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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 632 KB, 2000x1125, dunkin_cups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12939901 No.12939901 [Reply] [Original]

Dunkin Donuts puts way too much sugar in their coffee, muffins, doughnuts... fucking everything. You can order their iced coffee with no sugar and half the recommended amount of flavoring and it's STILL too fucking sweet.

>> No.12939908

Yeah they do. I remember ordering a basic vanilla iced coffee from them and throwing it out halfway through cause it was so damn sweet. At least with Starbucks you still taste coffee.

>> No.12939935

so get it black? what kind of child gets coffee with sugar and flavoring anyway.

>> No.12939936

That's just your opinion. I reserve the right to judge for myself.

>> No.12939938

>at least with starbucks you can taste char

There, I fixed it for you

>> No.12939940

Decent coffee places can actually flavor their coffees without decimating the drink with sweeteners.

>> No.12939943

So... you just don't understand what coffee is, I take it

>> No.12940081

Have you ever had their coffee black? It's disgusting and sour every time.

>> No.12940110
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There is no winning in the world of black coffee

Black Coffee Comparison
Starbucks = Too burnt
Dunkin = Too sour
McDonalds = Too bland

>> No.12940184

>thinking all coffee is burnt coffee

>> No.12940434

Yeah but their glazed croissants are fucking delicious

>> No.12940443
File: 71 KB, 675x432, walmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never heard people complaining about food and drinks being too sweet until this past decade, and now fat people make this complaint *constantly*. It's like you're all trying to convince yourself you don't like sugar so you can feel less fat in the modern obesity epidemic ravaged developed world.

>> No.12940444

use aspartame to sweeten things. I put it on everything.

>> No.12940471

mcdonalds pretty good actually

>> No.12940494

>Starbucks = Too burnt

Blond Roast

>> No.12941195

this is a meme and not an opinion you should actually hold

>> No.12941340

I'm not sure what you just said

>> No.12941342

People say "McDonald's coffee is actually decent" but that's not true, it's a meme

>> No.12941348

I agree. I got a couple of their vanilla ice coffees this summer and it was just a bucket of sugar. Fucking grody in my book.

>> No.12941354

I shouldn't have to order barely roasted coffee in order for it not to taste burnt. fuck starbucks

>> No.12941361

If you order an iced coffee and just let them give it to you the way corporate tells them to make it, there will be half an inch of sugar crystals at the bottom of the cup. It's revolting.

>> No.12941398

Memes are pictures. I didn't even post a picture. What are you trying to say?

>> No.12941401

this is bait

>> No.12941436

>people who don't like one of the substances lardasses consume the most r the actual fatties!!!

>> No.12941442

Not bait. Purposeful obtuseness to show that you can't even form original thoughts.

>> No.12941580

What they really mean is that it's not as bad as it used to be. The bar was pretty low.

>> No.12941613

It's decent most of the time, in that it doesn't smell or taste like 12 hour old reheated acidic diner swill.

I do get mcdonalds coffee that tastes exactly like diner swill sometimes, ask them to make you a new pot if that happens.

>> No.12942275

this, i ordered a pumpkin spice latte and it tasted like sugary milk cinnomen syrup with an essence of coffee

>> No.12942479

dunks went to shit when they switched to flavor shots and stopped making flavored coffee.

>> No.12943474

Only fat people and/or diabetics are preoccupied with cutting out sugar. Thin people can consume sugar without worrying about it. I have never once seen a thin person drink a diet soda.

>> No.12943493

Tastes like every other places dark roast. Fart Bucks is shit

>> No.12943500
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I don't go to Dunkin anymore because their coffee is just too bitter. I think they leave it out too long before making fresh.

>> No.12943519

Starbucks black coffee tastes burnt dude

>> No.12943526

Dude, stop putting 10 cubes of sugar in your drinks every day for a month, and I'll guarantee that you'll start complaining that everything tastes too sweet after that.

>> No.12943535

I don't add any sugar to my drinks you fat dummy.

