and culture is f***** sophisticated and therefor superior.


>> No.11735477



>> No.11735530

>Octopus grilled alive in Japan
Is this some sort of logical fallacy where you think it's okay because the islanders just off your coast do it too?

>> No.11735587

More tired of the months of blatant chink-baiting than anything else. Even a year ago I could just shitpost about sriracha or whatever. Now, I have this shit to look at instead. All I wanted was a comfy thread, making fun of weird shit people eat. Instead I get hundreds of posts saying I'm an insect. Can you empathize with that, white man?

>> No.11735618

>logical fallacy
>I made up stuff about you to judge you, but hur hur I have logic

>> No.11735676
File: 126 KB, 1840x1226, Dragonwell Shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but if you are one of the Chinese people you do behave childishly when criticized. That's why people keep doing it. It's an anonymous imageboard and instead of ignoring it you respond by screaming propaganda and pointing to other country's faults instead of refuting the point or letting it go.

So sorry about your glass heart. Post more interesting dishes from your country and shut the fuck up about your economy or other countries or whatever. Here, this is yours right? Shrimp cooked with tea leaves? Pic looks overcooked to me, I always cook my shrimp very soft.

>> No.11735738

It's all good, sfw ad revenue, my dude. You should go back to red.dit and downvote all the shit you don't want to see, my insect buddy.

>> No.11735890


>> No.11735919

Asians unironically believe that torturing an animal makes them taste better.

>> No.11736013

So Chinese people really are soulless?

>> No.11736041

>little known dishes thread
>spammed by fake chinks trying to trigger ameriboos
sounds about right

>> No.11736090

>"superior" white culture
>America is full of hispanics and blacks, western europe is importing Arabs Turks and Africans, Eastern Europe will be majority gypsy/central Asian by 2050, Australia is basically controlled by Filipinos and Chinese
>w-we so superior though
Keep crying about fish though I'm sure that'll save "muh huwite race" retard

>> No.11736098

>not taking the opportunity to destroy gwalioes and their emotional hypocrisy with moral soapboxing

>> No.11736102

>oh poor japs they dindu nuffin
Are you aware of all the fucked up shit imperial Japan did at the time? Worse shit than a pair of bombs.

>> No.11736126

>imperial Japan
They didn't bomb the emperor, though, did they?
They bombed civilians. Hundreds of thousands of them. And not just with atomic bombs either.

>> No.11736131

Of course not. This guy gets it.
Now if only more people like yourself recognized us as your superiors.

>> No.11736140

those civilians supported the japanese army who did massive fucked up shit in asia, just look at rape of nanking

so i really dgaf about bombing their asses

>> No.11736171

I bet your the same type if faggot that dislikes videos of flies being shot down by a salt launching air gun

>> No.11736199

a lot of triggered yellow fever autists ITT

I bet these fags wear shirts that say "Wherever I stand, I stand with China"

>> No.11736200

Every Japanese citizen was in the home guard and therefore a combatant

>> No.11736208

Asians are a race of manchildren, they don't grow out of edgy shit like pissing contests about who can be the biggest cunt to an animal like a white kid would after turning nine. This includes japs btw, it's not just chinks like some of the weebs here would like to make you believe.

>> No.11736216

Japanese people are chinks too

Nobody in real life only uses chink to mean Chinese or gook to mean Korean

>> No.11736225

every single culture had to go through dark age shit, by your logic every single human existing on this planet at this moment is a sociopathic insectoid. the reason why this shit still goes on is because of poverty

>> No.11736247
File: 137 KB, 323x454, 1388235651368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if fish were noticeable tastier through torture I would be down but torturing a fish for some culinary gimmick? Nah cunt.

>> No.11736249

>Eating living animals.
Yeah, how about you let me bite your dog's tail off and thank you for it because it's a delicacy where I come from? What? I'm not killing it, I'm only eating part of the still living thing. What are you a fagot? It's custom here to offer live dog-tail served straight from the buddy's ass.

