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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 600x900, brown-butter-garlic-noodles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13353186 No.13353186 [Reply] [Original]

Alright I've had just about enough of this bullshit. Pasta is NOT noodles. Real noodles have NO place in Italian cuisine and vice versa.

I'm fucking SICK of the entire continent of America referring to Spaghetti as 'noodles' and even worse when you call short pasta noodles. Pick up a packet of Hokkein thick egg noodles, make bolognese and tell me if that's flavortown. Fuck outta my face/feed with 'noodles' unless you're actually referring to noodles. Have some fucking respect.

>> No.13353209

I love noodles and marinara sauce! :D

>> No.13353214

I calls 'em noo-dooze!

>> No.13353218

You sound like a pointless idiot. What is your driving point, because you just sound like a cunt.

>> No.13353232

The distinction between noodles and pasta shaped like noodles is significant enough to warrant separate terminology.

>> No.13353255


Oh totally. I spend day after day wondering if my lasagna is lasagna or noodle something. You fucking people.. Like talking with something built with sand and droppings.

>> No.13353260

Its pronounced "nudes"

>> No.13353290

Bad answer.

>> No.13353369


I approve this outrage! Seriously infuriating

>> No.13353375


noodles and pasta are two entirely different animals and you can't even use them interchangeably, EVER.

>> No.13353383


Different words have different meanings. Why not start calling other similar things the same word then? Let's remove precision and meaning form the language as to not overload your little struggling brain

>> No.13353385

You’re a nigger faggot.

>> No.13353414
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, pasta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've hand made both noodles and lasagna trays, idiot.

>> No.13353420

Do you want me to post my fettucini as well?

>> No.13353424

Psuedo intellectual OP doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.13353428


You might 'form' the right idea, gimp.

>> No.13353432
File: 210 KB, 1600x1200, handrolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, shitbrain.

>> No.13353554

italians are noodle thieves

>> No.13353636

Looks dry and pixellated

>> No.13353789

Literally eating noodles with curry ketchup RIGHT NOW and OP can do NOTHING about it

>> No.13353792

Noodles are asian. Pasta is italian.

>> No.13353826

Same fuckin shit

>> No.13355004

What exactly is pseudo intellectual about
>Alright I've had just about enough of this bullshit. Pasta is NOT noodles. Real noodles have NO place in Italian cuisine and vice versa.
>I'm fucking SICK of the entire continent of America referring to Spaghetti as 'noodles' and even worse when you call short pasta noodles. Pick up a packet of Hokkein thick egg noodles, make bolognese and tell me if that's flavortown. Fuck outta my face/feed with 'noodles' unless you're actually referring to noodles. Have some fucking respect.

>> No.13355020

They're both generally made from just flour and water. This is like arguing what's the proper terminology in terms of a cookie, a biscuit or a cookie? They're both the same thing, but since they come from different cultures; they use different words to describe them.

>> No.13355057

What noodles are made with durum wheat? I'm waiting. Just kidding, I'm not waiting because I know you have no answer that isn't pasta. Have a nice life, it's bed time for me.

>> No.13355061

Not all pasta is made from durum wheat though. Good night.

>> No.13355072

When I saw this thread on the catalog I thought you were going to post the masterwork longsword pasta for noodles, you can't bait me like that man, not cool.

>> No.13355349

Go back to your shit hole

>> No.13355358

Are you admitting that no noodles are, and therefore conceding defeat? Interesting.

>> No.13355937

"Spaghetti" is a noun (plural); "lasagna" is a noun (singular). They are not adjectives. Saying "spaghetti noodles" or "macaroni noodles" is just another crime against language perpetrated by (((Americans))).

>> No.13355979

have sex

>> No.13355992

>panini sandwiches
>ramen noodles
>senzu beans