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12352560 No.12352560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some easy recipes to prepare for young toddlers?

>> No.12352567

Whatever fits in your blender.

>> No.12352573

Goodnight smoothies.

>> No.12352574

Whatever you do, start feeding them vegetables and seafood as young as possible so they don’t grow up to be tastelets.

>> No.12352581

>we live in a world where women believe infanticide is their god given right

Women’s suffrage was a mistake.

>> No.12352600

This! So much fucking this! My cousin gave her 2 yr old a coke and now he loses his shit whenever something isn't covered in sugar

>> No.12352604

>muh killing babies rhetoric

>> No.12352608

i believe in abortion on the basis of castle doctrine and stand your ground laws

>> No.12352615

Abortion isn't infanticide. SIDS is infanticide, but I'm willing to bet you look the other way when anybody mentions it.

>> No.12352618

I mean let's call a spade a spade. They're killing kids.

>> No.12352622

This. Abortion is murder but sometimes murder is fine.

>> No.12352631

This. My 9 year old tries everything at least once and he ate everything I'd put in front of him. The same with my toddler daughter, she loves brocolli and raw onion. She loves meat more than anyone I've seen. They both love chile. I think I just got lucky, though, or maybe they got a taste of everything in utero.

It's also a good way to see if they're allergic to anything. Kids are receptive and love to please, so if you look to honestly be enjoying the food, they will be happy to try it. No point in forcing it though.

>> No.12352637

Just like you do every time you bust a nut

>> No.12352639

Your cousin is a shit parent. I've let my kids have fizzy pop bad drinks and they drink water completely fine.

>> No.12352643

What's wrong with killing kids?

>> No.12352653

Look, roastie, there's a difference between sperm and a fertilized egg that will always end up as human life. Suarez you're depriving the sperm of their only reason to "live", but hey, look at all the degenerates that's kill their babies and the faggots who are a dead end.

>> No.12352665

How can liberals be alright with killing children, but then they get tremendously assblasted when we don’t accept rapefugees en masse?

>> No.12352673

Oh quit with the virtue signaling, don't you people bitch when sjws do that?

>> No.12352682

How can you be against accepting sandniggers, but be perfectly okay with a domestic explosion of taco niggers and regular niggers?

>> No.12352686

>implying imported blacks and Hispanics don’t also rape when unleashed upon the American public

Rapefugees is an all encompassing term, you obtuse faggot.

>> No.12352699

Your mother deciding not to abort you was a mistake.

>> No.12352700

>wanting human life in the first world to have a chance
>comparable to "rights" for gays/trannies, and flooding our nations with unsavory humans that offer nothing and take take take
>virtue signaling
I'm sure you'll gladly take jamal's seed and not kill his child, though.

>> No.12352701

Jfc I wish the libs and conservatards would just kill each other so the rest of us could get some peace and quiet

>> No.12352705

>ass hurt roastie

Enjoy dying alone, you spinster cunt. Owning a dog won’t fill that childless void that keeps you up at night.

>> No.12352706

It's the same whiney bullshit, you're just rationalizing it because it's something you agree with

>> No.12352711

You get the rope too on the premise of being a faggot.

>> No.12352716

Whatever shuts you idiots up faster. I've nothing to fear from you or any man.

>> No.12352718

except the wall?

>> No.12352725

Build it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.12352734

the wall comes for all women and discord trannies

>> No.12352740

Lol your kids are going to be discord trannies and you'll be thrown in prison if you try to stop them.

>> No.12352766





>> No.12352770

They’re just a part of the woman’s body until they can survive outside of it.

>> No.12352775
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Oof. You told on yourself {pic related}

>> No.12352792

Fact remains that, by opposing abortion, you are tacitly encouraging a population explosion of blacks and Hispanics. Get off your high horse or admit your hypocrisy.

>> No.12352808

I'm not a liberal though. So tell me, without resorting to straw men and whataboutism, why is killing kids bad?

>> No.12352812

my gf had an abortion but technically i raped her since we weren't married and also it was incest because we have a common ancestor from the garden of eden right?

>> No.12352815

Sperm cells die and are replaced every two weeks anyways and God knows you weren't going to use them for anything important in that time

>> No.12352819

olives, smoked oysters and escargot stuffed mushrooms were my favorite foods as a toddler
thank you based parents

>> No.12352820

chicken casserole

>> No.12352859

back to le reddit

>> No.12352998

you are doing what sjws do, you are completely rejecting reality by shaming others into changing their language so that you are not constantly reminded of reality and it triggers the feelings of regret and shame that you repress

if you wanna kill your motherfucking baby at least have the decency to call it what it is, you are a baby killer

>> No.12353016

>"science matters, you have a male chromosome, you're a male. i'm not changing my language for you"
>"science doesn't matter. an embryo is actually a baby. you better change your terminology for me or you're a murderer"

Just have the decency to call it what it is, Christian Sharia. You guys don't hate Muzzies, you envy them.

