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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 564x381, cafe-mocha-500x500-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14199790 No.14199790 [Reply] [Original]

Café Mocha edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore

Previous thread >>14161328

>> No.14200025

>>what are you drinking
Some Mexican medium roast i got from trade
>>do you like it
It's ok, it's a month and a half old now so getting stale
>>getting anymore
No I've leveled up to single origin beans

>> No.14200037

Are there any other macchinettas aside from the Bialetti that are worth getting? Only the the silver ones are Italian made, right?

I've been drinking Mount Hagen organic Arabica, and enjoying it very much. Always buy more,because they keep it stocked in a nearby store. It's a tad expeneive though.

>> No.14200210

>only silver
No. I have a red fiametta that is Italian made; has the whipsy top handle.

>> No.14200875

Why would anybody still use Kono drippers?

>> No.14201008

Are coffefags usually queers before they start liking coffee or is it the coffee itself that makes them crave dicks and cum so much?

>> No.14201172

>Kono dripper
Looks like a worse v60, whats the point

>> No.14201188

Kono existed before V60, but some Japanese people are insisting on continuing to use it despite it making inferior coffee and cracking from the heat all the fucking time.

>> No.14201461

Do you do concentric circle pour or continuous spiral pour for your single origin ramen?

>> No.14201498
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Do you do concentric circle pour or continuous spiral pour for your single origin washed process ramen?

>> No.14201518
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what is the best instant and why is it pic related

>> No.14201555

I like Jacobs Kronung the best

>> No.14201651

This thread fucking sucks

>> No.14201792
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>> No.14201869

Not necessary even in the slightest but if you feel like balling out it's a great purchase

>> No.14201887

QR is bad, don't be surprised if you have to send it back for exchange within a month.

>> No.14202288

Did you buy it before 2019? Seems like they've changed where they make them recently.

>> No.14202482

Ngl guys /x/ told me that drinking coffee is bad something about it calcifying your pineal gland, can't be doing that boys


>> No.14202862


Hahahaha Barista Hustle is currently getting absolutely eaten alive on Twitter. You reap what you sow, Perger. Enjoy bankruptcy.

>> No.14202931

During 2019 off Amazon

>> No.14203000

Then it's Romanian/Chinese made

>> No.14203647

Yeah. I've got one. Everything else rusts out.

>> No.14203669

Something bittersweet about those pushing the SJW agenda getting fucked by it. Getting upset about someone saying nigger in a joke 2 years ago is retarded, but seeing them get a taste of their own medicine is great.

>> No.14203678

Is Perger an ess jay double yu?

>> No.14203721

Yes. Half of the barista hustle newsletters were about women and diversity in the coffee industry. That marked a fairly abrupt end to a lot of the coffee discussions / panels / lectures being posted online. It stifles anything it touches.

>> No.14203754

Where are you supposed to learn about autistic espresso dialing methods now?

>> No.14203775

Their stuff is pretty surface level. It's great, and accurate, but it's not really autism level. You can distill their entire message to: extract more, more evenly. Rao is fun for some wackier methods, and hoffmann is good for an actual look at someone's process.

>> No.14203810

I'm drinking a washed Castillo/Caturra from Maria Rojas. Rehydrated to 17%ish, roasted to 12.5% DTR. Super clean, sweet, pleasant acid, walnutty, brown sugary. Extracted with an aeropress. 95c water, 14:200g, 2 minutes total time. 23.5% extraction.

>> No.14203860

Is it a good idea to store your coffee in the Freezer?

>> No.14203947

Yup. Just don't take it out then put it back in over and over - condensation can fuck it up. Seal it well and it will last months in the freezer.

>> No.14204078
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>that foamy goodness of freshly brewed coffee
just about right, how does /ck/ does their coffee?
is there anything to make it less acidic?

>> No.14204090

Can someone explain why everyone prefers kettles with a thin spout?

>> No.14204115

More pour control which is nice for pour over style.

>> No.14204157

Well, you crave my 17 cm without coffee habits so go figure.

>> No.14204163

Describe "acidic"
Sour like a lemon? Or just a general harshness?

>> No.14204205

Top autist, i like it. Relentlessly detailed to upset coffee haters.

>> No.14204336

If you are, pack it into small doses so you can pull them out individually

>> No.14204473
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What is your opinion of the Daterra megafarm in Brazil?

>> No.14204499

>roasted in X
WoOoooW, so exotic

>> No.14204506

acid I guess is not much about taste, but the effects it has on the tummy
eg, I'm used to drinking too much citric juices, on top that a lot of coffee,
there are times it really gives me stomach burns

>> No.14204511

I'd like for more people to post roast logs. We had a few good threads but it was just me and canadabrew posting.

>> No.14204658

if the acid is causing you some problems, then go for a darker roast. My stomach is quite sensitive and I can only drink dark roasts, but I can drink them without any problems.

>> No.14204671

Not really the right solution. Dark roasts contain more roasting byproducts that increase stomach acid production. They also taste bad.

The real solution is to drink less coffee, and do it on a fuller stomach. Eat a banana if you get that acid belly.

>> No.14205139
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Haha benis

>> No.14206206
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Your opinion on Little Wolf?

>> No.14206584

Just bought some square mile coffee, will report back when it arrives

>> No.14206725

I've been making cold brew since it's hot as fuck. I just use coarse ground coffee I order online since I don't feel like investing in a grinder and then ordering beans. Before this I'd just drink instant coffee if I wasn't buying out. I ordered a 12oz french press so that I could use the same coarse ground coffee grinds for hot application.

I've tried two brands so far. "Stone Cold Jo" from Jo Coffee and Tiny Footprint Coffee. The Jo shit smells bitter and kind of tastes slightly bitter as well until a day or two (talking about cold brew). The Tiny Footprint one smells freaking amazing. So I'm going to continue ordering that probably.

Any recommends?

>> No.14206838

Does /ck/ like real Ethiopian Boona?

>> No.14207205

why aint dis nigga bumped on a sunday morning

>> No.14207429

I also think it has some to do with temperature that you pour it in,
eg pic related I think can help, because you can pour lower than boiling, while leaving extra time infusion to get that brew flavor

>> No.14208237
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Recently bought publix brand "coffee creamer" instead of half&half. I didn't add much, but it lighted my coffee much more than half&half. However, it surely still kept its acid coffee flavor a bit. The only thing it says on the back us "light cream". Is this the power or cream compared to half&half?

