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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13708928 No.13708928 [Reply] [Original]

A little Lebanese food before an evening of writing. What’s on your plate tonight, /ck/?

>> No.13708937

nice typewriter fag, you know they have word processors now?

>> No.13708938

Quiet night for me tonight. Just doing some writing and savoring some Lebanese munchi... wait a sec...

>> No.13708939

I had hangover-induced pukes that looked more apetizing than this

>> No.13708946 [DELETED] 

>shitty food
So how hipster are you, faggot?

>> No.13708951

Yeah, but he knows it is never going to be published or read by anyone of any importance. Besides, the digital document would be more permanent and would have to be deleted, not simply forgotten and thrown into the pile of indie 'zines in the bathroom covered in wrinkles from the dried teardrops.

Looks pretty good, what is it?

>> No.13708979

He read Hemingway's, "A Moveable Feast" and thinks living in a slum, drinking absinthe, browsing hip bookstores and typing his feefees out on an Underwood will make him a genius.

>> No.13708989

>her typewriter has letters on the keys
tee hee
boy, when i learnt typin', our keys ain't have no letters on 'em...and if you was caught looking at your hands while typin', teacher would whomp you good with a ruler.

>> No.13709001

the sauce looks unappetizing but im sure it tastes great.. 7/10
on my plate is some ramen and sriracha deenz

>> No.13709007

Imagine being so high on your lebanese food farts that you need ta typewriter and go out of your way to include it in your subpar shitty dinner pictures.

go back to rdit, I really hope you are just doing this to get insulted because I find it hard to believe that someone would be so delusional to actually think you need a typewriter or to believe you are a writer

>> No.13709032

Are you the same tranny who got mocked for having the pink keyboard? So your solution was to use a fucking typewriter instead?

>> No.13709046

Looks like someone took a shitty dinner, stuffed it up their ass, then shit on your plate. Makes sense since you would use that dumpster typewriter to try and gain clout. I wouldn’t expect you to be competent at cooking, or really anything.

>> No.13709243
File: 2.61 MB, 1960x2752, 20200225_191125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rum and coke and a some bacon, guac and tomato on toast.
Tastes like heaven right now.

>> No.13709252

Lesbian food looks like shit, be sure to check for typos before you post next time

>> No.13709271

I need to get me some Rum.

>> No.13709706


How's the furry erotica coming

>> No.13709711


>> No.13711099

considering switching to a typewriter myself. how do you find it?

>> No.13711150

Oh god, this whole thread is so fucking lol. My sides, man.

>> No.13711180
File: 113 KB, 960x768, 1477757318343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think a typewriter is pretty cool. hope you had a good night OP

>> No.13711181


>> No.13711182

no u

>> No.13711261

Post a copy of your suicide letter/manifesto before you *do* it

>> No.13711276


Combination of hipster and fag. May also be spelled "hipster-fag" or "hipster fag". Used as a derogatory term to describe particularly pretentious members of the hipster or emo scene by appending "fag" to mean "stupid".

>> No.13711301

That's pretty gay of him.

>> No.13712015

Seriously. What the fuck is this? The fucking typewriter looks more edible.

>> No.13713801

Kino typewriter