>> No.11736268

All these people mad about the fish, do you give a shit when white people shuck and eat live oysters?

>> No.11736285

you know the least cruel of all these is probably the boiled dogs and the fetus soup

fetus soup. yeah dead baby. sad and all, but its not like they are killing babies to eat them. those babies died from other complications. who gives a shit, go nuts.

>eating dog
honestly dont give a shit, dogs are beasts, every country that experienced a famine have eaten dogs. dogs, cats, rats, roaches. Not me, but its a remnant from a shortage of food.

It's more concerning when internet trolls get into absolutely psychopathic levels of rage from seeing a mutt on the other side of the earth being eaten. Chill dude, your dog is probably still next to you happy as a clam that he's not born in china. Do you get just as pissed about kids' plight in fucked up african countries?

>> No.11736393

get your own chink website then you fucking subhuman undermensch slope

>> No.11736399
File: 976 KB, 2048x1360, 1517426836255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my first post in this thread. Unlike the dumbass LARPers, I usually don't bother.

Take a look at this. Charcuterie gone horribly wrong.

>live on an island surrounded by fantastic seafood
>raise fucking sheep to eat instead
>leave the meat in a fucking shack by the sea for months on end, hoping it doesn't rot
>if it rots, eat it anyway

Convince me that nordic countries don't have the most vile cuisine.


>> No.11736409

nobody likes china's pig slop excuse for food, why do you think france and italy are the cuisine capitals. no such thing as food for gooks, only gruel and slop

>> No.11736417

Jesus fucking christ read a book and learn what WW2 actually was. Everyone was firebombing cities. Especially ones that had ports and manufacturing facilities. It's called total war.

Also, secondary targets. Nuclear warhead could not reach primary target. You ignorant fuck. This is not some corrupt game of chess where we could have instantly knocked off the king and won. Hell they tried to assassinate the emperor when he wanted to surrender AFTER the bombings to keep the fucking war going!

>> No.11736418
File: 102 KB, 640x902, 1526962337056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.11736423

>raise fucking sheep to eat instead
Yeah, Nordic cuisines don't have any fish in them at all. No sir.
And sheep serve no other purpose than providing meat either.

>> No.11736432

Oh, they eat fish all right. But only if it's cod, and only after it's had the shit boiled out of it. The Faroe Islands are such a backwards shithole.

>> No.11736434

dont tell me you havent seen the bugmen larping their ass off about being superior earlier in the thread. they edged first

>> No.11736448

That is cultural imperialism, you literal racist.

>> No.11736453

You literally ruled the world and gave it up because you felt bad. You're going to regret that you weak cum-skinned fuck. We laugh at you every day.

>> No.11736460

Can't deny that.

>> No.11736461

we still do you shrimp dick rice nigger, laugh more at your non existent culture zipper head

>> No.11736467

Stop murdeing Tibetans.

>> No.11736470

Tick tock gwailo. Every day China is richer. Every day we become deeper friends with Africa. Every day the world turns from your grasp into ours.

>> No.11736479

It is kind of cruel to interrupt their rituals of hilarious goth-buddhism. Someone needs to document them banging prostitutes in a cemetery to contemplate the cycle of life and death, before they go extinct.

>> No.11736480

wanna touch tips

>> No.11736484

But that's gay.


>> No.11736488

>But that's gay.
Newfag. It's not gay if balls don't touch.

>> No.11736489

oh okay

>> No.11736491

have fun with the negroids and their huts lol

>> No.11736492

It's actually the L sound that they have trouble pronouncing. They pronounce Ls as Rs. They don't pronounce Rs as Ls.

>> No.11736511

there's this Korean cooking lady I watch on youtube and she pronounces "noodles" as "nooders", I think it's kinda cute

>> No.11736515

Goddamnit let's not get into this because it gets way too complicated. If I remember right one fucking dialect has two fucking "l's" and they are pronounced like our "l"s. Up north.

