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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12241468 No.12241468 [Reply] [Original]

>grown ups who crave a little piece of shit of a snack every hour
>people who dont understand that i want to focus on my own meal and not try any of theirs or share mine

>> No.12241476

explode your head

>> No.12241500

>people infuriated at mcdonalds for getting environmental friendlier straws

why are you using straws to begin with? you're not 8 anymore

>> No.12241511

>people who dont understand that i want to focus on my own meal and not try any of theirs or share mine
THIS. FUCK. It's not so bad in England but I went to Mexico recently to stay with gf's family for a few months and every single meal the expectation would be that everyone tried and shared each others' food. It drove me insane. Like I didn't order a four cheese pizza to have one slice of it and then three more slices of random gross pizza slices I wouldn't order in a million years. Fucking retarded custom. Once I just ignored everyone and wolfed down my food and I could tell they were pissed off. Fuck off!

>> No.12241514

I use straws because it stains my teeth less and the new ones make everything taste like shit. I don't care much but still, I get their point.

>> No.12241517

>people who hear I like to cook and proceed to tell me about the "delicious" monstrosity they cooked out of 4 different cans that I "have to try"

>> No.12241522

I mean, I get it. It's not like I don't crave shit. Then again, I was also raised on regular meals and family eating together so that could be it.

>> No.12241532

>t. egocentric broken family single child protestant automatons
Sharing is caring.

>> No.12241566

This is some projection, I'm from a good family with (too many) siblings, I just don't like sharing food I specifically chose and paid for

>> No.12241583

stains teeth less? what are you even drinking?
have you tried running your tongue over the teeth? wouldn't that help?

>> No.12241595

>watch survival reality serie
>as a reward for completing a challenge they get to pick between flour, rice, survival kits, knives to help them going
>some actually consider picking a piece of cake to eat

I do not get it

>> No.12241602

I had my teeth whitened recently otherwise I wouldn't bother, and yes it probably does help to do that

>> No.12241607

let me guess, they're American

>> No.12241613

You shouldn't drink coca-cola to the extent of the idea of drinking without a straw causes you to worry about your dental health but live your life

>> No.12241625

I just told you I had my teeth whitened so I need to be extra careful for about a month. I'm not worrying about my dental health dipshit

>> No.12241627

>why use straws
The abled privilege is strong with you, o inconsiderate one.

>> No.12241648

He said he had his teeth whitened. Bleaching leaves your enamel porous for a couple months, so if you drink coffee or smoke right after you can reach 60-year old Brit levels of teeth pigmentation within weeks.

>> No.12241739

>teeth whitened


>> No.12241744

Women prefer men with teeth that are closer to white than yellow.

>> No.12241747

if you're only able to drink using a straw then how do you eat? are you only being spoonfed?
if that's the case why even go to restaurants? there's no one there to feed you

>> No.12241790

>altering yourself to attract women
>not finding a woman who loves you for who you are

>> No.12241804

wtf is this logic lmao, there's nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself . I have a gf and realised when I visited her (she's Mexican) it'd cost peanuts to get them whitened there (in England it costs hundreds) so I did it and now I feel a lot more confident smiling and having photos taken of me. I had yellow teeth before because English and I smoked/drunk coffee a lot.

>> No.12241813

it's quite harmless
just don't go further with botox and what not

>> No.12241829 [DELETED] 

Try China where everyone's chopsticks are expected to be going in and out of shared plates throughout the meal.

Good on you. Also English so I know your pain. Approaching almost neon levels of yellow teeth atm. It doesn't help if you're pasty skinned either.

>> No.12241840

Because no one wants to swap lip schmaltz with the rest of the restaurant at the refill machine. Plus the straw is completely untouched except by me, not even the cashier's hands covered in money feces particles has touched it.

