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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12735733 No.12735733 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of proposing to my girlfriend of 7 years at pic related. What should I order for the special occasion, friends?

>> No.12735747

Is there something special or sentimental about this place?

>> No.12735754

Yeah, I’ve taken her there for our last three anniversaries.

>> No.12735797

Not to be a dick, but you should probably step up to a real restaurant for your proposal. She'll suspect it because it's far out of the norm. From there, there are two options: 1) she's excited for it to happen the whole night and it enhances the experience or 2) she cues you in that she's not ready for you to make that move, preventing you from embarrassing her and yourself.

>> No.12735805

tour of Italy and ask for boxes to take home the extra salad and breadsticks.

>> No.12735820

>having an “out” to your proposal plan
Found the single guy. Don’t listen to the autist cope OP. Take her there and pop the question in front of as many people as possible. Protip: buy the biggest fucking rock you can afford, even if its one of those fake ones. No girl wants to share some microrock on her social media

>> No.12735826

and when she goes to see if its real she will dump your ass. just spend the 8 grand on a ring. its cheaper than divorce

>> No.12735848

What the fuck do I care if you want to ruin your life.

Marrying a woman? Might as well call it quits now and euthanize yourself; she's going to take everything you have anyway.

You will probably play this off as some guy on the internet telling you it's a bad idea though. Then some ugly fat whales will come in and try to rebuttal this post with some reddit-tier contradictory comments to save an industry of freebies they will never be a part of. And of course the masochistic white knights will agree with them because they're so beta they think a few internet good-boy points might score them a night of whale fucking.

Don't do it. Dont you fucking do it. Get out man, there's still time. Save your money and your time. Go live life and screw around, but never settle. To do so is to invite death upon yourself well before your time. For God's sake, run.

>> No.12735852

That’s fucking stupid, if the girl you are proposing to has no clue about your financial status you are fucked anyway. Bottom line: she wants a big rock

>> No.12735938

Why would you marry a woman who will just say yes because you bought her a big expensive ring?

>> No.12735942

>What the fuck do I care if you want to ruin your life.
>Don't do it. Dont you fucking do it. Get out man, there's still time. Save your money and your time. Go live life and screw around, but never settle. To do so is to invite death upon yourself well before your time. For God's sake, run.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12735953

gf of 7 years, you should fucking know what she likes and doesn't like.
you probably should go somewhere nicer than generic family restaurant

>> No.12735959

You can buy a big ring for pretty cheap my dude

>> No.12735968

I genuinely hope you still enjoy that life in 40 years, when you have no wife or children to take care of you when your health begins to fail.
>be me
>be ICU nurse
>see many elderly people on the cusp of death without any family to speak of
>no one to make decisions, no one to stay at bedside to watch them die, or to say 'stop, this is too much, end it'
Quite sad.

>> No.12735982


>$400k in the bank
>looking to move in to rural country
>have extensive knowledge in homesteading and farming

Oh boy, jokes on you. I work in Pharmacy and know exactly how you nurses act. E-fucking-gads. That you think somehow being a nurse qualifies you as judging someone's ability to fend for themselves as a single individual is striking. We make at least double what you do, and only because your unions disrupt patient care in the forms of strikes to levee higher wages, and in terms higher profits for said unions so they can pad the pockets of your political cronies. Oh boy, it's like having an infant tell an adult how the world works. You go do you. I'll settle myself somewhere and live out the rest of my years in bliss, and happily single.

>> No.12735991

I have a feeling both of you are LARPing..

>> No.12736010

You're only marrying her for her big expensive ring, so it's only fair that you give her another one in exchange.

>> No.12736029


I don't know what I could tell you to think I'm not, but nurses are fucking infuriating and lazy. Just because they work some 12 hour shifts they think they have it hard. Yeah, must be so hard when they guaranteed "mental health" days; basically a free day off work if they're feeling tired or just don't want to come in. Boo fucking hoo. They're glorified construction workers with at minimum a two year degree who act a step lesser in terms of importance to doctors who hold a 4 year undergraduate degree, then 4 years in med school and a 3-7 year residency prior to licensing.

Nursing are some of the biggest fucking whiners I've ever seen.

>> No.12736041

A couple thousand for a lifelong vow jewelry isnt that bad. I never considered it, but now that I am, Id probably get my future wife something extremely extravagant. Something that says "i love spending obscene amounts of money. Its feast or famine with me, babe."

>> No.12736051

I’m a construction worker. What do you have against construction workers, fancy lad?

>> No.12736052

You can't convince me because you probably aren't what you claim. Also, sounds like you experienced some bitchy nurse who is tolerated by the healthcare facility because they already have a shortage of staff due to the insane requirements it takes to even be a registered nurse and licensed doctor. Doctors have their hands tied as it is with back to back appointments with patients, nurses take off some of that burden off for them.

>> No.12736057

Have sex, seriously.

