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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14030185 No.14030185 [Reply] [Original]

Why are italians so obsessed with their "food"?

>> No.14030195

are you surprised a culture that wholly got the shit kicked out of them by their grandmother every single day is super anal about tradition

>> No.14030213
File: 835 KB, 2134x2753, Global cuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we are the best.

>> No.14030224

why do you censor the names?

>> No.14030228

They don't want their culture to be transmoged into degenerate shit by the angloid hordes.

>> No.14030238

>peruvian that low
meme list

>> No.14030240

Italy has never had a chef as good as Ramsay, one would think they'd listen to his advice.

>> No.14030255

I dont want to get them in trouble. Their comments are retarded and disgusting, someone might decide to punish them.

>> No.14030262

Their glory days are long behind them and the only joy left in life is their food.

>> No.14030264

Nigga what? Are you on drugs? Those a public youtube comments.

>> No.14030265

Because it keeps getting butchered by idiotic anglos

>> No.14030281

That is based on local restaurants.
Americans like italian restaurants in america.

>> No.14030288

>haven't made a worthwhile contribution to the world since the 16th century

It's all they have left.

>> No.14030297

Public, yes. But regular youtube viewers dont care enough to doxx them and fuck their lives up.

>> No.14030313

Probably because there are very few peruvian restaurants around the world.
The people surveyed gave the lowest score to cuisines they had not tried.

>> No.14030331

I could go for some more of that purple corn juice they drink.

>> No.14030353

Italian restaurants are literally everywhere you utter faggot cretin. It's like Irish pubs.

>> No.14030364

It's a survey that measure "% of people who have tried that cuisine in each country that say they like it"

>% of people who have tried that cuisine
>have tried

>> No.14030380

They are everywhere but the dishes are improved to suit local (better) tastes.
99% of the people who voted have never been to italy.
They like "italian" food made in america/england/germany whatever.

>> No.14030385

Wrong. The survey says nothing about having eaten the food in the country the cuisine come from.

>> No.14030394

Neither does anyone else 2bh.

>> No.14030397

>But regular youtube viewers dont care enough to doxx them and fuck their lives up.

Wait, how new are you? Do you still believe that 4chan is that scary hacker place where people love to doxx "normies"?

>> No.14030405
File: 23 KB, 606x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what?

>> No.14030409

I'm not wrong, i never stated it says they have "eaten the food in the country the cuisine come from".

But it clearly states "% of people who have tried that cuisine in each country that say they like it"

Now we can argue about if you really have tried a cuisine if you haven't tried it in the country it's from. Sure some people lie in surveys but I don't think lots of people lying about trying Peruvian cuisine is the reason it ranked so low.

>> No.14030446

The survey had NO choice for "never tried it".
Virtually none of the people surveyed had tried peruvian cuisine so they chose the closest choice to "never tried it" , the lowest score.

>> No.14030463

We did love doing that, n00b. We are directly responsible for suicides because of it.

>> No.14030466

If I had the time i would track them down and fuck up their lives. I think most people who care about food would react the same way after seeing those comments.

>> No.14030468


>> No.14030678

This better be bait


>> No.14030682

why Saudi doesnt like thai food?

>> No.14030689


>> No.14030692

What do you expect from Italians? The only thing that isnt corrupt is their food. And even now it's questionable

>> No.14030748

French cuisine dabs on Italian memefood all the way

>> No.14030749

Even the most rookie pastaiolo/pizzaiolo is a better chef than this pudgy cunt, guaranteed.

>> No.14030758

Amerimutts still ate half cooked rats in European slums in the 16th century, and never contributed anything since either.

>> No.14030760

They are based anyway.

>> No.14030801


Because our food is part of our national identity and something to be proud of, and we don't want it to be ruined by Americans whose biggest contributions to western civilization are trooning kids and those weight loss pills that make you shit yourself in Walmarts.

>> No.14030822

God I would have never imagined that Italians would be more annoying than frogs.

>> No.14030826

>when one half of your cuisine is stolen from china and the other half wasnt even a real dish until americans marketed it

>> No.14031043

Someone's upset the Guineas.

>> No.14031063

They don't have anything else to cheer for, they are a cowardly and untrustworthy people, and their word is not even good enough to be trusted. Truly a bitch-made people.

>> No.14031068

Pasta nigger, that status of your pathetic country is guaranteed by the USA. Without us, you will be a pile of rubble, don't bite the hand that feeds you okay?

Fucking pasta niggers are so ungrateful.

>> No.14031084
File: 48 KB, 330x319, 1564077888508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say "that's not real Italian food"
>*nglos barking mad
>g*rms seething out of control
>frogs already swinging from the ceiling
>mutts sharting in rage
>chinksects maddened into jumping into industrial machinery
The seethe of non-Italians when you point out their recipe is wrong, inferior, and isn't even worthy of being called food let alone Italian food is amazing. Get used to it, subhumans, I'm never gonna stop shitting on you until you learn to cook food properly, no amount of whining and crying is going to change the facts.

