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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11917155 No.11917155 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get healthy and eat vegetables but they taste like crap to me, can you help me /ck/

>> No.11917162

salt, fat, heat

>> No.11917166

make a stew with meat and vegetables in it

>> No.11917181

steam them until soft, you can eat more and faster when they're soft. then add vinegar or lemon, just something acidic improves the taste of vegetables a lot.

>> No.11917190

make enchiladas out of them and add a bunch of cheese

>> No.11917200

What recipe is good for this? It sounds nice.
Really? I saw these steambag veggies in the frozen section, should I grab them and then put some lemon juice on them?

>> No.11917203

finely chop a bunch of garlic and parsley store in big container, ( freeze if very large vol. )

toss veggies in olive oil and salt, put garlic on to taste

roast at 400

>> No.11917223
File: 377 KB, 563x723, Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make a lot of vegetables taste better by adding things like spices, watch the sodium if you have high blood pressure.
Butter or olive oil is nice, as well as a little pesto. Avoid the margarine!
I've been eating more vegetables recently, and use the steam bag variety. Add what condiments you may enjoy in small amounts, vinaigrette and balsamics go well with them.
See pic for good seasonings.

>> No.11917229

Take some garlic with some local honey, put the peeled cloves into a Mason jar then pour the honey in to cover, let it sit in your pantry for a week. Every morning an hour before you eat, take one clove of garlic.

>> No.11917231

my fellow anon, look up Paleo Diet or Keto diet recipes.

Bok chuy saute with some sesame oil and soy sauce.

cauliflower rice, make it into fired rice.

the coleslaw mix from DOLE , saute it a bit, add some sesame oil and add it to a can of tuna or salmon

>> No.11917233

i've heard others do this, how does garlic and honey taste? what does it do in this context?

>> No.11917234

Well I have chopped garlic, parsley, red onion, onion, mixed peppers, peas, spinach, tomatoes and sweet potato fries, are these good enough to be really healthy? I have a fan oven, at what temp and how long for?

I tried the spices route but it tasted like crap, with meat it is great but with veggies, it is awful. Yeah I was thinking about just getting the steam bags and use the lemon juice suggestion like another anon said but I want to try the recipes first.

>> No.11917243

The more you cook it down or add other shit to it the less nutritional benefit you will get. Best way to eat them is either raw or steamed or microwaved to preserve the most nutritional content. You can add some salt but that should be it.

>> No.11917244

if you wanna get healthy you should eat meat instead.


>> No.11917248

fuck frozen. buy and eat fresh veggies and i guarantee you'll like the taste better. because fresh veggies always taste better. fact!

steam them. boil them. put em in a stew.
garlic, onion, do a smelly poo.

>> No.11917253

That is true actually, might just be best to stick with the steam bag stuff and do the salt/lemon juice thing.

I eat meat and bread already anon.

>> No.11917275

I just add extra virgin olive oil and salt.
After steaming or boiling if it so requires the vegetable ( I'd rather not).
Pretty good with a mozzarella

>> No.11917282

Season them.. Garlic powder/onion powder

>> No.11917284

Pay a prostitute to chew them up for you and spit them into your mouth.

>> No.11917294

You could try growing up. People generally start to acquire a taste for vegetables over the age of 14.

>> No.11917304


Ranch dressing usually helps.

>> No.11917308

It's more of a dietary supplement than anything. Do some research, it may be good for you, or you may not need it. I'm just trying to be helpful.

>> No.11917315

Oh please anon there is a reason majority of adults can't even meet 2 a day, all op is doing IS trying to be an adult

>> No.11917323
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What seasonings did you try? I've had good tastes from doing it, but my spice cabinet is ridiculous.
Some may not recommend it, but if you like cheese flavor you can either add cheese or do the popcorn seasonings.
I do them, a little doesn't hurt in moderation. They're also great with instant noodles, just drain the broth a lottle.

>> No.11917325

>should I grab them and then put some lemon juice on them?
yes. also i find that most package directions don't fully cook them so you might need to add 2-3 minutes to the microwave time.