>> No.12353092

>abortion bad!
>forcing shitty parents to raise unwanted kids making society worse good!

>> No.12353093

>>"science doesn't matter. an embryo is actually a baby. you better change your terminology for me or you're a murderer"
FFS, that's not the argument and you know it.

No one mistakes the developmental terminologies of shit like "fetus" or "embryo" as being the same as the colloquial term "baby" in any kind of developmental or scientific sense.

The prolife side asserts that the embryo/fetus should be afforded protection because it's human.
>inb4 no its not
You goddamn retard, it's a human embryo, a human fetus, not a horse fetus. Specifying the developmental stage of the species doesn't magically make it not that species, or are you going to be really stupid and claim that human adolescents are somehow now not human?

Fact of the matter is that essentially any developmental stage you decide to land on as the milestone for when abortion is allowed is wholly arbitrary from both an ethical and scientific point of view, and you're doing nothing but playing with words by insisting on mixing formal jargon and colloquialisms, then pretending that a comparison between the two has any standing whatsoever.

>> No.12353109

>No one mistakes the developmental terminologies of shit like "fetus" or "embryo" as being the same as the colloquial term "baby" in any kind of developmental or scientific sense.
Except they do.

>You goddamn retard, it's a human embryo, a human fetus
But it's not a person. Saying a fetus should have rights because one day it will be human is like saying immigrants should have citizenship because one day they'll travel to the US. Stop pretending your side makes logical sense. It's entirely steeped in emotion and religious arguments. Why are you even on 4chan? You cannot be on 4chan and be a moral person. If you think you can, you're sorely mistaken. You should be in a bible study group somewhere instead of waking it to rape porn and dehumanizing minorities at every opportunity.

>> No.12353115
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I hear children enjoy living.

>> No.12353154

>Stop pretending your side makes logical sense.
Nigger it isn't "my side". I'm a utilitarian who also happens to be an accelerationist. I think we should do more abortions. I'm still able to recognize a bad argument when I see one though.

That said, the pro-life side IS the logically consistent side. Look at the entire concept of viability. No human is actually a viable human until around 8 or 9 years old when they almost have a chance of fending for themselves. Even if you pare it down to "survival outside of the womb" what precisely does that mean? Are we talking about without the full force of state of the art neonatal medicine keeping it alive? Because that isn't viability. With enough technology we can keep some of the most wrecked bodies imaginable "alive".

All of the "it's not ending a human life", "think of it as a fetus and not a baby" stuff is merely to create the psychological distance to make it easier for pregnant women to terminate. That's it. There's no basis in reality, and if there were then start pushing to have that as the go-to line for comforting women who miscarried.

>> No.12353174

I'm not one of the christfags that say its evil, so i can say that i wish your gay fathers had aborted you.

>> No.12353240

as the father of two daughters, this hits me in the feels

>> No.12353246

when does it become a person? what is personhood? are there adults who are not people?

>> No.12353258

Yeah but you’re not a woman and will never have to actually experience any of that.
So really your moralfag posturing is just that. Posturing and virtue signaling.
You just like to hear yourself talk.
Have sex. For your sake.

>> No.12353272

Who gives a shit, I just want to be able to choose not to be pregnant in emergencies in case contraception fails.

>> No.12353297


This is code for “I’m a teenaged white kid with no real friends and a single parent. I fear what I don’t understand but I will never admit it”
Have sex before you go on a school shooting you sperg

>> No.12353304

I give a shit. We all agree you can't drown a baby in a bath tub just because you don't feel like being a parent anymore because that baby is a person with rights and dignity. It seems to me this determination is central to the philosophical position.

>> No.12353317

>can't address points
>resorts to insults
>thinks anyone reading will believe that's anything other than you admitting I'm right and you just can't bear to admit it

>> No.12353338

I just came into this thread the only person who cares about how lurkers see this exchange is you.
I already think you’re a know it all teenager so why would I care to be logical and proper to you?
You’re a child with a child’s mindset.

>> No.12353351

cant you just use them as every other meat?

>> No.12353361

But we can terminate a pregnancy. Huh, seems like the people having the babies and the abortions are making some sort of personal distinction. Maybe logic is fuzzy and clear lines don’t actually exist. Maybe your pearl clutching doesn’t matter to someone making a decision for themselves and their own body. Why should it?

>> No.12353379

Sperm cells aren’t technically alive, they can’t reproduce on their own.

>> No.12353387

So you’re saying incels aren’t even people? Finally, the justification we needed.

>> No.12353392

They have different DNA and the cell replicates on its own, with the mother’s nutrients of course, but if separated and provided with nutrients the cells would still replicate and grow to form a functioning human being.

To say a developing fetus is “part of the woman’s body” is like saying a parasite is part of your body because it can’t survive externally. It’s absolutely retarded mental gymnastics designed to make you feel better.0

>> No.12353400
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Neither can embryos or fetuses

>> No.12353410

Well humans can reproduce sexually, for a cell to be alive it has to be able to reproduce on its own. Do you even know basic biology?