Just don't. This is like a several day discussion and it's 2 fucking AM here.

>> No.11736529

Cao Ri Ma De Bi

Am I getting this right?

>> No.11736556
File: 78 KB, 444x460, 1547093290609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave /k/ for a little bit
>check out /ck/ because lol why not?
>the fucking chicom shitposters follow me

>> No.11736562

Speaking of /k/
That image always bothered me. I've read a lot about how pistol rounds can bounce off a human skull, and I've met enough goats to know their skulls are stronger. What's the chance of the guy holding that revolver doing himself a horrible injury if he actually pulls the trigger?

>> No.11736570

depends on the caliber I suppose and I can't tell but it looks an awful lot like my .22 long which is probably what would be bouncing off skulls if anything

>> No.11736587

What. I had an uncle spit out a .22 lr but that was because some fucktard probably shot it up into the sky. Didn't even crack his teeth. A small young animal like that with a soft skull? Pretty sure that's at least a .38 special but it could be a freak round but with similar performance? Yeah it's dead.

>> No.11736613

Looks like a goat of at least adolescent age to me. Their skulls are like solid lumps of concrete.

>> No.11736620

This is a common meme. There neer was a european dark age, this is a purely made up fedora meme. You could only claim that if you would believe that suddenly without prior cnturies working for it, "science" fell from the sky and people suddenly stopped believing in wolololo. In reality science and universities started in catholic monastries, which got time, money and the motivation to find out how great their God is through unveiling the things he created in the perfect system called Earth. This rational and perfect supposed worldview is also the reason no other religion was avolved science, because pretty much all all presuppose a caothic and "unknowable" concept.

The only dark-agey things where produced by natural disasters like the medieval ice age, letting half europe starve to death and the other nearly beeing killed off by the plagues through a breaking up social and moral system. And even this was a genetic benefit, becaue now we are much more better in fighting off similar pathogens, selected for lower violence, more empathy and higher IQ.

Unlike the chinks, europeans never had a history of getting fucked by horde afer horde after horde, not even physicaly resembling their forefathers anymore. They also didn't had centuries of rulers which made life so hard that only the most unempathic and cruel could survive, selling their own and eating the children of their neighboors. For this survivel you can only take the most psychopathic individuals and that's what china has become with no way of changing it without a similar genocide on their own.

And not even arabs, widely known for their slave trade and castration of black boys without anasthesia (balls and all) are on par with you. Only maybe the truly animalistic Bantu in SSA, which till this day cannibalize for fun and fuck infant to death. There is a reason why the civilized world despises you both.

>> No.11736625

>castration of black boys without anasthesia (balls and all)

absolutely based

>> No.11736634

That looks like a Smith&Wesson Model 38, a .38spl caliber revolver. A contact shot with a .38spl will easily penetrate the skull of any animal in North America. The goat won't even hear the shot.
>I had an uncle spit out a .22 lr but that was because some fucktard probably shot it up into the sky. Didn't even crack his teeth
No he didn't. He was an amateur magician who did a trick called "the bullet catch". It's been around for nearly a century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullet_catch
A .22 fired into the air can easily kill someone a mile away, no way your uncle would have been able to catch one in his mouth without severe injury or death.

>> No.11736717

>A .22 fired into the air can easily kill someone a mile away
Calling bullshit. Based on physics, the maximum distance the bullet could ever travel would be 1.5 miles? And then it would be 1.4 oz falling on you. Too tired for this shit. Read on this. It pierced his cheek, he had to go to the doctor man.


>> No.11736732

You don't seem to know much about the history of Islamic scholarship. Which is fine, because they're foreign to your culture, but you shouldn't make bold claims about what other people think without doing research.

>> No.11736753

stfu. You worship a pedophile.