>> No.14031105

>b-but americans!
truly obsessed.

>> No.14031120
File: 8 KB, 331x331, proof bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The survey had NO choice for "never tried it".

>> No.14031153

If anyone one is mad is Italian unless you put the "pepreico orignigale" or whatever "proper" ingredient you put on your recipes. I will take my chinked and creme cheese pizza and enjoy your seething.

>> No.14031156

Reminder, you got your ass kicked by fucking Ethiopians

>> No.14031159

>Bappity boopy intensifies

>> No.14031169

Why do the Italians pride themselves on anything when the only good food in Europe comes form the french?

>> No.14031184
File: 167 KB, 312x250, tips anonymous.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people think of "Italian food" they're actually thinking of Italian-American food you dumb guido. Even then they're probably thinking of their country's bastardized version of Italian-American food like Japan with their ketchup sketti.

>> No.14031189
File: 112 KB, 1137x640, 1557198498373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14031196

Are u questioning their foods existence?

>> No.14031207

Considering the collapse of the Roman Empire, what else do Italians have going on in their lives?

>> No.14031238

It's literally all they have. And it pisses them off when people from other countries do their recipes but better. You know pizza and pasta and all that shit used to originally be just the fucking bread and noodles, right? Then someone was like "hey put tomatoes and cheese and meat on it" and they freaked out until it got so accepted they just pretended they invented those parts, too. Just look at focaccia, something that managed to get by with little change, it's just fucking bread with oil dumped on it. That's it.

>> No.14031242

It's a point of national pride. Italian food is fantastic, it's all they have, and so for whatever every average schmuck in the country thinks they cook Italian food better than the most decorated chef alive.

>> No.14031319
File: 239 KB, 1200x800, school-of-athens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all they have

Whay are anglos so retarded? Without Italy there would be no America*.

*(named after an italian guy)

>> No.14031348

We're talking about the modern world, dumbfuck. The one where you're speaking English on a website created by an American using computer parts designed by American companies.

>> No.14031358

The 4chan culture is japanese. The owner of this site is japanese too.

>dumbfuck burgers do it again

>> No.14031370

>imagine existing and not knowing one lick of the history that brought about your pathetic existence

>> No.14031371

You're basically admitting to being a bunch of has-beens

>> No.14031375

That contradicts literally nothing in my post. And to add to that, 日本であれアメリカであれ何も変わらない。

Your move, pasta nigger.

>> No.14031378


>> No.14031406


Don't worry white people. Europe will soon be a Chinese province, and all your racist history and genetics will be wiped from the face of this earth.

>> No.14031503
File: 2.58 MB, 640x464, 1586912471934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a 1000+ yr old eastern euro shithole
>turns out i owe my existence to amerimutt history

>> No.14031549

What else do they have? Just don't remind them that their pasta is actually Chinese.

>> No.14031555

>Too retarded to realize Athens is in Greece
Holy shit, is this the power of the macaroni?

>> No.14031558

>distinguishing between different countries within a same region
>splitting hairs
Wtf Greek and Turkish and levantine foods are all virtually the same. Same with Korean and Japanese food. Same with southeastern Asian food. Same with Scandinavian food

>> No.14031576
File: 96 KB, 500x500, artworks-000276830594-ms1t4c-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.14031783

Fucking stupid guidos. It's pasta and gravy, not that hard! Took a peninsula full of sweaty, hairy apes years to perfect fucking boiled wheat sticks? That's their major contribution to society?

>> No.14031801

>You usea guanciale from the left cheeka of the pig instead of the right, this is an outrage and not fita for a dog.

I love Italian food but this mentality is such faggotry.

>> No.14031813

>Fuck your 16 Michelin stars
>Don't you know i'm italian?!
lmao imagine being so culturally lagging that you cling onto pizza and pasta because that's all you have (and you're not even that best at making them)

>> No.14031824

>believing self reported data
most people are liars, especially to themselves
>Where is that from?
>Better mark it low and not show that I'm an idiot

>> No.14031833
File: 133 KB, 1500x500, bc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: anglos coping with the fact that their food is shit

Not surprising, really.

>> No.14031852

Name one Italian chef, I bet I wouldn't recognize his name, but i can name several French German and British world class chefs.

>> No.14031890

yeah this is kind of true
we do have a tendency of being very defensive when it comes to our culture, not unlike niggers

>> No.14031893

Italy wasn't even a nation until 1850

>> No.14031895

Reminder: pizza is just pretentious cheese on toast. Fucking wops don't even use Lea and Perrins

>> No.14031903

if a nigga worried about he ass, he can change his Google/YouTube username three or four times a year

>> No.14031912

>tfw first time I heard of carbonara was The Sims
always struck me as the bong equivalent of American beef stroganoff, which pisses the fuck off of Ruskis

>> No.14032427

>italians gave themselves the only 99


>> No.14033142
