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File: 278 KB, 1080x1350, anchoredcoffee_20200721_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14439155 No.14439155 [Reply] [Original]

"Annoying screaming man-brand coffee" edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore

Previous thread: >>14361295

>> No.14439481
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>tfw you failed your coof duties

>> No.14439489

I only drink instant coffee because the country I am in right now has the absolutely worst coffee I ever had, it is like burnt and ashy. Instant coffee at least resembles the coffee I like but I barely remember the flavor anymore

>> No.14439527

Are you in south east Asia?

>> No.14439877

>ask for drip coffee at Starbucks
>barista says the batch brew is not ready yet and starts making pour-over
>start drinking the pour-over
>there's bits of coffee grounds floating around in the cup
>go to another location some months later
>same situation
>there's coffee grounds floating in the coffee

What are they doing at Starbucks that they consistently end up having coffee ground floating around in the coffee?

>> No.14439999

>going to starbucks
>ordering coffee instead of a $10 milkshake

Pound for pound, Starbucks mostly sells sugar, anon. Coffee is just a sideline.

>> No.14440024 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 1600x1195, mcfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up some Michael's coffee recently. Dont know whos heard of it but I got it pretty cheap.

>> No.14440036
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Picked up some Michael's coffee recently. Dont know whos heard of it but I got it pretty cheap.

>> No.14440077

Their coffee is bad. Dunn brothers has been the best chain for straight coffee. They roast their beans in house weekly and it won me over

>> No.14440127

cold brew is good though

>> No.14440150

Why are coffeefags always so far up their own asses?

>> No.14440155
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there used to be a small little coffee shop that roasted their own beans and had good sandwiches right next to my hs. man i miss it

>> No.14440844
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Is the "Breville the Barista Express Espresso Machine" worth getting? The fact it comes with its own grinder is a huge plus since I have a very small kitchen. Looking to get an espresso setup going as I just about have enough money saved up (about 1k USD I'm willing to spend including anything extra outside of the machine)
Is there anything else y'all recommend over it?

>> No.14440868

do people actually like coffee or just drink it because your supposed to

>> No.14440955

Nespresso master race here.

>Hurr muh fresh beans

I have a fantastic, steaming espresso or lungo in 30 seconds. Fucking losers.

>> No.14440961

I have a hunch that a PV Export and a Baratza grinder will take up less space on the counter.
It would be more fussy, and probably require a longer warmup time.
I have a bigass grinder and a PV Lusso; my standards are different than yours... but compact levers are still pretty cool.

>> No.14441023

with that machine you're paying a premium for it to be all in one. For the same price getting a Eureka Mignon and Gaggia Classic would be better

>> No.14441120

Looking at getting a small, cheap de longhi machine for about £200, anyone else had any experiences with them? Comes with extras like a steam jug, knock box and sexy metal tamp. Not sure if it's worth it though if the arse is going to fall out of it after a few uses. Also unsure if it needs to be plumbed in or not? My previous machine had a resevoir that generated around 4 bar of pressure and needed to be manually filled at each use. It died when I tried to steam milk before it had reached pressure and it sucked milk through the wand into the resevoir, the milk then cooked onto the metal inside and I couldn't clean it. RIP my old friend.

>> No.14441414
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Glad you're enjoying your coffee, anon. I just make pour over with a V60 but I miss getting espressos from shops.

>> No.14441741

>no pressure
>stale coffee

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14442114

Its literally 85% plastic. You can spend your money much more efficient.

Imagine trying to convince yourself so hard, you have to post on basketweaving forums.

Pulling some shots of semi washed Brazilian Yellow Bourbon in a few. Its really starting to grow on me.

>> No.14442446

Our coffee will finally ship tomorrow from central America. The coffees scored 87.5, 87 and 86, with a sample of coffee that scored 93 and has won prizes. We'll soon open our own coffee shop, so damn excited.

>> No.14442456

I like Folgers. One of the few brands that's good even without milk, and also I can get a ton of it for cheap at Costco.

>> No.14442463

Fuck off sister-fucker.

>> No.14442620

Where do you all buy your coffee?

>> No.14442630

Please tell me there’s some sort of wiki for ctg. Or any wiki for learning everything about coffee

>> No.14442886

Tongue some nigger anus, Antifa.

>> No.14442905

>nigger anus
That's the taste of Folgers for ya.

>> No.14442930

Kirkland 100% Colombian our of the can.
You coffee guys are worse than the IPA guys.

>> No.14443026

Home machines almost never need plumbing.
Complicates and expensifies the machine too much for 4 coffees a.day.

>> No.14443061

A local cafe that resells beans from really good roasters. I can't go there anymore though because the owner went "REEEEEE You can't make me wear masks!!!!!" all over Instagram.

>> No.14443067

Why are Americans the only country where this became such an issue?

>> No.14443075

Because muh freedoms.
t. American

>> No.14443080

In a mutt too and I think all the reee over a simple ass mask is pretty foolish.

>> No.14443084

This is in Canada. As far as I can tell, everyone hates him now, especially the neighbouring shops who don't want anti-mask nut jobs hanging around and scaring away customers.

>> No.14443102

I've never complained about the mask but ok enjoy obsessing

>> No.14443113

Didn’t mean to offend, was just making a broad statement that lots of people are making a big deal out of something that seems pretty trivial. I apologize if it seemed directed at you, it wasn’t.