>> No.11736765

Mohammed was a gay rapist and a heterosexual pedophile

>> No.11736768

Nothing to see there. It was either pre-islamic and got purged by Islam or it was simply stolen from the greeks and Romans trough raiding. That's how most monasteries got their old scripts. They bought the books of "THE" greatest philosopher and others to Prevent them from getting lost in time in islamic Hands. What muslims think of science can be seen by them Burning down the library of Alexandria (which fedoras and kikes also love to blame on christians):

In AD 642, Alexandria was captured by the Muslim army of 'Amr ibn al-'As. Several later Arabic sources describe the library's destruction by the order of Caliph Omar.[119][120] Bar-Hebraeus, writing in the thirteenth century, quotes Omar as saying to Yaḥyā al-Naḥwī: "If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them."

>> No.11736784

Which is basically the same as dark age Christianity. Plato had to be salvaged from Islam during the crusades for this reason.

>> No.11736793

Islam does not accept art, ornaments, or sculptures that resemble people or wildlife right? I kind of wonder what beautiful figures we can make through random areas of land turned turned to rumble, ash, and glass.

>> No.11736811

Don't get distracted, this thread is about the insectoids.

>> No.11736818


Christians onn large, besides single individuals, never gone out of the way to destroy foreign knowledge. That'S wh every ontinent and even region has it's own pagan catholicism. It swallowed the old culture, instead of destroying it. In many cases, like in slavic landss, that which was christianized is the only remnand standing of the old gods, because the climate destroyed every natural fiber. The few times where christian monks have gone apeshit are so rare that we still speak about them - like hacking a pagan tree down. Meanwhile islams, after Moe's first years, has only spread through the sword. You can even see it today. Where christianity teaches self-sacrifice for their faith and finding other ways of peacful resistance, islam teaches becoming muslims or dying. Again, somehow certain powers have tried to make everyone believe that europeans were some kind of savages, while the history and facts still are there to disagree. Mind you, I don't care eitehr way, cause I'm not a christian. I just think it's really saying about from where this motivation comes, which blames all crimes (even the slave trade) on christian europeans.

Plato fleed because his teacher Socrates was found, rightfully, guilty of pederasty and Breaking other Moral rules.

>> No.11736836
File: 201 KB, 1000x1000, Minestrone 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was about obscure dishes originally?

Then I wanted to address that post finding it interesting that Islamic extremism is a problem in west China, West Russia, Europa, SEA, every place it has been in Africa, the Middle-East; yet China and Russia do not want to seem to want to seek a coalition to slow a growing cancer.

Or we could discuss food.

>> No.11736848

This is /pol/. Food is not priority.

>> No.11736853

This is gook equivalent to rate steak fags

>> No.11736882

that looks really tasty! what's that mixture to the right of it with what looks like sesame seeds salt and chilli?

>> No.11736904

the only thing China is in advance of is developing new diseases thanks to their poor health and safety standards, pollution, and blatant disregard for nature and life.

>> No.11736917

What do you think the actual average lifespan is? I do not the believe the PRC number of 70 something.

>> No.11736934
File: 2.61 MB, 854x480, crabb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians view animals as automatons: animals live, breath, move, but inside there's no spirit, they're dead inside. Because of this view, there's no guilt in hurting or killing an animal. This is probably how westerners felt too until they had been completely brainwashed with anthropomorphism.

>> No.11736994
File: 3.24 MB, 360x270, 1546799296077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nationalistic circlejerking in a cooking board of an anime image board
lol you guys cannot be serious.

>> No.11737017

If that would be the case, we would not have domesticated a dog to a degree that they can read our emotions, which makes looking for specific dogs to breed which behave more human-like and friendly. Chinks would probably kill all their dogs as soon as they didn't need them anymore through frying them alive after years of beeing a good companion - like they do to their own children.

Meanwhile human proper will be thankful to his companion and give him a burial in respect and only kill it in dire need for survival or out of empathy, when it is ill.

