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File: 408 KB, 2048x3048, tmp_s1SiID_ff6cc43fd4f0943e_Coke_KOOrangeVanilla_Can_V4_sRGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12134902 No.12134902 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't they sell this as a single can? The only way I can find it is in 12 packs. I just want to try the damn thing.

>> No.12134939

Then nut the fuck up and just buy a 12 pack, it's probably cheap, I don't know because I don't buy soda. Then you drink one. If you like it, cool, if you don't like it, you throw the rest in the trash.

>> No.12134952

I can send the other eleven cans to you if you want to try soda again

>> No.12136354

it's not that great. Just buy a 12-pack and put the rest at your workplace's fridge

>> No.12136378

If it's as bad as the twisted mango shit then the shops will put all the cans out on the discount shelf individually soon enough.

>> No.12136396

how much could a 12pack be?

>> No.12136400

steal one out of a package

>> No.12136406

so that people will always spend more money even if it's a bad product
also just go to a convenience store to find it

>> No.12136410

They sell them in those long tall cans like the diet coke flavors.

>> No.12136418

Why? They’re terrible.

>> No.12136578

Buy a 20 oz at a gas station or just don't drink soda, it's bad for you

>> No.12136589


>> No.12136614

12 pack is 4 CAD I think

>> No.12137020

They sell them in those skinny/tall 12oz cans for 79¢
And bottles for 1.99
Aaand six packs of bottles
For 2.50 oddly enough

At wallmart

>> No.12137044

I really like these OP. I like it better than og coke

>> No.12137075

They sell them in bottles too
It looks gross though

>> No.12137170

It's not bad but it definitely won't be a permanent flavor. Can't taste the vanilla at all, it's just orange coke. Which is not as bad as it sounds.

>> No.12138587

Fuck you, at least you have it, you faggot. Just take the 3 dollar hit and get the 12 pack.

>> No.12139388

Soda should not be that cheap, what the hell.

>> No.12139394

Go to a gas station, dumbass.

>> No.12139609

It depends entirely on the seller

The seller would need to take it apart and sell them individual would make them more money

I know my stores do

>> No.12140056

nice try, coke jews

>> No.12140830

a poor man's Mezzo mix, but you could pretty much get the exact same results if you just mix Coke with Fanta anyway

>> No.12140866

I found a 20 oz at a gas station. It's gross, I didn't finish.

>> No.12140874

>orange vanilla coke
>can only has an image of an orange slice
umm, guys???????!

>> No.12141449

Kroger stores used to sell them in the thin Diet Coke style cans for like 2 weeks. This is probably the best soda I've had in a while, and now that they've discontinued it, it's back to a no soda life for me.
I tried the Blueberry and Strawberry Diet Coke flavors and couldn't discern any uniqueness between them, so yeah, no soda for me still.

>> No.12141467

California says hi and reminds you that CRV and sales tax rings it up to 7+ dollars easy

>> No.12141797

okay now this is epic

>> No.12141806

my local grocery store had a giant bin of these, sold as single 12oz cans, for $0.79.
they sold out pretty quickly though and now they only have the packs, or 20oz bottles.

>> No.12141819

I believe coke already has vanilla in it

>> No.12141875


>> No.12141906

for anyone thinkng they can rip one out of the pack and purchase it, it doesn't work. they have different barcodes. i had people pulling out singles and when you scan it doesn't register lmao

>> No.12141913

>drinking carbonated Jew

>> No.12142021
File: 1.92 MB, 3024x3433, IMG_1292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok

>> No.12142256

It tastes the way that a dreamsicle smells.
My favorite, beating Peach.

>> No.12143624

That's the price for a 4-pack of 0.33l cans of Coca Cola in Norway

>> No.12143961

how’s that keyboard treating you, macfag?

>> No.12144188

i'll save you the trouble, it's not very good. that'll be 5.99 plus tip

>> No.12144198

I love orange coke
I love vanilla coke
This shit is terrible.

>> No.12144266

They sell singles at Kroger.

>> No.12144416

It just works :^)

>> No.12144442
File: 204 KB, 850x900, 130g of fucking sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's gonna be a yikes from me.

>> No.12144537

That's alot of sugar bro

>> No.12144547

Don’t bu sugar water fatty

>> No.12144561

They do fucknut, I had a single with rum, it wasn't that good.

