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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 640x458, square_cafeteria_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11735565 No.11735565 [Reply] [Original]

>ywn experience the joy of pizza day again
Why live bros

>> No.11735761

Is that prison food

>> No.11735772

In my high school every day was pizza day. They served pizza literally every single day and then there were one or two other choices for entree. I never opted for the pizza though.

>> No.11735790

Worse, American schools. Not only is the food terrible, but you're not allowed to defend yourself even if your life is in danger from another inmate. The commissary only has a soda machine. And you are forced to haul heavy loads between each period and penalized if you fail to meet random time standards that are sometimes up and down stairs between buildings on some facilities.

>> No.11735819


I remember during a parent-teacher conference, the BITCH teacher decided to tell my mom & dad that I was making very unhealthy choices for lunch. Like fuck, you make a big deal about PIZZA DAY, you have it as the first thing in the line, then you have all the treats like jell-o and chocolate milk in-between you and salad at the end. You expect a fuckin' kid to hold out that long? My parents decided to pack my lunch from then on, but they almost always forgot and I just went hungry.

>> No.11735821

Pizza is the most boring food.

>> No.11735832
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I always hated school lunch but these shitty high school McRib things were so good. Wal-Mart sells a big version of them for like 2 bucks, so I buy one ever couple of months. Shit tastes as deliciously disgusting as I remember.

>> No.11736239
File: 444 KB, 2448x3264, thatsnotbeefisit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's burger day

This shit was so fucking awful. Flavorless and gritty between cardboard buns.

>> No.11736259

t. fat fuck
she tried to stop you becoming a retard that posts fast food threads on a malaysian stir-frying forum, but she failed

>> No.11736263

>it's worse than prison because you have to walk around, sometimes even up stairs
do Americans really complain about walking?

>> No.11736264
File: 121 KB, 1024x576, 51075D10-EA16-4022-8EF7-EC1B23437A79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s pizza sticks.

>> No.11736267

Is that thing what amerifags call bread?

>> No.11736280
File: 40 KB, 700x467, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its anything that is at least 5% HFCS

>> No.11736294

>forced to haul heavy loads
your mom handles heavier loads all the time you fucking pussy

>> No.11738160

the burgers they had at my middle school were half pinkish, once it made me break out in hives. everyone at the table noticed and was like "woah what's going on with your arms?"

>> No.11738169

i'm glad my mom loved me so i never had to eat this shit

>> No.11738172

Funfact: despite leaving much to desire for, at least american kids have school food. Its a absolute rarity here in germanistan. How much do the parents have to pay per month that for this?

>> No.11738207

My high school was four stories high and a quarter mile from building to building.

>> No.11738215

depends. most of it is taxes. some schools have charge a few bucks per meal. low income/non-white students get reduced or free meals.
when i was in primary school, it was ~90-95% mexican getting free lunch so the school decided to provide it free for all the poor little white kids.
they also had breakfast, which wasn't free iirc.

>> No.11738226

actually in the army and i eat in a dining room every day
food is really mediocare but it's really fun still eating like that and feeling like a child

>> No.11738236

What the fuck are you talking about?
School was hell. As a free adult with a job you get to make any day you feel like "pizza day."

>> No.11738259

it was never about the food anon
it's about sitting with friends and eating as a community

>> No.11738312

pic actually caused a panic attack
Thank God it’s over

>> No.11738319

chicken and dumpling day was my fav. idk y. tacos were a close second.

>> No.11738324

funny how that pic brought memories flooding back

>> No.11738330

Because that's how memories work?

>> No.11738334

>He actually had friends at the cafeteria
Fuck you, normie. Some of my teachers would let us nerd kids eat in their classrooms on their free period, just so we wouldn't get bullied. And you'd have to read a book while eating.

>> No.11738376

>You will never experience being friendzoned by Jessica and bullied by ruthless jocks every day again

Feels good. Gamers rise up!

>> No.11738399

oh fuck these were actually great. that pic looks dry but the ones at my school were nice JUICY and bBURSTING with cheese

>> No.11738407

>it's about sitting with friends and eating as a community
Why can't you just eat with friends from work? Pretty sure that's what most people do at lunch anyway. Not that I get the appeal for doing that at all though. One of the things I've always felt very grateful about since leaving school and living the working adult life has been the luxury of total control over personal time and space. I would never voluntarily eat around other people when I can enjoy a relaxing as fuck meal behind a closed office door by myself.

