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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 300x200, 143268-004-6D674B58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12309987 No.12309987 [Reply] [Original]

I made a post where I tried to convince people on here to go vegan I apologize it was gay and onions to do that. Veganisim is mental illnesses and I have been hurt physically from veganisim
Sorry anons

>> No.12309993

This is bait to soak in the boards vegans
You're like a sponge OP

>> No.12310000 [DELETED] 
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No problem. Welcome back to being a true human being.

>> No.12310005

You can tell it's copy and pasted from /pol/ because soy isn't filtered here.

>> No.12310027

Jesus, she should have retired. Also nice quads

>> No.12310064 [DELETED] 

Fat Lexi was so hot, would have loved to fuck her. Anybody have her phone number or email?

>> No.12310755

Gross, I’m glad I wasn’t born ugly or spergy so I could actually calibrate my sense of what’s attractive via having sex early and often

>> No.12310776

I found her number online

braphogg87 at gmail

>> No.12311447

nothing wrong with being a vegan

>> No.12311471
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Reminder, meat is always:
You are destroying your body, killing animals like a sociopath, and contributing to the destruction of our natural environment. Here's hoping you choke on some of that dead flesh at dinner.

>> No.12311474


until it turns your kids into victims. A canadian child died without teeth. I could beat a vegan to death in that case.

>> No.12311478
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>> No.12311481

Always necessary to consult a nutritionist before you design a vegan diet for a child.

>> No.12311482

im a sociopath and i dont care
theres nothing you can do about it

>> No.12311488
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>> No.12311490


You fucking nutjobs are cancer. Omnivores are that way BECAUSE THEY NEED TO BE. I hate half of my left coast family because if you idiots and I'm a left that I would be called a communist in America.

>> No.12311496

>gay and onions
Sounds like a San Francisco startup

>> No.12311501


That would be "I hate my Ashberry".

>> No.12311503
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>> No.12311517

>omnivores are that way because they need to be
Humans do not need to eat meat or animal products to be healthy and thrive. We are more closely related to animals who eat high vegetable/plant diets and very small amounts of meat. The majority of humans in hunter-gatherer societies (where we all began) eat a diet consisting of high amounts of starch and plants. With proper supplementation there are no nutrients that are missing in a vegan diet.
>muh eskimos

>> No.12311519
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>> No.12311521

>With proper supplementation there are no nutrients that are missing in a vegan diet.

The fact that supplementation is required is proof positive that the vegan diet is flawed.

>> No.12311522


>> No.12311526
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>> No.12311532

If your standard of a flawed diet is requiring supplementation, then sure. Majority of people take a supplement/multivitamin and eat fortified foods regardless. A flawed diet is one that contributes to the following: atherosclerosis, heart disease, and diabetes.

>> No.12311533
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>> No.12311535

Why didn't she us a shit tampon?

>> No.12311538


That's why they lived to be a wonderful 35.. ish. Protein in your later years tempers the diabetic response. We're not fucking monkeys in the wild anymore.

>> No.12311552

>Vegan diets are healthy
>Slaughterhouses are inhumane
>Vegan diets impact the environment least

>> No.12311555


Yeah, you people have it all together.


I'm not joking, I hate you assholes.

>> No.12311557

There is an abundance of protein to be found in plant sources.
>they lived to 35
>what is infant mortality
It's like you're not even trying, anon.

>> No.12311559


Look at leadership of any group in Europe. Celts, Anglo Saxons, Germanic. I don't even know why I bother with you fuckups.

>> No.12311560

The largest association of nutritionists, as well as the majority of the scientific community disagree with you. These parents should have consulted a nutritionist before making said diet for their child.

>> No.12311568

>Look at leadership of any group in Europe. Celts, Anglo Saxons, Germanic
What does that even mean anon? What argument are you trying to make? Europeans ate mostly grains and vegetables until the industrial revolution. https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/34/6/1307/3062804

>> No.12311569

>posts anime girl smoking
You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

>> No.12311573

>attempts to justify is terrible diet because an anon on a korean basket weaving forum posted an anime girl with a joint in her hand
The cognitive dissonance is unreal

>> No.12311577


You think one person is addressing you.

>> No.12311585

>attempts to justify the rationale of voicing a judgment on a korean basket weaving forum of someone who could care less about your opinion but you presumed they did and posted anyway
The prefrontal cortex damage is unreal.

>> No.12311588

meat is a terrible diet? haha how delusional are you

>> No.12311591


actually a prefrontal issue is impulse control. This person is more like a zealot and that requires propaganda.

