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File: 66 KB, 600x900, pinot-noir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12413558 No.12413558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that (red) wine is the best alcoholic drink.

t.getting drunk on pinot noir

>> No.12413572
File: 258 KB, 1200x788, DO77SKKU8AADk-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol is the liquid nigger. If I ever find myself needing depressants, I'll take benzos. Actually I've never taken a recreational drug in my life. Kill all gays and trannies.

>> No.12413573

lol le ebin wine aunts are here :DDD
Find a husband, you wall hitting slut

>> No.12413585
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But I'm male.

>> No.12413587

Do you think you're a le classy gentlebeard?

>> No.12413591
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Not really. I am gay tho.

>> No.12413592

wino faggot

>> No.12413593

I thought that gays prefer to sip on semén

>> No.12413600

Woah woah, why so aggro?

Nah, wine really is better.

>> No.12413601

I like red, white, orange, and rosé wines
I’m getting drunk on kalecik karasi, an indigenous grape of anatolia
Hello flyovers how is the flooding today? Have the dams held up?

>> No.12413608

enjoy your 2 day hangover and 24 hour migraine

>> No.12413617

Some people stop after 1 bottle but ok
>waah i can’t feel anything from one bottle
Some people aren’t morbidly obese

>> No.12413675
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>2 day hangover

What are you, a fucking lightweight?

>> No.12413722

sorry dude didn’t mean to be rude, I just ran out of wine

>> No.12413807
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, apu-crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's alright, fren. I can't believe I'm almost done with the entire bottle, the wine I got must be pretty weak.

>> No.12413984
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>Getting drunk on wine
How classless

>> No.12413990

What are you, a scumfuck alkie?
Tick tock, your AA meeting is tonight, isn't it? Shouldn't you be checking in with your sponsor? Why haven't you taken a service commitment?

>> No.12414039

benzos over red wine, okay you degenerate

>> No.12415094

Sponsor? Like tag the sponsor?

>> No.12415099

nays köpeköldüren anon

>> No.12415215

i like to split a bottle of red at dinner but getting drunk on wine just makes me angry and tired

>> No.12415229

I assume that's Turkish but it also looks Finnish. In any case I bought it in the store, I'm a burgerstani.

>> No.12415236

Is it just me who thinks that guy was obviously homosexual but too afraid to admit it to himself?

>> No.12415262

I assumed you were Turkish
köpeköldüren literally means "dog killer", nickname for cheap nasty domestic wines
if it's been exported from here it's probably good though
>but it also looks Finnish
fun fact, Turkish and Finnish are linguistically pretty close
both are in the Uralic family of languages

>> No.12415264

nah, it's just you finding it hard to let go

>> No.12415269

For me, it's carlo rossi burgundy

>> No.12415290
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It's nothing fancy (I think it was about $15 USD which probably means it costs about $4 in Turkey) but I enjoyed it and would drink it again. This was the brand, but it was a 2014 vintage. Maybe it's a bottle created for the export market since all the words are in English?

>> No.12415292

Let go of what? I wasn't even aware of him until about a year after his failure of a mass murder.

>> No.12416086

>italian name
>french wine
How about no

>> No.12416103

why did you post a picture of yourself?

>> No.12416114

why you drink?

>> No.12416121
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I prefer my wine to come from the land of sky blue waters.

>> No.12416143
File: 36 KB, 594x971, 01_514_riesling_cabinett_09_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riesling is love, riesling is life.