>> No.11738425
File: 37 KB, 266x320, 375D8821-86DE-423E-919C-F4341F8F06D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if food is especially strong
like book where Proust ate a Madeleine cookie

>> No.11738491

Lots of schools in the US literally get their food from the same companies the prisons do

>> No.11738501

We live in a society...

>> No.11738508

I swear there's some funky shit going on with those burgers. I remember years ago that I bit into something really hard in one of those paddies.

>> No.11738528

Free?? Not only is school food a rarity here, but also the poorest of the poor have to pay. Something like 30. euronoos per month and the food is way worse then what u have posted.

Ur country is way better then you think amerifriends

>> No.11738648

>Imagine being so fat that a couple of stairs are a prison to you
America, not even once.

>> No.11738805

Can you people fuck off with that "American school lunches are worse than prison food" bullshit
You could literally pick any country in the world, gather a bunch of cherrypicked examples and claim the same thing

>> No.11738949
File: 507 KB, 1184x1000, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I don't understand why you amerilards complain about the school food. We would never get anything like that in Finland. Just porridge or some other shitty stuff.
Pic related is an average meal

>> No.11738971

based. I bet they dont even have any whim whams and zoom zooms.

>> No.11738998

My mom personally called the cafeteria ladies and told them I wasn't allowed to have chocolate milk except on Fridays, which was pizza day. The rest of the week, I was literally the only one drinking plain milk

>> No.11739001

>mommy denied him chocy milk
should have raped her

>> No.11739003

>I don't understand why you amerilards complain about the school food
Because it tastes like shit.

>> No.11739007

>each class requires a textbook that weigh 5lb each
>plus notebooks/binders
>pencil case
>5 minutes to battle between cramped hordes of niggers to get to class on time
>if you fight back they kick you out of school with the person who attacked you

>> No.11739012
File: 9 KB, 208x242, A6F8C3B5-7EE0-40AD-B95E-3BF1A94A3C39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hs we had pizza available every day, it was essentially a buffet and you’d take what ever you wanted and the price was based on weight

In elementary school pizza day was Tuesday and it was dominoes, pretty based

>> No.11739014

That food looks delicious and not like empty as fuck calories
You fag

>> No.11739022


>> No.11739026

>trying to get to class on the other side of the school
>get stuck behind 2 black chicks
>they move at a snails pace
>teacher bitches at you for being late
>being stuck behind Shaquanda's fat ass apparently isn't a valid excuse

>> No.11739031
File: 85 KB, 600x800, Ou've wanderd unto the wrong pub luv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is 4chan. Feel free to go back though.

>> No.11739039

Maybe your mom handles heavier loads, she did last night anyway.

>> No.11739040
File: 84 KB, 410x410, 1528672563809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kid whose mom dropped him off wendy's or jack in the box in class

>> No.11739085

Are you fucking retarted? Yeah we got soup once in a while but it was all healthy home foods like fish and potatoes, spaghetti bolognese, meat with gravy and potatoes ect. Why would you rather feed fast food to your children every day?

>> No.11739089

This is either anironic post or you are a retard. Finnish school food was great.

>> No.11739127

how fucking beta you have to be in order to be unable to speak and say "hey excuse me" and getting past them holy shit
are all americans this autistic?

>> No.11739215

They aren't going to move out your way because you say excuse me, you have to physically shove past that type of person.

>> No.11739225

might work, they do it on purpose
They phalanx sidewalks

>> No.11740019

I liked when they had soup during the winter months.

The only thing I remembered being bad was the cheese on the burgers left under the heat lamp.

>> No.11740035

>bread, sugar sauce and fat
>more bread
>sweet grain
>sugary fat beverage
>sugary fruit swimming in sugar
good lord, I'm glad I was too afraid and autistic to eat school lunches as a kid. Even then they just grossed me out. If I didn't bring lunch from home I'd get the "yogurt and graham crackers" option (still pretty shit) or a bagel (also shit). Never drank the school milk either, shit sketched me out.

>> No.11740049


Thank God I didn't go to a poor school district. Our food looked and tasted great. Our pizzas were square and thick like Detroit style pizza. Our chicken biscuits and gravy was God tier. Taco day was amazing. Fuck I miss school lunch. Good thing I got to enjoy it before Obama destroyed it by pushing healthier lunches.