>> No.12311594

>too retarded to make a coherent greentext

>> No.12311598


They need to be "told something" by a teacher, parent, family member or bubby. That becomes law in the mind of a convert.

>> No.12311600

Less delusional than someone who slits animal throats for a cheeseburger.

>> No.12311601 [DELETED] 

Well yeah that's because they're in a gay scar and leaf-eating cult.

>> No.12311602

Vegans kill animals, so I don't see why you even pretend to care about Animals any more idiot.



>> No.12311603


You need to break from your "group" and talk to someone.

>> No.12311607

I buy it I am not hunting it myself
And I dont eat fucking cheeseburgers.

>> No.12311609

They're pretty delusional.

Well yeah that's because they're in a gay scat and leaf-eating suicide cult.

The left are the greatest hypocrites.

>> No.12311613

These ignore the fact that cows themselves consume plants, which contributes to aforementioned animal deaths. We would consume less plants if we stopped raising cows, because they consume the majority of the plants on our arable land.

>> No.12311619

>BTFO carnists attempt to save face by saying I'm in a cult for eating plants
>I buy it I am not hunting it myself
Paying someone to slit throats is no different in terms of ethics from slitting the throat yourself, you are only further disconnecting yourself from the slaughter.

>> No.12311632

God put animals here for us to devour, get off your silly high horse nigger and eat a juicy fat steak.

>> No.12311637

>God put animals here for us to devour
Prove it

>> No.12311645
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>These ignore the fact that cows themselves consume plants, which contributes to aforementioned animal deaths. We would consume less plants if we stopped raising cows, because they consume the majority of the plants on our arable land.

Just staggering lies. Wow. Cows consume grass, hay, silage (sort of baled up grass and stalky things humans can never eat) and some .... grains in their fattening up stage.

90% of the stuff cows eat, ready????? Is grown on NON FERTILE LAND ( ie sparse grasslands ) sorry to bother you with the truth, as a leftist/vegan I know you have zero interest in that lol.


Pic related, a lush avocado plantation the cows are stealing from.

>> No.12311647

literally your only argument is that it is "cruel" to kill animals. This myth that meat is bad is only invented so this crazy theory has at least some support
Wtf do you not realise that nearly every animal eats other animals?

>> No.12311648

Uh yeah okay look up "biological evolution" and maybe you'll find something interesting if your brain hasn't completely rotten from all of the grass you've been eating.

>> No.12311650

jajajajaja she trusted uno farto XD

>> No.12311653

Vegans paying someone to shoot, poison, gas and bait (kill with poison) animals is no different in terms of ethics from slitting the throat yourself, you are only further disconnecting yourself from the slaughter.

Look at bloody vegans, their hands are dripping in animals blood, pretending to care about ? animals ? why is it mental illness???


>> No.12311655


God doesn't exist. Even the sheep farmers 2000 years ago figured that out. We're a chemical mistake. Deal with it.

>> No.12311658


You just created the name of my book. You need God, God doesn't need you.

>> No.12311659

Lmao keep denying the fact that there is an infinitely complex mind behind this universe and keep eating your atrazine grass you misshapen death cult ogre.

>> No.12311661

90% of the stuff cows eat, ready????? Is grown on NON FERTILE LAND
Citation needed. Cows in america consume enough grain to feed 800 million of us.
>cows are not sustainable

>> No.12311662


Complexity is intrinsic. You live here. You're just too stupid to understand it. Grow up.

>> No.12311665

>makes claim
>post debunked studies from 1997
>.edu source

>> No.12311670

Complexity is intrinsic and non-intrinsic in other words its related to the nature of things and not related to the nature of things. Go read a book, you hippie nigger.

>> No.12311673

>muhh conspiracy theory
>biological evolution
What are you talking about? We don't need animals to survive anymore, that is all that matters.
We could feed more people using the same land cows use as pasture to raise crops for humanity.
>still no viable arguments

>> No.12311674


read what you typed and be embarrassed. no human is this childish.

>> No.12311681

No I believe it's you who needs a viable argument because you're opposing the already established system. The burden of proof is on you, the lettuce eating gorilla.

>> No.12311682
File: 107 KB, 750x498, Swiss Pastures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cows are not sustainable
>Who eat grass
>Which is the food God makes for cows
>For free
>With literally zero effort
>on VAST VAST grassland (American West, NZ, Africa, etc etc, Ukraine, etc)
>(God provides the sun and rain, you just have to wait)

I assume these clever vegans know what's going on, the leaders, and they just spew out endless lies to keep the Bad Ship Vegan afloat...