If a cell can reproduce on its own, then it’s alive. If an organism can reproduce sexually, then it’s alive. Sure incels aren’t reproducing, but they functionally can, they just choose not to or are unable to. You’re basically just going
>hurr-durr technicality in the exact definition of your sentence even though the meaning is clear and understandable
>I wish I had a real way to counter that idea but I’m a fucking retard hurr-durr

>> No.12353418

In death I’m not even obligated to give my liver your dying alchoholic dad without my prewritten consent.
What makes you think I am obligated to grow this prehuman into a viable baby with MY nutrients. I have decided that I need those more and I can direct them as I see fit.

>> No.12353422

The cells in an embryo/fetus do reproduce on their own, it just requires nutrients you fucking nigger.

When women are implanted with embryos, the embryo is usually a conglomeration of a few dozen cells, which are outside any human being. The amount of nutrients and cost of leaving the baby outside of a human being would just be much more than just implanting that fucker into a human.

The cells are very much reproducing on their own, but to create structures so complex requires certain conditions. Ever heard of entropy? Creating a complex structure is decreasing entropy, which means a lot of work is needed.

>> No.12353427

Imagine being so obsessed with anonymous and blind “debate” that you cannot take an obviously fallacious post for the joke that it is.
Do you have to carry around face cards to double check other people’s emotions too?

>> No.12353429

You made that obligation the moment you were stupid enough to let someone cum in your slut hole without proper birth control. Just take a god damn pill or get a shot every few months, it isn’t that hard, or tell the fucker to pull out. If any man is too retarded to pull out they’re doing it intentionally.

You literally have the choice to not have cum in your holes, you are aware of that right?

>> No.12353432

Nah I’m just used to /pol/ where even a single grammatical error causes people to dogpile you.

>> No.12353435

>but they functionally can

Lol Keep telling yourself that

>> No.12353444
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>> No.12353445


And here we come to the crux of your argument. Misogyny. Plain and simple.
So sad.

>> No.12353451

We don't agree on that, though. I don't believe you can simply terminate a pregnancy (without having committed murder). So tell me: if the difference between "terminating a pregnancy" and drowning a child in the bathtub is the personhood of the victim, what determines a being's personhood?

>> No.12353450

You should go back

>> No.12353455

What? So it’s a man’s fault you let him cum inside of you?

I’m literally saying you have a choice in having sex and you’re calling me a misogynist, ask me how I know you have a mental illness.

>> No.12353459

I’m not the one who started a giant argument about abortion, I came into the thread to genuinely read about what to feed young children and then noticed there was a plethora of niggers who clearly don’t understand basic biology.

>> No.12353463

roasties getting roasted. this is now cooking related.

>> No.12353465

Lmao. You guys are the ones putting words into these peoples mouths. Its like that dumb bitch that said "you hate abortion but support the death penalty". They are two completely sep circumstances. In one scenario you have a child whjo is inherently innocent. The other you have a guy who raped and murder twelve 6 year old girls. We are not opposed to murder, we opposed to the murder of babies.

>> No.12353475

And they say we support the explosion of black/Hispanic populations, who says we don’t oppose abortion and support the extermination of every last brown person in the US? After all, it is the lefts ideals that caused this population explosion to begin with, and it’s not my fault Hispanics/blacks are fucking retards who inspire hatred.

>> No.12353477

>I just came into this thread the only person who cares about how lurkers see this exchange is you.
Sure thing.
>I already think you’re a know it all teenager so why would I care to be logical and proper to you?
So you're saying that you don't care enough about your side to argue it against what you deem a highly inferior opponent?
>You’re a child with a child’s mindset.
Because it's so childish to actually bring nuance to a conversation that's severely lacking it while calling out bad faith arguments. Gotcha.

>> No.12353485

I know you don’t agree, but I don’t care how you categorize it. It’s honestly not your problem.
This path of the argument is made of goalposts on wheels because personhood is not a fixed concept. I’m going to say it doesn’t feel or think and you’re going to talk about vegetables and I’m going to say that it’s the caretakers ultimate decision.

You said you’re a utilitarian so let’s make this simple. Why do I have to provide nutrients to grow a fetus if I do not find it advantageous? and if the abortion causes no pain to a sentient feeling being (except for me), what is the net harm? Lost potential? Pretty ephemeral reason to force someone to carry to term.

>> No.12353494

I also have a choice for abortion in case my contraception fails.

Deep down, I suspect you want to punish women for having sex.

Are you a virgin?

>> No.12353496

Abortion is good; rapefugees, the homeless, and the incapable elderly should all be gassed. Also we should wage genocidal wars of conquest exterminating the entire ME population and the majority of Africa.
Am I a libshit cuck or a nazi? Apparently those are the only two positions that exist

>> No.12353498

>You said you’re a utilitarian so let’s make this simple.
That's another anon. Not me.