>> No.12416419


I prefer rosé, but chronic illness is destroying me right now and for some reason anything but liquor gives me migraines within an hour of drinking it, even if I only have a drink or two

life is so hollow now

>> No.12416424

I hope you can at least use cannabis. I think if I had chronic illness I'd work harder at having a marijuana dealer. As it is I can't be bothered because of all the weird cultural rituals (fuck getting high with some sketchy dirtbag just to prove that I'm not a cop)

>> No.12416467


thankfully I live in a state where it's legal, although getting high has never been something I've liked doing all the time. haven't yet tried CBD though. I hope it becomes decriminalized federally soon here in the good ol' US of A, I know how it is dealing with, well, dealers. it always made me very uncomfortable
especially because so many of them were guys

>> No.12416514

CBD you can buy at Bed Bath & Beyond these days. I take it to help me sleep sometimes, it's rather expensive all things considered, but it's a nice way to get the relaxation effects of cannabis without the brain damage. Also if you ever have problems with paranoia from normal cannabis you can dose a bunch of CBD at the same time and it eliminates that problem, at least for me.

>> No.12417768


I'll try both of these when I get the chance. thanks for the tip about taking it with normal cannabis; the main reason I don't smoke too much is 'cause I'm rather prone to anxiety attacks. do they ID you when buying CBD products? I won't be 21 for another few months so getting any cannabis is still a bit of a hassle

>> No.12418028

I wish they came in smaller bottles. Sometimes i really don't want to drink an entire bottle and storing it after opening always alters the taste.

>> No.12418159
File: 27 KB, 508x524, 1446858923982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"straight" """men""" drinking wine
Why don't you just grow a pair and drink some whiskey?

>> No.12418165

Wine if I have work the next day, whiskey if I have the next day off. You need to have a system if you want to be a functional alcoholic.

>> No.12418178


>> No.12418183

wine makes me feel really hungover the next day

>> No.12418592

I mean they don't ask ME for ID, but I'm a 41 year old boomer. It's less mind altering than your average cough medicine so I can't really see why you'd card for it, but at the end of the day it came from DUDE WEED so maybe it's actually sold in a way similar to alcohol.
>you can only drink one beverage
Are you one of those meal preppers who eats the same thing 30 days in a row?

>> No.12418604

its part of the experience

>> No.12420665 [DELETED] 


>> No.12421877

Hey OP don't listen to the haters - I'm with you buddy. Red wine is great :^)

>> No.12421919

>all the people itt who don't appreciate a nice wine pairing with their meal
I don't drink much wine but it's great when properly paired with food

>> No.12421936

Idk, Sake is pretty damn interesting.

>> No.12422300

Pinot noir is a very accessible and easily enjoyed wine.

>> No.12422363

how did wine become so overrated?

Wine is to alcohol what German lager is to beer, just ok

>> No.12422365
File: 40 KB, 1024x1024, rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoy landlubber, we in the Nautical buisness know that Rum is the best Alcoholic drink

>> No.12422368

beer definitely pairs better with food though

>> No.12422388
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>makes you drowsy compared to white wine

>> No.12422395

>drink mediocre wines
>why is wine just okay

wine like everything has varying levels of quality, which is more independent from price than you've been led to believe

>> No.12422404

Thats a very strange analogy.

Wine is to alcohol
What German Lager is to beer

>> No.12422409

the difference between a top tier wine and an average wine is rather small, the ceiling on wine quality is very low. There is a pretty good difference between shit wine and ok wine, but after that the changes are very small

>> No.12422418

>Wine is to alcohol
>What German Lager is to beer
Not very flavorful or complex, and overall mediocre but with a lot of tradition and very successful marketing behind it?

>> No.12422439

Everyone agrees on that as a blanket statement but nobody is ever willing to agree on specifics.

Some people think "top tier wine" means only ONE specific vintage of ONE producer EXACTLY in the drinking window and served from the optimal autism glass within 0.25 degrees of optimal serving temperature as decreed by the Wine Scholar Guild, purchased at auction with no ceiling on price.

Other people think it means anything better than Yellowtail.

Also for some reason everyone seems to act as though there is only one style of wine and it's fair to compare a $40 South African pinotage with a $40 champagne.

>> No.12422450

to be fair, the breadth of wine is much much smaller than something like beer

>> No.12422461

>the difference between top tier wine and an average wine is rather small
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is your genuine opinion.
quality is certainly subjective but there are objective chemical changes in the tannin structure and flavor profile of older (and therefore more expensive) wines. Coarse tannin molecules bind together and fall out of suspension, and fine tannins form ribbons over time, resulting in a much softer mouthfeel.

