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13703831 No.13703831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When is it acceptable to not tip in a restaurant?

>> No.13703839

when you've had shit service

>inb4 libertarian autists

>> No.13703850

What is classified as shit service?

>> No.13703851

When the service was dogshit. Like the waiter never fills your glass or tends to you after serving the food, which took forever to get to your table and is rude to you. I've only had that happen twice.

>> No.13703856

When they're rude and fuck up your order

>> No.13703864

Don't be ignorant.

>> No.13703869

You should always tip, consider the fact maybe you're not the only one at the restaurant and waiters have it incredibly tough as it is.

>> No.13703876

Shit service = shit tip
I don't buy that servers get a tip just because they are serving. I have a simple checklist that if you follow, you get tipped. I have tipped as high has 100% and as low as $0.0

>> No.13703881

When you don't want to.

>> No.13703888

Enjoy having your food fucked with asshole.

>> No.13703896

You could probably get them in legal trouble for signing the wrong name

>> No.13703911

how do they know to fuck with your food before you dont tip?

>> No.13703918

If the server is rude, or if the service was REALLY bad. I get that servers have a shit job with shitty customers, but if you just don't even try to refill drinks or check in you are getting a shit tip. I tip anywhere from 5%-50%

>> No.13703930

if you provide shitty service, you do realize that most people won't visit twice, right? you won't get the opportunity to fuck with their food genius. i found the american everyone.

>> No.13703939

Only once. Hotel restaurant. I sit down, waitress walks up and looks right past me, first thing out of her mouth is “was that light behind you already out when you got here or did it just go out?” I turn around and say “huh? I don’t know, I guess it was already out.” She responds “I’m pretty sure it just went out.” Okay then why the FUCK did you ask?

>> No.13703941

Banks don't really give a shit, at worst they may send you some sort of correspondence asking you to verify the transaction.

I've seen people draw dicks as their "signature."

>> No.13703944

If you look like a fag

>> No.13703946

They didn't draw a dick though, they signed a name that wasn't theirs. That's forgery.

>> No.13703948

Don't be ignorant.

>> No.13703952

I hate that canadians have tipping culture, it makes absolutely no sense here since there is no separate wage for servers.

>> No.13703955

Fuck off Jackie

>> No.13703957

Maybe they identify as Jackie Chan.
Ignorant seething tranny bigot.

>> No.13703974

It's not forgery because the name of the card owner is printed underneath it. They can sign it however they want. It's a bit inappropriate, but what's the bank going to do about it?

>> No.13703990

Huh? How does that garner zero tips. Are you autistic or something?

>> No.13704009

Maybe, but not anymore so than the waitress. In what way is that a conventional social interaction? Talk to your fucking manager about the light after you take my drink order.

>> No.13704020

Tipping is such a faggot thing to do.

Hurr look at me I make a lot of money let me just give alms to those in a lower class teehee. Then everyone is "required" to tip out of social norm so now its just "let me tip so other people dont think i'm an asshole and they wont spit in my food"

Fucking retards do you tip the lady behind the cafeteria trays? Do you tip your cashier? No because no one is going to fucking notice and you aren't expected to. You aren't some fucking savior because you tip a certain way you're just another soulless ghoul clamoring for status.

>> No.13704062

Is this what autism is like? I feel like I got a perverse glimpse into something I shouldn't have.

>> No.13704071

I’m gonna be real with you, if nothing about that initial interaction was weird to you, then you might have a more intimate understanding of autism than you realize.

>> No.13704080

You've never talked to airheads who mention the mundane things around them to make conversation? Do your handlers not let you out in public?

Stupid, yes, but very very normal human interaction.

>> No.13704084

NOT VIDEO GA-Oh wait, i'm actually on the right board for once

>> No.13704086

Eat at home then poorfag

>> No.13704113

>don't tip when service is shit
>next time you go there the waiter who already served you like shit last time will have double the reason to fuck with your order
God bless America, land of retards and exploitables

>> No.13704117

Ah, you’re an idiot. Now I get it.