>> No.12353502

All of us are born into sin and deserve death. Read your Bible and repent.

>> No.12353504

>personhood is not a fixed concept
But you said that was the determining factor. Are you admitting you can't and won't defend your decision to support infanticide?

And no, I didn't say I was a utilitarian. Stop.

>> No.12353514

Abortion is legal and will stay legal shitlord.
If it’s not we’re going to shoot the people you voted in.
Sorry, not sorry. We’re not going backwards.

>> No.12353519

Can’t wait for the epic shitposting once Roe v. Wade gets overturned.

>> No.12353520

No im not a virgin, you’re just a retard if you can’t properly prevent yourself from having a baby. I’ve been fucking a girl without a condom for literally 3 years and I haven’t gotten her pregnant yet.

You’d have to be below 80 IQ to have contraceptives fail, you’d have to be so fucking retarded it’s almost incomprehensible to me. That’s why I don’t see any excuse to needing abortions, most people have to actually try to have babies, yet you’re telling me it can just easily happen on accident out of the blue? Bullshit

>> No.12353521

Fetuses are not infants by definition. If you’re going to flail about at least stay consistent.

>> No.12353526

>Wanting an overpopulation of nigs and retards
You life was a mistake

>> No.12353532

I like how much you cherry pick which posts to respond to because when you see an argument you can’t refute you just skip over and pretend we are all shitlords/retards/misogynist and it’s impossible to change our minds, meanwhile you’re the one who literally ignores arguments you can’t refute because they don’t fit your world view.

Also, your side is the one with less guns, just remember that when you threaten to shoot government officials.

>> No.12353533



And then get a brainlet due to high does of mercury

Tastes don’t even develop until they’re 3 to 4 years old

>> No.12353536

>playing the pull out game

And you have the astounding density to call me a retard? Other than the fact that you’re lying, why do you think saying “I’m lucky” makes you smart?

You have a mental image of women using abortion as secondary birth control and because you do actually hate women, you want to try and punish them for that.

>> No.12353540

You’re a retard who thinks there are two “sides” to this nation.

>> No.12353544

Stop deflecting and answer the question. You think killing a fetus isn't murder because it's not a person, but killing a baby is murder because it is a person. What makes one a person and the other not? How is personhood imbued? How do I measure it?

>> No.12353546

>Abortion is legal and will stay legal shitlord.
I'm cool with that. I'm the accelerationist. That'll help get us to organ farms faster.
>If it’s not we’re going to shoot the people you voted in.
You seriously won't.
>Sorry, not sorry. We’re not going backwards.
You're in kind of a fucked state if you think rejection of personal responsibility to the level that requires an abortion is somehow moving "forward", but whatever. It'll get us to where we need to be.
Since you can't comprehend that you're talking to one anon, I'll throw on a name.

>> No.12353551

It’s not luck you daft retard, you don’t actually know what a male orgasm or cumming is like, it’s pretty easy to control if you aren’t stupid. And always pee between intercourse.

Calling it luck is insulting to my skill.

>guys can’t control their penis or their cum
>it just flies out of there almost instantly
>they don’t even know it’s about to happen
>implying all of these things in one, single, ridiculously retarded post

>> No.12353556

>we’re going to shoot the people you elected

>implying I’m the one who started the false dichotomy argument
Who’s the retard? The one who argued on your terms, or the one who can’t into reading comprehension. Fucking nigger.

>> No.12353564

ITT: idiots except for me

>> No.12353568

Now you’ve put words in my mouth, where did I say killing a baby isn’t murder?

What you’re clearly illustrating is that this a personal ethics issue. You’re autistic enough to think that your personal conclusion should be applied to everyone. Please ponder the term pro-choice. Perhaps read some women’s opinions on this subject.

>> No.12353572

failure rate is literally on par with condoms if you're not a drooling monkey

>> No.12353574

You literally can’t even fucking read a simple sentence and understand its meaning you god damn fucking nigger literally neck yourself

>> No.12353576

The ability to control your own reproductive organs is absolutely an advancement of society. You categorize it as an abdication of responsibility because you hate women and want to punish them for not touching your peepee

>> No.12353582

Nobody here wants to punish women, you’re literally just using a straw man against everybody and sticking your fingers in your ears. Not one single person ITT has claimed it’s about punishing women or even implied it’s about that.

>> No.12353583

It is absolutely luck. You’re playing a dangerous game and it hasn’t bitten you in the ass yet.

>> No.12353587

Of course they won’t claim that. Why would they?
It would expose them for the misogynistic pink dicks that they are

>> No.12353589

Read this post
You’re a fucking idiot, pulling out is as effective as condoms and more effective than most spermicides, you’re the one who is ignorant here, not anyone else.

