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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14382836 No.14382836 [Reply] [Original]

why isn't Jamaican food as popular as Italian? What is it with white people and Italian food? Is Italian cooking the most seasoning they can handle without ruining their culinary experience

>> No.14382853

Maybe if you just stopped after your first question you'd get an actual discussion, but you just had to go and make it another low quality shitpost.

>> No.14382868

its just a joke, geez don't be so sensitive.

>> No.14382887

Don't be a dumbfuck

>> No.14382889

I know this is bait but:

Jamaican cuisine is made out of lots of external influences, both European and Asian using local ingredients.

The dishes and cuisines that influenced Jamaican cuisine are also common in the rest of the world, but usually not in the specific Jamaican form.

There aren't many Jamaicans around in the rest of the world, but there has been lots of Italians immigrants that started restaurants. I'm sure that if done well, Jamaican cuisine would be popular in bigger metropolitan areas that can support such niches. But it seems to lack some dish or dishes that are unique with broad commercial appeal and that doesn't exist in other forms around the whole world. Pizza was such hit for Italian cuisine.

>> No.14383207

A lot of Italians ran away to the US so they had the opportunity to spread their food in more places. Jamaicans aren't as widespread in the US are in concentrated areas. I do agree that Jamaican food tastes way better though.

>> No.14383211

I had a trinidadian friend growing up, their food was alright, but quite spicy
I imagine jamaican is similar

>> No.14383255
File: 310 KB, 1685x1163, faggotasshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot, you're not welcome to speak about white people anymore. Just stop.

>> No.14383288

because they charge $15 for dry ass chicken with mediocre flavored jerk

>> No.14383310

It’s like a “specialty” thing like Cajun food and you end up paying something upside down retarded markup like 12 bucks a plate despite the fact that it’s food for poor people and supposed to be cheap and easy.

>> No.14383452

Because most of us are all set with eating goat kneecaps slathered in jerk sauce.

>> No.14383460

>What is it with white people
What is it with non-white people and their obsession with white people ?

>> No.14383498

Ya mon me be crimpin' fo dat peas 'nd goat bones 'nd ting get dat ackee 'nd broth sorce ya bumbaclat

>> No.14383722

Italian food is easier to make

>> No.14383749


Ay yo sum one find this racis Facebook n call his work

>> No.14383753

Why does all Jamaican food taste the same?

>> No.14383756

>is italian the most flavorful seasoning white people can stomach
pretty much yeah

also daily reminder that italians aren't even white

>> No.14383771
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seems the other way around, really.
every post about a non-white cuisine (or anything) on this board has hordes of wiggers sounding off.

But that's just my unbiased observation

>> No.14383793

>why is a tiny Caribbean island's cuisine niche compared to a significant european nation?
Also way more Italian immigrants came to America than Jamaican. I'm on the east coast and white people patronize tons of Caribbean restaurants and food trucks in the area

>> No.14383823

praise jah mon, cook up some dem jerk chickens bumbaclot

>> No.14383828

Jamaican food is very popular in south London.

>> No.14383849

Jerk chicken is mediocre, people would rather go for a Nandos, and the patties are shitty small, spicy cornish pasties.

>> No.14383866

Because we don't need to add cringy spice head meme peppers to cover rotting meat flavor.

>> No.14383888

My neighborhood had a good Jamaican place that came in. You could smell them smoking the meat everyday. I got the jerk chicken with rice, beans, and cabbage. They had a ghost pepper hot sauce too. It was really good. Started out at $7 and three months later it was $13. They're the Jews of black people.

>> No.14383942

I hate when restaurants do that

>> No.14383965

1st; explain what is Jamacain food? How does it differ?
2nd: You want it being as popular as Italian,why. I never heard of Jamaican food
3rd: Is weed involved in your reasoning?

>> No.14383971

Jamaica is third world island with third world ingredients and variety. Everything is jerked and grilled until dry and rubbery. To compensate for the poor quality of the vegetables and meat, they cover it with heavy hot spices and then serve it over rice.

What's the big fucking deal? Just pass the boof and get over it.

>> No.14383979

Its based as fuck but not many places sell it. Outside of the big cities americans are retarded plebs who would reject 90% of Italian dishes outside of spaghetti and lasagna

>> No.14384060

smokin meats and ganja

>> No.14384103

Yeah, the food was good but they were stoned as hell, blasted Jamaican music with a DJ in the middle of the day, and opened and closed whenever the fuck they wanted.

>> No.14384141

italian cuisine has an immense history, and contains both peasant dishes and high cuisine. it has also travelled with the italian diaspora to the US and has been estalbished as a commercial success worldwide. thats why its more popular. jamaican is great for peasant food, really great with spicy and filling dishes, but its range isnt as great, its not a white thing: other great cuisines include turkish, persian, indian, chinese, japanses, french, and at one time roman. i dont know enough about some others to call them truly great cuisines, but perhaps greek, middle east/muslim, southeast asian. great peasant cuisines are mexican, brazilian, new orleans/soul food, etc.

>> No.14384143

Italian food is cheap and easy to make

>> No.14385433
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If you want a serious discussion, fuck off with your race baiting to /pol/

>> No.14385455

If Jamaican food were any good, it would be easy to find in the United States. Your food is just trash you brown idiot

>> No.14385479

I work as a mailman and once they hired this overly friendly super incompetent retarded ass jamacian guy and they fired his ass after 2 weeks because he was just so stupid. anyways he calls me like once a month and I never answer and this was like a year ago

>> No.14385486

Genuinely no idea. Italian is the most boring food on the fucking planet. 90% of the time it's an asston of one carb drowned in some form of tomato flavoring.

>> No.14385496

That's because you only know the Olive Garden

>> No.14385607

I've been to Europe, fag. It's a boring cuisine.

>> No.14385612

>it would be easy to find in the United States
It is though. . .

>> No.14385752

>hurr durr so sensitive

Listen. If you actually cooked anything other than roadkill you wouldn't have to overcompensate with a metric shit ton of spices to cover up for the fact you can't cook.

>> No.14385771

I had some jerk chicken and dirty rice once and gotta be honest it was better than any pasta I've ever had in my life. Caribbean seasoning is the shit