>> No.13704122

That's not the point of a tip. Oh no, I have to pay $2.00 for my $10 steak and eggs to make sure my free refills on coffee and icewater keep flowing. The humanity!

The absolute state of non-Americans.

>> No.13704129

Just never go to the same place twice.

>> No.13704133

Witty. Must've took that whole six minutes to come up with.

>> No.13704216

>this guy tips before and still gets his food fucked with

>> No.13704240


>> No.13704248

Not really. I literally scribble on them. You can sign x. A signature is a mark. That Mark can literally be anything.

>> No.13704325

Don't be ignorant.

>> No.13704372

As someone that's worked in the service, people that don't tip tend to have tells. It's just down to reading people. They all do this thing where you can see them staring at you across the floor, then they raise their shoulders and their lip straightens out. I'm not sure if I'm being clear with that description, but it's that sort of frown that's not really a frown, they just stretch their lips really wide and taut.. Doesn't matter how busy you are, how many times you've checked on them or how nice you've been. I've gotten that look after ten minutes of not checking on them because I'm swamped and have to manage 25+ tables all by myself, and I've gotten it literally as I'm setting their food out for them. They get that look, it means they're not tipping.

>> No.13704380

How about you suck the tip of my COCK wagie

>> No.13704390

It is always acceptable not to leave a tip. It's not mandatory. Do as you please. I worked as a server for 3 years through college. I know how much they make. They're not going to miss a rent payment because you don't tip 18%. If you're dinner for 2 cost more than $60 at a given restaurant, chances are the server there is making more money than you are.

>> No.13704394

based disabled anon living with mom

>> No.13704402

Tipping is retarded. It shouldn’t be up to the customer to pay the worker.

>> No.13704405

Why would I go there again if the service was shit

>> No.13704419

every time, fuck people who work in food service, serves them right for being too retarded for a real job

>> No.13704451


>> No.13704473

based chinese cop

>> No.13704481
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Seriously, man, the tipping thing became an actual issue once sandwich and coffee shops started adding gratuity screens to their POS for pick-up items (ramped up efforts due to a simply jar with 'TIPS' written on it no longer being in-your-face enough). At some point, we really need to come together and say "Hey, fuck you!"

You may say "Just skip past the screen". Sure. If you can find the tiny skip button. With the check behind the counter staring you down the whole time to see what you do. It's the principle of the thing.

There should not be any expectation of tips for pick-up. And it's just making things harder for actual servers and delivery people because it taints the whole tipping industry.

>> No.13704487

acceptability is a made up concept

i tip because i understand the stress of working in the service industry, and giving money directly to the server or delivery driver is a way of circumventing their employer taking an unfair share of the money that their labor has earned

basically, i know what theyre getting paid hourly, and i can set a value for their work through the quality of my service, and then i take it upon myself to make up the difference with whatever amount i have available and find reasonable

>> No.13704507

This. This is what is causing people to ask "Is tipping really necessary?"

>> No.13704511

nah dude you've got the tism. Random people in line at the grocery store say shit like that all the time. Would I say something like that myself? Nope, but I've observed it enough to know it is commonplace among the general population.

Tldr; you have the tism

>> No.13704512

>giving poor people your money

>> No.13704517

Meant to quote
>jar with 'TIPS' written on it
>gratuity screens to their POS for pick-up items

>> No.13704521

always. tipping is for cucks

>> No.13704533

Tipping is for places you want to make a regular dive. If it's not good enough to return to, then not tipping doesn't matter (they get what they deserve, and your food doesn't get fucked with since you're not going back). But you should probably tip if you plan on returning frequently - which is also indicative that the place was worthy of a tip. It sorts itself out.

>> No.13704541

unless its a high end restaurant the wait staff turnover is likely really high. chances are you wont get the same waiter again unless you're going once a week

>> No.13704544

tipping is for idiots. they have a salary already. why would i give them extra money.

>> No.13704582
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>tfw work at liquor store
>Two women work there as well and started putting out tip jars
Maybe not justified, but I don't say no to free money.