It would be nice if people like you could actually read worth a god damn, maybe this wouldn’t be so hard for you to wrap your head around

>> No.12353592


>> No.12353595

these provide niggers don’t give a shingle fuck about what happens to the baby after it’s born, it could be thrown into a dumpster right after and they wouldn’t care as long as “the sanctity of natural birth” is upheld or whatever the fuck

>> No.12353597

Yeah of course, they’re scared of showing their true opinion on an anonymous image board, and you’re just so fucking smart that you know what everyone else believes.

Do you know how fucking stupid you sound every time you post? You don’t know other people’s beliefs, you don’t know the reasoning behind their arguments unless they explain it to you, and you sure as fuck don’t know a god damn thing about 4chan if you think people are hiding their opinions from you.

>> No.12353598

Cite it then

>> No.12353599

fuck i guess we'd better shred all those studies

>> No.12353605

They do not want to admit to themselves that their desire to control other people’s reproduction is based in hatred and abject jealousy.
They usually get really really mad when confronted with this. Kinda like you!

>> No.12353610

Better than convincing yourself that personal convenience justifies literal murder of innocents

>> No.12353611

Wow a two second google search provided me with this
>I know what you believe and how you feel and how everyone thinks because I’m smarter than everyone else

>> No.12353618

Ding ding ding!
Right on cue. Thank you for literally proving my point.

>> No.12353621

there is blood on your hands that no amount of arguing will ever wash away :^)

>> No.12353623

So one person being a retard and proving your point means that every single person who disagrees with you is exactly the same and has the exact same beliefs and ideas?

>> No.12353631

Even that article says 4 percent failure rate if you are perfect every time. Planned parenthood lists condom effectiveness at 98 percent if you use them perfectly.
I am smarter than you.

>> No.12353636

>The ability to control your own reproductive organs is absolutely an advancement of society.
The control is there with or without abortion, to include simply not having sex.
>You categorize it as an abdication of responsibility because
That's simply exactly what it is. Pregnancy is a risk of sex, period. You're like someone arguing for heroin by saying "but, no one shoots up heroin to get addicted". Is it fair that this is a greater risk for women than men? No, it isn't, but that doesn't change how the fundamental responsibility for getting pregnant or not, for exposing herself to the risk of getting pregnant or not, falls on exactly the person whose body it is. It's not the candymaker's responsibility to monitor the sugar levels of a diabetic.

Recall, I'm the one that's for abortion, but who thinks your arguments are idiotic.
>you hate women and want to punish them for not touching your peepee
Sorry friend, I'm in a happy, healthy relationship. I'm sure you'll claim that's not the case, but you're not doing the pro-choice movements any favors by attempting to socially shame those that disagree with you. All that does is polarize them and push moderates away.

>> No.12353640

A 2 percent difference really is that big to you, huh? I’m so glad you’re winning now, you were able to look up information and that makes you so so so smart, I am so happy for you.

You are the reason your ideology will fail, it’s unsustainable and based on arguing consistently at the lowest common denominator to make the other side look bad despite merit, logic, or actual thought.

>> No.12353643

>these provide niggers don’t give a shingle fuck about what happens to the baby after it’s born, it could be thrown into a dumpster right after and they wouldn’t care as long as “the sanctity of natural birth” is upheld or whatever the fuck
What exactly is the difference to you of a baby being thrown in a dumpster and an abortion? Honestly, how's it any different?

>> No.12353647

You’re implying responsibility because you want a punishment and reward system. There is no such thing in nature. If there is an easy way to cancel a pregnancy and you don’t feel bad about it, why does another person’s opinion on responsibility matter?

>> No.12353649

How young are you talking about? Mine are 3 and 4 and I rarely cook anything specifically for them, they just eat whatever we're eating.

>> No.12353653

>All that does is polarize them and push moderates away.
I'm convinced that vocal hard left astroturfing only exists to push people farther right. There's no way these people can argue so transparently and think they're doing themselves any favors

>> No.12353659

hope you don't sprain anything jumping through all those hoops. you literally can't get more "natural" a system than consequences for your actions

>> No.12353666

You were wrong though. Even by your own source.
You claimed something and believed it with all your heart. Because you wanted to be right and win the online argument.
You were wrong though and didn’t even check to make sure.

Let’s even look at the figures for imperfect use. Article says that improper use of condoms lowers the effective rate to 85 percent. Improper pull out technique lowers to 73% less. It’s riskier than condoms as an ideal and easier to fuck it in real life.

Youre lucky so far. You should suggest your girl get a secondary form of contraception so you don’t have to pussy out of your beliefs and look the other way while she gets the abortion.

>> No.12353668

I love it when /pol/acks larp as liberals. You're doing G-d's work shaping people's opinions about the libtards!

>> No.12353669

I am going to thoroughly explain to you why you’re retarded, and I’m willing to bet you either won’t respond or will resort to a response that is absolutely pathetic in comparison.

A fetus/embryo is not a baby, but it is alive by biological standards. It requires help from the parent, but this is a natural process that is non-invasive. The embryo would not survive outside of the mother without the aid of modern technology and medicine, but when provided with the right conditions the embryo/fetus will absolutely survive and exist outside of the mother, which according to you is not possible because it isn’t alive.

