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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12970937 No.12970937 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody actually use Nutmeg in their cooking?

>> No.12970984
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>> No.12970990

i do as an igredient for croquettes

>> No.12970994

>Anybody actually use Nutmeg in their cooking?
mao of course not. Stores keep them as a joke so they laugh at you when you walk out with it. 100% meme ingredient.

>> No.12970997


>> No.12970999

Yes. Goes create in bechamel sauce and mashed potatoes and some other milk based things.

>> No.12971047
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Orange fool

>> No.12971050

yep. of course i do.

>> No.12971174

A dash of it goes in my coke

>> No.12971209

Threadly reminder: the reaction to “orange fool” was a false flag by leftists to make conservatives look ridiculous.

>> No.12971408

Steamed broccoli
A sqeeze of lemon juice or apple vinegar
Olive oil

>> No.12971430

Meat stews
Mixed with rum
Sprinkled on top of grilled vegetables

Truly an excellent spice

>> No.12971452

Damn, Blumpf actually looks pretty cool in this pic

>> No.12971487
File: 200 KB, 633x269, Local Man Ponders Nutmeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12971489

A pinch in quiche goes well.

>> No.12971492
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>> No.12971496

Anybody else ever grind up a few nutmegs, make it into a paste, and eat it all?

>> No.12971503

That frustrates me.

>> No.12972005
File: 2.89 MB, 1000x562, townsend_butter_churning_girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12972023

It works well in lightly and delicately spiced dishes, plays well with mild heat, anise, ginger and cinnamon. Between baking and southeast Asian, I'll go through a little bag of the little bastards every 18 months or so.

>> No.12972331

We should've known that he was the white house leaker all along

>> No.12972350

I bought a little jar that contained maybe 5 whole nutmegs about 15 years ago because I needed it for a recipe and Alton Brown said the whole nutmeg lasts basically forever.
Well, I still have 4 of those fuckers and haven't used it for anything in the last 5 or 6 years.

>> No.12972370

Nutmeg is great in bolognese

>> No.12972380

nutmeg gives an interesting side note to minced meat

>> No.12972384

>/pol/dditors still shitting their pants over it almost 3 years later
Nah, /pol/ has always been retarded and doesn't represent conservatives as a whole.

>> No.12972388
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I use nutmeg with allspice + cinnamon when I brew cyser.

>> No.12972402

Yeah. I use it in my white sauce when I make smoked fish pie. I also add it to curries or Mexican dishes I make.

>> No.12972404

sweet potatoes / yams
cooked in a pressure cooker (best) or microwave (faster)
remove the skin and slightly mash up
add coconut oil, cinnamon, and nutmeg
mash until evenly blended

>> No.12972405

He looks like he smoked nutmeg

>> No.12972408

>t. fag civic nationalist

>> No.12972417

Y-.. you too

>> No.12972421

*sprinkles nutmeg on your kush*

>> No.12972473

>t. redditsoy

>> No.12972487
File: 542 KB, 1920x1080, wir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought whole nutmeg and never fucking opened the jar

>> No.12972499

She cute. Bet she's not even a hookup culture whore like all the other millennials and zoomers.

>> No.12972510

Too much nutmeg in your diet increases your likelihood of getting frustrated

>> No.12972604

>make conservatives look ridiculous
Umm, sweaty, they achieve that on their own w/o anyone's help, lol!

>> No.12972635


Goes in lots of baked goods. Pairs well with coffee and chocolate flavours so don't just keep it for your carrot or fruit cake,

I use a little in some meat ragus (bastardised bolognese etc) and moussaka, bechamel sauce...goes really well in lots of creamy or meaty dishes. A little pinch goes a long way though, you don't want to overdo it in the savory dishes.