>> No.13704589

>implying people would tip a store

>> No.13704595

They actually do. On a good night I take home about $10-15 from the tips alone. It's not a ton but it'll buy me dinner and gas.

>> No.13704672

Is that from the high-school drama vidya with the lesbians and time travel?

>> No.13704687

I agree

>> No.13704698

Based schizo

>> No.13704717

i started working the counter at a sandwich shop and people put money in the jar there too

i have mixed feelings on tipping, because on one hand, most of the time it is a genuine human to human act of, yknow, kindness or at least well-wishing. being nice to people is good

on the other hand, everyone should earn a good wage regardless.
its also worth considering the fact that, inherently, who people want to be nice to, or who is even capable of working well in the service industry, has a bias to it and tipping can be a negative there

>> No.13704911

When you live in a first world country.

>> No.13704928
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I don't tip. Prisoner's dilemma against moralfags, almost impossible to lose.

>> No.13704940

What if my name's "8=======D~~"?

>> No.13704957

You mean fomenting.

>> No.13704982

You mean fellating.

>> No.13704996

>But you should probably tip if you plan on returning frequently - which is also indicative that the place was worthy of a tip. It sorts itself out.
If I return to a restaurant, that is only indicative of the place being worthy of me paying for a meal.

>> No.13705028
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I can literally visualize the grill typing this and I'd bet a fair amount my depiction would be very close.

>> No.13705084

That was an epidemic of cursed pens.

>> No.13705112
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>> No.13705132

when they're rude, incompetent or female.

>> No.13705153

When you forget to.

>> No.13705176

How do you pronounce that, friend?

>> No.13705183

also minorities

>> No.13705206


>> No.13705214

I hate eating with retards who over tip and then want me to contribute to their ridiculous tip. Other than that, 12% is my go to.

>> No.13705285
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>> No.13705296


> customer copy
> and left a large cash tip

lol cuck

>> No.13705310

I always just tip $1 and always in change. Not my fault these wagies agreed to work for less than minimum wage and rely on tips to make up for it

>> No.13705313
File: 68 KB, 683x683, 1576034752329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Olive Garden once when I was a teenager. It was packed and it took us over an hour to be seated, whatever they're busy I get it. The waitress takes our order and an hour later they bring everyones food. Everyone except me. I ordered the chicken parmesan and when I asked the waitress about it she said it would be coming out any minutes. 40 minutes later, after everyone had eaten, she brings out my meal and tells me that she had accidentally left it at the pass. I tried my best to be understanding but found out the chicken was stone cold so I asked if she could heat it up and she told me point blank that the kitchen was closing, it was at this point that I realized that everyone (including my friends) were waiting to leave and I was holding them up. So I just asked for the check, sure enough they bring it over and wouldn't you know if, they worked gratuity into it! Not only did they fuck me, but they wanted, no, demanded that I tip them for it. Told the waitress no way and walked out. Remains my worst restaurant experience.

>> No.13705315

This level of cattiness can only come from a roastie

>> No.13705368

I looked up "roastie" and a YouTube video says you mean a woman who won't have sex with you. Guess that makes me a roastie. *shrug*

>> No.13705392

>Tranny pretending to be a roastie

>> No.13705401

go back

>> No.13705407

Is one of the tells being black?

>> No.13705418
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I tip whenever I eat at a family restaurant and they start to know you by face, know what your usual is, free drinks, ask where you've been if you haven't gone in a month
It's sort of like an obligation but comes with benefits

>> No.13705423

i thought they were leaving jackie chan as a tip

>> No.13705436

>autism, the post

>> No.13705447

>people that don't tip tend to have tells.
Yes, one of them is-

>> No.13705449

Tipping is the most patronizing thing you can do, its like giving a treat to a pet that behaves correctly. Its why I never tried for these jobs when I was a teen, wouldnt be able to deal with the humiliation. Its also why I dont tip, dont want to continue this tradition of ridicule.

>> No.13705451

I love that Canadians have tipping culture, as my girlfriend brings home our alcohol and cigarette money every night, and I bring it home every second week.