>> No.11740103

You've never been stuck behind two angry three foot wide obese women before have you? Clearly you've never been to the US. They're hoping you try to get past them so they can have an excuse to assault you. The best thing you can do is cross the street or take the stairs to another floor and then take the stairs on the other end of the building to get back to your floor.

>> No.11740109


>> No.11740323
File: 36 KB, 450x450, 1c6aa4f6-2753-46a2-a867-4259bf76e225_1.4a084df9a468e5c539052806ab3857f7.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have it anytime you want dumbass

>> No.11740334

That's why you keep a pool of cheap ketchup in one section of the tray to dip, made it good enough

>> No.11740569

The ones they serve in school are Tony's smart pizza that you can only buy in bulk

Not only that, but Michelle ruined them forever. Thanks Obama

>> No.11740593
File: 535 KB, 1024x683, 352435566_babbfa792b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only boomers and canadians remember

>> No.11740594
File: 39 KB, 500x367, 1546890898324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked faggot.
I don't know what kind of fucking high school you went too. But in America, no matter how politely you ask, if you ask a black teenaged female to get the fuck out of your way, she's going to take it as though you just insulted her entire fucking existance.
There's a difference between being a beta faggot and understanding the situation you're in. I'd rather have been a minute late to class than having 10 ghetto black bitches screaming at me because I had the audacity to ask one of them to move their fat ass out of the way.

>> No.11740609
File: 396 KB, 685x1024, istockphoto-458927663-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you get one thats still frozen

>> No.11740619

School pizza was the most undercooked bread created. Either it was doughy or it tasted like cardboard. There was never enough sauce, so it was like bread. Do not miss it

>> No.11740633


School pizzas went from pretty good in elementary to ass in middle school.

>> No.11740640

>There was never enough sauce
Exact opposite problem at my school. If you ask me the sauce makes or breaks the pizza, and my school had way to much sauce, and the sauce tasted like shit mixed with a cup of sugar.

>> No.11740810
File: 22 KB, 500x375, m-in-nestimg_2068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my highschool they sold popa johns pizza everyday

>> No.11740836

My condolences.

>> No.11740991

>americans confirmed for being that much autistic
you can't make this shit up

>> No.11741034

I absolutely hated school. I never wish to remember, or experience anything regarding it again.

>> No.11741151

We're punished pushing past tribes of fat women that block people that aren't part of a social clique. It's not autism, it's a fucked up culture. Asking them to move just makes the hippos mad and they want to block you further.

The only real thing you can do is teach them a lesson and risk suffering the consequences and ram through them one day with your 35-45 lb back-pack in front of you. Bonus points of you do it with friends. Bitch bowling. Mind you it's been around 14 years since I've done this but I'm sure it still works.

>> No.11741203

>tfw you got to be in the sub line that was reserved for kids with rich parents
Lol yeah I spent $3.50 every day at lunch, what about it?
Just kidding, after my tuna phase I turned my attention strictly to the vending machine because of how much I hated ALL public school practices (except the cool ones, obv), including shitty lunch food. Bags of chips erryday because they were preferable to whatever that stuff was (that wasn't in the bourgeoisie sub line, which, like I said, I eventually felt classist for participating in)

>> No.11741285

The nostalgia is real fuck

>> No.11741305

>I'm sure it still works
It does. I'm in college and walk about a mile to class every day. Girls don't know how to use a fucking sidewalk, so when they're walking side by side they just act like they don't see you walking towards them and don't move out of the way. So all you have to do is split the goalposts and walk right between them, normally you'll hit their shoulders as you walk by which makes them look at you in anger, to which the best response is "watch where your fucking walking."

>> No.11741315

>Maybe your mom handles heavier loads, she did last night anyway.
Yeah, getting your 600 lb ass into the bed maybe.

>> No.11741320

my high school would order pizza from fast food pizza places and sell them by the slice everyday. Sometimes you can get the leftover pizza for breakfast the next day.

>> No.11741324

I enjoyed those ham and cheese subs better since we had a salad bar also you could microwave them if you worked in the student store

>> No.11741498
File: 34 KB, 500x356, Women Photography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they do it intentionally.

Have you seen what they do in grocery stores? They'll push they're carts together in the middle of an aisle sideways or at an angle blocking the fucking lane. If a third one recognizes them they'll join the cart magnet. Anti-personal or light charges should be available to males at the entrance.