>> No.12943566

>you only get the vowels with large drink purchase

how will they gouge us next?

>> No.12943578

The deal is not just about "muh health", it's that it tastes too fucking sweet, like tpo salty or too sour

>> No.12943587

>pumpkin spice

Btfo to reddit fag millenial

>> No.12943604

That's what I'm doubting in the first place. I didn't hear people complaining about food and drinks being "too sweet" a couple decades ago. Now everyone on /ck/ makes this complaint constantly, probably because it makes them feel less fat to clnvince themselves they don't even like the taste of sugary drinks and foods. Like that one keto-cult anon who likes bringing up G Hughes brand in ketchup threads because "it isn't sweet," as though sweet were now a bad thing.

>> No.12943613

Except that sugar-sweetened beverages have been associated with a higher risk for type 2 diabetes even when adjusting for BMI, you literal retard. Also nobody said anything about worrying about sugar, you sperged out because of people not liking sweet stuff, fat fuck.

>> No.12943620

None of that contradicts what I said. Only fat people go around talking about how much they don't like sweetness, probably because they want to convince themselves they aren't like other fat people. Thin people don't drink diet soda and talk about how they don't like sweet drinks.

>> No.12943639
File: 693 KB, 1995x2636, IMG_20190919_125358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so addicted to sugar that you make shit up about people pretending not to like sugar. Go have your sugar fix and calm down, fattie.

>> No.12943718
File: 8 KB, 277x271, e8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar-sweetened beverages have been associated with a higher risk for type 2 diabetes even when adjusting for BMI
Source showing people who *aren't* overweight and drink sweetened beverages get type 2 diabetes in significant numbers?
Seems unlikely given how many type 2 diabetics are overweight:
>more than 90% of type 2 diabetics are overweight or obese

>> No.12943725


Habitual consumption of sugar sweetened beverages was associated with a greater incidence of type 2 diabetes, independently of adiposity. Although artificially sweetened beverages and fruit juice also showed positive associations with incidence of type 2 diabetes, the findings were likely to involve bias. None the less, both artificially sweetened beverages and fruit juice were unlikely to be healthy alternatives to sugar sweetened beverages for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Under assumption of causality, consumption of sugar sweetened beverages over years may be related to a substantial number of cases of new onset diabetes.

>> No.12943729


>> No.12943740

its like saying i shouldnt have to order a hamburger rare for it too not be cooked through, fuck red robin

>> No.12943786

Find a place that isn't a chain, retard.

>> No.12943825

If artificially sweetened (diet) soda was also associated significantly with type 2 diabetes that's an argument against an actual causal relationship. You would expect calories to cause the problem and zero calorie alternatives to avoid the problem, but instead you see both associated with it.
That doesn't show significant numbers of non-overweight people are getting tyoe 2 diabetes. It just shows a small risk increase that exists independent of BMI, which is still something you can show even when most of the people getting type2 diabetes are overweight e.g. You could show a 300lb guy has a greater risk than a 400lb guy when the former drinks sweetened beveraged in spite or weighing less, and neither would be non-overweight.
Also it says:
>Many previous studies showed that the effects of SSBs intake on the risk of diabetes were lower or even not significant after adjustment for BMI8,10,28. The present findings showed a significant positive, but lower, risk of SSBs intake for type 2 diabetes with adjusting BMI (RR 1.26, 95% CI 1.16–1.36), which was consistent with previous studies.

>> No.12943861

Biggest risk factor by far for type 2 diabetes is weight. Sweetened drinks thing is mostly just contrarian clickbait. The studies on it either show a very tiny impact or no impact after taking different approaches to try to adjust for weight. Studies looking at sugar itself show no increase in diabetes risk independent of weight, and the sweetened drinks shit also applies to diet soda with no sugar in it, making it doubtful it's anything other than the observation fat people or people who will become fat in the future tend to like consuming those things you can manage to show a risk increase for.
>With Type 2 diabetes, though we know sugar doesn’t directly cause Type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are overweight. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories.
>In the present study, we investigated the association between dietary intake of carbohydrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
>These prospective findings suggest that the intakes of starch and sucrose are not associated, but that those of fructose and glucose are inversely associated with diabetes risk.
>Is diabetes caused by eating sugar?
>A diet high in calories from any source (including sugar) contributes to weight gain and weight gain increases your risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease. Type 2 diabetes is not caused by sugar, but by genetics and lifestyle factors.

