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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 574 KB, 1512x2016, chickenpenne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14105892 No.14105892 [Reply] [Original]

>5 boneless/skinless chicken breasts cut into bite sized pieces
>1 jar of marinara
>1 can tomato sauce
>2 cups chicken broth
>1 yellow onion diced
>5 cloves garlic crushed and diced
>1 red bell pepper chopped
>a few chopped mushrooms
>1 tablespoon thyme
>1 tablespoon oregano
>1 tablespoon basil
>1 tablespoon hot chili flakes
>1/2 cup mozzarella
>1/2 cup parmesan
>4 cups penne

how did i do lads? rate please

>> No.14105927

looks soupy and unappetizing

>> No.14105933

i think i took the picture before the cheese went in, it's actually very thick

>> No.14107341


>> No.14107513

Amerifart slop/10

>> No.14107520

>Jar of marinara

Half the fun of buying superior canned plum whole skinless tomatoes is the feeling of cursing them in your hands

>> No.14107535

Too many fucking ingredients.
Too much cheese.
Mixing marinara with tomato sauce
Shitting over the tomato/marinara flavour with chicken broth.
Excessive garlic.
Chicken looks rubbery, should have been browned.

Give up.

>> No.14107589

Way too many ingredients for no reason, and I say this as someone who loves spices. Things you can easily cut out:
>Chicken broth
>Chili flakes
>Bell pepper
>Oregano and basil if the tomato sauce is already flavored
I also don't recommend adding garlic into tomato sauces unless they're roasted, since they're way too overpowering. You should also add some worcestershire sauce.

>> No.14107624


>> No.14107625

Both of you are mostly full of shit, except I do like the idea of adding some worcestershire.

>> No.14107627

Sloup 'o Shit.
Would not partake.
Serve with a gallon of bleach.

>> No.14107670

Stop adding so much shit, faggot. What, did you want actual opinions or just praise?

>> No.14107681

Dude if it were up to you I would have nothing but straight tomato sauce, chicken, and pasta.

Tastelet detected.

>> No.14107712

You created a concoction of a shit ton of ingredients and ended up with something with no distinguishable flavor profile at all. It's a classic beginner mistake. For fuck sakes, you added marinara to something that already has tomato sauce, and chicken broth to something that already has chicken. Garlic is extremely alkaline and dampens the acidity of the tomato sauce, and the savoriness of the mushrooms can be better substituted with worcestershire. Simple food can actually taste good, you know?

>> No.14107777

Tasted pretty good to me. Are you Italian by any chance?

>> No.14107788

>my remanufactured puke tastes good to me

>> No.14107795

No, I'm not a fag.

>> No.14107810

I agree that the chicken broth is probably unnecessary, but I like the peppers, mushrooms, and herbs/spices. Also I could probably cut down on the cheese.

>> No.14107811 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 212x238, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duhh uhhh pee pee poo poo??

>> No.14107840

Well it's a start. The bell peppers are really just unnecessary though. In a sauce that strong in flavors it'd be like adding lettuce.

>> No.14107843

I got frozen chicken thighs to cook, pan only.
cooked them in bacon grease with broccoli last night which was okay except it took way longer than I wanted.
Turned out okay, but underseasoned.

wish I had a grill

>> No.14107844
File: 240 KB, 446x473, 1589760413241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you have slipped all that stupid shit together? You made some sort of tomato soup garbage pot. Why the fuck would you add chicken corn broth and thin the tomato sauce out? Why the fuck would you put cheese in that motherfucker? Why did you use so much Tyme when it is so much stronger than the rest? Why would you add all those together in the first place? Did you just feel the need to Chuck everything you had in the cabinet into the fucking pot? You could have just saved yourself time and money and bought Campbell's slop o shit minestrone soup nigga, fuckin hell.

>> No.14107854

looks like a fine chili, anon

>> No.14107864

Seriously? Bell peppers taste great, plus they are vegetables in what is meant to be a one-pot meal.