>> No.11917327

this, add mushrooms, spinach, carrots, onions, cabbage, broccoli, etc to a stew
they don't taste like vegetables anymore, they taste like the meaty stew flavour

>> No.11917335

This. You can make a big pot or slow cooker of stew with meat, and add tons of vegetables that you may not normally like. Some you want to add later in the cooking time, carrots and mushrooms can get really soggy.
Figure out what you like the most, and go from there. Everyone has different flavor pallets, but you also want to be mindful of the calories or bad fats.

>> No.11917344

I tried paprika, mild chilli powder, ground cummin, ground ginger and three other ones I cant remember.
So if they say 3 minutes, just add 2 minutes to that?
Well how do you make stew?

>> No.11917347

Spicy pickle them.

>> No.11917357

Salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic, every time.

>> No.11917391
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>Well how do you make stew?
- take a fatty meat(chicken thighs with skin on, beef roast, pork shoulder), brown it in a hot pan
- cut up the vegetables into not too small pieces, usually I use spinach, onions, cabbage/beans, garlic
- add the meat and vegetables into the pot with either beef/chicken stock, or water and beef/chicken boullion
- cook until meat if fork tender
- remove meat and shred if you're using a large chunk (roast, pork shoulder)
- add the meat back in to the pot
now the stew is done, but I don't really like watery stew so I
- reduce the liquid until minimal amount left

>> No.11917401


>> No.11917413

How long on pan for? How long on pot for? How do you reduce liquid to prevent watery stew? Any spices or anything to this?

>> No.11917497

>How long on pan for?
sear the meat on the pan at high settings until visibly brown, the idea isn't to fully cook the meat, but to get the colour. So, it will depend on how hot your pan is, how cold the meat is, etc.
>How long on pot for?
cooking in the pot depends on what type of meat you're using and how big the chunk of meat is
>How do you reduce liquid to prevent watery stew?
bring the stew to a rolling boil, and wait for the water to evaporate, stirring occasionally so nothing sticks to the bottom of the pot and burns. Another way to thicken a stew is to use cornstarch or flour.
>Any spices or anything to this?
I usually put some bay leaves, rosmary, thyme, etc. But I just eyeball an amount.

Why don't you look for some written/video recipes for beef/pork/chicken stew. They'll probably explain it far better than I will.

>> No.11917626

much oblige

>> No.11917885


Get a pressure cooker. But a reasonably sized chuck steak, even a small one will do. Brown it up in there with a small bit of oil. Put a bit of stock in there, seasonings and a fuck load of vegetables, way more than you intend to eat with the meal. In less than an hour you will have vegetables that taste like roast dinner, throw them in a container and chill. You can just toss them into whatever or eat them as is.

>> No.11917907

To OP: check recipes online. Go to your grocery store, and look at the meats. Do you see boneless chicken thighs at a price you like? Take out your phone and look up "boneless chicken thighs with vegetables slow cooker." Is some beef roast to your liking? Do the same.
We can give you general tips all day, but can't give you specific information about cooking the items until we know what you want to make.

>> No.11917911

Same guy that responded to this anon tweece, he's right.

>> No.11917920

Try some mccormick's Montreal chicken or steak seasoning, as well as mrs. Dash. Add some hot sauces, ones that have more flavor than heat as well. Add the seasoning before you cook, and the sauces at the end.
I really hope you're not shitposting, I want to help you better your eating but I hope you're not laughing away at our efforts.

>> No.11917943

How much for a decent pressure cooker?
Ok I will go shopping later on and come back with my food
Never heard of those brands, I'm british. Ok I'll have a look in store and come back with something to show you

>> No.11917967
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See pic for slow cooker.
Next, don't worry about buying your food and bringing it back to tell us, just pick what meat you want, look up a recipe on your smart phone (if you have one) then buy whatever additional items you need for the recipe. Then add what you want!
Do you have amazon? Type in McCormick seasoning, there should be a whole new world of seasonings that will change your life.

>> No.11917986

Yeah I can afford that one. Ok I will do that thanks anon. Yeah I have amazon I will have a look when I wake up, it is almost 4am here and shops wont open til 10:30am so I can sleep then wake up and get the stuff.

Thank you for all your help anons, I will bookmark this thread so I can remember.

>> No.11917999

No problemo, sleep tight anon.

>> No.11918691

Every day until you like it.

>> No.11918815

enjoy your botulism

>> No.11919279

>I don't really like watery stew
Just throw some barley in there alongside the vegetables.