>> No.12943998

Read a book.

>> No.12944001

Does anyone know what coffee they use at Denny's? Delicious.

>> No.12944326

>tfw I honestly used to get large flavored ice coffee with the regular amount of syrup AND got it "light and sweet".

How I still dont have diabetes with the sweet tooth I ised to have is beyond me. These days I just get it black or maybe sometimes black with a light amount of syrup.

>> No.12944453
File: 208 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-08-24-17-18-24_compress64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had Dunkin cold brew black and it doesn't taste sour. Once in a while I a get a flavor shot.

>> No.12944666

It's 2 things. Fatfucks who cannot ration their intake so they freakout at any sign of it and then you have the manly men who see sweetness as girly or childish.
Anyone who can spit out numerous facts about sugar or diabetes is a lardass I guarantee it. Normal people don't worry about sweetness and have no problem enjoying it.

>> No.12944678

>only fatasses care about their health
I think you'll find the opposite to be true.

>> No.12944694

Or perhaps they grow out of their sweet tooth like adults normally do.

>> No.12944697

>manchildren can't even begin to comprehend someone not liking sweet things
>can't imagine a healthy person caring about their health

>> No.12944706

>Fatfuck detected
>"Manly man" detected

>> No.12944708

Post arm, larping fattie.

>> No.12944714

spooky skeleton detected

>> No.12944724

Imagine being this upset because people have different tastes and/or live a healthier lifestyle than you. How are those grapes?

>> No.12944764

The fact that you even bother to reply indicates that you identify as either a fatfuck or a "manly man". Normal people who don't take offense would not reply.

>> No.12944776

Post arm, larping fattie.

>> No.12944783

>either a fatfuck or a "manly man"
Neither, I'm a scrawny loser who doesn't want to die a slow painful death at 65.
Honestly the only thing replying to your bait indicates about me is that I'm too gullible, and so is everyone else itt who gave you a (You).

>> No.12944975
File: 31 KB, 472x520, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I agree with him and here's mine.
32, have drank regular Coke excessively from high school through to the preset, and have never even been able to get up to normal weight let alone overweight. Also diabetes-free.
My dad got type 2 diabetes in his 20s in contrast and he never drank soda. Only difference between us is I've been around 120lb ever since reaching full size while he was 300lb+.
PS: Fuck fat people for starting to let their stupid fake sugar shit up normal non-diet drinks. Did you know regular Hawaiian Punch and Lipton's Iced Tea both have artificial sweeteners in their ingredients now? Acesulfame potassium in Lipton's and sucralose in Hawaiian Punch. Shit gets me heated, they're robbing me of calories and fucking with my digestion in the process.

>> No.12944999

Jesus fucking Christ please eat some food.

>> No.12945017
File: 657 KB, 1363x2310, Screenshot_20190909-160837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12945029
File: 248 KB, 615x252, sloth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12945062
File: 180 KB, 1440x1376, Screenshot_20190919-190601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are going to die

>> No.12945083


>> No.12945103
File: 278 KB, 1440x1693, Screenshot_20190919-191510__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this helps.

>> No.12945118

Defenses are up as fatfucks take offense.

>> No.12945122

okay mr skeltal please just dont steal my calcium

>> No.12945130

Who knew that successful bait was as easy as pretending not to give a shit about your health?

>> No.12945139

It's not bait though. It's honest thoughts on a weird phenomenon.

>> No.12945146

Still waiting for your arm, fattie.

