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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11961390 No.11961390 [Reply] [Original]

How many eggs can I eat per day without fucking my health, I love eggs and I work out is 4-6 good or too much?

>> No.11961401

Eating any animal products will give you obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes

>> No.11961408

Thank you mr vegan

>> No.11961430

Keep an eye on cholestorol with them yolks

>> No.11961444

I am the same.
Ideally you should do various tests - bloodwork, blood pressure, etc - regularly.
I caught prehypertension despite having a healthy weight & lifting every other day, I acted on it and have normal bp now.
Similarly I measure blood cholesterol etc periodically.
From what I understand some people are genetically predisposed to be fucked by dietary cholesterol and some are not.

>> No.11961449
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5 dozen

>> No.11961466

Depends how you cook them. If they're boiled you should be good. Eggs are one of the few food sources of vitamin D which is good for you. And think of it this way, people living off the land and keeping chickens would eat eggs everyday

>> No.11961477

~1 seems to be irrelevant for arterial calcification as far as epidemiology is concerned. IMO that's likely because eggs have significant amounts of anti-oxidants and the standard diet lacks them.

For a more healthy diet I'd say evidence points to getting your protein from lean meat, whey or vegetable sources is a better idea.

>> No.11961485

>Eggs are one of the few food sources of vitamin D

Walking to your car will get you more vitamin D than a normal egg.

>> No.11961492

what if you don't have a car

>> No.11961499

Not really

>> No.11961502

Thank's everyone I will take notes

>> No.11961611

i park in a garage

>> No.11961620

>being a nutrient-deficient soyboy faggot
Die. For real.

>> No.11961641

Literally falling for a ten-year-old meme that gets posted once an hour

>> No.11961655

Wat eggs with other stuff

>> No.11961670

As many as you like. Eggs being unhealthy is a meme.

>> No.11961704

I barely even eat two fucking eggs a week lmfao, that shit builds up cholesterol like a filthy prostitute builds up some fine herpes

>> No.11962094

if you post more shinobu you can eat as many eggs as you want my guy

>> No.11962095

Eggs are fine to eat regularly. What is probably more important to consider is how you're cooking them. Eggs need to be cooked thoroughly to avoid contamination. Also if you're eating them all fried it's not the best choice. Even microwaving them is healthier.

>> No.11962113
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Does Shinobu lay eggs?
Can i eat Shinobu's freshly laid, still warm vampire eggs?

>> No.11962167


And your body ignores that cholesterol like people ignore a filthy prostitute. And the small amount it takes it then itself produces less.

>> No.11962295

5-7 eggs daily is perfectly healthy if you work out.

>> No.11962312

god i wish

>> No.11962599

Not if your black

>> No.11962600

However many you want.

>> No.11962626

>How many eggs can I eat per day without fucking my health,

>> No.11962649

Zero eggs. High in cholesterol and will lead to heart disease.

>> No.11962667

If you exercise and aren't a lardass there's nothing wrong with cholesterol. Doctors freaked the fuck out about cholesterol when the first studies came out that cholesterol levels in the blood stream contributed to heart disease, and everyone started getting stupid about common foods like eggs. There hasn't been much evidence that dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels are strongly correlated though, in fact the highest correlation with the levels of cholesterol in the blood stream is with the amount of exercise you get, and with obesity levels.

tldr, eat as many eggs as you fucking want but don't be a fatty

>> No.11962681

You'll probably get osteoporosis.

>> No.11962683

t. retard rationalizing

>> No.11962749

don't worry about it, nutritionists aren't real scientists and still can't decide if eggs will kill you or are a superfood

>> No.11963059

I'm not saying there's no health risks at all, and if you eat a dozen eggs a day you're probably gonna regret it, but the dangers of dietary cholesterol are not well established, and not that major in the grand scheme of things compared to your overall weight, exercise, and any possible nutrient deficiencies.

Just don't be a lazy fat fuck and you'll be fine

>> No.11963071
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It’s pretty well established, nu-age septic snake oil science just likes to control and manipulate narratives

>> No.11963113

What do you mean? Eggs are healthy as fuck, you should be eating as many as you can at all times.

>> No.11963129

Vegan misinformation. Unless you live directly on the equator, are of the correct white heritage, lack any number of diseases and are not elderly, you can synthesize most of your Vitamin D if you're out all day uncovered with little to no sunscreen on.

There's a reason their teeth fall out after 10 years.