>> No.14208351

That ain't Cafe Bustelo.

>> No.14208434
File: 39 KB, 488x488, GUEST_fa60f811-9348-4ae7-b4a7-3c1a6ab346ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best <$20, pre-grounded coffee?

>> No.14208496
File: 69 KB, 500x500, Simple-Truth-Organic-Single-Serve-Coffee-Pods-Mild-Roast-Breakfast-Blend-011110039378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple Truth Organic Breakfast Blend single serve pods. Made from hand-selected Arabica regional beans. Brewed with 10oz water on the strong setting. Moderate tartness, and bitter finish, hints of rancidity.

>> No.14208502

i cant drink coffee anymore because my blood pressure is really high and i feel like im going to die after a cup of coffee thanks for reading my blog

>> No.14208517

What is the best instant coffee?

>> No.14208601

It is very strong flavored so it is more suited for moka pots, small french press, or single serve espresso machines (if you have one, I do, it was a gift).

It is cheap and definitely good for the price, you'd be hard pressed to find something just as good for the same price. It is isn't exactly great at "coffee" coffee. Espresso-like coffee yes, but not the same thing. You could buy a nice whole bean coffee bag from like wegmans or Acme or something and use that for your coffee as they can be cheap but good too.

>> No.14208652

How do espresso fags justify spending thousands of dollars on a decent espresso machine, grinder and all the other fancy crap, when a trained barista can make you a better coffee for a few dollars? Itll take you a good decade to start getting a ROI if youre just trying to capture the barista experience in your home.

>> No.14208675

It's fun

>> No.14208718

But Ive seen espressofags make coffee in my own family. Your obsessed with the perfect cup to the point where mundane routines becomes an overcomplicated ritual. You guys are miserable obsessives

>> No.14208747

Nigga it takes literally three minutes to make an espresso with a flair
Your family member is just an autistic retard probably, makes sense he's related to you

>> No.14208771

I find it relaxing to take some minutes and prepare myself a drink

>> No.14208803

>strong flavor
It literally tastes like charcoal.

>> No.14209238

>Stop liking things I don't like
Cool post

>> No.14209946

Imagine being this mad you can't drop $500 on an espresso setup.

>> No.14210488


has to be too good to be true, right?

>> No.14210533

Jo Coffee is a mass market brand that has to roast beans specifically to last a long time on supermarket shelves, and Tiny Footprint is an actual specialty coffee roaster that optimize for taste over long shelf life. Look at the tasting notes on the coffee you liked, and see if other specialty coffee roasters located close to you sell coffee with similar taste description.

>> No.14211002

Thanks for the info. How do you know about Jo Coffee and Tiny Footprint? Have you had them before too? Or did you just figure it out from looking.

>> No.14211173
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I love coffee but I am no connoisseur - what can /ctg/ recommend as a dark/medium roast with chocolate/nutty flavor? I don't care much for fruity or "light" coffee. I've heard Guatemalans and other South American stuff is good but there's so much shit out there I don't know where to start. I'm not looking to invest in an espresso machine or anything like that so preferably something that's good in a french press or normal drip coffee. Enjoy some nice MMA mommy gf legs in return

>> No.14211223
File: 77 KB, 1080x816, 1591597844045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Cafflano Krinder, which has about the same grinding performance as Timemore C2 but costs $45?

>> No.14211247

hey guys, i ONLY drink espresso and was wondering what the best budget method for making it at home is - every coffee shop around me makes ass soup tasting coffee and i just want an espresso that doesnt make me hate it while i drink it

is moka pot the way to go? I take no sugar

>> No.14211500


>> No.14211846
File: 219 KB, 1440x960, 1440x960_symlink_Jamaican coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Jamaican coffee so fucking good?

>> No.14211999

There are thousands and thousands of coffee brands out there, all doing pretty much the same thing. If you want some at least halfway decent brands go to drinktrade.com and check out some roasters there, or check out a local roaster
Onyx coffee labs is pretty good though

>> No.14212005

Moka pot, aeropress with prismo attachment will make espresso-like drinks... if you want a TRUE espresso the flair is probably the cheapest manual machine you can get

>> No.14212069

You dont plan to waste your money on something stupid that you enjoy? Idiot

>> No.14212100

>muh ROI
Things you use every day are worth spending money on.

>> No.14212421

It's not

You can get those flavors in a light roast, the light roast is just more likely to be sweet and have a more lively acid. For instance, the Colombian coffee I'm drinking now is lighter than 99.99% of coffee, but is rich, nutty, sugary like raisin and brown sugar, and even has a bit of chocolate. Dark roasts are just worse.

>> No.14212457

Moka pot is passable. It's been getting me by during quarantine. Sadly I don't think there's another option outside of spending hundreds on an espresso machine.

>> No.14212488
File: 1.95 MB, 426x426, giving a girl coffee until she becomes your gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons try this trick to get a gf b4? What were your experiences?

>> No.14212726

what am I seeing here? just fucking ask her out to coffee after her shift

>> No.14212737

i think its already his gf and he's surprising her at work which is why she's shocked at first

>> No.14212742

its all fun and games untill he give her a box with his severed ear in it

>> No.14212821

that's what I figured, didnt think this would work with a stranger lmao

>> No.14213108

figured, I dream of cheap espresso machines.

>> No.14213153
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>> No.14213313



Glad someone else made the video.

>> No.14213589

Making my own coffee when I wake up is a good way to start the day.

>> No.14213594

this entire board is shit

>> No.14213645

The next level up is realizing single Origin isn't inherently better, it's just usually roasted with more care. Carefully crafted blends are actually the next step.

>> No.14213853

I want this exact setup but can't get the Kinu without paying stupid shipping costs
What grinder should I get for under 200 pounds? I was thinking Sage Dose Control

>> No.14213978

If you want to grind for espresso, then 1zpresso JX Pro. Nothing else under £200 will grind fine enough for espresso.

>> No.14214231


Probably worth checking homebarista used? Bunch of uk activity over there. Why can't you get a kinu out of germany?

>> No.14214601
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Yes I realize there are an infinite amount of coffees out there, that's why I was asking for recommendations. I will check out onyx thanks
I'm not opposed to trying light roasts I just typically don't like acidic shit cause I have a weak stomach and I'll shit my brains out. But noted, thanks

>> No.14215017

The sage will do you well. Ignore mongoloids like:

>> No.14215031

The pH of light vs dark roasts is actually not very different. A lot of the acid you experience in your stomach is from roasting byproducts and caffeine making your body produce more stomach acid. Solution: Drink less coffee, and do it on a fuller stomach.