>> No.13705475

>t. unemployed dude still living with parents

>> No.13705507

Tipping is a socialist thing if americans aware of this

>> No.13705513

Stay mad, waitcuck

>> No.13705516

This. As soon as tipping comes into the picture, mutts toss their free market worship out of the window.

>> No.13705599

If the service was shit, you wouldn't tip or return. I'm not sure how you missed that obvious point.

>> No.13705689

>act friendly and write an order
>carry the food over, circle around and refill glasses
>ask "how is everything" when the customer's mouth is full
>take dishes back, leave bill and wipe table
these waitresses have it so rough holy fuck. i do leave a tip, but no more than $5 for ANY meal ever. if they feel so fuckin dogged whenever someone doesn't leave them a small gift of cash that they don't owe, why can't they find different work?

>> No.13705705

>buy 7 dollar sandwich
>1.50 tip
>buy 30 steak and a 5 dollar smoothie
>7 dollar tip
>waiter doesnt even bring out my food for either


>> No.13705737
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Kiniro Mosaic - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.31.967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy meal at restaurant
>have to pay a state tip
>"oh but think of all the services the state provides you! you have to tip! it would be horrible not to!"

you literally can't defend this

>> No.13705855

Rude server, fucked up order or drinks not filled on a timely manner. Drinks are a big one that seems to happen frequently.

>> No.13705861

I went to red robin and they sold me "endless fries" but the pos only brought them out like 11 at a time and didn't come by the table often enough as it doesn't take long to eat 11 fucking fries

>> No.13705865

>consider the fact maybe you're not the only one at the restaurant
the next table will pick it up. I'm not the only one at the restaurant. if they have it too tough maybe don't serve as many tables at once. I get it though, throughput matters more than providing good service

>> No.13705872

>I'm swamped and have to manage 25+ tables all by myself
>has the time to silently judge people
>still whines that they got 20+ tips in an hour and a half

>> No.13705880

my friend worked at a hotel bar a while back and they would call black people "canadians" so they could openly complain about them and no one would know. apparently it's that much of a problem. I think casual racism is really fucking trashy

>> No.13705882

When the service is absolute shit and if the food is fucked on top of that then I’m leaving nothing or close to it I left a 32 cent tip once I felt it was more insulting then no tip because how shit the service was

>> No.13706098

the entitlement of waiters is always amusing. nobody but you is responsible for you working your shitty job.

>> No.13706107
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never, 15% MINIMUM

>> No.13706118

How am I supposed to live on a measly 15%? You're LITERALLY worse than fucking Hitler you disgusting nazi.

>> No.13706128

>t. d---8

>> No.13706129

>yes, if you can afford to spend so and so much money on yourself
>you are obligated to give me a certain percentage of your money

Eggsblain how this is justified again?

>> No.13706132

It's not. Americans are weird.

>> No.13706154

Noblesse Oblige

>> No.13706165

You shouldn’t tip in the U.S. in the states that have tip credit.

The min wage is $7.25 roughly. An employer is allowed to reduce an employees minimum wage down to $2 something an hour if the employee receives enough in tips to still get that $7.25 minimum. It’s the employer tip stealing with more steps.

On min age they will get around $290 in the week for 40 hours,.
If they earn $0 in tips they will be paid $290
If they earn $100 in tips they will still only get $290.
If they earn $200 In tips they will still only get $290.

If they earn $250 in tips, they will get $340, the employer will keep $200 and they get 20% of their tips effectively.

They have to be tipped a shit load just to get anything reasonable out of it.

Supporting a tipping culture or system where tip credit is in place just gets employers used to and comfortable with budgeting only ~$2/hr to wages and ingrains low wages in hospitality work culture.

Tipping pours money into the employer’s pockets, not the employees.

If the business can’t even pay minimum wage without breaking even at least then they don’t deserve to be in business.

Inb4 b-but hey’ll get fired if they don’t bring in tips.

Think about what you’re saying here - the business is so fucking awful that they would fire employees for having to pay them their low min wage, they would fire someone if they have to pay them more than $2/hr. The employer will be upset about actually having to pay their employees $7.25 an hour.