>> No.12311683

>the burden of proof is on you
I've already provided ample evidence throughout the thread to support my three claims:
>meat is unhealthy
>meat is cruel
>meat is not sustainable

>> No.12311689

>no human exhibits a pre-existing psychological state
Please stop now, you're so autistic it's killing me.

>> No.12311691


Vegans aren't ever clever. They're the reason the German Measles are a new thing. They were given resources beyond their intelligence and allowed to be stupid in public.

>> No.12311694

>We could feed more people using the same land cows use as pasture to raise crops for humanity.

That would kill all the cows. You are Satanic, and God made the grassland for the cows (and bison). And I don't want you to starve me, or kill off all the cows I like, to feed "humanity" which means you want me to starve so Africans can get free food.

HAHA I'm so glad vegans get sick and die because you are evil as fuck.


>> No.12311696

Imagine being this retarded.
>remove grass
>remove massive grain farms to feed cows
>replace them with plants humans can consume directly
>no more methane
>no more thousand gallons of water per pound of beef
>no more cruelty

>> No.12311699

We don't need to kill them, we need to slowly wean the population off of them. Cows are not sustainable, much less are they healthy. Why is this so difficult for you?

>> No.12311703


Dude, no one is fighting you. If you can lab grow protein that tastes like beef(and they are) everyone will do it.

Grow the fuck up. God I hate 20 year olds.

>> No.12311704

That's not evidence retard. Do you know what evidence is? It's called peer reviewed studies that prove that meat is unhealthy, and unsustainable. Watchu got? Nothing because you're probably a liberal who doesn't recognize the scientific method and spews pseudoscience bullshit all day like you're doing right now. Be a good homosexual and go eat some more poaceae soup.

>> No.12311707


Sorry, I hate and LOVE you. You're the only fucking idiots that will make the planet better.

>> No.12311711
File: 63 KB, 1000x250, pastureland-nature-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vegan leaders are clever, they are making tons and tons of money, and they are growing veganism among the imbecile left people.
You can't grow avocado plantations on Wyoming grasslands, but I'm sure some retard vegan will try.

>Cows use too much water
>So lets make a almond plantation
>Cows don't take water in and piss it out.

There is no way you are this stupid, you are hitting lying fake talking points for what purpose??

And also
>Of living on thousands acres ranches in the sun, oh the cruelty

(and remember you are the Satanist who wants to kill off all the cows, I want them to live)

>> No.12311715

Bro nobody here gives a fuck about who you love or don't, literally nobody here gives a fuck about your existence at all. People are too busy doing more important things like jerking off to chicken wings on a KFC thread.

>> No.12311716

you answer to serious scientific sources with a blog called "baka.com.au"
what the fuck anon

>> No.12311719


This isn't an involved question, but why the fuck do they grow cattle in California? Or Almonds or anything that requires huge water? It's an infuriating mystery to me.

>> No.12311721

Vegans can be overzealous and some of the moral arguments for animal welfare don't appeal to me, but meat monsters are a special kind of stupid. It's nothing more than contrarianism, because there's zero logic to the meat monster arguments ITT, even ignoring the total environmental disregard of it.

>> No.12311723
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There is no 'we' you are a Satanic creature with no kinship to me. Fuck you and kill yourself.

>don't need to kill them, we need to slowly wean the population off of them.

You are not going to do that, but you have my permission to kill off all your leftist pals with your starvation diet called veganism. Hop to it!

>Cows are not sustainable, much less are they healthy. Why don't you believe my lies like most leftist retards do?

Your comments are beyond idiotic. If all humans died on this earth in one day, cows and bison and yaks would survive and thrive with the amazing ease, how can you make such retarded comments lol?

>> No.12311731

Tell you what kid, when we can zap proteins into our butthole collectively and be one fat giant ass blob of transfat then we can truly enjoy cummunism for what it is okay?

>> No.12311732

IDK But I believe it involves political power, wealth, and the ability of corrupt california politicians to direct VAST amounts of water to their consituents, for bribes, political power, or whatever reason, but someone is getting ripped off royally somewhere along the line in this deal.

Or maybe they are just raping the aquifers somewhere with zero care for the future.

>> No.12311747

Proving my point. Black and white thinking, another hallmark of a clueless fucking retard. I'm not even vegetarian, I'm just not a lying dipshit that needs to counter signal something as unimportant as a vegetarian dietary choice like you do.