>> No.11963135

I ate 4 eggs every day for a whole year and I didn't die of a heart attack. Although, I exercise for 2-3 hours every other day. Depending on your build 4-6 egg is roughly 20% of your daily calories. Your overall diet and lifestyle matters more.

>> No.11963145

there is no evidence that high intake of dietary cholesterol causes high amounts of cholesterol in the blood.

>> No.11963157

isnt cholesterol a substance that is required to repair damaged cell walls?
high cholesterol isnt the cause of heart diseases, but an early symptom of them

>> No.11963179

Yes, it's needed to make cell membranes, hormones and bile

>> No.11963211

There's a whole family of lipids called cholesterol that can be linked together to form membranes and other structures. You need cholesterol to live, but when blood cholesterol levels are too high, plaques can form in the arteries from cholesterol sticking together, and that can clog up the arteries, which hurts the heart. The body naturally downregulates cholesterol production if it is getting lots from dietary sources like the graphs in >>11963071 show, so the marginal effect of additional dietary cholesterol decreases when the levels start getting high. Too much dietary cholesterol isn't great, especially if you have a weak circulatory system which is on the edge of collapse anyway, but if you're otherwise healthy it really isn't that big a deal. When you exercise, you break down some of your muscle cells, which require cholesterol to repair, so you naturally use the cholesterol in your blood. If you're sedentary it just builds up over time and fucks you right up the heart ventricle

>> No.11963626

the microwave is not a unhealthy

>> No.11963652

too bad cholesterol isnt the only component of eggs you fucking retards

>> No.11963682

You should strive to eat at least 3 dozen eggs a day.
People whining about cholesterol and fats have no comprehension of human body. They read too many government health programmes. Government health program, more like which industry pay most to slander others.
Your brain and joints need fats. Your body stores fat as an energy source. Your body smart. It not store junk so you be ugly; it store good energy so you survive through lean times.
You fat and want to lose weight? Stop eating. Go on fast. You eat again when you no longer carrying meals on your waist.

>> No.11963693

nigga what, 6 eggs/day absolute max unless you want to be the crazy egg fuckhead from /fit/

>> No.11963739

Lets just say there is contradictory evidence ... and the pro egg studies often have industry ties or authors making some extra income by selling controversy to the media. The evidence from animal models is pretty good and the epidemiology isn't that bad either.

The pro-egg evangelist like to bring up that saturated fat consumption is a confounding factor, but they never mention that people with hypercholesterolaemia often avoid eggs. There are enough confounding factors to go around for everyone, and there are studies which try to take them into account which still come up with increased risks for >1 egg a day.

>> No.11963747

>You eat again when you no longer carrying meals on your waist.
Then you should avoid saturated fat, because that gets stored preferably around your waste. Whereas unsaturated is more evenly distributed.

>> No.11963767
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I eat 4 eggs every morning with a double serving of oatmeal. Sunnyside up, plop them on the oats and put hot sauce and black pepper. I figure the oats help with cholesterol because mine is fine

>> No.11964145

Only thing you might need to worry about when it comes to eggs is the getting too much raw / undercooked white since it can fuck over your B7. You'd probably need to be /fit/ levels of extreme, like 20 raw eggs a day for months to get noticeable issues though.

Don't listen to the (((vegan))) and (((WHO))) propaganda. Cholesterol and saturated fat are good for you. Stop eating anything with refined sugar, grains and vegetable oils.

>> No.11964214

This expert panel reviewed the evidence and reached the following conclusions: the evidence from epidemiologic, clinical, and mechanistic studies is consistent in finding that the risk of CHD is reduced when SFAs are replaced with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). In populations who consume a Western diet, the replacement of 1% of energy from SFAs with PUFAs lowers LDL cholesterol and is likely to produce a reduction in CHD incidence of ≥2–3%. - https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/93/4/684/4597646

>> No.11964236

>egg bad
Unlike shit like Milk that almost no other adult animal consumes, most animals will opportunistically consume eggs and some are even specialized to live off a diet of eggs. If eggs were bad for your health I assume these ovivores would be far less successful than they are.

>> No.11964301

This pussy probably doesnt even eat raw pork

>> No.11964320

source? lots of southern italians are fat around the belly

>> No.11964331

Ironically, I bet you love sausage in the can.

>> No.11964487

i keep seeing this meme and it fucking sucks. you cannot just "replace" sfas with pufas, they're different.

