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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 487 KB, 472x854, HflFjrg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12619315 No.12619315 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to properly prepare your food

>> No.12619397

nothing better than watching your food squirm around before you chomp down

>> No.12619454

The fuck is that evem

>> No.12619522

REALLY fresh fish

>> No.12619563


>> No.12619575

do japs really think to consume the souls of animals give them powers or are they just the most absolutely lazy cooks on earth?

>> No.12619586


>> No.12619591
File: 2.93 MB, 852x480, eel cooking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12619601

I almost feel dumb asking this but are these things alive somehow or is it like when you salt a super rare piece of meat and the muscles activate

>> No.12619624

At least that eel looked like it's just skinned but nothing else.

>> No.12619631

Probably alive. Japs sometimes do a method of preparing seafood where they would fillet or skin the animals alive and serve it immediately afterwards. Sea animals are extremely tenacious, which makes it even worse. I remember an old video of a fish that was filleted on both sides and was still completely alive and swimming afterwards.

>> No.12619632

the eel is alive (it's aware it's been flayed and is now cooking), but if the head isn't attached to something then you can assume it's salt interacting with muscle and nerve fibers to produce twitching like in the OP

>> No.12619658
File: 108 KB, 1120x544, IkeJime3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) Spike to the brain
2) Drain all the blood by making an incision in each of the gills and in the artery at the tail. Hose water through the fish to wash out all the blood.
3) Take a long skinny metal rod and insert it at the base of the fish's back and up through the entire length of the spinal cord. Move the rod in and out several times, completely destroying the spinal cord.

The ikejime method kills the fish as quick as possible and removes all possibilities of muscle contraction after its death. No lactic acid will be produced by any struggling muscles and you'll never have to worry about the freshest fish fillet flopping off of your plate.


>> No.12619682

Looks like >>12619591 and OP skipped a few steps.

>> No.12619855

someone post the nip eating the frog

>> No.12619871

How can people see this and not become vegan? Carnists are truly psychopaths.

>> No.12619886
File: 103 KB, 428x606, 91InezNKh3L._SY606_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I have blacked.com subscription and was on my way to pick up my wife's bull, how did you know?

>> No.12619914

>lion tearing a gazelle to shreds with its claws and teeth while it's still alive = completely normal
>humans creating factor processes that kill quickly and painlessly = carnists bad
also vegans are baby killers, so there's that

>> No.12619915

>Sea animals are extremely tenacious, which makes it even worse.
>I remember an old video of a fish that was filleted on both sides and was still completely alive and swimming afterwards.
Quickly gutting and filleting freshwater fish out of the livewell I can tell you that they will definitely try to swim just being a skeleton with a top fin and a tail.

>> No.12619922

the eel doesn't have a head anons, it's dead as fuck

>> No.12619936

Nobody is killing babies. Also humans are supposed to be better than animals. Why shouldn't we evolve to be better?

>> No.12619942

>Nobody is killing babies

>> No.12621446

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.12621480
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, feelsbad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12621549

The eel is clearly dead. The heat is causing the muscles and nerves to contract, so you get movement.

>> No.12621558

This is probably the best thread to ask but is pancetta supposed to be cooked? My gf was under the impression that it was safe to eat out of the package like prosciutto and we ate quite a bit. It was about .25 cubes maybe smaller... google is giving me mixed results.

>> No.12621562

>muscles are disconnected from the brain
>yet muscle movements follow patterns that only the brain would store and transmit (reaching up before clawing down instead of just full muscle contraction/random spasm)

>> No.12621567

Prepare your anus, you're in for a ride

>> No.12622192

We are animals, Faggot.

>> No.12622317

Have sex then, incel.

>> No.12622322

Carnists are literally retarded and unable to understand such concepts as not killing things and reducing suffering.

>> No.12622371

Never see a chicken go running around after waving goodbye to it's head?

>> No.12622396

1. He doesn't even know if he really hit the brain. 2. Stabing part of the brain doesn't mean it's dead.

Just club the fucking head.

>> No.12622459
