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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11911102 No.11911102 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/s recommended cupboard foods? You know the good old "I'm so broke I can't get fresh ingredients if I want to make the rent and bills" food.

Things I already have:

Raw potatoes, dried mashed potatoes, assorted beans and rice.

Also, really thinking we might need like a general or another board for "budget" threads.

>> No.11911116

>another board for "budget" threads
What a waste of internet space.
Why don't you use fucking Google and find hundreds of blog post lists of cheap dry food?
What we really need is a decoy /ck/ board where retards like you can make their pointless could-have-Googled-it-tier threads and fast food threads, and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
If you're old enough to use the internet and still don't know how to shop on a budget, I have bad news for you about your place in the world.

>> No.11911125

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.11911294

'Tuscan' Bean Soup

It needs a couple of fresh ingredients but if you can't afford an onion, two carrots and a bit of celery, then you are probably best ending it now.

Cut your three veg rustically and fry gently for five to ten minutes. If you can afford some bacon, gammon, or smoked ham hock, then throw that in first. You don't need much and it's not necessary but if you can coax a bit of that smoky flavour out then it adds another layer to the taste, and this is a dish all about layers.

Sprinkle in a bit of crushed chilli as the veg sweats, then tip in your rinsed beans. You can use any types and in any proportions but I normally go for 2 tins each of haricot, red/kidney, chickpeas/garbanzo (sp?), canellini, and black-eyed peas. Anyhting is good, though, but the more variety in texture te more interesting the mouthfuls get.

Now chuck in some tomato paste and tinned tomatoes. Vary according to taste but i'd normally do 1-1.5 cans per five cans of beans. Add 2-3 stock cubes and top up with water to cover the solids and give about an inch of liquid extra on top (use real stock if you have it). Pepper to taste (you're using the stock cubes for your basic salt but you can add more to taste when you eat). Now you can chuck in dried herbs if you have any (completely optional) and bay leaves (also optional).

If you have a bit of Parmesan or any similar cheese then cut off the rind and throw that in at this point. It will really fucking help the flavour and add a whole new dimension. If you don't have a rind, then a tablespoon of miso paste or a teaspoon of msg can help the umami along.

Boil for thirty minutes or so. For the last five minutes you can add in shredded greens of your choosing. I like spinach or kale but cabbage works as well (although don't put too much in if you go the cabbage route or the flavour will take over).

Serve with optional hotsauce to taste and shredded Parmesan or cheddar if you have it.

>> No.11911304

Make in huge batches because it gets better every day it sits in the fridge, it freezes perfectly, and it is cheap, healthy and tasty as fuck.

If you have some bread you can toast and then rub down with a clove of garlic, that makes for a great side act.

>> No.11911329

Oh, welp, time to end it then

>> No.11911538


>> No.11911547

Barely, beef stock, chicken stock, assorted pickles and canned tomatoes.

>> No.11911573

>muh reddit nonargument pseudopsych maymay quote
How does it feel to be so stupid and pathetic that people react towards your mere existence in a way you might assume a person with PTSD might act?
Just because someone thinks you're a waste of carbon doesn't mean there's something wrong with them. You might try a little introspection sometime, little brainlet povertyfag.

>> No.11911599

dried mashed potatoes
that's just redundant if you've got raw potatoes
and if you've got a butcher nearby you can get bones and scraps cheap or free
onions definitely onions
raw garlic

>> No.11911687

Rice, beans, and oats.

>> No.11911759

Stand on a street corner with a cup. It won't take long to get 70 cents together.

>> No.11911813
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flour and baking powder (salt and sugar is nice too). make bannock

>> No.11912183

>dat coffee can
it's got bacon grease in it doesn't it anon?

>> No.11912315


>> No.11913408

>really thinking we might need like a general or another board for "budget" threads.
imagine if "food" and "cooking" were two different boards.

>> No.11914193

There would be eternal war.

>> No.11914197


>There would be eternal bantz
probably not such a bad thing