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12877660 No.12877660 [Reply] [Original]

>The research found that vegetarians and vegans had a 20% higher risk of stroke than meat-eaters, particularly hemorrhagic stroke -- caused when blood from an artery begins to bleed into the brain. This translates to 3 more cases of stroke per 1,000 people over 10 years.

>The exact reasons for this higher risk found in vegetarians are not clear, said Tong. It is possible that this is due to "very low cholesterol levels or very low levels of some nutrients," she said.


>> No.12877749
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Vegans wont hear this, won't acknowledge this, but they will die early of strokes, heart attack etc.

>> No.12877770

DON'T POST AMP LINKS YOU FUCK https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/04/health/vegetarian-vegan-diet-stroke-heart-disease-risk-intl/index.html

>However, a new study suggests that vegetarians and vegans may be at a higher risk of stroke than their meat-eating counterparts -- although those who don't eat meat have a lower chance of coronary heart disease, according to the new paper, published in the medical journal the BMJ on Wednesday.
>"It does seem that the lower risk of coronary heart diseases does exceed the higher risk of stroke, if we look at the absolute numbers," said lead researcher Tammy Tong, a nutritional epidemiologist at the Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford.
Basically, vegetarians have a higher risk of stroke, but this is outweighed by their lower risk of coronary heart disease. All cause mortality for vegetarians and vegans is lower.

>> No.12877776

>The research shows that people who cut out meat from their diet are significantly healthier than meat eaters, Dr. Malcolm Finlay, consultant cardiologist at Barts Heart Centre, Queen Mary University of London, told the Science Media Center.
>But he said the study put "too much weight on a complex statistical method to try and correct for the fact that the vegetarians were very much healthier than meat eaters."
>"While this method can say the risk of stroke isn't as low as one might expect it to be in vegetarians considering how much healthier they are in general compared to meat-eaters, their overall risk of a major life-changing cardiovascular event happening still appears much lower," said Finlay, who was not involved in the study.
>While this method can say the risk of stroke isn't as low as one might expect it to be in vegetarians considering how much healthier they are in general compared to meat-eaters, their overall risk of a major life-changing cardiovascular event happening still appears much lower
>their overall risk of a major life-changing cardiovascular event happening still appears much lower

>> No.12877792

>All cause mortality for vegetarians and vegans is lower.
Compared to the general population, not health conscious meat eaters. Meanwhile you die from a brain bleed REEEing over 4chan posts. The fact that they are more likely to have a stroke than the average person is concerning since they're health minded, and more active than the general population. Really points to some kind of dangerous deficiency.

>> No.12877795

>Compared to the general population, not health conscious meat eaters
Wrong, this very study controlled for the health conscious stuff aggressively
>But he said the study put "too much weight on a complex statistical method to try and correct for the fact that the vegetarians were very much healthier than meat eaters."
Despite controlling aggressively for these factors, this very study still determined that the risk of getting stroke or coronary heart disease was lower for vegans and vegetarians than for meat eaters.

>> No.12877796

What am i supposed to do? Eating meat makes me feel bad. I use to hace no issue i dont give a fuck abiut ethics kr any of the gay vegwtarian shit. But ive been fkrced to shift into a vegetarian diet just so i dont feel physically ill and tired throughout the day

>> No.12877805

>Heart disease is more common than hemorrhagic stroke, meaning vegetarians had better overall cardiovascular health outcomes despite a higher stroke risk, Stephen Burgess, group leader at the MRC Biostatistics Unit at the University of Cambridge, told the Science Media Center.

>> No.12877810

So basically stroke is fairly uncommon and vegetarians have a 20% higher risk of it. But coronary artery disease is fairly common and vegetarians have a 22% lower risk of it, even though this study aggressively controlled for health factors. So vegetarians overall have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

>> No.12877878

>Giving up meat for a 2% lower risk
Lol, well I feel better eating meat now.