Considering empathy a weakness, is considering beeing human one. All those chinks kvetching about europeans "crying for fish" do nothing but show off that they actually should never be considered human, but insects. The more we humans come in contact with you, the more we know to hate you.

>> No.11737022

>This is probably how westerners felt too until they had been completely brainwashed with anthropomorphism.
There are still westerners who think that way, and there are animal welfare activists in China. But it seems like cultures that revolved around dairy animals treat animals better overall, which makes sense because it would be more beneficial to take good care of the animal that's providing you with milk. You can see it in some parts of Africa and India too, with dairy cultures in Africa viewing themselves as protectors of cattle and Indians who won't kill cows.

Even if animals don't experience 1% of what a human can, it's still a form of life that you're mistreating if you purposely do anything that prolongs any sense of unpleasantness that they might experience. If you have to kill something for food, there are ways to do it almost instantaneously, so dismembering or cooking something while it's alive is just unnecessarily cruel.

>> No.11737031

The point about dairy wasn't something I'd considered. Interesting to read.

>> No.11737042

>cooking board of an anime image board
Are you really this fucking stupid?

>> No.11737052

how is all this glorious empathy serving western europe now?

you people would take your own lives if it meant saving like 1000 dogs or some bullshit hippy reason like that

>> No.11737060

it's a good sign that retards like you get called out for being retarded

>> No.11737086 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1492x495, 17017182_1161107044000258_475471512604044791_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empathy, if we accept the winter hypothesis, was what made us survive in europe in the first place plus gave us the IQ necessary.

Chinks have neither the creativity nor the IQ if we're honest. Their cruelty might even be the natural result of beeing new-rich retarded rice farmers, where spending energie on higher thought is just beeing wastful, unlike in europe, where it was a survival benefit to think and think about others.

But don't missjudge this, we still love to fuck each other up. This peace is only stnding due to lies. As soon as this propaganda falls, so will the aaggressors.

>> No.11737087

asians and jews have higher IQ than whites.

>> No.11737093
File: 672 KB, 1680x1050, 1531335750860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Jews and Asians cheat IQ Tests
That's really nothing new. Chine even forbids ow IQ farmers to participate in the international IQ studies and only admit high IQ individuals to hide the truth. Meanwhile europe even counts in shitskin immigrants.

>> No.11737561

isn't buddhism asian?

>> No.11737582
File: 29 KB, 400x293, bachmann-crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews aren't jews that's why jews are bad because they're so smart they've tricked us into making us think they're smart even though they're dumb and not even jews
This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.11737694 [DELETED] 

Nothing you strawmanned makes sense.

A group doesn't have to be intelligent to subvert things. But living for millenia in foreign lands, not only the in group preferance has increased but as well their linguistic ability, the only thing on which they get better measures. Jews have a thing with words, as I certainly don't need to bring well known examples to the table. If such individuals find their way in a high traust, high empathy society, the hosts naturally will not suspect too much, as they have been evolutionary selected for trusting each other and thinking that people deep down are all good.

Add a massive medium like the TV and cinema, which can propagate cultural memes instantly around the world and which are flooded with jews on top, you don't even need to go down into theories. It's obvious what is happening.

And as soon as you get to know jews, you learn that there isn't really that much going on in their brains, just like with blacks. Beeing that naive and gullible only happens to those unaware about those people, just like northern americans are less "racist" than southern americans, because the later know how it is to live among them.

So, instead of seeing a /pol/ boogeyman everywhere, maybe actually try to understand the arguments. It can only profit you.

>> No.11739165

that's one of the best tasting meat in the world

>> No.11740189


>> No.11740216

Are you a nigger, gook or some other flavor of subhuman?

>> No.11740260

Lol, you two are retarded. The US would wipe the floor with China.

>> No.11740585

Wow ck is even worse than /b/ and I didn't think that was even possible