For several reasons, the highest-rated wines are consistently cabernet sauvignon dominant sort of like barrel-aged dark beers with lots of adjuncts in the beer world. If you haven't liked wine or thought the ceiling of quality is low, there's a very good chance just you don't like certain styles of wine that garner a lot of praise.

I'm not even saying most wines are worth it, but there is absolutely something out there for every type of drinker.

>> No.12422464

You're dumb

>> No.12422481

Spotted the American

>> No.12422500

Are there two popular styles of wine even close to as different as a Belgian Gueuze and a NEIPA?

Grapes are just a much more limited ingredient than grains and hops that beer can use. Plus beer can use all sorts of adjuncts that wine frowns upon, and brewers have put a lot more effort into developing a wider variety of fermentation methods. Brewing beer is a much more technical and scientific process than wine with a lot more variables and choices that must be made

>> No.12422503

Seeing a man under 50 choose to drink wine in the US is indeed pretty weird, its mostly a grandma thing

>> No.12422513

Sherry and Tokaji Essencia

>> No.12422523

>similar ABV
>almost the same color
>served at almost the same temperature
Even two different random styles of chardonnay are more different than the most extreme examples of beer differences you can come up with

>> No.12422530

t. America

>> No.12422536

haha, what are you talking about, none of those are even true

>> No.12422550

>Tokaji Essencia
Just reading about this and it seems like complete bullshit, its basically just really expensive soda syrup

>> No.12422559

You don't even have to know anything about wine to taste the difference between a blanc de blancs and a full malo california chardonnay. In fact you don't even have to put it in your mouth, you can see the difference from across the room. You can hear the difference as you draw the glass to your ear. You can smell the difference in the glass.

I get it, "craft beer" just arrived in your podunk shit hole and you're eager to defend beer as a "good beverage" for respectable people. Once you get over your weird class consciousness issues and learn to just enjoy things, you might realize why wine is inherently more varied than beer ever could be. That doesn't take anything away from beer. They're just not the same thing at all.

>> No.12422562

>moving the goalposts
it's the best thing I've ever put in my mouth, tried one from 1968 that almost brought me to tears
if it's too expensive/weird for you, just try tokaji aszu instead

>> No.12422566

>Just reading about this
I'm glad you felt comfortable spouting off on an entire class of beverage and yet had to look up one of the most famous wines in the world.

>> No.12422571

I hope a craft movement comes to wine one day

>> No.12422577

Do you honestly think "Tokaji Essencia" is a household name?

>> No.12422581

You mean elitist shitheads regurgitating opinions they read about online? Don't worry wine was on it well before beer.

>> No.12422588

>moving the goalposts again
Do you really think most people know what "NEIPA" is?

>> No.12422602

>flyover gets assblasted by the thought of desert wine
Come back when you drinklets learn how to do perfectly acid-balanced 300+ gram residual sugar nectar without chaptalization. Now back to your hopbomb cuckshed to discuss which grapefruit & shrimp infused chocolate stout has a „better pour“.

>> No.12422606

>You mean elitist shitheads
The nice thing about beer vs wine is there is much less of that. Anyone is allowed to make beer wherever they want. You do not need to get special permission from a government to make a specific style. I can walk to five or so taprooms in my neighborhood and get a great fresh IPA whenever I want, but good wine is kept absurdly limited through legislation and a culture that shuns and discourages normal people

>> No.12422612

Well not if they are elderly, but they are super popular, not even remotely analogous to the obscurity of Tokaji Essencia

>> No.12422622

>there is much less of that
Waaah! KIBA Count Chocula Brekkie Dragon Milk is now sold across state lines, I HATE this company now! OMG a holding company bought a 20% stake in this nearly insolvent microbrewery, I REFUSE to drink their stuff anymore and I posted on YouTube about dumping my remaining bottles down the toilet, everyone should do the same.
>You do not need to get special permission from a government to make a specific style
One of the dumbest urban legends about wine.

