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File: 15 KB, 210x251, cof .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12883485 No.12883485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My coworker just called me a faggot for getting an iced coffee and says the “first cup of the day has to be hot”

Who is in the wrong?

>> No.12883488

what kind of adult calls people faggots in the workplace?

>> No.12883494


>> No.12883495

Time to take this total non-issue to HR and cash in

>> No.12883498

Unless it's above 30 degrees I think you're in the wrong

>> No.12883500

Both. All coffee should be hot.

>> No.12883507

>being affected by gatekeeping
There's your mistake. Normal people agree that taste is subjective and can be happy with the preferences of others. Only immature losers put down others opinions just to elevate their own.

>> No.12883532

He is a boomer.
You are a faggot.

Sooo... both.

>> No.12883534

iced coffee just tastes like the coffee I forget to finish and take a sip hours later.

>> No.12883540

The best kind of adult, unless you aren't a faggot, then they're a faggot for calling you a faggot.

>> No.12883590

What was the outdoor temperature in your area?

>> No.12883605

24 degrees or 75 F for non-leafs

>> No.12883624
File: 265 KB, 2000x1333, 58D8CE6E-BDB3-4760-AEB6-DD9299356B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only possible answer is iced coffee cream.

>> No.12883628

thats acceptable iced coffee temperature, you were right

>> No.12883635

>70 degrees outside
>getting a hot drink when it's already warm outside
>this is somehow masculine and not retarded
What a faggot.

>> No.12883637

he's a purist but you have character (or are a plain old kook)

>> No.12883656

He is. He's just being a cunt, drink coffee you like whether it's folgers or specialty.

>> No.12883672
File: 457 KB, 600x1054, 1536548388104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, man, first cup has to be hot. Big gay to have iced first thing in the morning.

>> No.12883679

Should've just said "no talking until im done"

>> No.12883687

You should report then for using homophobic slurs

>> No.12883691

who else /99cent/ cumberland farms iced coffee here

>> No.12883693

Your co-worker is more Ayurvedic than you

>> No.12883707


>> No.12883717

Iced coffee in the morning is very refreshing, but whims change day to day and there is no blanket rule for which drink is best when. This is the most correct answer.

It should be cold (see: iced), not room temperature.

Sometimes I drink iced coffee in the dead of Canadian winter.

>ice coffee cream
Coffee creamer put on ice? I prefer ice creamed coffee.

>> No.12883925

You both are. You for drinking coffee flavored sugar and him for being a bitch. Drink water or milk.

>> No.12883932

He called you a faggot? Report to HR and ruin his day.

>> No.12883957
File: 56 KB, 500x333, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to HR and getting that asshole fired for calling you a faggot while clocked into work.

zero tolerance companies will bounce his homophobic ass out the door in a heartbeat to prevent lawsuits. Enjoy watching him cry as he does the walk of shame with a box of his desk shit while you sip your iced coffee.

Slurp loudly as he walks by and give him a wink if he looks. I like my karma like how I like my coffee. Black and bitter.

>> No.12883964

I’ve called him a faggot before too

>> No.12883979

Then I suggest you both stop before some REAL faggot comes along and whines and gets you both fired.

>> No.12883981

You both sound like total fags.

>> No.12883983


>> No.12883990

The first cup of the day should be cold water. Just like every other cup during the day that isn't hot tea.

>> No.12884010

this. if it's above 80, cold coffee, below 70 hot coffee and in between can swing either way. What kind of retard gets a hot drink on a cold day?

>> No.12884029
File: 75 KB, 850x850, 2164085_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still drinking coffee

get on my level

>> No.12884061

seems kinda gay desu

>> No.12884071


>> No.12884090

Make sure to work up a good cry first.

>> No.12884163

enjoy your cystic acne

>> No.12884168

normal men

>> No.12884177

Get him fired for using that word

>> No.12884189

Warehouse workers or mechanics or such

>> No.12884221

Checking in.

>> No.12884226

tell him to keep his imaginary bullshit to himself.
there's no such thing as right or wrong, when it comes to columbian bean water

>> No.12884231


depends on the outside temperature.

>> No.12884236

no it doesn't. you're allowed to enjoy hot or cold drinks regardless of the weather.

>> No.12884242

This is harassment and tell her to mind her own business the old hag

>> No.12884243

Get him fired for drinking hot beverages

>> No.12884248

Is that Bosnian for big gay?

>> No.12884255
File: 28 KB, 378x378, 1550991406218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If its a cold day and you're drinking an Ice Coffee you're a faggot. Its simple maths.

>> No.12884265

If you drink hot coffee, you like cock
1 2 3 quack quack that's maths
coffee's not hot

>> No.12884270

fuck off, if I enjoy iced coffee, I"m not gonna not have it if it's cold out cause some jackass might think I'm a fruit

>> No.12884275
File: 163 KB, 300x364, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.14_[2018.07.14_23.59.01].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm I'm not gay because I drink iced coffee hunty I'm gay because I'm stirring it with my anal beads.
>get beat up
>tell HR
>get him fired
>sue and get lifetime compensation from him

>> No.12884291

Pretty sure it is implied that people in OP's story are adults.

>> No.12884294

Post tits

>> No.12884385

Suck his dicknswallow then ask whose the faggot now!

>> No.12884548

What a dumb way of spelling wala

>> No.12884572

Warehouse workers are usually far more brutal.

>> No.12884574


>> No.12884582

rape him and ask who's the faggot now

>> No.12884599

if op is a dude, he should go to HR wearing a wig, dress, and heels so he can say he was targeted for being trans
the state BAR forbids me from promising you a big cash settlement, but i'm promising you, a big, cash settlement.

>> No.12884649


>> No.12884765


>> No.12884796
File: 688 KB, 3840x2160, ea7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like obesed xD

>> No.12884799

what happens in your 3rd world country when someone is wronged?

>> No.12884807

This. We get in to fist fights if someone takes the last ketchup packet and it normally ends with a rape.

>> No.12884822

Last person that called me a faggot ended up dead, stupid chomo piece of shit.

>> No.12884826

Look out, we got a badass over here

>> No.12884830



>> No.12884847

You're not first world or white.

>> No.12884852


>> No.12884888

>t. Someone who has never worked a blue collar job before

>> No.12884971

Both of you
You’re a faggot for having iced coffee
He’s a faggot for talking about coffee with any reverence