>> No.12241846

>Like I didn't order a four cheese pizza to have one slice of it and then three more slices of random gross pizza slices I wouldn't order in a million years.
This is the worst of all. They pound on your cheese pizza they questioned as bland when you ordered it, then get to keep their shit covered monstrosities all to themselves.
It makes me see red.

>> No.12241855

US and Euros eat about the same amount of cake, actually.

>> No.12241862

>wanting to look good is bad
Imagine being a hippie slob in 2019.

>> No.12241863

Did you ever find the low standard girl of your dreams, anon?

>> No.12241865

what are you even going on about?
just place the cup and click the button?

>the cashier's hands covered in money feces particles has touched it
if this is a legit consern why are you even eating there? if the cups are this continimated then what about the food? even the refill container must be hazardous from lacking cleaning

>> No.12241866

not the point

>> No.12241870

there are girls that value your self confidence that you wouldnt change your looks because you're worried by what others think of you

>> No.12241878

Laziness is not self-confidence.

>> No.12241885

>ordered a cheese pizza at a restaurant
You absolute fucking picky tastelet, you deserve your personal hell.

>> No.12241893

it was a pizza kitchen so obviously I ordered pizza and a four cheese pizza can often be a fantastic choice when done right

>> No.12241899

Well, I knew you were just obsessing, but it's an interesting aside.

>> No.12241905

All money has shit particles on it. Those buttons are dirty as fuck too, hence why I prefer the ones where you push with your cup.
I know you can't avoid all microbes, but there's nothing wrong with reducing the amount of pathogens you are exposed to.

>> No.12241907

says you who got his teeth whitened because he didn't bother to brush his teeth enough

>> No.12241909

Cheese is unironically the best slice. If you have to cover the taste with pepperoni and shit it wasn't a good slice to begin with

>> No.12241917
File: 170 KB, 596x596, niggr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. People who hate on four cheese think Dominos is an example of good pizza

>> No.12241922

>all money has shit particles on it
>still using physical money in 2019

>dirty buttons
press with your knuckles or something
if you're overly afraid of germs use a napkin inbetween

>hence why I prefer the ones where you push with your cup
so you prefer to have germs where you'll put your lips rather than on your fingers (if not using napkin)? okay

if you're this afraid of germs why are you even going there?

>> No.12241928

I‘m not the original guy. Teeth yellow naturally, no matter how much you brush them. Whitening takes like extra half an hour at the dentist‘s, so I‘m not sure why you‘re so worked up about it.

>> No.12241929

I don't put my lips there, because I'm capable of the simple tool use required to utilize a straw.

>> No.12241933

"Domino's" is the brand name for a pizza restaurant chain

>> No.12241934

do you carry a little bottle of hand gel everywhere you go?

>> No.12241939

>if you're this afraid of germs why are you even going there?
I'm not going to stop eating chicken, but I'm not going to eat it raw either. Don't be dense.

>> No.12241941

No, but that's not a terrible idea. So many people don't wash their hands. It's more a matter of principle than any fear for me.

>> No.12241942

then you're paying to look unnatural
a real life photoshop example

>> No.12241943

no shit genius

>> No.12241947

Flu season would probably be almost non-existent if people weren't so lazy.

>> No.12241954

so you're saying you'd rather hurt the environment than risk get some germs on yourself (which you're exposed to daily several times anyway)

>> No.12241966

Most of the things we do are „unnatural“ from washing your hands with soap to living in insulated housing to taking medicine. There‘s nothin wrong with it.

>> No.12242723

>t. Lenin

>> No.12242738

don't people like to share food during a quinceanera?

>> No.12242796

Mexican's share food constantly, I don't mind at all at a party or at a meal where it's like a big assortment of foods that people serve themselves but it's dumb as fuck in restaurants. I'm not paying for kobe beef to have half of it and then a ton of other shit I didn't choose to pay for.

>> No.12242885

>Go with co-workers on lunch break.
>eat peacefully with my brain zoning out while they talk about some shit.
>anon is something wrong?
and this why i never take lunch breaks with them anymore.