>> No.12877918

because its compared to the average diet, which is unhealthy. Compare it to a meat eater thats conscious about what they eat and youll find that both the risk of heart disease and the risk of stroke are lower

>> No.12877922

>Giving up meat for a 2% lower risk
Idiot, you can't just add the percentages like that. Read my post again "stroke is fairly uncommon" and "coronary artery disease is fairly common."
The study said vegetarians have 3 more cases of stroke per 1000 people, and 10 fewer cases of ischaemic heart disease.

Meat eaters have 46.2 cases of ischaemic heart disease, vegetarians have 36.2.
Meat eaters have 15.4 cases of stroke, vegetarians have 18.3.

So meat eaters have a total of 61.6 cases, vegetarians have a total of 54.5. This means vegetarians have an 11.5% decreased incidence of both of these cardiovascular problems.

Read the thread again, they controlled heavily for health.

>> No.12877924

Forgot to add, the source is Table 3 of the study https://www.bmj.com/highwire/markup/1012991/expansion?width=1000&height=500&iframe=true&postprocessors=highwire_figures%2Chighwire_math

>> No.12877946

After looking at this dude I’d never consider dropping meat again.

>> No.12877948

Baldness and heart attacks are correlated with stress, high testosterone, and genetics, not veganism.

>> No.12878024

Being a vegan makes you a pussy that gets stressed out from seeing animals hunt other animals on Discovery channel

>> No.12878081
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You know there'll be another study coming out next week that says the complete opposite.
Nutrition is like the weakest science after psychology.

>> No.12878104

>Nutrition is like the weakest science after psychology.
it really is
couldn't tell you which has caused more damage over time, but my bets would be on nutrition "science"

>> No.12878288
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>All cause mortality for vegetarians and vegans is lower

Interesting. That must be why they die in infancy

>> No.12878301
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>the fact that the vegetarians were very much healthier than meat eaters."

lol yeah some (((fact))) "Dr" I'm sure the gcod vegan "Dr" is (((well rewarded))) for his fraudulent ((((studies))) to promote Veganism/anti meat sentiment. Nothing has changed since the days if the fraud Incel Keys.

>> No.12878304
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All vegan "science" is basically trolling, for the starvation cult, by the professional career vegans themselves, like Dr Greger and Dr barnyard.

Europeans can probably digest fat better than other races
https://www.nap.edu/read/11537/chapter/13 (also a generic good read on dietary cholesterol and dieting)


They eat animal based products from time to time, they're cunning bastards and will lie to push their agenda

Veganism is a starvation cult, nothing more.






Omnivores still have the highest dha and epa levels..



If people (mostly omnivores and some carnivores) weren't so brainwashed to fear raw eggs they would have much, much higher omega 3 levels (you can get 522 mg of DHA from 18 common caged white eggs, Im not even talking about omega 3 rich and organic cage free eggs

>> No.12878314

the average vegetarian is probably healthier than the average omnivore though. not because meat is inherently bad for you but because they just pay more attention to what they eat. most vegetarians still eat eggs and cheese too.

>> No.12878346
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All these surveys and questionnaires can be cooked to make vegetarians (but why don't they study vegans?) But vegetarians "healthier" than your average slob.

Compare the average vegetarian, who is a health-conscious individual, with your average Walmart shopper/normal normling, and the vegetarians smoke less, drink less, and are less prone to obesity.

It's really a study which shows that one group of people who includes a higher % of smokers, is LESS healthier than another group with a lower % of smokers. Wow amazing finding.(then the jew "researchers" never mention these confounding factors, like smoking, and vegans being overwhelming female by sex, who live longer than men for other reasons.)

Promote the (((vegan agenda))) and you keep your job and get (((well funded))). Go against the vegan agenda? Career suicide, like global warming.

>> No.12878661
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>toothless makes a failure thread
Lmao antivegans are retarded. Vegans live longer on average.

>> No.12878678

I am guessing that it's just vegans at risk and vegetarians less so because they eat zero harm animal products

>> No.12878696

>the average 17 year old vegan looks like this