>> No.11964511

Just eat them you fag, you’ll die at 80 like the rest of us and the vegans except you’ll actually have enjoyed your life.

>> No.11964523

>clogging your arteries with butter goooood

>clogging arteries with olive baaaaaad

>> No.11964528

Yes. You can. It’s quite simple. You eat avocados and nuts more than lard and tallow

Are you a reptile?

>> No.11964539

please hang yourself veganfag. sfas and pufas do different things in the body. they're not equivalent.

>> No.11964569

Yes. That’s why it’s beneficial to consume polyunsaturated fat foods over saturated fats you fucking retard

Yeah not the argument you stupid worthless faggot

>> No.11964570

you sound like me a few months ago. Do you have diabetes? Get tested for a vitamin b12 deficiency. Craving eggs and meats can be a sign that you're deficient.

Also, if you're like me, you'll get fucking sick of eating 3-5 eggs a day after like 3 months of doing it every day.

>> No.11964580

High cholesterol is almost entirely genetic. Eating good cholesterol like eggs help lower it

>> No.11964595

>Yes. That’s why it’s beneficial to consume polyunsaturated fat foods over saturated fats you fucking retard
you dumb cunt. this is precisely my argument. that's like saying that red is more beneficial than blue, or that tubas are more beneficial than trumpets. please engage what is left of your veganized brain.

>> No.11964596
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Nah eating cum can actually prevent prostate cancer. That's what my bf tells me at least

>> No.11964598

You can have genetically high cholesterol. That doesn’t mean obtaining high cholesterol is genetic

>Eating good cholesterol like eggs help lower it
Adding dietary cholesterol does not lowet cholesterol. Eggs are mostly LDL which offsets any possible benefits of HDL which isn’t even conclusively conducive to good cardiovascular health

>> No.11964600

>this is precisely argument
Then you’re a stupid bitch arguing over fucking nothing

>its like red and blue xD
Its like polyunsaturated and saturated you stupid faggot. You don’t know what you’re fucking talking about retard

>> No.11964606

Mom science: the thread

>> No.11964608

>more curse words means i'm more smart!
you shouldn't be here. you should be commenting on youtube videos. go bother frank tufano or something.

>> No.11964615

Oh god now you’re getting triggered over mean words on 4chan because you’re a dumb faggot that doesn’t know what he’s talking about? What a stupid pathetic little bitch you are.

>> No.11964617

I feel like nobody in the health field truly knows what the verdict is on dietary cholesterol. I've heard some say it has almost no effect and that your genes play the biggest role, and then I've heard that it should be avoided at all costs. Doctors seem more and more like old school medicine men.

>> No.11964624

the only one triggered is you m8. more "fucks" doesn't stand in for an argument. you know i'm right.

>> No.11964626

>I feel like nobody in the health field truly knows what the verdict is on dietary cholesterol.
That’s what pseudo intellectuals tend to think. The verdict is clear. No amount of bullshit fudged industry studies or media propaganda changes that. Idiots that say stupid shit like eggs lower cholesterol get a platform because it’s easy clicks for news outlets that just parrot the abstracts of studies. Most doctors are quite practical

>> No.11964631

Yeah you should stick to reddit you stupid little bitch. You’re obviously too much of a triggered faggot to even hold a conversation about something you pretend to know. Go ahead faggot. Go to reddit then piss yourself crying


>> No.11964639

i don't go to reddit. guaranteed i've been here longer than you. all you can do is misrepresent my statements. typical v**an shill :^)

>> No.11964645

>whiny triggered nigger bitch whines



>> No.11964652

i also guarantee i'm more racist than you.

this is exactly what i was trying to tell you. you think you can replace intellect with vulgarity and still be valuable. we're offensive because it's funny, but you still have to contribute something substantive or you're just being an edgelord. might as well go reactivate your xanga account.

>> No.11964668


why are redditors so unfunny?


>> No.11964732

if you're trolling that guy you're a master cause damn you make it look like your head is so empty

>> No.11964748

And one day you will die, old age or not. I rather enjoy all sorts of foods instead of being a vegan faggot all my life.

>> No.11964751

>without fucking my health
the idea that eating cholesterol causes high blood cholesterol is actually a recently disproven myth

the US dietary guidelines were updated to say that you can and should basically eat as many eggs as you want.