>> No.14215186

Post flavor notes

>> No.14215207

Revelator is good too

>> No.14215594
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Anyone tried PlayerOne coffee? I keep seeing it shilled. Is it good despite probably not being fresh roasted?

>> No.14215628


>> No.14215699

Pure gimmick

>> No.14215720

just buy local/fresh if you can.

>> No.14216568

Nah, most roasters are absolutely garbage. Get some good stuff online. Try George Howell

>> No.14217064
File: 490 KB, 2048x2048, Detour_Cascara_8226bf2f-464f-47b0-82f6-f066cf3a7aa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is cascara (dried coffee cherry fruit pulp) good? Why is it so expensive?

>> No.14217072

Once it's opened from its seal, how long does preground coffee keep before it oxidizes and becomes harshly acidic?

>> No.14217091

I tried it, I lost my job after the second time, because she told my boss I was sexually harassing her. I worked across the street from her.

>> No.14217506

Two weeks maximum

>> No.14217510

Square mile

>> No.14217516

What's a good french press to purchase?

>> No.14217522


>> No.14218457


>> No.14218776

>becomes harshly acidic
That won't ever happen - new acids aren't formed by oxidation
It will last about an hour before it has lost most of its aroma

>> No.14219554
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Who is the best coffee roaster in your area?

>> No.14220009

Me. It's not even close

>> No.14220172

I'm drinking Dean's Beans Peruvian single-origin. It's good, pretty light. Have been trying lots of Dean's Beans - they've all been good, and my local roasters are dummy expensive so even with the shipping Dean's is cheaper. Their Full Moon blend has been my favorite so far.

Just got a new grinder and kettle - Oxo electric grinder and Bonavita electric gooseneck kettle. Both very good, would recommend.

Using a Bodum french press and it's fine, but I'm kind of bored with it and I don't like the handle. Might shop around for a new one.

Comfy sips to all

>> No.14220185

Peddler Coffee... a tiny, single cafe and roaster, but they know they're doing.
But I'm also in the same city as La Colombe's HQ/flagship... so they're the big guys

>> No.14220217

i'm looking for a coffee grinder - any recommendations?

>> No.14220218

George Howell good. Intelligentsia good. Brandywine good. Eastpole good. Yes Plz good. Haven't had much else good. Lot of bad.

>> No.14220233

It's hard to find a place that serves great espresso.

>> No.14220321

what brewing device(s) will you be using?

>> No.14220434



>> No.14220472

Baratza Encore or Wilfa Svart. Any of the Lidos if you want a hand grinder.

>> No.14220637

lmao, that's creepy AF, can't he see he scares the crap out of her every time?
just get 1 coffee and ask to go out sometime, if the answer is positive then go, if not, move on

>> No.14220649

Archetype Coffee/Rally.
Both are good, but I choose archetype because they sell beans to my favorite shop.

>> No.14220701

Lads, I need a scales. The last time I didn't come here for help, I ended up with a hario pro grinder. Now, consistency is just a word.
What do you all recommend?

>> No.14220773

I just bought cheap digital scales from Amazon.Works fine.

>> No.14220911

The Roasterie in KC.

Any of the kinu m47s.

Iunno. I had a cheap jewelers scale from aliexpress that worked fine and died from residual oily espresso. Bought an acaia lunar. Its pretty nice. What all do you plan on using it for?

>> No.14220951

Regular pot of coffee with Pilon, highly recommend this stuff, for as good as it is it's fairly cheap and i've yet to find a coffee this flavorful

>> No.14220985

The hario scale is fine

>> No.14220986

Comandante mk3

>> No.14221272
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>what are you drinking
microwave instant Nestle with milk
>do you like it
yeah it's my fave. used to drink french press with dark roast from a local coffeehouse but this is just so much better and takes half the time
>getting anymore
no I don't drink coffee more than once a day

>> No.14221572
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New Colombian Castillo from Jose Andrade

Slightly slower start than before. I'll post how it turned out in a few days

>> No.14222192

AWS 2kg 0.1g scale has worked well for me for nearly a decade

>> No.14222307

>dude needs an app chart to make coffee

>> No.14222669

You're right, just roast by magic and ignore the defects

>> No.14223103

What a moron.

Just breathe hot air on those beans and pray.

>> No.14223144

how do I rekindle my love for coffee
I just drink it now for the caffeine fix I can't stand the taste anymore even the good shit

>> No.14223189

Sounds like you're not really drinking very good coffee. I wish mine had less caffeine so I could drink more.

>> No.14223280

Wawa I got off Amazon was probably the best tasting, but it only came with 8 packets, way too much.

Percol or Republica are probably the best jar-sized for a good price.

Cafe Bustelo is shitty as fuck but I love it anyway and it's dirt cheap for a massive amount. It's my preferred for when I want to dump a spoonful or two into another drink or food or whatever.

>> No.14223290
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Sorry, meant to say Waka, not Wawa.

Also have to give a shout out to Medaglia D'Oro. It's pretty unique in the field.

>> No.14224217


>> No.14224514

adding cinnamon and nutmeg to your coffee. Is it cringe or based?

>> No.14224533

Timemore Blackmirror if the shipping cost is reasonable

>> No.14224748
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I'm on and off coffee drinker, it's either that or tea. I bought pic related recently. I usually go with 1 tsp of sugar but I decided to try out black this time, just on its own.

I was surprised to find out it had the same effect without sugar. Really fucking hyper at the start and about 2-3 hours later I'm lethargic as fuck. However my bowel movements are neat and clean and I have absolutely no problem sleeping like a fucking log at night, no more tossing and turning around for 40 minutes, just slam into the bed and I'm out cold.

So my question is, do they lace this shit with something? Is this a freeze-dried 'thing'? Or just regular low-quality cawfee shenans? As I said I used to drink lots of black tea, could have something to do with it.

>> No.14224823

If on the bottle it says 100% coffee but doesn't mention arabica, it most likely has robusta in it, which has more caffeine.

>> No.14224878
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Recently bought and tried Aldi's donut coffee blend. Sadly over poured the bag at the store grinders so I had to grind all at once. Grinded half for French press and half for moka pot. Had it in the french press this morning. Its pretty good. Light with vague fruity bits and finishes sweet and no bitterness. Its nothing special but its comfy.