>> No.12736079

I looked at their menu. Is it me or is it overpriced as fuck? Seriously..

>> No.12736100

This is some next level cope dude

>> No.12736103

>Doctors have their hands tied as it is with back to back appointments with patients, nurses take off some of that burden off for them.

>Outpatient nurse
>"Come in, have a seat, the doctor will be right with you"

>Inpatient nurses
>Follows administration orders per hospital's ordersets
>Sits around waiting for next doses to be given

Such a hard job.
Oh no, a code blue? You have to give some compression and document when ESO's (emergency standing orders) were administered?


>> No.12736106

My mommy is a charge nurse and OR nurse

Idk if she fits in your radar but shes always tired. She works very hard, my mommy.

>> No.12736110

Then why don't you do it? It's easy and it pays well. It'll be a nice change for you instead of sitting around like the NEET you are, shitposting with us here on 4chan.

>> No.12736111


There are very few departmental nurses I will give credit to, but OR nurses aren't bad from my experience. Their only falling out is that anesthesiologists are asshole pricks who will bitch them out if something isn't presented to them on a fucking padded pillow. They get it pretty rough, so I'll exclude them from my scrutiny.

>> No.12736115


Have you not been following? I work in Pharmacy. I make more than they do. Why would I downgrade?

>> No.12736119

My mommy is THAT bitch at work

>> No.12736120
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>Buy a fake-ass, gumball machine, Saturday morning cartoon ring that all her friends WILL talk shit about
>Waste your proposal at the Olive Garden
Virgin detected. She wants to flex on her friends and family when you go all out on your proposal. Cold spaghetti and a fake ring is an embarrassment.

>> No.12736126

I've been following, I just don't believe in bullshit. LARP harder NEET.
Get Calamari as an appetizer and then do some eggplant or chicken parm.

>> No.12736128
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I really hope you're just baiting OP

>> No.12736130

Not all women like that kind of attention. And I don't think many people who regulate this website would be a good match for the type of women that do.

>> No.12736132

That looks like my dad i think.

>> No.12736133

Too long ago to be sure, huh?

>> No.12736136
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>I've been following, I just don't believe in bullshit. LARP harder NEET.

What more do you want, my pay stub? Eat a dick.

>> No.12736138

You're probably right. He should give her the ring when he hops off the shitter in the morning in their 1-bathroom apartment.

>> No.12736142

"Hey babe, I missed the bowl again could you pick my shit up for me?"
*grins expectantly as he waits for her to spot the glint of gold in the log*

>> No.12736143

What magazine did you buy that from? Take this to /cgl/

>> No.12736150

Your dad is very based

>> No.12736151



Yeah, I'm done. That's all you children and or liberals have anyway. Combat facts with falsehoods. I ain't got the time of day, even when I have a few drinks under me.

>> No.12736153

Kek. The idea of OP taking his significant other to olive garden for an anniversary, much less for a proposal tells you all you need to know

>> No.12736154
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>> No.12736155
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Woah boy, I'm glad you have such a nice job. Still means jack crap when you're old and can't take care of yourself. I'm sure you'll say you'll hire help when this eventually happens, but they won't be at your bedside when you truly slip into the shitter, then when consciousness fades or confusion sets in nobody will be there for you.
>nurses have a union
Good fucking shit, but we don't.
You've never spent more than an hour in a hospital setting have you? ER or ICU. This is true on the floor, but not so in a critical setting. You don't sit around and give meds every few hours, we're talking people who are not even conscious enough to help themselves, who are extremely sick and are requiring at times minute by minute care. A code blue is an end of the line situation, what will drive a nurse to being 'whiny' is a patient that is crashing, the anxiety and adrenaline of taking someone on the verge of getting to a blue and keeping them from that edge. And god, don't even get me started on dealing with family members. All in all, it's certainly not an easy job, but it is satisfying to see very tangible results in your care.

>> No.12736156
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Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

>> No.12736158
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where the fuck is my tazo? I asked for it like 20 minutes ago. stop fucking around on your headphone collecting sudanese forum.
ok how many RNs are caught smuggling morphine/dilaudid/norco/etc per year in your hospital? I wanna know

>> No.12736160 [DELETED] 

>That's all you children and or liberals have anyway.
>Combat facts with falsehoods.
You got this huge chip on your shoulder and have proven nothing. Go ahead and jerk off in that costume of yours anon.

>> No.12736163

>ok how many RNs are caught smuggling morphine/dilaudid/norco/etc per year in your hospital? I wanna know

Quite a few. In the last few years we caught an RN in our SNF unit who was taking a 75mcg fentaly patch from a patient, putting it in a cup of water and drinking it, then placing it back on the patient. Our narc specialist has it hard. We've had some few 3-4 DEA incidents in the last three years.

