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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12714884 No.12714884 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for your really dumb cooking questions that don't deserve their own thread

Like, what is the difference between a broth and a stock and a paste. That is a very stupid question that is related to cooking, so you would ask it here, since you're too lazy to use the Wikipedias.

>> No.12715000

What do the asses of hot women REALLY smell like?

>> No.12715008

>what is the difference between a broth and a stock and a paste
So what is it?

>> No.12715160

The same as ugly people asses.

>> No.12715176

been eating waffles for all my meals for about 3 weeks, but yesterday i had "to go" 30-40 minutes after eating my regular 6 waffles and got these painful cramps in my stomach(each time). any idea whats happening in my body?

>> No.12715204

past is thicc
stock is meat water
broth is stock with salt and seasonings

>> No.12715231
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>boil spaghetti for 10 minutes
but do they mean 10 minutes after i put them in, or 10 minutes after the submerged half softens up enough so i can force the entire length of the spaghetti under the surface?

>> No.12715238

you cook food until its done, stop getting hung up on hitting a certain number.

>> No.12715243

virgin detected

>> No.12715264

havel sex, incel

>> No.12715271

Have kids

>> No.12715273

10 minutes after you put the spaghetti in boiling water

>> No.12715284

But you're objectively wrong. This proves that you are an incel

>> No.12715286

will you retards shut the fuck up already. GOD

>> No.12715312

The number on the box is usually too high and will lead to overcooked pasta

>> No.12715323

Give it a snap and put it all in at the same time

>> No.12715325

even if it's italian spaghetti from italy? anyway, i usually reduce it by 1 minute

>> No.12715341

Sweaty musk with varying touches of shit depending on how thoroughly they clean it. My gf is a bit lazy with ass cleaning so the shit smell is more noticeable.

>> No.12715346
File: 193 KB, 2048x1025, 197a9419e41e23f4dfb4863c084430cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of the food whose main ingredient is libtard tears? Should it be cooked for another 4 more years to achieve perfect taste?

>> No.12715352

I'm cheap. What is the best way to replace red cooking wine? Would red wine vinegar work?

>> No.12715360


>> No.12715369
File: 177 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20190731_163733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does my spatula arrive?

>> No.12715372

If I want to make dough for noodles, can put any left over dough in the fridge or freezer? How long till it goes bad?

>> No.12715380

Yes. Taste the pasta as it is cooking. Take it out when it's still properly al dente, as it will keep cooking a minute or so afterwards.

>> No.12715403

Don't have sex, incel.

>> No.12715408

How do I find a gf who can cook without being labelled a misogynyst?

>> No.12715410
File: 287 KB, 1200x1200, Vegetarian-Pad-Thai_EXPS_HCK18_197935_B04_014_4b-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to Asia

>> No.12715417
File: 89 KB, 784x1176, Instant-Pot-whole-chicken-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just order a whole chicken instead of parts? I have a cleaver.

>> No.12715436


>> No.12715473

Broth is made from meat scraps and seasoned. Often used largely as a meal itself or part of a soup. Stock is made from bones, is generally not seasoned and is used as an ingredient.

Not sure why you don't know what a paste is unless English isn't your first language. It's a thick, gloopy, spreadable substance. In terms of food, just simmer down anything from stock to tomatoes long enough and you'll have a paste.

>> No.12715478

It varies depending on your stove, climate, altitude etc. Just check your god damn food

>> No.12715484

It depends. Do you hate having money? Then no.

>> No.12715485

once i eat only noodles for 2 weeks , it ended when i started to ship noodle but not actually shit

>> No.12716453

How does this work?

>> No.12716671

How do i cook multiple steaks for people when i only have one skillet? Skillets get real dirty after just pan searing one.

>> No.12716741

I made some chili and I don't want it to turn (spoil)
and I don't want to freeze it. but I might have to.
what if I was to heat up what I have left to above 165 degrees. would that get me a few extra days?
does chili with beans freeze well?

>> No.12716752

if you have a grill then turn it on high and let it heat up. cook the steaks half way. just put grill marks on both sides and put them in the cooler. bake them when you want to feed your guests.
use a digital thermometer so you can keep them medium rare

>> No.12716762

All chili freezes fine. You can also store it in the refrigerator for a few weeks in a sealed container since the tomato base discourages bacterial growth.

>> No.12716786

I made it two sundays ago and it's fine now. it was the first time I used more meat than just ground beef. I made my normal chili with short rib added and fuck it is so good
thanks for the reply.