>> No.14224925

For me it's Ethiopian light roast

in normal drip coffee make

>> No.14225004

sounds nice desu lad.

>> No.14225353
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this morning I accidentally made decaf instead of my normal blend and I didn't really feel all the bad, maybe a small margin more tired but I wasn't groggy by any means. I think the placebo taste of coffee wakes me up more than the actual coffee. I also didn't have the noon jitters like I normally do when I guzzle down my normal blend.

Should I just switch to all decaf? I feel like it would be a healthier change in the long-run.

>> No.14225375

Probably. I just try to drink water regardless of my coffee and I think that helps just as much

>> No.14225398

chill with the acidic foods then man, you don't want an ulcer.

>> No.14225417

i've gone on some dates, but i finally got a gf when i stopped trying. being confident is easy when you're being natural. this doesn't mean you'll get any girl but one might pay attention to you.
That being said, moka pots are based

>> No.14225431

yeah part of it is just some mouth fixation to wake the brain up. helps almost if not as much.

>> No.14225529

IDK why it would be expensive, it's just a subproduct of processing coffee beans. Just like cascarilla (from making chocolate paste), but cascarilla is dirt cheap where I live. It makes a delicious infusion btw

>> No.14225897
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No, it's an effort to get more money to growers while also exploiting them.

I've had some decent drinks with cascara syrup but it's really not worth the price.

>> No.14226242
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Its already available in the UK and i'm stuck with a Tesco basics kettle.
What do you think?

>> No.14226268

From Hoffman's video it seems like a good idea for people in a predicament such as yours
Where in the UK can you get it? Not worth it if its more than 20 squids. You can get a cheap electric gooseneck kettle from amazon for 40

>> No.14226287

Direct from Hario UK, only £13.99 but total is closer to £18 with 'taxes' and postage on top. Wanted a Brewista for some time but my next investment is the Wilfa Svart so kettle needs to go on hold

>> No.14226408

I have the Svart, which I use for the Aeropress. Tempted to see what the V60 is like with the air kettle. But I'd only use it on weekends.

>> No.14226425

Would be the same here really, i'm just about rushing aeropresses before 6am shifts but the V60 would be for slow days.
How do you like your Svart? I'm just waiting on this new stock that should be coming this month

>> No.14226472

I was also thinking of getting the small Hario stove/gas kettle but it seems overkill. I get up at 6 and am out the door by 7 - I could make time for the V60 on weekdays but don't really want me doing the whole ritual at 6am. I like the Svart. It's not perfect, but you get used to its main faults. The grind button is tempermental so I press it down when grinding, because it randomly cuts out if you don't. Grind retention won't be an issue if you runba spoon under running water and 'stir' the beans when you've weighed them, before putting them in the Svart to grind. The grinds basket is an odd design, but you'll get used to it. Grind quality is decent and that's the main thing.

>> No.14227649
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I had one of these, it was the most optimistic scales I've ever had, the weight kept going up.
Sheers man, I'll have a look around for one. I mainly use it for the likes of Aeropress, pour over and french press. Whenever I've given advice in this thread, the first thing I've said is always "Use a scales" and since I left mine in Vancouver when I moved home, my coffee has suffered.
I want to say I'm surprised, but then again, how hard is it to fuck up a scales?
Cheers man, I'll look out for one

Thank you frens

>> No.14227705

I get debilitating migraines when I cold turkey caffeine. I can feel the aura of them coming on a few hours before they hit, but I'm generally stuck working somewhere and can't leave for a quick caff bump.

Once they're going it's like having a bowie knife in my eyeball for about 8 hours.

>> No.14227733

So I've had my first two successful french press brews following the directions of the yt coffee autist. One with starbux ethiopian, which are gross but a good brew. It's still too much hassle for a daily driver.

>grind beans twice with cheapo blade grinder on coarse setting
>use paper towel to pull out the micro grinds
>4min with boiling water in press, remove crust
>5min wait

>> No.14227933
File: 455 KB, 1170x848, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Perger? Yeah, he's cancelled:


It's not just the BA faggots that are on the woke chopping block fellas.

>> No.14228210
File: 209 KB, 730x802, 1591840271795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how all the coffeefags jumped on Perger on social media but are staying mum on La Marzocco lest they be forced to replace a $20,000 espresso machine in middle of a recession.

>> No.14228717

I still drink sips when I feel like I need some caffeine but it's mostly around 3:30-5
I drink plenty of fluids through the days where the health negative is minimal

>> No.14228764

This shit is as retarded as is possible

>> No.14228768

just buy caffeine pills

>> No.14229384
File: 162 KB, 1316x1958, Screenshot_20200611-093627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ethical to buy Yemeni coffee? I'm worried the money will just go to warlords and continue the de facto civil war there.

>> No.14229944
File: 232 KB, 722x400, 1589635839278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink insta coffee with butter and salt

>> No.14230085
File: 309 KB, 2000x2000, 1521591328971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the whole industry that's infested. I just applied for a job here in Dublin and was asked on the application;
>"How important is diversity, inclusion and representation in the workplace to you, any why?" Please give 3/4 lines for your answer"
I can't wait to open my own place one day and get away from all of this nonsense.
Why can't we just be autistic in peace?

>> No.14230091

Most of your shit in your room was made using slave labour in China, don't worry too much about it.

>> No.14230133

Aeropress or Aeropress Go?
Sales for either?
Going to Taiwan with my wife for 4 months. Getting a 1Zpresso grinder because its only $100 USD there.
People seem to not follow the instructions for making aeropress coffee concentrate and then complain about the chamber size. Is the go enough for 2 people in the morning?

>> No.14230178

doesn't the go have a smaller capacity than tje standard aeropress? get the standard one.

>> No.14230296
File: 9 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I a braindead consumer for spending $3.5 on coldbrew coffee daily? it's double the price of hot coffee. I like the fact I can slurp it down fast

>> No.14230305


if you're just pounding coldbrew it's not really worth it. might as well just drink regular iced coffee

>> No.14230310

If you have a machine you know how to maintain and upgrade, and know how to make the type of espresso you enjoy best then it works out a hell of a lot cheaper in the long run. Plus never have to listen to a faggot talk endlessly about anerobic fermentation and it’s benefits again.