>> No.11964759


>> No.11964773


if you need a synopsis, there are dozens of articles about the newest changes

>> No.11965176


Living in an urban environment according to western lifestyle will give you obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabete, regardless of culinary decisions

>> No.11965295


The connection between insulin resistance and abdominal fat is pretty well established, just ask the ketos. Shame most of them shy away from the truth that the same is true for SFA and insulin resistance.

>> No.11965394

iirc 3 eggs per day is safe for your cholesterol

>> No.11965571

stop spewing the jewish cholesterol meme

you think back when people were eating real food like liver and lard they were all dropping dead from heart disease? heart disease literally didn't even exist

you get heart disease from factory fats and american frankenfood

>> No.11965577

4-6 epd are rookie stats

>> No.11965619

All of them.

>> No.11965623
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What are the ideal vegetables to put into a vegetable omelette?

>> No.11965664

>you think back when people were eating real food like liver and lard they were all dropping dead from heart disease?
They were dropping dead period. We get older now.

I'm sure you will think it a conspiracy, but atherosclerosis in mummified corpses is actually more rule than exception.

>> No.11965676

>We get older now.
Not due to diet, but because medical technology improved. I think most people lived to around 60 if they made it past infancy for most of history anyway, it's only really modern medicine that lets more people live to 70 and 80.

>> No.11965699

Eggs are the healthiest food on the planet. Cholesterol is good for you, Jews told us they're bad to feminize the male population and make us weaker and dumber

>> No.11965745

He also said food sources.

>> No.11965822

>and the pro X studies often have industry ties or authors making some extra income by selling controversy to the media.
Couldn't you make this same argument about anything though? Seems like everything has big industry shilling for it or against it.

>> No.11966062

Yeah this is me too. I'd just binge on fried fatty cuts of meat and exercise super hard not with the intent of being fitter, but just having more daily calorie intake so I could eat more of what I want. Yeah turns out its not that simple and my cholesterol is through the roof. But also I have shitty genes so woe is me.

>> No.11966118

You can generally recognize a media whore ... writes books, does talk shows, etc.

>> No.11966188

>Eggs are the healthiest food on the planet.
This much is true. Eggs have all the aminos needed to sustain life at its most vulnerable stage.

>> No.11966221
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A). Saturated fats are often beneficial. They're in eggs, so articles finding such minimalistic correlation between dietary cholesterol and blood metrics also suggests that SFAs are at least OK (for the healthy demographic).
B). Dietary cholesterol thus plausibly reduces biosynthesis, rerouting resources (that are actually utilized in a lot of important aspects – acetyl-CoA, for example, unto fatty acid metabolism, citric acid cycling, and steroid synthesis).
C). As usual, there are other correlatives. Taking garlic while having plenty of dietary vitamin C immensely reduces blood pressure. … Omega 3s are evidenced benefiting telomere lenghts, which suggests their relevance unto producing biological structures. … Vitamin C was evidenced as "basically non-effective" even at percentages near 5x RDA (.01% / gal. – 300mg), but similar to natural biosynthesizers at .4% (15g). The TCA is obviously huge for "energy" production; and even small animals are producing 10+ g/day.

>> No.11966231
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>> No.11966235
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>> No.11966238
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>> No.11966241
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>> No.11966246

>there is no evidence that high intake of dietary cholesterol causes high amounts of cholesterol in the blood.
You are completely wrong. If you eat an egg yolk, your blood cholesterol will spike for a couple hours while it is being digested. This can do some damage to you. Keep eating eggs every day, or multiple times a day, and you blood cholesterol will constantly be elevated.

The studies the egg propagandists cite measure blood cholesterol after the egg has been digested and after the person has fasted for a while. Obviously one's cholesterol will be normal after a fast.

>> No.11966271

soo how many eggs do you eat a day?

>> No.11966297

>Saturated fats are often beneficial
Saturated fat being functional in the body isn't the same thing as dietary saturated fat being beneficial. That shit is slowly build up, it needs no huge postprandial spike of saturated fat in the blood. Those processes work at a snail's pace compared to how fast we can convert food to fat for storage too, I don't see how there could be relevant competition there.

There is no epidemiological, animal model or common sense reason to think saturated fat in the diet is beneficial relative to unsaturated fat AFAICS.

>> No.11966307

Antioxidants are a thing.

>> No.11966317

When I was bodybuilding you can easily eat 4, but for a regular person, I'd say two is fine.

>> No.11966369

It's hilarious how you guys get all pissy and defensive about a website you claim you don't use. The only people that obsess about reddit more than chantards are the voat faggots.