>> No.12311750


This is why we need to murder democrats along with Republicans. They all abuse people on the tens of thousands scale. Water the tree of liberty isn't a goddamn joke.

>> No.12311753

You're on /ck/ arguing with a bunch of niggers. You're equally stupid.

>> No.12311756
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Do niggers know about 4cheeen?

>> No.12311762


Imagine thinking you're better than a black man. You're probably a fat, white idiot. You're the human garbage you want to pretend you aren't.

>> No.12311763

Replacing arid graze land with human consumable crops would require massive irrigation that would make the already taxed river systems of the American midwest look like the southwest river rapage needed to fuel California's almond and asparagus ecological disaster. And dont get me started o how quickly it would deplete the aquifers. What you propose is infantile in its understanding of the American livestock industry and how it affects its surrounding environment, and the nature of those environments to begin with.

>> No.12311764

Nope, I'm just bored. There's no way to be as stupid as the autistic meat monster ITT making the dumbest arguments ever conceived.

>> No.12311768

This argument would work if cattle were only fed on grass. A large portion of them are fed on grain grown on arable land, however. We would use less land the less meat people ate because of that.

>> No.12311769



>> No.12311772


You sound like a 'kid'. You're a child aren't you?

>> No.12311776

>You're probably a fat, white idiot
That would still make him better than a nigger.

>> No.12311777

>Majority of people take a supplement/multivitamin
Do clapistani's really...?

>> No.12311778

It's a fiction noir movie but "chinatown" will give you a good understanding of how California got to where it is today.

>> No.12311782


You don't understand the global crop system. You're just entirely out of your depth with regards to carbohydrates.

>> No.12311784

I'm looking at the leadership and I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing

>> No.12311785


I'd slit yours for a cheeseburger

>> No.12311791

There‘s nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12311793


Every black person on the planet is better than your chromosomal error and that's why you hate them. You're garbage.

>> No.12311801
File: 3.22 MB, 957x8542, Vegans Have Blood on their Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but cows are only 'finished' on grain, ie fattened up for slaughter. Cows in the US, Australia, Ireland and most of the world, are at a minimum, born and raised on pasture, on grass, then moved on to the feedlot, to 'finish off' they don't live their whole life on grain, as 100% of vegan liar/propagandists suggest or state.

I know that won't help your vegan propaganda efforts, so sorry for bothering you with the truth. Even McDonalds cows, are born and raised on grass with their mothers.

>> No.12311808

Any white man no matter how obese, could father the next Michelangelo, you? What, the next clever welfare fraud? The next jussie Smollet lol.

>> No.12311815

There‘s no need to be this upset, nigger.

>> No.12311822

I didn't say it was 100%, dumb nigger. Obviously it's not. More "black and white" reasoning from you. It's clear that a large amount of soybeans and corn goes to feeding livestock though, so it's not like it's a small amount of cattle and other livestock being grain fed.

>> No.12311833


You know that everyone sees you like fat basement dwelling losers, right? Say nigger more... You've lost at life. You're unhappy and everyone knows it.

>> No.12311835

Cows consume a negligible amount of soy and grains. An overwhelming majority of it is used as poultry and swine feed.

>> No.12311836

no one cares faggot, kys

>> No.12311837

Nope. I collect manure from a cattle farmers feed sheds. Every morning the cattle are bunched around the feed troughs waiting for their morning grain. After they eat their fill they wander back out to pasture. Stop lying on a bangladeshi cobra charming song composition board.

>> No.12311844

My life is pretty sweet. Once again, there‘s no need to be this upset. Life is unfair and being born a nigger sucks, but what can you do.

>> No.12311846

>chromosomal error

>> No.12311851


You're the piece of shit that America chose to murder. Remember?

>> No.12311855
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>they wander back out to pasture.

Even a fucking debunking shilling vegan admits his sample cows have pasture, and are not factory farmed. Thanks for helping confirm what I post. Anything more about your friends half acre "farm?"

>> No.12311856

Those are feed lots where cattle are sent at the end of their life right before slaughter, they account for very little of the cattle diet over their lifetime. A feedlot mix is usually only about 30% grain and the cattle in the feedlot system are only there for 1/3 of their life.

And honestly every year I drive by acres of fields and silos full of grain that are left to rot because we do not have a shortage of grain. In America we produce so much corn soybeans and wheat that it is literally too worthless to ship. The only way to change that would be to drive the prices up, which repurposing vast amounts of land to grain production would not do.