>> No.14230313
File: 160 KB, 992x992, BES870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth paying $700 for a BES870 or are there better alternatives?

>> No.14230611

What's the appeal of coldbrew? I like regular coffee black. Can't you just brew regular then save it in the fridge? I'll use left over coffee and just mix that with whole milk to keep from buying $5 fraps for example.

>> No.14230675

Enjoy your plastic tubing.

>> No.14230718

hot coffee kinda have to babysit it. coldbrew you can slurp the whole thing down in 2mins and hits you all at once. start tripping out and notice all the clouds in the sky. wears off kinda fast

>> No.14230774

Does anyone here ever just monch on some coffee beans? I got some nice single-origin El Salvador coffee from a local hipster roaster and the taste is so good (nutty, creamy, a little acidic) so I've just been eating the beans by themselves. They're not too hard, don't give me upset stomach or anything and feel like biting a hard candy.

>> No.14230778

no, it regularly goes on sale for less. check 3camels

>> No.14230881
File: 343 KB, 1878x1409, built_for_bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone here ever just monch on some coffee beans? I

wen I was in jail my cellie was eating ramen noodles raw. if I wasn't so down at the time I would have laughed hard

>> No.14230888

Only ever enjoyed chocolate covered coffee beans but ye

>> No.14230909

raw ramen noodles are tasty as hell. they wreck your stomach but i'd eat that shit any time

>> No.14230918

That's such a good idea, just finished monching some with dark chocolate, might as well cover them with it

>> No.14230920

They kinda wreck the GI even after they're cooked.

>> No.14231176
File: 85 KB, 960x960, 1436996735389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to your local coffee shop. Anon, you really need to ask yourself is it a want, or a need.
You need to spend about $700 for;
>A good espresso machine
Then you need to spend money on a good grinder, perhaps another $100/300 as you really don't want to trust the ones packaged in with the machine.
After that, you need a scales for weighing the espresso, a good one too, something big enough to hold your portafilter. If you say;
>I don't need one for making espresso at home
Then you REALLY shouldn't buy one. These things don't have a uniform size in their baskets, and if you get a 16g basket and you're using a scales that doesn't go into .1 of a gram and your scales says "15g", you've no idea where in that 15 it is, it can cause a pretty noticeable difference.
Next up is coffee, considering that we're anything from $850 to $1000 in by now, I don't think you'll be settling for Tim Hotrans. You'll want to get something from a local roster or ordered from someone who does, two bags minimum, because you're going to have to dial it in, which means wasting coffee, depending on your skill and the environment around the grinder, this could be anything between 80g of coffee to 250g. Lets say $35 for the coffee.
You now need cleaning materials to properly clean this thing at bare minimum, once every second day, to once a week depending on how much you use it and what kind of coffee you're using. The darker the coffee and the more frequently you use it, the more it needs to be cleaned. Keep in mind, that most of these things aren't designed to be taken apart for regular cleaning like an industrial machine.
You've now spent the following(Being conservative)
>Espresso machine: $700
>Grinder: $100
>Scales: $35
>Coffee: $35
>Cleaning material: $20
Almost $1000, not counting milk. If we agree that the average price of a latte is $4, you need to use this damn thing 250 times before you get your moneys worth from it, being optimistic,

>> No.14231202

That's only twice every 3 days... beginning to sound reasonable. fuck

>> No.14231213

And let's be honest, you're probably going to use this thing every second or third day, so it'll take a year.

Just go to your local coffee shop anon.

>> No.14231304

Imagine not waking up with a double espresso in your hands. Also kruve needs to ship my fucking glasses. They've been pushing back the ship date since march.

>> No.14231336

those glasses are ugly as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.14231453
File: 21 KB, 319x286, 1521591399569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that was me every day in work before I moved home. I spent every morning tasting espresso, calibrating my grinder while listening to 80's soul and funk, all the while letting my regulars taste the espresso as I went. It was the comfiest time of my life....

>> No.14231716

Are you blind? Propels look way better than faggy little demitasse.

>> No.14231834
File: 25 KB, 569x428, 1399217354659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cont again
I was talking to my friends about this a week ago, and before you scoff at me. Have you tried Nespresso? A whole set up with milk frother is about $230 new(depending on the machine) but you could easily snag a used set up for about $100, and the coffee is...Fine?
Nothing spectacular, but I was surprised at how not shit it was. My parents have one with a milk frother and I'm genuinely impressed.
But let's be clear, I would not be happy if I served coffee of that quality at a coffee shop or was served it. But for at home espresso at that price point? You really cannot complain. Plus leaves you with a few extra hundred bucks kicking around to put into something else like ordering beans from a different roaster or investing in a really good grinder.

>> No.14232396
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Zeke's is a roaster out of Baltimore. They have an amazing lineup. I've used their coffees to make my own blends, and a buddy and I have used their coffee while brewing coffee stouts. Highly recommend to anyone in Baltimore area.

>> No.14232567

Acidic as in the concentration of hydronium ions is greater than 0.0000001mol/L you stupid empty brained motherfucker. Harshness and sourness aren't acidity you fucking witless moron. How do you tie your shoes in the morning?

>> No.14232597
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>> No.14232642
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Why are Americans so proud of their ignorance?

>> No.14233328
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive had two espressos today but I kind of want to have another one and stay up all night feeling. anyone ever do this?

>> No.14233445

Is it delicious enough to wreck your sleep cycle over?

>> No.14233455

water is too hot, you want oil not foam dingus

>> No.14233598

Nespresso is good enough to you? Holy fuck you have no standards. Also, the pods are expensive. Stop talking about shit you are clueless about.

>> No.14233626

Sourness is the perception of acid, or hydronium ions if you must. There are a few phenomena that are common that make people describe either bitter, or acrid flavors in coffee "acidic". Google sour/bitter confusion. This leads them down a doomed path that goes like this:
Coffee tastes bitter and harsh
They describe it as "acidic"
They ask for less acidic coffee
They get recommended darker roasted coffee
That coffee is more bitter and harsh
They ask for less acidic coffee
They get recommended darker roasted coffee
That coffee tastes even worse.

The solution to this is to use light roasted coffee, which is higher in acid, and in sweetness, and lower in harsh, bitter flavors produced by excessive roasting (among other roast flaws). This mix of acidity and sweetness can, if it is roasted and prepared properly, produce a flavor profile not dissimilar to that of ripe fruit - a flavor that humans have evolved to enjoy.

Now fuck off.