>> No.12422625

>Come back when you drinklets learn how to do perfectly acid-balanced 300+ gram residual sugar
Jesus christ, people in the beer world like to make fun of pastry stouts for this, but this is insane, you are basically just drinking candy

>> No.12422629

>good wine is kept absurdly limited through legislation and a culture that shuns and discourages normal people
Literally what.

>> No.12422632

What are you talking about?

>> No.12422642

Wine is a game for rich old white people that actively discourages young people and people of color from partaking, and the actual good stuff is kept intentionally rare and absurdly expensive, unlike in beer where good stuff is made all over the place and most of the best stuff in the word is less than $25 for a 22oz bottle (usually considerably less) and pretty accessible

>> No.12422643

Tokaj along with Sauternes and Riesling are basically the holy trinity of desert wines. It‘s only obscure if you know literally nothing about wine.

>> No.12422652
File: 40 KB, 658x345, wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a stupid myth based on a misunderstanding of PDO legislation, hardly worth wasting time trying to decipher. Super Tuscans are an extremely famous example of what happens when you decide you have your own ideas about what style of wine to make and you don't feel you need PDO designation anymore. Anon probably thinks Super Tuscans are a really obscure underground wine though.
Nothing, I just make up lies because obviously anyone who knows stuff that you don't know is trolling and/or insane. How's the weather in Wisconsin today?

>> No.12422653

Do you think Tokaj is even remotely as well known as riesling?

>> No.12422654

Where are you getting this from?

>> No.12422664

PDOs are just economic protectionism, they artificially inflate prices and stifle quality. No different than Trump style bullshit being mad at people from other places trying to do something you do better or more cheaply

>> No.12422668

>that actively discourages young people and people of color
t. white guy talking to a brown guy about how wine is actually imperialist racism. Thank you for your concern, OMG I hate wine now!

>> No.12422672

No, but my point stands.

>> No.12422673

Can you find any example ever of customers getting mad at a brewery for selling across state lines?

>> No.12422675

I actually am surprised that a guy like you that so hates white culture and blames white people for most of your troubles in life has embraced wine so whole heartedly

>> No.12422678

>they artificially inflate prices
Literally all it says is you can't lie about what's in the bottle. It "inflates prices" in the same way that it inflates prices for Colnagos when you make it illegal for Gologo Bicycle Corp. of Dongguan to slap a "Colnago Made in Italy" label on a questionable frame and sell it as the real thing

>> No.12422681

>poltards projects his insecurities this blatantly

>> No.12422689

>Literally all it says is you can't lie about what's in the bottle.
No, it limits who can make certain styles artificially which necessarily inflates prices and limits who can enjoy your product

>> No.12422693

>prices for Colnagos when you make it illegal for Gologo Bicycle Corp. of Dongguan to slap a "Colnago Made in Italy"
Are you just making these things up? This is like that "I Think You Should Leave" sketch where Jazz guy is citing all sorts of Jazz celebrities that no one else at the party has ever heard of and its not at all clear if these are real things

>> No.12422699

Read the thread
>DUUUUDE, like, KBS went downhill since they went mainstream, MAAAAN
>whoa like, ever since they SOLD OUT to THE MAAAN, their beer is SHIT
You can find threads of that nature for literally every limited beer

>hates white culture and blames white people for most of your troubles in life
On the contrary, I'm successfully committing white genocide right now by being in "your" country.

>> No.12422701

nah, he is a frequent poster that makes his views of white people well known any time anyone he can shoehorn it in

>> No.12422702

>it limits who can make certain styles artificially
[citation needed]

>> No.12422706

Gologo Bicycle Corp is not a real bicycle company, brainlet. The point is truth in labeling is something that some people consider important.

>> No.12422736

I read the first 25 posts in the KBS thread and literally none of it was people mad about Founders selling over state lines, nothing even hinted at that conclusion
And with Ballast point too, nothing seems mad that it is available outside of California, that happened years before it was bought by Constellation too.