>> No.12311858


>> No.12311859


The South fucks their children. Savvy?

>> No.12311868




You people are filth.

>> No.12311884

Is it subsidies that cause this?? Seems it would be much more profitable to just put cows on those hayfields if their isn't enough market for the hay
(but their will be this year for all of it for the floods)

>> No.12311886

You‘re not making much sense. Wipe the foam from your lips and try again, nigger. This time use words instead of TV clips.

>> No.12311890

Cops were in the wrong here, hasslin a brother for no reason.

>> No.12311897

There is no global crop system. Shipping costs and government meddling will always ensure that most of a nation's agricultural output will stay in it's own continent unless another nation is absolutely desperate to pay for it. A great way to extend the life of those crops is to convert them to a less perishable or more dense and useful form, like alcohol or meat.

>> No.12311901


I'm a white canadian and you fucking southern garbage in the country that exists north of me make me fucking gag. I understand you're poor and that feeling better than "a visible difference" makes you feel better, but I still would cave your skull in if I could.

>> No.12311910


Sorry I guess my unconscious hatred of Quebec got the better of me.

>> No.12311920

I‘m not American, let alone a Southerner. Nobody cares about your sóy-fueled violent fantasies. Stop shitting up the thread and go back to watching Netflix while your country turns into a Chinese colony.

>> No.12311922

It's not negligible. On top of that, beef takes significantly more calorie input per calorie output; something like 55:1, compared to 17:1 for pigs and as low as 4:1 for broiler chickens. Not to mention that livestock is responsible for 80% or more of water use, and a majority of arable land use as well, and the meat monster lies ITT begin to fall apart.

>> No.12311933


OK, Ruby Ridge.

>> No.12311939

Nutrition is not just about raw calorific values. Bioavailability and volumetric density play a huge role. Meat is excellent at that. There‘s an ecological case for abstaining from beef and lamb in favor of pork and chicken, but not for total veganism.

>> No.12311945

I have no idea who that is.

>> No.12311949

>“white“ canadian
nice one, nigger

>> No.12311958


That's because you're a stupid child born into a world he never had to fight for and doesn't understand mental disease.

You're the expression of second generational wealth(but poor). You're the stupid version of humanity that dies very quickly when shit happens.

>> No.12311963

>There‘s an ecological case for abstaining from beef and lamb in favor of pork and chicken, but not for total veganism.
There's a case for both, and like I've already said, I'm not even vegetarian. I like chicken and fish anyway. The point of the calorie ratios is that it makes cattle and lamb scale worse as more meat is produced. Nothing about nutrition; that's a separate topic.

>> No.12311981

As I‘ve said, I‘m not American, so I have no idea why you expect me to know some 30 year old US law enforcement trivia. Or indeed why you think this somehow justifies your IMAX tier spergtastic projections. If the word „nigger“ upsets you this much, you might want to look into abstaining from using 4chan altogether. Nigger.

>> No.12311994

it's one of those nutjobbs andfeds killinng eachother events new worlders seem to think are globally famous

>> No.12311997

You tell em nigger.

>> No.12312006

What do idiots like this think Joseph Stalin would have done to his fruity ass?

>> No.12312009
File: 67 KB, 640x388, Cattle_near_grants_pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are arguing for factory farming chickens and hogs, and against natural grazing outdoors of cows, in the sun.

There is no low for vegans when it comes to just scoring debate points for the sake of it. Thanks be to God that at least vegans are sterile and often kill themselves, to speed them off this Earth even faster.

>> No.12312011

Probably put him in charge of killing Christians.

>> No.12312018
File: 23 KB, 447x329, EB517F21-8FB1-4190-ABCD-4E2A95168A30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you vegans realize that there are people who don’t care about animals or the environment in general. I don’t care if my cow has to be chained and tortured for 10 hours. If it makes the meat taste better I want farmers to do it. I’m treating this earth like a rental car and eating whatever the fuck I want as long as I’m alive.

>> No.12312026

>apres moi le deluge
Go back to dying out, faggot boomer.

>> No.12312033

Whatever, you over sensitive pussy. I was born in 91. There are wolves in life and sheep. You are a sheep.

>> No.12312034

There is an entire continent of Indians and China men with this same attitude and they are greater in number than every generation of post war Americans combined.