>> No.12945165

>weird phenomenon
What's weird about it? It's a simple combination of three factors:
1. Most men "grow out" of sweet flavors to some extent. Personally I like a little candy or red bean paste or a donut on occasion, but I haven't been able to really enjoy anything sweet since I was around 16 or 17.
2. Sugar is well known to be very unhealthy, so people try to avoid it because it increases inflammation and causes/worsens all sorts of health problems. You are however correct that it is hard to get type 2 diabetes without being fat.
3. The part you said about fat people clinging to every single health trend in a desperate attempt to ignore that they have so little self discipline that the can't even count calories.

>> No.12945183
File: 1.55 MB, 1024x768, 2019_09_19_063246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your deal queer? Here enjoy. No panorama view necessary.

>> No.12945192

>those tubby fingers
HAHAHA, so you are a fattie after all. Cool it with the soda for a bit.

>> No.12945195

your upper arm you fucking retard

>> No.12945206
File: 565 KB, 816x612, 2019_09_19_064053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this sexual for you fagget

>> No.12945211

Hello Jewish

>> No.12945214

nope, just wanted to prove a point mr skeltal
please dont steal the calcium from my bones

>> No.12945674

>you are going to die
That's true, for everyone.
>Most men "grow out" of sweet flavors to some extent
Not him, but I don't know how true that is. Women have a special thing with chocolate going on because of the estrogen or something, and I think that's where this idea comes from.
>increases inflammation and causes/worsens all sorts of health problems
I'll concede that if I ever got cancer of some sort I would seriously consider cutting out sugar from what I eat / drink since that seems to show some promise for starving out tumors. Which isn't necessarily saying something bad about sugar given this falls under the broader longstanding anti-cancer strategy of basically trying to get as close as possible to killing yourself so the cancer dies before you do. It works exactly because sugar is such a basic component of a normal functioning diet, and restricting it is like taking away the oxygen from a fire.

>> No.12945721

just make coffee in your house? it's two ingredients

>> No.12945773

>sugar is such a basic component of a normal functioning diet, and restricting it is like taking away the oxygen from a fire.
See, this sentence would make sense if you said carbs, but there is no need for sugar in your diet whatsoever. Not all carbs are sugar.

>> No.12945785

Why do they use glucose in IV drips then?

>> No.12945807

Because it's very easy to use and your body is severely weakened. I hope you don't think you were making some smart point with that question.

>> No.12946277

Here I live their coffee comes sugar-free.

>> No.12946300

starbucks black coffee really do have an after taste of marb reds

>> No.12946305

>because sugar is such a basic component of a normal functioning diet
>there is no need for sugar in your diet whatsoever
>Why do they use glucose in IV drips then?
>Because it's very easy to use and your body is severely weakened.
>Since glucose is a basic necessity of many organisms...
I'm going to go ahead and call you wrong now.

>> No.12947587

Your body makes glucose from other nutrients. Besides, the sugar we're taking about ITT is not glucose. Did you skip biology in high school or are you being purposefully ignorant?

>> No.12947668

Make up your mind. Your argument against glucose the first time around was that it's only in IV fluid because:
>it's very easy to use and your body is severely weakened
And now you're trying to claim it we aren't even talking about glucose when you were fine talking about in your last post.

>> No.12947684

I was answering your irrelevant question.

>> No.12947715

That doesn't explain why you were fine talking about glucose in the preceding post and then suddenly denied glucose counts in the second post. If you didn't want to discuss glucose then you should have said so when it was first brought up. Instead you only switched to glucose not counting after your argument against IV fluid glucose was shot down.

>> No.12947721

If radiation is so bad for us why do they use it in chemotherapy?

>> No.12947726

IV fluids aren't used to kill cells or even really to treat anything most of the time so much as they're used to provide people the basics of what they need to survive.

>> No.12947730

>your argument against IV fluid glucose was shot down.
It was not. What you wrote agrees with what I said about IV drips and you have completely ignored the basic biological process I brought up
>Your body makes glucose from other nutrients.
I tried to move away from glucose after that because it isn't relevant to this conversation.