To claim a baby isn’t alive because it can’t leave the mother is as absurd as claiming a parasite isn’t alive because it can’t survive outside of its host; it has different DNA, it reproduces sexually/asexually, and given the right conditions it absolutely can survive outside of a true “host” the same way an embryo/fetus can survive outside of a true “mother” provided the right technological/medicinal setup is in place.

You claim that my beliefs are based on misogynist ideas, but my beliefs are entirely rooted in biological and scientific ideas. You claim you are smarter than me, but you have absolutely no way to refute the scientific evidence I have just provided.

Every single last thing you claim is wrong, and you will not even reply to this post without blatantly and obviously shitposting because there’s no way you can deny the fact that an embryo is as alive as any other organism. It is not able to sustain itself completely on its own, but it is absolutely able to sustain itself given the right conditions. It is absolutely not based on when it comes out of a vagina, and to believe in something like that is much more outdated than the beliefs you claim other people have.

>> No.12353677

Have sex

>> No.12353679

So you’re a vegan then, right?

>> No.12353683

Shut the fuck up about your petty bullshit and read this
I know you won’t respond because your peanut brain can’t handle more than 3-4 sentences at a time, but try really hard for me.

>> No.12353684

I have no problem taking lives I'm not responsible for bringing into this world. Only a monster destroys his dependents

>> No.12353685

Never said the baby or fetus what not alive, please learn to read.

>> No.12353697
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, C9073079-0AB6-4972-A27E-455D8820D91F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for finally proving that you don’t have a functional brain
If it’s alive, and it’s species is homo sapien, then explain to me exactly what difference there is between killing an embryo and killing a baby.

>> No.12353698

I dont get where these idiots think that because you don't want to kill babies that means you can't want terrorists to die too.

>> No.12353699

So you’re totally comfortable exerting control over another person with regards to a personal choice you cannot experience or truly understand? Fuck you

>> No.12353720

You seem pretty comfortable putting words into other peoples' mouths when it fits your agenda

>> No.12353723
File: 115 KB, 640x752, D63J2xvXsAA10ss.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude I'm going to virtue signal for a group that requires zero risk or work from me to actually defend and pretend I'm brave and morally superior for doing so.

>> No.12353726

THe reason they make so many assumptions about other people’s beliefs is because they’re literally brainwashed, every single last one of them has the exact same ideas. The idea that someone can have a diverse range of opinions is confounding and impossible to them, because their existence is based around the idea that everything is black and white and there is only two sides: their side and the wrong side.

Imagine if you only knew red and blue your entire life, and then someone tried to explain purple to you. It would be absolutely unthinkable, unimaginable. That’s exactly how these retards think, but if goes even deeper than that. You show them purple and they flat out deny it is able to exist or it even exists at all.

That is why the left is much closer to being a cult than being a political faction, they outright deny ideas that they don’t agree with even when shown objective proof that they are wrong.

>> No.12353730

Because it needs my consent to use my nutrients.
I can revoke that. Just as I can revoke parenthood once the baby is born. Granted I can’t end its life then, but I can give it up.

I’m sure if there was technology to safely suck the embryo out and artificially gestate it, many women would opt for that.

>> No.12353741

This was written without an ounce of self awareness

>> No.12353748

>You’re implying responsibility because you want a punishment and reward system.
No I'm not. I'm saying that action A carries a percent chance of result X.
>There is no such thing in nature.
This is just dumb.
>If there is an easy way to cancel a pregnancy
Wanna know a secret? All a woman has to do to induce a miscarriage is just drink water for a week.
>and you don’t feel bad about it,
Because the "not feeling bad about it" part is based off of literal, ascientific lies.
>why does another person’s opinion on responsibility matter?
...do you think this is an actual point?

The extremes on both sides only exist because it's profitable to maintain and encourage their existence. It helps maintain the two party system, preventing any third party from getting a whiff of power. It keeps people focused on what's really minor issues while the government does all kinds of bullshit no one is paying attention to. Keeps money flowing into churches and activist groups, keeps the ratings high on the 24 hour news outlets, gets shares on social media, etc. etc. etc.
>dude I'm going to virtue signal for a group that requires zero risk or work from me to actually defend and pretend I'm brave and morally superior for doing so.
Don't be dumb anon.

>> No.12353755

>haha I’m ok with murder not my problem
>not women though!!!!

>> No.12353757

But there isn’t, so you’re saying that outright killing an organism of the species homo sapien is the only choice, and you will gladly make that choice despite the fact that you know and understand you are killing an organism of species homo sapien.

You do realize you just said that, right? Regardless of what women would or wouldn’t want if more options are available, you just openly admitted that you have the right to kill an organism of the species homo sapien regardless of its consent, because somehow you have the only say in the well being of another organism and it has absolutely no right to life simply because it inconveniences you.

Thank you so much for proving that your belief stems from selfishness and a complete lack of sympathy, empathy, or morality.

