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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11992851 No.11992851 [Reply] [Original]

How to I become proficient enough at the culinary arts to start impressing normies? Can I use cooking to seduce potential partners?

>> No.11992871

never tbfh

>> No.11992878

There is nothing impressive about cooking. You are doing what essentially any woman/small child is capable of doing. So unless you work in a 5 star restaurant, nobody is impressed.

>> No.11992885

when you meet enough people and realize most of them are fucking retarded you'll see that basic skills like cooking or washing you are hands is actually valued and impressive

>> No.11992887

now post the after pic

>> No.11992890

You might make people want to eat your food, but that is about it. If everything else about is non-impressive or just straight crap, no one will care.

>> No.11992891

Photo is fake and gay.

>> No.11992900

What if I use a lot of exotic ingredients and go full tryhard with the garnery? I live in Norway, all we eat here is potatoes, reindeer and fish, but I want to spice peoples' lives up if you catch my drift

>> No.11992909

All you have to do is heat up a grandiosa without reading the instructions and put store bought sauce on it to impress ladies in norway

>> No.11992918

If you have a crap personality and shit social skills it won't matter. Cooking skills is just a part of the equation.

>> No.11992934

>Can I use cooking to seduce potential partners?
No, not really.
But cooking definitely keeps them around if you're not looking to be a slut.

>How to I become proficient enough at the culinary arts to start impressing normies?
Look up recipes, try them, put some effort into doing it well and presentation. Most people don't cook at all these days so anything is impressive.

>> No.11992944
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>crap personality
more like crab personality he he he

>> No.11993007

This, cooking skills is like seasoning. Even if you have the best spices, if you're cooking a turd with them it'll still be shit

>> No.11993012
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Would a dish like cheese souffle net me the D?
I think he is on the fence about me. He called me gorgeous and has stared at me intimately several times, but I need something extra to be more interesting to him.

>> No.11993046

Don't play games or keep trying to imply/project stuff. Just straight out say it to him.

>> No.11993061

Don't listen to these tards.
It depends on the person, if they are into cooking and you can make them an amazing meal they will be over the moon.
Plus women LOVE a guy that can cook.

>> No.11993075
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, CA5F0C38-6694-416F-8B2D-B8F5F019B8F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never found someone in my friendbubble who cook better then me. Fuck i even cook better then my whole family

>> No.11993138

How do they react when you cook them good shit?

>> No.11993144

Do your parents at least have one non-fruity son?

>> No.11993153

>How to I become proficient enough at the culinary arts to start impressing normies?
Assuming you wrote this yourself, you already are. All you have to do to impress normies is look up a recipe online and follow the directions.

>> No.11993175
File: 103 KB, 1024x858, Cosby-Swish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a normie? You come across as a faggot so use the cosby method, that's swish a roofie into some vodka in a martini glass. Seems to me like you're the "normie" whatever that means.

>> No.11993185

can you also spell better THAN* your whole family? that would be depressing

>> No.11993191

Hopefully that anon wont have children.

>> No.11993225
File: 43 KB, 457x586, 1550597391633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking doesnt create attraction it only enhances it. Nobody thinks your sexy because of the cognac fireball, but it might multiply something already there.

>> No.11993250

Just remember that Julie's been working for the drug squad.
Live in New Jersey - Julie's in the drug squad
The Clash - Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad - 3/8/1980 - Capitol Theatre (Official)

>> No.11993364

Is that what an asian Chad looks like?

>> No.11993371

Normalfags are impressed by pretty much anything.
My college roommates were blown away at the idea of me cracking an egg woth one hand.

>> No.11993373

I really really like this image

>> No.11993384
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>> No.11993397
File: 1.47 MB, 300x225, 90.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you can perform a basic human function. Let me guess; your other hobbies are reading and/or traveling.

>> No.11993400

ok but wtf is going on under the wok?

>> No.11993404

and yet, no one is impressed. not even the 4chan people. how does that make you feel?

>> No.11993423

that looks like one of the common shapes of cast iron "wok ring" you put under a wok to cook on. Lots of them are high in the back like that. It looks like the dude set is wok on that for the pic.

>> No.11993557

Women always say, "Wow, you can cook? That's so sexy!" and things along those lines. The truth is that after you've cooked her a few meals she'll come to expect it instead of be impressed by it.

>> No.11994243

Yeah the problem is that women who love guys who can cook are the ones who dont know how to cook and will expect you to cook everytime.

>> No.11994278

you just follow directions...

>> No.11994989

Sorry iam not an english native
They like my taste and rely on my restaurant recommendatikns
I actually dont care

>> No.11995455
File: 833 KB, 1200x676, flipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your so called wok "master" crumples before my power!

>> No.11995463

Those rings work best when using a gas fired stove.

>> No.11995476

The best woks aren't cast iron, they're carbon steel. Just sayin'.

>> No.11995480

It's like basic socializing 101 that cooking for others is attractive and endearing. You need to go outside anon.

>> No.11995495

That anon is probably too scared of some dog barking and chasing him.

>> No.11995619

In my experience, it's not that hard. No one knows how to cook anymore, so just make them some meme food or just don't undercook some chicken and you're a god.
Oh, keeping spices other than Old Bay will blow their mind, too.

>> No.11995748

> Wow, you can perform a basic human function.

Not OP, but I always cringe when women boast that they can't cook (or can "cook" aka making noodles). This shit is a major turn off right of the bat.

>> No.11995775

The worst part of it all is that even basic cooking is incredibly simple. Like you don't have to go out and learn how to make a full three-course meal complete with exotic ingredients and garnish, just knowing how to season your foods properly and how to compliment flavors is enough. Saying you can't cook whatsoever is just projecting how lazy you are.

>> No.11995782

>Can I use cooking to seduce potential partners?
I mean, you CAN, but GHB is a lot more reliable.

>> No.11995785

>haha, I can't cook at all!
>maths, oh I suck at maths!
>taxes? my head spins at the sight of them!
>I like basic competency in very simple skills, I am a human child wearing the skin of an adult, and I am trying to portray that as something quirky instead of the sad, pathetic state that it is.

>> No.11995802

It also shows that you can't take care of yourself (and your body).

My parents got a new tentant. Never seen her so far, but apparently, she lost weight since she moved in (she's divorced now). All she eats are noodles and prepackaged salads because she can't cook for shit. No wonder her husband left her. This is just pathetic.

>> No.11995815

Share pics of her panty drawer next time you visit them, please.

>> No.11995830

This is funnier than it should be

>> No.11995832

>don't undercook some chicken
>he doesn't eat his chicken blue rare

>> No.11995836

Fucking incredible, anon.

>> No.11996005

doesn't that go for absolutely everything short of ability to hold a conversation or actual physical attractiveness (one or the other) serving as the base?

>> No.11996012

I’d like to take every single grain and shove it all up his ass.

>> No.11996040


>> No.11996090
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>> No.11996209

Just get some molecular gastronomy kits for $40-$60. Normies can't taste the difference between slightly average food and excellent food anyways.

>> No.11996307

Top kek

>> No.11996322