>> No.14233639
File: 26 KB, 600x600, delonghi-dedica-web_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a delonghi dedica and a breville smart grinder pro.

It's not a super expensive setup, but it's good enough for a casual in a small apartment.

Lately I've been doing doublshots of espresso con panna.

I whipped up a bunch of cream for pancakes so I've got to use the stuff up.

>> No.14233640

This post is beyond retarded.

Foam will be produced any time that the coffee is fresh enough to release a large enough quantity to suspend the oils and tiny undissolved particles in the coffee. Coffee oils themselves contribute little to the flavor of coffee, and what they do contribute is unpleasant. Hotter water would also increase the amount of oil extracted from the coffee, and is necessary for a proper extraction of coffee that isn't undrinkably dark.

>> No.14233705


>> No.14234860


>> No.14235065

>Nothing spectacular
>I would not be happy if I served it
>Or was served it
It ain't good enough for me anon. But given the circumstances right now, if I had to choose between espresso from a pod or "Frank and honest" from a machine because all the coffee shops are still closed. I'll take the nespresso, and not because I want to.

>> No.14235152
File: 53 KB, 258x235, 1473346941438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying acidity in the context of coffee refers to the physical attributes of the solution and not the subjective experience of tasting
A coffee with a lower pH could in fact be perceived as less acidic than a coffee with a slightly higher pH, because the subjective feeling of acidity is affected by many factors. For instance overextracting a coffee is likely make it less acidic, even though the amount of actual acid in it doesn't decrease, but rather ones ability to taste acidity is decreased by the increased bitterness caused by overextraction, as bitterness and acidity are known to temper one another. As such the acidity of a given coffee can not be easily quantified by any simple variable like the concentration of hydronium ions in the solution, you imbecile, you fucking moron.

>> No.14235197
File: 296 KB, 3840x2290, 1582745763721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a total coffee pleb who's been brewing seattle's best in a $10 walmart percolator for years. I've recently become acutely concerned about the whole machine being cheap chink plastic and the fact that I'm running boiling-ass water through it every day and then drinking it. I've gotten a moderate case of bitch tits in the last year for seemingly no reason and I'm looking for a culprit.

What is the easiest / cheapest device to brew coffee that has no plastic components? Would it be a coffee press? If I still wanted a percolator setup, are there inexpensive options out there there that have little/no plastic inside them?

>> No.14235206

Aeropress is BPA-free. But if you insist, easiest is a French Press. Or a Moka pot.

>> No.14235207

You want a moka pot, baletti is best.

>> No.14235243

Thanks, moka pot looks cheap enough so I'll give that a whirl.

>> No.14235265
File: 179 KB, 1171x1500, 81u5Q9QTWJL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have one of these, probs not the best or most efficient set up but i dont care, does the job and i got it for free. i drink coffee everyday using average supermarket coffee beans but i also have a smol bag of expensive locally roasted stuff. you can definitely taste the difference desu, the latter tastes nicer and is less bitter.

>> No.14235295

don't get an aluminum one though. That's just as bad.

>> No.14235374

Ceramic, copper, or steel v60. You'll have to deal with thermal retention a bit more, since you're trying to avoid the (superior) plastic size 2 v60.

>> No.14235508

You're probably just fat

>> No.14235533 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 234x215, images (67).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy stupid flair lever thingy so I can have cheap but still good quality espresso at home, even if it means having an extra few steps compared to machines.

>Realise that I need a stupid espresso grade grinder still

>the cheapest espresso grade grinder on amazon, the Lido Et is 300 dollars AUD.
>Realise I also need a milk frother, that cost 100+

For the non hobbyist, why are you faggits so interested in making your own espresso when you can buy good quality espresso from your local wog cafe?
Is it because most espresso cafes use shit beans?

>> No.14235548
File: 7 KB, 234x215, images (67).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy stupid flair lever thingy so I can have cheap but still good quality espresso at home, even if it means having an extra few steps compared to machines.

>Realise that I need a stupid espresso grade grinder still

>the cheapest espresso grade grinder on amazon, the Lido Et is 300 dollars AUD.
>Realise I also need a milk frother, that cost 100+

For the non hobbyist, why are you faggits so interested in making your own espresso when you can buy alright quality espresso from your local wog cafe?
Is it because most espresso cafes use shit beans?

>> No.14235569

I'd say it's because we like the control, tinkeriness, and knowing that we did it ourselves.

It's fun to try new methods, recipes, techniques, etc.. At home, I can have a coffee that is dialed in much more often than a cafe can do. At home, I can have perfect control over my water composition - cafes can't do this. At home, I have a grinder that is better aligned than 99.9% of shop grinders, and 99.99% of espresso grinders in cafes. At home, I can sip my coffee without the noise of a cafe. I also have more experience than 99% of baristas.

Long story short - I like to tinker, and I'm better at making coffee than nearly everyone on the planet.

>> No.14235590

Because most of us are smart enough to buy an espresso grinder when we buy an espresso machine? You need to learn how to pull a drinkable shot before you drop $100 on a bellman steamer to flood your shots.

>> No.14235603

Dont most decent cafes have pretty good commercial grade grinders and espresso machines that is way more powerful and precise than the typical home set up? And I kinda like the cafe atmosphere.

>> No.14235628

Im about an hour away from buying the flair. Where can I buy combos?

>> No.14235717

Prima has flair pros 2s for $309 and kinu m47p for $199. All their kinus are out of stock, so do a little digging. Kinu ships directly out of florida from their website if you're in the states.


>espresso machines that is way more powerful

You don't need more than 9 bar. Also commercial grinders don't really mean shit when your college dropout barista doesn't know shit about alignment, maintenance, or how to clean it.

>> No.14235723

I own an EK43, but I don't really make espresso enough to justify the machine I had so I sold it. When I did have one, I could make better espresso than I've ever had at a cafe.

>> No.14235741

My to go set is finally complete
Porlex mini
Fellow prismo
Mini scale

All I need to do is wrap the rubber band around the aeropress and slide the Porlex into the aeropress handle and I'm golden.

>> No.14235812

>tfw my Timemore Slim has been stuck for a week now at some warehouse

>> No.14235831

Fuck and that's a really sexy grinder too

>> No.14236073

That's only if its cheap Chinese teir

>> No.14237455


>> No.14237464

>Aeropress inverted method
>60g espresso grind size
>pour 160ml of boiling water, wet the grinds, then pour another 40
>stir for 3 minutes
>press for 1 minute
>approx 120ml coffee, 4 shots ready for latte

How bad it'll taste?