>> No.12353762

shit, forgot my name

>> No.12353763

>dude I’m a nihilistic douchebag haha let’s just fucking kill babies already

I think it’s time for some introspection, anon.

>> No.12353770

This was written after I literally backed a lefty into a corner and made her openly admit that she is willingly, knowingly, and contently accepting the idea that abortion is killing an organism of the species homo sapien, which is defined as murder across the world. Regardless of what butthurt bullshit you’d like to say, this post now exists

>> No.12353777

>nephew is a spoiled shit that will never eat anything other than gnocchi with pesto
Jesus christ my sister is so lenient it drives me nuts

>> No.12353778

You say that there is a certain amount of risk for pregnancy. In a country with legal abortion, there is zero risk for an unwanted pregnancy. Is that a bad thing?

>> No.12353784

terminating a pregnancy is not 0-risk, either physically or emotionally, even if you think you're entirely fine with it as an option

>> No.12353788

These same dumbasses that want to abort babies were out there calling for Scott Petersons death after he killed his wife and the unborn child. He of course got 2 counts of murder too. So if a man kills a baby, its murder but a woman does it shes empowered

>> No.12353795

Right now yeah. I for sure care more about the life and wishes of the already born and sentient before the to-be-born. They just aren’t the same.

Welcome to the real adult world where naval gazing pedantic faggotry is just that.

>> No.12353797

>which is defined as murder across the world.
Nope. It's homicide.

Murder is explicitly unlawful homicide.

>You say that there is a certain amount of risk for pregnancy. In a country with legal abortion, there is zero risk for an unwanted pregnancy. Is that a bad thing?
No, there's not zero risk of unwanted pregnancy, there's greatly reduced risk of unwanted pregnancies coming to term.

Again, I don't have a problem with this. All I really am annoyed by in all of this is the lies that surround the process. Hell, I wouldn't be too upset if a means test were implemented to make sure an expectant mother can actually care for the kid.

>> No.12353798

Just remember this day, an actual feminist openly admitted that she understand abortion is murder, and that’s absolutely okay because there aren’t other medical options to avoid the grizzly truth.

>> No.12353799

Okay let's ban all abortions. But let's make sex ed mandatory nationwide. Let's make contraceptives, birth control, and the morning after pill freely available to those who need it. And let's make it super easy for parents to get food stamps and healthcare on the government's dime. Those things have been shown to reduce abortion rates in real life so you should be on board with them. And your taxes going up shouldn't be a problem, since you can't really assign a dollar value to a baby's life, right? If it's about saving lives, you should be willing to pay almost any price. So take a few minutes of introspection about how you feel with that scenario and get back to me champ.

>> No.12353804

In the first place, you just described the right. In the second place the right argues against abortion because of the unqualified sanctity of life, but then hypocritically claim life doesn't have sanctity when they support state sponsored killing of prisoners (death penalty) and civilians in war. Third, their concern for the life of the fetus ends immediately at birth and sometimes before by eliminating medical and nutrition programs for the poor. The right has their head so far up they're ass it's impossible for them to smell the rancid stench of their own hypocrisy. Fortunately, the vast majority of americans recognize this.

>> No.12353808

>He of course got 2 counts of murder too.
FYI, charging a murderer who kills a pregnant woman with murder of the infant was actually a pro-life move.

>> No.12353812

>freely available
take responsibility for your hedonistic urges. you're a fucking animal, mate

>> No.12353815

>legal murder is okay because my government said so
I can’t wait for the government to say I can murder you, cunt


>> No.12353818

Terminating a pregnancy is absolutely safer than carrying to term.

>> No.12353820

using birth control is taking responsibility you idiot. it's taking precautions like wearing your seatbelt or a helmet. but don't deflect and start trying to argue about the morality of sex, this discussion isn't about you thinking sex is icky, it's about the lives of babies, remember? so try to address my post.

>> No.12353822

>In a country with legal abortion, there is zero risk for an unwanted pregnancy
I was replying to this point only.

>> No.12353826

Plan b is literally abortion you fucking pozzed mong

>> No.12353829

Lol, I’m a dude larping

>> No.12353830

other people should not be forced to pay for your lack of impulse control. get a job and buy a pack of whatever birth control you like

>> No.12353832

okay no plan b the, answer the fucking question or stop pretending you have an argument about saving lives.

>> No.12353838

Stop doing this strawman shit, it's literally retarded.
>In the first place, you just described the right. In the second place the right argues against abortion because of the unqualified sanctity of life, but then hypocritically claim life doesn't have sanctity when they support state sponsored killing of prisoners (death penalty) and civilians in war.
Distinct issues. It's not hypocritical to draw a distinction between someone who has committed a terrible crime and a to be born person who has done nothing wrong.
>Third, their concern for the life of the fetus ends immediately at birth and sometimes before by eliminating medical and nutrition programs for the poor.
This is inaccurate as well. Many on the right oppose government aid programs not because they're aid programs but because they're government programs, that is they're highly inefficient and wasteful.
> The right has their head so far up they're ass it's impossible for them to smell the rancid stench of their own hypocrisy. Fortunately, the vast majority of americans recognize this.
That's why Hillary won, isn't it...