>> No.12947736

You're a fucking idiot. Sugar kills . You can have some sure. I know loads of thin people that drink diet soda too wtf with that comment.

>> No.12947737

Because it's even worse for cancer cells, and getting rid of cancer is worth causing a patient side effects.
Please tell me what horrible side effects IV fluids have and what disease they're stopping to justify it.

>> No.12947739

>what horrible side effects IV fluids have
500kcal of pure sugar per bag is not healthy.
>what disease they're stopping to justify it.
They're trying to prevent starvation. Why would you bring up something like IV drips when you know nothing about them?

>> No.12947744


Not the guy you were arguing with but sugar is necessary for any functioning organism. Its just you only need a little. One cup of soda or most "juices" is already more than your needed daily value. Dont drink that garbage, at least not regularly. And as far as gaining weight, you're like me most likely where it really does come to how much you eat. Try getting in 3500 calories (but not empty calories which you will get from soda) a day (Im curious about how many are in that shake that other anon recommended).

>> No.12947745

I was talking about glucose. If you genuinely had a problem with it you would have said so when I first mentioned it instead of waiting until your shit comment about glucose not being essential.and only used in IV fluids because it's "easier" for sick people to process was shot down.
It's used because it's essential, not because it's easier.

>> No.12947748
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1515881711935s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV fluids are not for preventing starvation you absolute mongoloid. Do you have ANY idea how long starvation takes?

>> No.12947757

>IV drip
>starvation prevention
That'd be parenteral nutrition. IV drips are for hydration, electrolytes, and glucose, not for keeping someone from starving to death. Most people wouldn't starve until at least a month or so without food anyway. It's dehydration you need to take care of, not starvation.

>> No.12947775

See, now you're getting hooked deliberately on one incorrect point in an attempt to ignore the argument that you're losing.
>I was talking about glucose.
This is an argument about sweet foods, so no. You are not talking about glucose. You are talking about fructose, sucrose, and corn syrups.

>> No.12947780

My mistake. IV drips are for stopping dehydration. I may be a retard but my point stands.

>> No.12947782

Thanks fkr splitting hairs. Sugar is the most fattening food there is, ergo you get overweight and diabetic if you consume too much of it. Also, you should know that glucose can be converted to fructose in the liver, which increases fat storage in the organ and thus insulin resistance. Much of our food contains fructose itself, which just worsens the problem. TL;DR reduce your sugar intake, tubby.

>> No.12947787

not him but repeating yourself instead of making an argument is basically an admission of defeat

>> No.12947794

Here's another good reason you shouldn't be consuming sugary sodas; they're empty fucking calories with no other vital nutrients. Now get some real vitamins and protein in you, I'm already kicking myself for calling you 'tubby' when you're a Holodomor victim.

>> No.12947861

I was an assistant manager at dunkin ama

>> No.12947908
File: 174 KB, 383x349, 1568177557399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a thermos and bring whatever form of coffee from home. Iced coffee is just bottom pot coffee put in a cooling machine anyway. If a drip style coffee maker is too slow get a press and sieve for easy 4 minute coffee You can have it hot or just chill it.

You can also use a small amount of flavoured instant coffee in if whatever respective cream you have available in that flavour has too much sugar.

You got time to make and store coffee however you want, OP. No lines for unsatisfactory coffee required. Make coffee your way.

>Don't make doughnuts
>too much time
>too much fire risk

>> No.12948149


>> No.12948208

McDonalds buys their beans from Starbucks.

>> No.12948221

A meme is a unit of culture in it's simplest form, much like a virus is one of the simplest organisms. Both have great levels of mutability, are transmitted through crowds, and are diverse.

>> No.12948573

Most food, even here in europe, is either overly sweet, greasy or salty.
It's about twice as bad in the US, been there twice for a few weeks each time and on both coasts, can't say much about the flyover states though.
My current weight is 57 kg, my bodyfat percentage is 8%, I don't even have pure sugar in my kitchen and I don't drink any softdrinks at all.

>> No.12948598

I have Norton's antivirus jerk don't threaten me