>> No.11919288

Stop being american

>> No.11919326

This recipe's a nice gateway to eating big bowls of veggies.

>> No.11919869

Just eat organ meats instead. You don't need vegetables for anything.

>> No.11919876

Just stop eating full stop.

>> No.11919891

starve yourself you fat fuck until the very notion of any calorie will be good.
also helps if you refrain from a multivitamin while starving yourself.
becuase food tastes good when your body needs it.
better to eat the shit you hate when you are desperate.

and if you're like oh man i can't becuz diabetes.
well then fuck you and exercize more,
cut out sugar.
and then do cocaine and meth and pseudofed and caffeine, anything that acts as an appetite suppressant.
lsd, and mushrooms also work.

>> No.11919903

>buy frozen veggies
>fry in oiled pan
>add eggs to it and scramble

>cut veggies
>fry in oiled pan
>add eggs to it and scramble

>cut veggie sticks, carrots, sellery, cucumber, bell pepper
>dip into sour cream , cream fraiche, hummus

>> No.11919910

Whenever I cook eat I deglaze tha pan, spoon the juices over the meat a few times then throw my veggies into the pan with the meat for about five minutes and let them cook in those juices. The veggies won’t turn to much this way and will still have a nice snap to them being cooked this way. They also pick up all that nice complex flavor from the meat which really helps tie the dish together flavor wise.

>> No.11919922

everything is better with spicy mayo

>> No.11920005

Use spices, whitey.

>> No.11920070

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.11920125

This is how I did it, OP:

1) Drink some green tea every day (plain, no sweeteners or anything)
2) Eventually move on to matcha. You will learn to appreciate the taste of quality matcha, which will change your palette and acquaint you with bitter tasting things.
3) Now for the vegetables, I would recommend spinach and asparagus. These are by far the best tasting green vegetables IMO. Don't eat lettuce, it doesn't taste good and has shitty texture to boot.

This is the easiest way to get into vegetables. I was raised on McDonalds and Wendys almost every day because my parents are retarded. It's never too late to change your tastes though, but it's a gradual process.

>> No.11920152
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Get a steamer, OP.
Steamed veggies are nothing short of amazing.

>> No.11920172

Yeah, it's pretty good on a lot of different things.

>> No.11921655


>> No.11921948

Would also like to find a nice stew recipe. Preferably with few/cheap ingredients.

>> No.11922419


>> No.11922588

Salt, acid, herbs

>> No.11923166

throw a block of butter on it you will feel like i am healthy look at all the greens i am eating but that includes eating a block of butter

>> No.11923711

Anyone who says the don't like steamed broccoli is a fucking liar

>> No.11923722
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>from honey and garlic
Anon, I...

>> No.11923920

american here, i kinda like the white cheddar flavor on popcorn, but i don't use it for anything else

>> No.11923940

Try different vegetables. There's a fucking lot of them. You like meat? Try beans and lentils. Lentils are fucking... like a cup of them is 300 calories and 30 grams protein and if you don't like the taste just douse them in cumin and turmeric and paprika and you're good. Or do ground orange peel and ginger, that's good too

>> No.11923944

Raw honey frequently kills children with botulism.

>> No.11923947

get fresh veggies if you can, they're tastier and healthier.

If you're wanting veggies as a snack, try combining them with various dips or dressings. I like hummus, but you do you.

good luck on eating healthier anon.

Also, try to avoid excess sugar. Some veggies have a natural sweetness to them, but you're tastebuds might not pick up on them if your palate is accustomed to Soft drinks and Mars bars. Take away the excess sugar, and you might appreciate the tastes you didn't pick up on before.

>> No.11923948

Detoxify your body from all the shit you've all the eaten in your life first. This will also cleanse your damaged taste buds.

>> No.11924115

>my fellow anon
>is a namefag
why are these people always 70 iq?

>> No.11924145

anon is 9 years old or retarded or both.

>> No.11924491
File: 81 KB, 556x657, Comedian Salads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're eating frozen, boil some salted water and throw them in there for a few minutes. If via salad, use salt, olive oil and vinegar. The ratio of vinegar to oil should be 1 to 3.

>> No.11924528

Go carnivore.