But yeah, people are rightfully concerned when large international corporations buy small local companies they like. People get mad about this in literally every industry, but especially one like craft beer which is largely a response to the low quality of macro brewers and their ethos. Few people outright stopped buying, but many people are skeptical any time it happens

Don't say you wouldn't feel the same way if Monsanto or someone bought your favorite vineyard

>> No.12422742

It explicitly says only people in certain politically decided regions can make certain styles. What more citation do you need?

>> No.12422749

>The point is truth in labeling is something that some people consider important.
Why are you trying to conflate privately owned copyrights with styles?

>> No.12422759

No, it doesn‘t.

>> No.12422760

haha, reading this Ballast Point thread the question is raised "Do you think selling has impacted quality", and almost everyone saying "no", this doesn't even support your claim

>> No.12422764

I don't have a favorite vineyard, and big money trading wine properties like Magic: The Gathering cards is as old as time. Surely even you have heard of Mouton Rothschild. It's nothing to get butthurt over.

>> No.12422774

So you are just going to keep saying "no" the literal definition of this term is not true?
>I don't have a favorite vineyard
I think you are missing the point

>> No.12422788

Fair enough, the claim doesn't even deserve a (You) at this point.

>> No.12422791

It‘s not a „literal definition“. It‘s your fantasy.

>> No.12422795

please elaborate, what do they do then, explicitly

>> No.12422801

Set out the rules for labeling.

>> No.12422818

What do the rules require? My understanding is they primarily limit the political boundaries in which a product can be made, and sometimes also come with some qualitative guidelines. Are you telling me that they do not regulate where styles can be made?

>> No.12422852

In the time it took you to type all that you could have just spent a minute reading wikipedia or a similar source, unless you’re going to now say it’s not brietbart so you don’t trust it

>> No.12422859

Yes, they set qualitative rules for labeling. You‘re free to grow and produce whatever you want, but if you want your wine to be labeled as X-traditional wine of Y region, you have to follow the rules.

>> No.12422863

Literally the first sentence on Wikipedia says it limits to regions of production

>> No.12422866
File: 190 KB, 800x1200, poster-76790dda-ea18-40e9-9311-c16e27a13625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinot Noir is the original soy foodie fagot drink.

>> No.12422867

Your reading comprehension is lacking

>> No.12422878

Why do you care about where something is made when you can make a better product of the same style elsewhere? Only for Trumpist economic protectionism, the only people who support this are those with no economic education and the people making protected products, it is anti-consumer and anti-competitive

>> No.12422879

>thing me heard first bad
You have to go back.

>> No.12422886

You seem to once again argue with your poor understanding of what PDOs are, not the actual concept.

>> No.12422897

You see to once again just say no and not elaborate at all because you have nothing to stand on.
Economic protectionism is inherently bad, free trade and open markets are good

>> No.12422910


This is probably the kind of person OP is

>> No.12422915

Well, you once again say „PDO bad“ and „muh free market“ without elaborating, so I‘m only following your lead.

>> No.12422918

You: the moon is made of cheese
Other people: lol retard
You: Cheese! I said cheese, science is kewl!

>> No.12422926

>KIBA Count Chocula Brekkie Dragon Milk is now sold across state lines, I HATE this company now! OMG
Its like you read one beer hate thread on reddit and then formulated an opinion based entirely on one misinformed meme

>> No.12422936

People: Some sort of true fact, generally the definition of a term itself
You: "No"
People: Wait, what don't you understand, this is what that means
You: No, have some memes instead

>> No.12422941

so now you are saying science is bad even though one science is definitely good, and two it hadn't even been a topic related to this thread?

>> No.12422946

>me true
>u false

>> No.12422957

Are you actually hoping to open a debate over the scientific research on the cheese composition of celestial bodies now? This is your great strategy?