>> No.12353840

Why not? Why is your money not worth a baby's life? I thought you cared about them? See, you're assigning a dollar value to their "lives" now. Because it's not really about saving poor little babies' lives, it's about your fee fees. Which is why you fucks have no real argument here.

>> No.12353843

>>>12353797 (You)
>>legal murder is okay because my government said so
>I can’t wait for the government to say I can murder you, cunt
Damn you're a dumb one.

>> No.12353845

Castle doctrine is moot if you invite them in schlomo

>> No.12353847

Read this you fucking nigger
I’m politically on the right, this argument has nothing to do with “sanctity of life”

Secondly, assigning the responsibility of taking care of a baby to society as a whole is absolutely disgusting. The person who got pregnant is the one who failed to be responsible and failed to make the right decisions. Blaming men and society for a woman having a baby is the exact opposite of what feminists are supposed to believe. Men and women are equal, therefore, a woman has to share her responsibility in the fact that she let someone impregnate her. You don’t just accidentally get pregnant.

>> No.12353851

The problem with that is the majority of abortions in the USA are given to the poor and minorities, ergo it can be argued that advocating for abortion is a moral deflection for the belief that we need to cull those populations using the same reasoning.

>> No.12353853

>by opposing abortion, you are tacitly encouraging a population explosion of blacks and Hispanics
Nah, I support removing them from the country. They can go explode their population somewhere I don't have to pay for it.

>> No.12353854

Well if it’s good enough for you it’s good enough for me, what’s so wrong with that?

>> No.12353861
File: 1.72 MB, 1454x930, DB9CF36D-B452-4F8A-A386-A4216C55A2A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just let women decide what to do with their own bodies you bigot

>> No.12353864

>Why not? Why is your money not worth a baby's life? I thought you cared about them? See, you're assigning a dollar value to their "lives" now. Because it's not really about saving poor little babies' lives, it's about your fee fees. Which is why you fucks have no real argument here.
No, it's assigning control over the fruits of my labor. It's saying you don't have the right to extort money out of me with the threat of armed goons and imprisonment.

I actually do donate, frequently, to causes I care about supporting.

I have a strong feeling that you don't.

>> No.12353867

Considering that 3 million more people voted for hillary I think your last point doesn’t really address his point that abortion is widely supported in the USA. I know you’re just making a dig, but use your bran.

>> No.12353877

>if you support a democrat you support abortion
You do realize that not everyone believes in the exact same thing, right? Because this post implies that voting democrat = supporting every last belief the democrats hold, down to every last policy

>> No.12353882

Why is personal responsibility such a foreign concept? I'm not out crusading to save every unborn child and never claimed to. I think it's ethically repugnant and would never have one, and that's my prerogative. Having words put in my mouth and these weird sweeping generalizations about intent constantly made is just absurd. I'm unwilling to foot the bill for other people, because I'm willing and able to exercise personal responsibility over my life and my actions. Birth control is widely available and at a very modest price. There are other forms of recreation besides sex. There is literally no reason that this should be subsidized by other people just because some entitled weenies are incapable of understanding that their actions have consequences. Jesus fucking christ, you false flagging retards push me farther right every day.

>> No.12353883

When my son was a toddler, I made all his food from scratch. I used to make him crumpets for breakfast, with butter and low-sugar all-fruit spread; baked sweet potatoes, ground turkey or grass fed beef patties, roasted root vegetables, roasted asparagus, fresh raw green beans, pretty much any fruit (pitted and peeled as necessary), fish and seafood (my son's favorite food when he was 2 were clams and mussels), roast beef (you have to chop it fine for them), roast chicken or turkey, yellow rice, red rice, egg noodles, egg salad, scrambled eggs.. And I'd make things occasionally like cheese pizza, veggie pizza,chicken tenders, but those were also all homemade.

>> No.12353886

>noooo I don’t just want punishment!
>it’s not misogyny!!!!!

>> No.12353888

It's not "good enough for [me]" you tard.

The thing that makes a homicide a murder is that the homicide was lawful. Homicide is the parent category. Murder is a child category of homicide. This isn't a hard concept.

>Considering that 3 million more people voted for hillary I think your last point doesn’t really address his point that abortion is widely supported in the USA. I know you’re just making a dig, but use your bran.
Or I'd tell you to go back and think about why all of the exports, backed up with a whole bunch of statistics, was positive that Trump didn't have a chance, and think about how that may apply in this situation.

>> No.12353891

You’re not really utilitarian are you?

>> No.12353894

what a gay little story you have there

>> No.12353902

No it’s not. Not many people who oppose abortion supported Hillary. If you have any evidence or polls to sway this please post them.