Although if everyone stops tipping they can’t exactly do that as none of the employees will be bringing in tips.

>> No.13706169


my first act as president is to outlaw tipping, pay your servers a good wage, service shouldn't be contingent on bribery

>> No.13706173

I tip well on average (~50%), because I generally only eat at a handful of places and the difference in overall service level once the staff knows you as a good tipper is nice.

That said, it drives me up the fucking wall when I try somewhere new and are presented with pre-set choices for "tip percentage" when paying, and I always go for the lowest value in that case. It is my choice to offer a gratuity, not my fucking obligation, and trying to force my hand results in a deserved "fuck you".

when the service is objectively bad, or the waiter has a shitty attitude, or your order is fucked up in some material way beyond minor things like forgetting to bring a requested condiment that is not immediately resolved

tough shit, that's not my problem
I get it, the service industry sucks balls, that's why I got out as soon as possible
I'm not an asshole about it unless you force my hand, but I will not CHOOSE TO PAY EXTRA for my meal if you provide objectively bad service

>> No.13706177

Bruh. Look up tip credit. Tipping let’s the employer withhold even more wages in many U.S. states.

The min of 7.25 drops down to around 2 if the employee gets tips. It’s called tip credit.

>> No.13706183

In nations without tipping, the employer just underpays his employees and cooks the books.

>> No.13706188

Since you’re too busy working to enjoy the he money you earn from working, how about giving it to me instead?

>> No.13706194


>> No.13706203

That’s illegal and black economy. The other is government approved tip stealing, or legal underpayment of min wage, which ever way you want to look a it.

Not everyone will engage in the black economy and you can have the possibility of some recourse, such as Fair Work Ombudsman in Australia, we have tipping but you still have to get min wage, no tip credit here.

Compared to the overwhelming majority that will pay the lowest legal amount can get away with.

It’s better off to abolish tip credit, and make it illegal for employers to touch employees tips. So that legally they have to receive their min pay + tips instead of min pay - tips.

A black economy still exists In the U.S. as with most developed nations anyway even with tip credit.

>> No.13706211

when you are in civilised country.
As a german i have never given a tip except being like "keep the change" since i dont want a ton of coins in my wallet

>> No.13706239

Literally always


Let them die in a fucking ditch.

>> No.13706313

If there's so many other customers the server can count on them tipping. If we all just tip like 5% it will be ok because there's so many of us

>> No.13706365

Why should I pay someone else's employees?

I never tip

>> No.13706369

>Prisoner's dilemma against moralfags
Huh? Elaborate?

>> No.13706378

I would like to tour USA, there are lots of things worth seeing there, but I never will because of tipping. That practice is just barbaric bullshit.

>> No.13706417

Ooooh say can you seeeee

>> No.13706425
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>11 servings of fries wasn't enough for your obese ass
jesus fucking christ anon...

>> No.13706427

He may be fat and oily, but I'm pretty sure he meant 11 individual fries, not 11 servings of fries.

>> No.13706480

when they don't refill your coffee at least 6 times

>> No.13706599

this isn't gaia

>> No.13706603

When you dont plan on going there again.

>> No.13706608

american reading comprehension

>> No.13706706

I don't tip, spooks don't tip: prices will be eventually rolled into wages, increasing costs. Isn't happening cause spooks tip.
I don't tip, spooks tip: I get cheaper food
I tip, spooks don't tip: I pay for what is not even expected.
I tip, spooks tip: I'm a spook. Also lost money for nothing.

>> No.13707746
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>the pos only brought out like 11 servings of fries at a time
imagine if this was a thing

>> No.13707781

It's pretty universal to call blacks Canadians in the industry.

I remember we had one Jazz night at the restaurant I used to work at, and the blown-out roasties who had to do that night were furious every time. It was a bit self-fulfilling, but they never made any money.

>> No.13707949

excellent post

>> No.13707979

I don't eat at restaurants

>> No.13707986

Sure as shit though they move at mach speed to your table to collect that tip.