>> No.14237896

>60g coffee
Bruh you're gonna have a bad time

>> No.14238421

Why are electric gooseneck kettles so expensive? How hasn't this product category been crashed without survivors by chinkshit?

>inb4 some Amazon chinkshit that costs almost as much as a Bonavita

>> No.14238438

Concentric circle pour for the initial 30 sec bloom phase, stir 5 times, then 2 additional continuous pours with 2 min infusion brew time. Served with a slice of pickled ginger as a palate cleanser before having my medium roasted cha shu ramen

>> No.14239285


>> No.14239301
File: 87 KB, 960x960, Niche-Zero-coffee-grinder-Niche-Zero-grinder-which-best-conical-burr-coffee-grinder-Profesiona-and-perfect.jpg_960x960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it? I'm finally going to go all in, the generic Chinese hand grinder and aeropress aren't enough. I want to learn espresso drinks and better coffee.

Is pic related worth it? Buy it for life type thing? I also want to get a fully automatic espresso machine. If it will last for life I've got no problems going into the 4 figures. What do I do? How do I learn? Am I wasting money? I may be a complete noob but if I take care of them and put the time in surely they will pay off in the long run?

>> No.14239538

The beans are doing the work anon. The grinder is to get very even grinds so as not to morph the flavor.

Why not hit up some local shops? If what they're doing is 4 figures better than yours then take some notes.

>> No.14239608

It's probably her bf.

>> No.14239627

>I also want to get a fully automatic espresso machine.

those are shit. and use their own built in grinder.

>> No.14239960

>he doesn't scare the crap out of girls every time
t. Don Juan

>> No.14239962

I just had two capsules supermarket brand of Ethiopian bio espresso with a shot of creamer and holy shit I'm AMPED

>> No.14239990

>Coffee Time

*sniff* *sniff*
hMMnnmnmohhhoohoho, here I go...

haaahhh.... oohhHhH,hgjgl..




>> No.14240063

Niche + olympia cremina if you really want to bigdick coffee. Niche is great for the price, and the creminia is a fucking tank. Expensive, but people are still buying and selling used ones from the 70s and they're holding value.

>> No.14240342

more like
>reddit time

>> No.14240571

This ended up being a bit more developed than I like. Aside from that, it has a ton of sweetness and ripe tropical fruit acid. Very juicy. Can't wait to shave off a few % of DTR

>> No.14241317

This, but unironically.

>> No.14241999

Coffee pleb going down the rabbit hole now bois. I decided no to V60 and going to start with aeropress now, just because it seems the most foolproof. I was worried about plastics before but I guess regardless what's in the aeropress, I'm not pouring boiling-ass water into it so it's probably fine (yeah it's BPA free, I doubt that's the only nasty shit lurking in plastics tho)

Looking at timemores, C2 is ~$65 right now on ali, nano is $140, G1 $160 on amazon but so far as I can tell it's the same grinder at the core, so I'd just be paying more for a metal chassis and better aesthetics?

I've been staring at and reading about grinders for like 3 hours, I'd just buy a fucking Comandante to put myself out of my misery at this point but I guess they're sold out everywhere.

>> No.14242906
File: 17 KB, 629x447, commandante-timemore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying 4x for a meme grinder that grinds barely any better than Skerton Pro

According to the designer of the Comandante, the main design goal from the beginning was explicitly "zero retention," and they obviously sacrificed grind uniformity for (near) zero retention. Comandante has a huge marketing budget and sponsors seemingly every major coffee industry event in the world, so endorsements of Comandante from industry insiders should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.14243023

Good find

>> No.14243064

Just did this with my ek43, came out to 1.0g below 600um, 8.3g between, 0.7g above 1100um

>> No.14243249

Hey, I want to get a coffee machine with an internal grinder, Basically I put in beans and coffee comes out. Any recommendations?

>> No.14243347

Two kinds of coffeefags. The ones who enjoy the smell of their coffee piss and the one's who don't.

>> No.14243852


>> No.14243865
File: 434 KB, 500x500, 1572720721646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm staying at my new boyfriends house and afraid that if I drink coffee he might know I poop.

>> No.14244080

You quality/price will be MUCH better with a separate grinder. Get a fellow ode when it comes out and a breville/technivorm.

>> No.14244088

C2 has the much shittier single bearing stabilization. If you want tmore, the slim and g2 is probably what you're after. Way better function vs the cut down c2.

>> No.14244103

Also just buy a kinu.

>> No.14244211
File: 116 KB, 773x1092, firefox_xOwRjvtfXB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to buy an espresso machine. the rancilio silvia is the only one i've used a bunch 5+ years ago and it worked well enough. still worth getting? is there a better price/performance machine out there?

>> No.14244241

best hand grinders for espresso? Everyone seems to recommend a different one
Got 200 to spend

>> No.14244333
File: 439 KB, 1248x1248, Lido-E-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lido E

It's within your price range and made with espresso in mind.

>> No.14244594

I just used a french press for the first time today.
Came out alright, but it still had a manufactured taste to it. I'm using a big box store brand (Pete's).

My question is, would it be a good idea to rinse my whole bean coffee before I grind it? Not using soap etc obviously.

>> No.14244713

cant find this in the UK
I can get the Kinu Phoenix from their website but its quite a lot because of shipping (30euros). Where can I get one in the UK (reduced shipping costs)?

>> No.14244735

never heard of rinsing roasted coffee, that sounds retarded

>> No.14244747
File: 166 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-06-14-12-19-38-914_compress29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to thoroughly clean your moka pot once in a while and replace the gasket about once a year or so.

>> No.14244757

It is. Not that great in my moka pot sadly. I find light roasts are hit or miss with a moka.

>> No.14244762

roasted coffee beans (typically) aren't treated with chemicals, covered in anything, or even touched by bare hands really. they roast, cool, vent and then get stored in a bag.

if it's a brand new french press, that might have something to do with a manufactured taste. wash it. otherwise seek out local roasters who sell freshly roasted beans. see if your bag of Peet's has a roast date on it.

>> No.14244887

I don't really miss my moka pot. The Aeropress is a much easier and quicker process.

>> No.14244957

Being able to switch between filter and no filter does seem nice.

>> No.14245000

I found the Moka pot too tempermental on an electric hob.