>> No.12422986

Just think your position that liking science is a negative trait is rather suspect

>> No.12423004

textbook protectionism
>oh, only people that live in my town can make pork pies the correct way, no one else should be legally allowed to make them
>If I can get bureaucrats to ban everyone else from making this style there will be less competition artificially reducing supply and raising what I can charge

Which one do you think best fits?

>> No.12423009
File: 108 KB, 1620x1080, $12kplustip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appealing to "science" to push misinformed nonsense because you're intellectually lazy is indeed a negative trait.

>> No.12423024

ok, but no one has even hinted at doing that so when you out of the blue try and discredit science it seems a bit weird

>> No.12423027

Quote from the first paragraph of the article:
> ensures that only products genuinely originating in that region are allowed to be identified as such in commerce
What part of "identified as such in commerce" makes it illegal for someone in California to make a wine that tastes like Pomerol, provided that the wine is not fraudulently labeled as coming from Bordeaux?

>> No.12423031

>discredit science
Strange thing for you of all people to be concerned about considering that you seem to have some sort of hostility towards facts and logic.

>> No.12423033

You know that attaching a link you haven‘t read to your fantasies doesn‘t make them into reality, right? I‘m afraid you‘re really going to have to read it if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.12423048

You know very well that this is designed to steal back well established general style names originally named after a region. No one is saying you should be able to lie and say your product was made somewhere it isn't, but these laws prevent honest producers from marketing their stuff based on the style it is designed to be and people recognize it to be. The EU is even doing it with feta cheese now, do you really think Feta cheese should not be allowed to be made outside Greece?

Styles should be defined by qualitative characteristics of the finished product, not based on who lobbied the EU government best

>> No.12423054

>to have some sort of hostility towards facts and logic.
Demonstrated where exactly??

>> No.12423060

>You know very well
So we're back to you telling me what I should think again? Is it white genocide if I have thoughts of my own?

>> No.12423066

At this point, about once every 3-5 minutes since about 2 hours ago.

>> No.12423071

Note the legal definition says "whose quality or properties are significantly or exclusively determined by the geographical environment" uet the EU government puts no effort into enforcing this part, if the laws were enforced as written perhaps they would be more legitimate

>> No.12423072
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>> No.12423077

Can you do anything besides provide non-answers and beat around the hush or say no with no explanation. You see determined to say literally nothing besides base level contradiction and ad hominem

>> No.12423105

If you want a serious discussion you should make a sincere effort to understand the concepts you are arguing about instead of picking up a few trigger words and using them as inspiration for a series of misinformed rants about protectionism. But if you want to shitpost hey that's great too! I'm recovering from a century ride yesterday (after squats and deadlifts), I'm aching in a lot of places and I have no plans to go outside at all for the rest of the day.

>> No.12423107

>Hello flyovers how is the flooding today? Have the dams held up?
Do coasties see a report of some physical phenomena in one specific place between LA and NY and think it is effects the population in general?
Like do you think we have any more idea about some flood happening hundreds of miles away than you?

>> No.12423115

>to steal back well established general style names originally named after a region
Yes, and police are trying to „steal back“ what you took, Tyrone. We should really start prosecuting them for this terrible free market infringement.

>> No.12423127

I'm honestly kinda impressed that you were able to correctly work out the plural for "phenomenon" but still pick the wrong choice between "affect" and "effect"

>> No.12423135

>I'm recovering from a century ride yesterday (after squats and deadlifts)
Am I supposed to know what this means? Is this a sex thing?

But yeah, no fucking way someone could figure out how to make feta outside of Greece

>> No.12423150

So no?

>> No.12423187

>no fucking way someone could figure out how to make feta outside of Greece
Nobody stops them.

>> No.12423200

In the EU and countries that the EU has convinced to agree to their laws they do. Canada can't even make Feta anymore

>> No.12423205

>Canada can't even make Feta anymore
[citation needed]

>> No.12423220


>> No.12423235
File: 200 KB, 911x1139, wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this a sex thing?
Actually it's a gang thing. You think I was born with these canteloupe-sized calves? All MS-13 terrorgang members are required to go through training.