>> No.14107891

Fuck I’d eat it no problem, but I agree that cheese is a little bit ott

>> No.14107935

Just try making the entire recipe again without the chicken broth, garlic, and bell peppers and you'll immediately notice how much more powerful just the tomato flavor alone becomes.

>> No.14108020

The garlic and bell peppers stay. I just personally like the peppers, but how can you make a pasta sauce without garlic? Isn't that against the rules?

>> No.14108033

based, an OP that actually cooks

>> No.14108042

>no garlic
fucking retard

>> No.14108085

OP here, I am extremely gay btw

>> No.14108089

Disgusting amerishart slop.

>> No.14108094

>1 tablespoon thyme
>1 tablespoon oregano
>1 tablespoon basil
>1 tablespoon hot chili flakes
anon please

>> No.14108120

Your mom knows otherwise, faggot.

>> No.14108122

People add garlic to basically fucking everything without realizing how strong it is. It also just makes zero sense to add something bitter like garlic into tomato sauce, which is acidic. I'm not Italian, but there's a reason why they rarely ever use garlic in their pasta dishes unless it's the main flavor profile, especially tomato-based ones. And I'm talking about actual authentic Italian food, not made up American recipes.

>> No.14108135

Glad you could finally come out to us good buddy

>> No.14108143

People add garlic to everything because it makes everything taste better. This isn't a science project, it's about making food that tasted good.

>> No.14108147

Please do not be homophobic, this is a LGBT positive community.

>> No.14108152

I guess Italians were wrong about their food all along.

>> No.14108175

I also never said I was trying to make authentic Italian food

>> No.14108185

all lgbt communities are positive

>> No.14108197

That looks pretty good to me. But more importantly does it taste good?

>> No.14108213


>> No.14108222

I know that. I'm just making a point that garlic isn't good with tomato based sauces. The exception is if the sauce and garlic were kept separate, like with garlic bread and marinara dip. You could at least try it without the garlic and see for yourself. The flavor profile becomes completely different.

>> No.14108292

Slop. You know ragoo is full of sugar right?

>> No.14108493

Slop ‘o shit.

>> No.14108508

I know. I figured the biggest complaint I would get here was about about using a jar of processed marinara, I know that it is wrong.

>> No.14108521

A little thyme goes a LOOONG way.

>> No.14108533

Well fuck, I guess I was a wrong fucking retard then.

>> No.14108536

To give you an ACTUAL critique:
Use chicken bouillon instead of broth.
Fully cook the chicken breasts first by sautee-ing in EVOO
Use way less thyme
Cook your pasta to just shy of aldente and then toss in the sauce for a bit.
And yea, don't be using jar sauce.

>> No.14108539

hi adam

>> No.14108638

To make a good pasta you just need tomatoes, basil, garlic, carrots, celery(optional), olive oil, salt and butter. The chicken should be well seasoned and pan fried. You just cook the sauce, boil the pasta, fry the chicken and then plate and serve with cheese on top. Doesn’t need to be so ingredient heavy and “one-pot”.

>> No.14108680

the pasta doesn't even seem to be cooked kek

>> No.14108705

let me interject for a second, you could try soya or oyster sauce instead of the worcestershire. I do think it can bring an interesting combination.

>> No.14108894
File: 1.00 MB, 2016x1679, 20200518_213727_copy_2016x1679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a slop

Here's what I made tonight
>turkey tails
>turkey necks
>sweet onion
>hot sauce
>chicken stock
>cajun seasoning

My slop is better than your slop

>> No.14108924

I won't even shit on you for using jarred sauce, but imo this seems like you had no idea of what you wanted to make so you just slapped random ingredients you had laying around together. Could be made a lot simpler
>brown the chicken first
>remove from pot and deglazed with some chicken stock
>add onion and mushrooms and garlic
>add the jarred sauce
>simmer a bit
>add chicken back in
>add the pasta I guess at this point, probably better to boil separately and pour sauce over it
>don't fucking add cheese directly to the pot, grate some on top when you serve instead
wala, like the others said, bell peppers seem extremely pointless and those tiny amounts of herbs will be practically unnoticeable.

>> No.14108927

also brine the chicken breast so it doesn't totally suck