>> No.14245134

I've had a Silvia for last decade, has a manu date of 2002 on it. Been holding up well with maintenance, have a PID on it.
I've been trying to get an answer to the same question.
Wanted to go the superautomatic route but heard they're not worth the huge price tag.

>> No.14245338

probably not what you're looking for but some people do put a TINY bit of water on their beans before grinding to get rid of static
Hoffman made a video on it a while back which popularised it

>> No.14245358

Use better coffee. Petes is shit

>> No.14245474
File: 415 KB, 600x800, 1586032771976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butt blasted because you don't know chemistry
Maybe it's time for a fresh cuppa joe while you hit the high school textbooks again. Clear out the cobwebs.

>> No.14245554

>Itll take you a good decade to start getting a ROI
No it won't. This isn't even a cope since I don't want/need an expensive espresso machine. Let's say you go overboard and buy a really fancy one that you don't need for a thousand dollars. Coffee from a shop is what? $3 at the cheapest if you're not going to Sheetz to get a liter of cheap drip coffee. So in 333 days you'd have paid the same for coffee at a shop as you did for the espresso machine.

>> No.14245562

that's not what I fucking asked though, did I

>> No.14245588

You're not counting the cost of electricity or the amortized depreciation or the inevitable repair cost allowance.

>> No.14246040

Plastic junk. Hopefully lidobro pops in here soon and stops anyone else from buying that shit.

Buy instant. You don't get to brew coffee anymore.

Chinese plastic put out by an shit tier american company. Get a kinu. Pay the shipping. Might be worth sending them an email to see who stocks it in the uk.

>> No.14246244

Not needed, but damn is it nice.

>> No.14246279

How important is temperature control in a kettle? Should I buy a cheaper electric gooseneck that just brings water to boil instead of the one that has variable temperature setting but costs 3 times as much?

>> No.14246323

90% of cafes serve shitty espressos because the 'baristas' are untrained

Getting an expensive espresso machine and grinder is a pain but you only need to buy it once it will usually last a good decade

>> No.14246342

>not purchasing a Black Eagle and a Weber EG-1 then going to barista school for a semester then training under a coffee sensei to enter the World Barista Competition

>> No.14246432

Pretty much all barista courses in my city last a single day, anon, it's not hard

>> No.14246489

Going from 196 to 204 can completely change the cup. How much is that worth to you?

>> No.14246605

>you'll stop drinking coffee in 11 months

>> No.14246720

I had a few bad at bats starting the french press as well. You want a nice medium homogeneous grind. A lot of fine dust will bitter your brew and can find its way past the filter to sludge your cup. Stir the surface crust so it falls. Leave for 5 ish min. Pour gently with the filter at about the top of the water level.

>> No.14247206

What if you're not brewing $60/lb yirgacheffe?

>> No.14247330

Hardly. I doubt you could pick the two apart blind.

>> No.14248036

Fellow Stagg EKG or Oxo Variable Temperature Gooseneck?

>> No.14248059
File: 1.92 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200615_005517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you?

Its not a dick waving contest. Its about subtly tweaking accurately and repeatably. Realizing your last cup wasn't quite as good as you'd hoped, bumping up a few degrees, and enjoying your morning slightly more.

Buy once cry once.

>> No.14248155

But, Oxo is likely more reliable.

>> No.14248176

Is French Vanilla a real coffee? Its the only type of coffee that I drink

>> No.14248211

it's primarily nutty & chocolate notes from what I remember

>> No.14248368

Oxo doesn't have PID. The temperature will fluctuate significantly from your setting.

>> No.14249592


>> No.14249601

Not in the slightest. They also rust now.

>> No.14250015

Everybody complains about Bonavita rusting. There is no similar complaint against Oxo.

>> No.14250122

Madcap, though technically they don’t roast out of Detroit, only have a retail store so I’d have to say Anthology. Detroit coffee scene is surprisingly sparse for all the hipsters here.

>> No.14250193

What’s wrong with the lido?

>> No.14250300

Plastic body and shitty alignment should not be things you're worrying about in a $200 grinder. OE was "ok" 10 years ago with the original pharos, then they went full chinkmanufacturing and made everything out of plastic they could. I had a lido 2(italmill burrs) that fucking stripped its shaft out of the plastic receiver and had to go through a few months of them jerking me around before I got it replaced. Sold it and quit making coffee at home for a while, eventually replaced it with the cheap m47p. There's still plastic, but its not in critical spots and the plastic stabilizing spokes have steel rods through them.


4 reviews on the first page complaining about rusting/leaking. You go to the page for the ekg and its just complaints of getting doa units. Order directly from Fellow and save yourself the potential headache.

>> No.14250320

Oh, I’ve been using mine for two years and had no issue, looking at mine the stabilizing spokes are built into the body which seems like metal. I think the only plastic is in the clear part and catch cup. I hear you on alignment but I’m pretty regular with maintaining it and it stays aligned really well, I touch it up every couple months. Overall it’s served me well, I have the Lido E so maybe the 2 was just that much worse?

>> No.14250350

Fug skerton pro looks pretty decent for 53 usd

>> No.14250468

The initial quality might be okay, but ceramic burrs dull and deform pretty quickly, and the grind gets shitter and shitter.

>> No.14250471

Its not like I was grinding super nordic roasts. I just don't see how a $200 grinder could fail so spectacularly, then the company try to fuck me over. Its american designed taiwanese junk as far as I'm concerned. Look at the reviews on their ghost tooth grinder.

>> No.14250513

Yeah that ghost tooth looks fucking ridiculous, who the hell would pay $600 for that? I didn’t read much into the company before buying, it was just the easiest of the major $200 hand grinders to get in America and It’s been consistently fantastic for me, I was just wondering how your experience with it could be so different than mine.

>> No.14251346

>American coffee shop
>increase syrup
>incinerate the beans to charcoal
>5/5 yelp reviews, $1M pure profit per storefront

>> No.14251797

my lido 2 was also sturdy and ground well

>> No.14252396

italmill or etzinger burrs? They may have done a revision since they replaced my ital with etzinger after I bitched for months. Bought the lido 2 the week it released.

>> No.14252422

It's probably the only drinkable thing out of the vending machine. And no, it's caffeinated hot ice cream.

>> No.14252434


>> No.14252815

New thread
New thread
New thread

>> No.14252847

Bought it like 9 years ago so I don't remember