>> No.12312050

Here come the retards again, proving they're retarded. I'm not a vegan, you just want to assume I am so it can be an "us vs them," all or nothing shitshow devoid of discussion of facts.
I'm not arguing for factory farming. The calorie inputs outside of factory farms are probably higher, but the scale of 10:1 for cattle vs chickens isn't going to disappear by moving the animals outside the feed lot. The environmental issues remain, no matter how you twist animal welfare against environmentalism as it suits you while not actually giving a shit about either.
I know you guys exist. There's no discussion to be had with amoralist apathetics on environmentalism. Linkola is right that the only serious solution to environmental catastrophe is human depopulation. Might as well start with the hopeless cases like you. It's not only a moral position. It's one of survival.

>> No.12312054

Vegans cause more harm to animals than you as one person ever could. Add up all the pesticides they dump on insects and animals, and ten hours of suffering would be like a walk in the park compared to the torture vegans cause to animals and the Earth.


(and they don't torture cows for ten hours) Maybe in China

>> No.12312055
File: 98 KB, 605x500, 0009ef3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not vegan.

Literally even reading your posts, I would have to be retarded. To believe anything you said, or that you believe anything you said, one would have to be a vegetable.

>Caloric inputs

This is how you know vegans will lose.

>> No.12312056

>not wanting to ruin the world for future generations is „oversensitive“
>being a hedonistic egocentric faggot is okay because I know some capeshit quips
Drink bleach, faggot.
>it‘s olay because others do that too

>> No.12312062

Death is a part of the universe. Everything comes and does. The dinosaurs and eventually us. You environment loving faggots are entitled for feeling that humans should live on planet earth forever. We are supposed to the kill the environment and have the environment kill us. You’re just another entitled millennial

>> No.12312063
File: 8 KB, 179x282, 2BCD473A-8D0B-4EB7-AF8F-F6EA3518679C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phoneposting on fagchan at 28 years of age
>I‘m a wolf
Only in your furry club, bubbaleh.

>> No.12312066

This applies to you too. The earth is not ours so we shouldn’t expect to be here forever

>> No.12312069

No my point is regardless of you moralizing bugmen are going to destroy the world. The road goes on forever and the party never ends.

>> No.12312071

el goblin... la creatura...

>> No.12312073
File: 26 KB, 428x368, C14254B2-B37F-4922-B6D6-ED86394232CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a double digit IQ tard tries to rationalize his shitty life choices
>ex nihilo normative statements

>> No.12312084 [DELETED] 

She is a beautiful thriving vegan womyn YOU BIGGOT!!!!!!

>> No.12312091 [DELETED] 
File: 843 KB, 1280x800, Charming Vegan Couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a beautiful thriving vegan womyn YOU BIGGOT!!!!!!

Here is my wife. She is 37 years older than me, both thriving VEGANS!

>> No.12312104
File: 448 KB, 1280x800, Dr Dray Thriving Vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me I kept fucking up this post. I give up.

>> No.12312115

>I don't believe facts
that's apparent
You don't care, I do. Like I said, there's no discussion to be had with apathetics.

>> No.12312129
File: 711 KB, 1280x800, Vegan Model Dies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have presented zero facts here, and I would guess IRL you are a big lefty liar as well.

>Drop some idiotic vegan talking points.

There I saved you the trouble.
(thank God vegans are wrong about diet at least, it's fun watching them sicken and die)

>> No.12312143

I've presented several facts if you bothered to read the thread.
>Drop some idiotic vegan talking points.
this isn't what I've said though

>> No.12312162

Fat people are sociopaths

>> No.12312167
File: 770 KB, 1280x800, Average Lovely Vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have not been dropping retarded vegan talking points.

As a vegan shill, that's pretty much all you can do now, peppered with "I'm not even vegan..."

>I made a post where I tried to convince people on here to go vegan I apologize it was gay and super-S.O.Y. to do that. Veganism is mental illnesses and I have been hurt physically from veganism
>Sorry anons

Apology accepted, did you make whole vegan threads, or just a couple posts like the rabid idiot vegan in this thread??

>> No.12312178

>>I have not been dropping retarded vegan talking points.
That's a funny way of saying "facts."
>As a vegan shill, that's pretty much all you can do now, peppered with "I'm not even vegan..."
I'm not, don't really care if you don't believe me

>> No.12312192
File: 50 KB, 795x454, 893475333333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody believes you, if you are vegan even you don't believe you, but the mirror will tell you the truth if you stay vegan long enough, that is the beauty of veganism.

It's like an oncoming train (vegan health collapse) you can pretend its not coming, but it's coming lol.