>> No.12144665

Tear open/damage the packs. If your store is like the one I used to work at, you'll find the cans in the cooler the next day.

>> No.12145028

not for long, have fun sucking that spacebar

>> No.12145034

why is it legal to sell something that has more than 100% of the DV in a single serving?

>> No.12145139
File: 56 KB, 607x332, 1545475273182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What seems to be the problem officer?

>> No.12145147

Anon, where the fuck are you that sells this? Canuck here, and I've never seen it, but I really want to try it

>> No.12145168

I saw it for a couple weeks at save-on-foods in vancouver. Think I also saw it at other stores as well.

>> No.12145175

Florida but like I said can only find it in 12 packs

>> No.12145192

I'm in Ontario, and had no idea this existed. I'll buy a 12 pack, idgaf. Guess I'm hitting up the store tomorrow to take a look

>> No.12145201

imagine just taking a big swig of the raw HFCS contained in that bottle. 1/3c according to a calorie counter app.

it's literally 1/3c of raw HFCS thinned out with water, food coloring, and flavor concentrate.

>> No.12146233

oh my lawd

>> No.12147346

It's pretty fucking good.

>> No.12147350

who the fuck gives a fuck

>> No.12147357

What country do you live in that doesn't sell coca as a single can?

>> No.12147366
File: 1.04 MB, 1246x925, 1550123676764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly 12 days worth of cholesterol

>> No.12147394
File: 1.41 MB, 300x223, 1500357106879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ you might as well just eat a cup of sugar. sodafags are the worst

>> No.12147401
File: 453 KB, 1800x930, mezzo mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mezzo mix
The superior Orange Cola. I can only ever find it at import stores like World Market. Why this shit was never localized baffles me to this day.

>> No.12147477

Of course it is, water is more expensive is most places for a reason

>> No.12147513
File: 60 KB, 940x456, coca-cola-orange-vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell it in the six pack of bottles. Unlike Diet Orange Vanilla Coke, which is only in the 12 pack cans, and has disappeared from store shelves.

>> No.12147540
File: 16 KB, 750x750, shifty wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, hold the fucking phone. I've never seen a %dv for sugar on a nutrition label in my life

>> No.12147570
File: 39 KB, 470x595, 97bdb98e43fd4cc12baf2f7a2b9fd6b1a61be751v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open the 12 pack in the store and bring one can to the counter

>> No.12148107

I can only find the zero one as a single bottle or can.
Tastes alright I guess.

>> No.12148160
File: 29 KB, 583x616, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna try it
>doesn't get delivered to my part of the country

>> No.12148175

My local dollar general sells the 12oz skinnies
It's a shitty tasting soda

>> No.12148179

Poison on this scale should be illegal

>> No.12148220

I've seen 500ml bottles around, at walgreens and cvs.

>> No.12148307 [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 1132x761, don't do the dew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing compared to this

>> No.12148631
File: 209 KB, 1536x2048, 71B9B8B7-895A-47F5-AB26-7096859E0575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Big Water

>> No.12148656

I've had it and it's pretty good, it's like they blended an orange creamsicle into the soda.
>Posts the nutritional facts for a 12 oz can when the pic in question has a 20 oz bottle.
I have a feeling that said pic is exaggerated, but you could at LEAST cite the right kind of product.

>> No.12148657

The poor mans Spezi (or is it? I’ve only had Spezi and I think it came first)

>> No.12150202

Buy a bottle at a convenience store?
>is he retarded

>> No.12150282
File: 41 KB, 750x650, 1543157900477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trusts FDA recommendations

>> No.12150326

Why should it be illegal? Why do you need to government to babysit you like a retard?

>> No.12150655

>lets not regulate corporations because they're the equivalent of Dicken's reformed Scrooge, spreading nothing but good will toward their fellow man
Yeah, history has a few quibbles with you there, kid.

>> No.12150691

Regulating corporations usually causes more problems than it aims to solve.
Don't like their product? Don't buy it. Simple as that.

>> No.12150706

Why should it be illegal? Are you a big baby who can't make their own decisions? Huh, big poopy baby need his diapy changed?

>> No.12150728

They sell them in bottles as singles where I live, look harder.

>> No.12150731

>corporation hides what the product really consists of
>just open your mouth and say ahhhhh, because it's a socialist, gombunist atheist plot if you try to make us tell you what's in it
Welcome to amerisrael!

>> No.12150738

Don't bother, it's shit.