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12991399 No.12991399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>dish has meat in it

>> No.12991409

>Dish only visits America, whose co2 emissions have gone down 10% in the last 2 decades and tells them to change their way of life, but doesnt go to china whose co2 emissions have gone up over 150% in the past 2 decades

>> No.12991410

>post has bait in it
wow sign me up for 300 replies of dumbasses arguing stupid shit!

>> No.12991411

>OP's boyhole has meat in it

>> No.12991415
File: 17 KB, 602x338, 602x338_cmsv2_176e75a8-f7ef-5a14-8821-f650acb96447-4177992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dish doesn't have bugs in it

>> No.12991417

Well yeah, Americans are willing to tolerate a foreigner coming and protesting against their economic system. In China, she'd be arrested for saying the things she says in America, and in places like India and Brazil, she'd probably just end up getting lynched by a mob of angry locals.

>> No.12991431

US still contributes more than triple that of China per capita.

>> No.12991437

We need to eat bugs now.

>> No.12991441

You still polute four times more per capita than the chinese dirty yank

>> No.12991442 [DELETED] 

That's right Chang, here we have a thing called free speech. Maybe after you're done being tear gassed you can learn about it.

>> No.12991444

Why do you think Chinese dont have the right to have an industry? Of course emissions go up when a country develops and they have a larger population.

>> No.12991447

Based Chang Deng Zhang. How much more shitposting until they let you see your family again?

>> No.12991448

First, let’s eat all the meat so there’s none left! C’mon vegans & vegetarians, you too. It’s for a noble cause.

>> No.12991451

That's right Chang, here we have a thing called free speech. Maybe after you're done being tear gassed you can learn about it.

>> No.12991462


>> No.12991465

ooooh, we contribute more per capita, eh?
I'm sure that really matters to anthropogenic global warming.
It's fine, Earth. China maybe pumping out more than twice as much pollution and gaining every year and building dozens of new coal plants in Africa, but since the majority of their citizens are poor dirt farmers that's perfectly fine! Per capita, you know?

>> No.12991476
File: 419 KB, 750x920, 15473945-CECE-453F-B106-CCBABD102D9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12991485

kek it's real

>> No.12991489

>rive-borne plastic

Now account for microplastics in the water from regular household runoff, washing polyester clothing

>> No.12991492

No, they don’t. They should return to farming and industry should return to western nations that do it responsibly.

>> No.12991504

>microplastics in the water from regular household runoff
Yeah, and China doesn't use microplastics?

>polyester clothing
Or use synthetic fabrics?

Get the fuck outta here, chink.

>> No.12991507

It's almost like the western countries dump all their plastic waste there? Oh wait they do? Nevermind.


>> No.12991508

this place is basically just twitter for rejects at this point
every board is full of nothing but bait to argue about politics. so fucking cancer

>> No.12991513

Are you 12?

>> No.12991514

it's shit but I dont know any better sites

>> No.12991515

>Southeast Asia
Based Retard

>> No.12991519

shut up niger

>> No.12991520

It’s a tumultuous time, a bigoted fascist lefty regime attempting a hostile take over of the political scene and rebirthed an in-depth look on race politics that will hopefully result in some positive change.

>> No.12991528

Goddamn, seething /pol/fags really going ham lately. Scared about losing your cheeto deity, incels?

>> No.12991542

me neither. i'm about to just give up on forums entirely. what's the point of trying to discuss shit when everyone just wants to treat it like social media anyways?

>> No.12991551
File: 214 KB, 1080x809, GretaClass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with that bitch!

>> No.12991564

based retard

>> No.12991575
File: 495 KB, 799x400, why-did-jeffrey-epstein-build-a-temple-on-his-private-island__819505_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you think they charge for her at Davos' private island

>> No.12991578

All these hebephiliacs sweating a 16 y/o girl. Go pee in the Yellow River or something.

>> No.12991656

next you'll discover that there's a while country named Niger and that it looks like a fried chicken drumstick

>> No.12991670


>> No.12991692

US is less likely to disappear you for disrupting "social unity"

>> No.12991715

Well each one of us is worth 100 of them so "per capital" is gay bullshit. They're like an infinite army of bugs or germs

>> No.12991726

>"hurr i like nu-4chan since /pol/ddit takeover"

Back to your containment board

>> No.12991754

a brown future

>> No.12991825

Do you know how long it would take for Greta to sail to China from Sweden? Plus she's traveling North and South America for a year, she's not just visiting the US.

>> No.12991826

This. Magatards are on suicide watch but fortunately they all have guns they don't know how to clean, so they can't shoot them.

>> No.12991847

i've been on 4chan for like 15 years and tried to leave a while ago. every other place on the internet is actually worse for one reason or another.

you just shouldn't take these shitposts seriously. 4chan has always had them, and just because they're more political now doesn't necessarily mean you have to do anything other than call OP a (new)fag. maybe spend some more time making original content and just contributing elsewhere.