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12370362 No.12370362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Roasties love this shit

>> No.12370368

i love it too but i have a suspicion there’s something not good for you about it. the key lime la croix tastes exactly like sprite.

>> No.12370479

Women love anything that sounds French.

>> No.12370523

Why don't they love then?

>> No.12370942

>key lime la croix tastes exactly like sprite
all la croix has no flavor and tastes like seltzer water.

>> No.12370977

it literally is a seltzer water flavored with esters. once you get used to the subtleties you won't even miss soda. that being said, lacroix is an overpriced meme, and polar is both better and cheaper.

>> No.12370993

try key lime, it’s far and beyond the “sweetest” lacroix

>> No.12371010

>the key lime la croix tastes exactly like sprite.
>the key lime la croix tastes exactly like it sat near a sprite for a few minutes .

>> No.12371098

Lol this is my favorite Twitter meme. Can I retweet you? :^)

>> No.12371102

taste like crap. virgin tea is much better (I call unsweet tea virgin tea because it sounds better)

>> No.12371275

Esters what?

>> No.12371288 [DELETED] 

it's short for estergen, the chemical that women have, which is why men shouldn't drink it unless they're trannies.

>> No.12371317


Esters full stop.
Condensation products of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. They naturally occur as fruity aromas but many have different smells like glue solvent as well.

>> No.12371457

Buble is better.

>> No.12371510

Does that make teas sweetened with xylitol "technically virgin" teas?

>> No.12371540
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She loves it!

>> No.12371620
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>> No.12371639 [DELETED] 

My roommates drink this shit by the case, and they're dudes. I don't get the appeal but I've never drank one because I'm not a massive fagget

>> No.12371644

>I've never drank one
drunk one*

>> No.12371676

both are correct and have distinct meanings

they're like sodas, but aren't cloyingly sweet, won't kill your kidneys or give you diabetes, and give you free calories for hard liquor or real food

>> No.12371767

so do soymen

>> No.12371777

do they ever go outside during the day haha?

>> No.12371917

I like seltzer water. it's something fun to drink that isn't cancerous poison like soda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.12372504

The only good one is the pear flavor that actually just tastes like the melon flavor that Japs go nuts for. The rest just taste like water that fruit pissed in.

>> No.12373040

coconut flavor is goat. the flavoring is similar to the coconut flavor used in blue diamonds almonds.

>> No.12373076

Not a roasty and that is all I drink. Fuck off.

>> No.12373177

Hillary lost, reddit.

>> No.12373184


>> No.12373242

Hilary Duff

>> No.12373341

Trailer Swift

>> No.12373358

I'm female and I prefer to just make my own with perrier, a few limes, and a pinch of salt.

>> No.12373364


>> No.12373375

you saw her hot ones didn't you squidward

>> No.12373376

Can’t ever find those good flavours in Canada. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.12373390
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as long as they stay away from the superior sip brand

>> No.12373423

Sparkled water was a drink i'd had, in my past. Water with carbonation. H2Oh. Fresca, Polandsprings. Water galore. Drinking it, mamilian throat, electric signal shocks the matted flesh. Ungh, UNGH, Unghesh, force the water down the absent mind.

>> No.12373468
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For me, it’s Perrier

>> No.12373472

I think I'm in love

>> No.12373505

I like it, especially now that I'm getting more into unsweetened drinks. I find it insane how much fucking sugar American companies feel the need to put into their shit.

>> No.12373546

I can never get into these stuff , I want to cut out my soda addiction with these but it's fucking bitter.

>> No.12373559

Drank is correct for perfect tense. Drunk is for pluperfect like "having drunk".

>> No.12373596

Try one ice cold (not over ice)

>> No.12373967

Absolute retard

>> No.12373976


>> No.12373987

not true. i have a french name (amerilard). women despise me because of my odor and my outspoken-- I mean "redpilled"--nature

>> No.12373991

Apricot is the best

>> No.12374381


>> No.12374672


hey, I prefer san pellegrino

>> No.12375706

Waterloo>Polar>Bubbli>Lacroix>generic brand

>> No.12375742

whats the most clever thing I can say to girls who drink this

>> No.12375774

Carbonation is too weak

>> No.12376693
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me too but I'm not a roastie

>> No.12376703

if you want strong carbonation get waterloos

waterloo makes me feel like my stomach is going to asplode

>> No.12376714

LaCroix is easily the worst tasting seltzer/club soda I've ever had. Fucking Schweppes is better although Polar is indeed the GOAT

>> No.12378109
File: 64 KB, 614x514, 1520187334070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I heard arrbys sells this