>> No.12736166
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>> No.12736169

Thats depressing tbqh

>> No.12736172
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bruhhhh. it really depends on the nurse and floor though. like, there are some nurses that really only do it for the paycheck and there are some nurses that I would want to take care of me. also, FUCK FAMILY MEMBERS, LAZY CNAS, AND CIWA/PSYCH PATIENTS

lmao nice. our hospital isn't too bad with narc incidents (to my knowledge) but a few were laid off b/c they were dumb enough to check their own medical info or patient's info through our goddamn shitstain Cerner program. also, truancy and general "I don't want to work in a hospital setting b/c it's too much." Male ICU nurses are always bros.
idk how bad the narc situation is in pharm, but I had a nuc pharm. patient that told me at least 10% of pharm. abuse drugs. apparently, a lot more MDs that I thought also abuse drugs as well. whowouldaknown lol

>> No.12736177


We've got a good pharmacy staff here. Nothing sketchy.

Cerner's a bitch. Bunch of false-positives when they scan the data for HIPPA violations. I work as a backup DBM (databse manager) for some of this shit. It's a flawed system. I hear EPIC is better but less user friendly.

>> No.12736179

> /ck/ - Male Nurses

>> No.12736403

work in the hospital and you'll either become even more depressed and quit working there or find life to be even more enjoyable having witnessed other people's lowest of lows and strive to do better and become a better version of yourself.

>> No.12736598

Jesus christ what the fuck is this thread, I spaces out and couldn't even tell what fucking board I was on.

>> No.12737007

A lot of autism in this thread, desu.

>> No.12737480

So I have to put up with 40 years of bullshit just to have a semi-decent final 2 months on my deathbed? The kind of fucked up logic is this? You're obviously biased being that you are a nurse and encounter this stuff daily. To normal people it is not something we dwell on and plan our life around.

>> No.12737575

>Laughs in EMT.

>> No.12737582

women aren't really people and the sooner people realize that they'll never really understand men, the better

>> No.12737607

won´t stop you from dying all alone.
that was the actual topic that started your misaimed dickwaiving contest.

>> No.12737614
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>wants to propose at Italian McDonald's

>> No.12737640
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>italian mcdonalds

>> No.12737643

>"Hey babe, I missed the bowl again could you pick my shit up for me?"*grins expectantly as he waits for her to spot the glint of gold in the log*
> /ck/ Food and Cooking

>> No.12737679

Your post made me laugh anon, thanks

>> No.12737693

Extremely and unironically based post right there.
>dude you should marry someone because maybe someday you'll become unhealthy and they might take care of you
Jesus christ.

>> No.12737754

If she really loves you and isn’t some materialistic whore, she shouldn’t care where you propose to her.

>> No.12737766

>tfw have your proposal planned out
Gonna make her cry it'll be so good.

>> No.12738068
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I'm a real estate agent lmao your dinner date is what I give to my clients for their home welcoming. Lol at the nurses in thread working 12 hr shifts while I get that sweet commission check.

>> No.12738079

Shut up you fucking cunt roastie.

>> No.12738085

Shut up other roastie. Cunt.

>> No.12738094

Side question. Never been to TGIF before. Is it worth going to experience it? They dont have one in my country and I'm in England for a few days

>> No.12738099

Nah, find somewhere else. Dinner proposals are lame.

>> No.12739135
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>> No.12739230

Isn't that more fermentation than cooking?

>> No.12739240

They just changed their slogan from 'When you're here, you're family', to 'We're all family here'. The original was wholesome and friendly; the new on is totalitarian and forceful. I refuse to eat there

>> No.12739268

Bitch. Put cement in your vagina forever sealing it

>> No.12739270

I don't have a vagina yet.

>> No.12739291

Well don't fucking get one they're terrible

>> No.12739318


>> No.12739326

Take her to Applebees just to add some spice

>> No.12739814

Get the salad, get a couple apps (I recommend the lasa fritta and the stuffed mushrooms), order her the ravioli di portabello so you can safely eat her ass later, order yourself the tour of italy, and after your proposal the manager will comp you a dessert. I recommend the tiramisu. Enjoy fucking up your life, OP.

>> No.12739849


just give her an Onion ring

>> No.12740222
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You're welcome my friend.

>> No.12740640

Do they have big ol' meatballs?

>> No.12741317

pretty good b8

>> No.12741325

haha this is retard is 16y old max. so weak.

>> No.12741348
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Baloney pomadoro.

>> No.12741361

most of what this anon said is pretty accurate. one of my best friends is a nurse and all i hear about is how hard his job is and how he does more work than the doctors. most of the time when i text him to see what hes up to or if he has to work, hes out fishing because he didnt feel like going in that day. only reason he keeps his job is because there is a shortage of nurses

>> No.12741381

Cmon, bro. I’m not trying to spend too much money haha

>> No.12741552

>its cheaper than divorce
>not marrying a hot foreigner who lives in a comfy country with fair divorce laws
>marrying your run of the mill ameriroast

>> No.12742082

Nurses have a massive inferiority complex towards MDs, that's a fact.