>> No.14443127

It’s become a political issue and an “individual vs collective” thing like everything else here.
At least they might slide us another check so I can buy more pricey coffee stuff.

>> No.14444086


>> No.14444300

Sounds based. What's the shop called?

>> No.14444943

You can hit up coffeegeek.
There is a lot of disorganized content to absorb there.

>> No.14445010

You can still go, nothing is stopping you other than yourself.

>> No.14445017

shut up faggot

>> No.14445068
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Brazil yellow bourbon. Think I'm down to my last 4lbs. I'm really going to miss this one when I'm out. Just roasted up a little custom cold brew blend with about 80g of maragogipe and a mix of other shit I had laying around to get a full batch.

>> No.14445547

Does SWP taste better than EA?

>> No.14445840

>You can spend your money much more efficient.
What would you recommend then?

>> No.14445998

Did that for a little while until I figured out which brands are actually legit
Been on Revelator hype for a minute now

>> No.14445999

Should i buy the Flair Signature or Flair Pro 2? Hmm

>> No.14446021
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>search Drinktrade
>Soybish on the front page


>> No.14446168
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I rather get a good seperate grinder & save up for a purpose-built espresso machine. Breville sucks.

>> No.14446300

They both can't steam milk worth a damn.
Most "lever" machines actually use a spring to pull the shot; subtle differences blah blah.
I always seem to have girls involved who want pretty milk, I like a breve now and then, and fuck trying to steam froth cream in a french press.
But I think you want the gauge.

>> No.14446788

What's the best glass to use for freshly poured over coffee? I'm getting tired of my plain old free mugs.

>> No.14447268

>100% manual machine can't steam milk
No shit.

>> No.14447467

Does anyone like Folgers 1/2 caff? I recently bought it to lower my caffeine intake. Reviews were pretty much great and people said it tasted like the original, but I don't like it. It tastes more like decaf than the original so I'm confused.

>> No.14447981
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>tfw you use fine grind in a french press
Fuck coarse grind

>> No.14448030
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>tfw you use course grind in a french press because you're not retarded

>> No.14448103

Hand grinder and a piddable gaggia if you want to fuck around. Manual press with gauge if you don't want to. The goal isn't to make espresso, its to teach yourself how to make espresso. Your shortcut is going to the cafe, not buying overvalued plastic hand holders.

I've got a signature.

Its a piston machine. No springs. You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.14448247

>The goal isn't to make espresso, its to teach yourself how to make espresso. Your shortcut is going to the cafe, not buying overvalued plastic hand holders.
My goal is to save money in the long run by making my own espresso at home. I got my entire life to "learn how to make espresso" but for now I want a solid latte as a part of my morning routine.

>> No.14448333
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Should I splurge on geisha beans?

>> No.14448338

Enjoy your coffee flavoured water anon

>> No.14449403

So you need the ability to grind coffee fresh, get 205f water, and hit 9bars. You don't need to drop 800 on plastic to do that, and you can do it with way finer variability for less money. Grinder is an upcharged waste of money, integrated tamper is junk, bottomless portafilter costs you another $90, and its lines are plastic. The best thing about it is the reflection the brushed steel gives off as it sits on your counter unused and dusty. Real ambient.

>> No.14449722

Unless you're buying burnt coffee french press requires a relatively fine grind especially for light roasts. Can't extract that much in a 4min immersion with a dropping water temp.

>> No.14449797

Look at the Bodum double wall stuff (like Pavina).
There are some other shapes with other names.
Bodum has reasonably high quality.

>> No.14449810

>Its a piston machine. No springs.
Most lever actuated machines are piston machines.
And most of them, the lever compresses a spring and lifts the piston, the spring forces the piston down to expel the water.
The Flair machines are direct lever.
Not hard to do right, just different.

>> No.14449849

>Most "lever" machines actually use a spring to pull the shot; subtle differences blah blah.

The comment you replied to specifically mentions 2 lever machines, not "lever" machines. What the fuck is your comment even trying to say? Boilerless straight piston "machines" don't have boilers to steam milk and are spring pulled? One half of that is obvious, the other half is incorrect.

>You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.14450358

How do you do your cold brew? Ever tried the hot start method?

>> No.14450361

Based and Rao pilled
Cognitively deficient

>> No.14450368

Knowing how solid Monogram is, I'd have to say yes. Although gesha is not anything near what its hype would entail

>> No.14450378

Lost in the sauce

>> No.14450749

~50g in a 600ml mizudashi. Agitated with a dumb little kruve spoon. Works decent. I only cold brew shit I don't want to drink/any beans older than a week tho. The maragogipe is super fucking hazelnutty and I hate it, so I'm just trying to lazily mask the flavor.

>> No.14451186

I always get nervous when I use their double walled glasses because they feel like christmas tree globe ornaments.

>> No.14451329

Go for the Gaggia Classic if you want something you can actually fix when something goes wrong.

>> No.14451334

And you can use a hand grinder if you're not a fag. Red rooster makes a good one. Doesn't take up as much space as a machine.

>> No.14451534
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look at this fucking bitch.

>> No.14451694
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anyone have any tips for this type of cold brew thing? i recently got into drinking iced coffee (never drank any kind of coffee before) during quarantine as i have been working from home and drinking soda was getting too easy. i'll let it sit in the fridge for a few days and it still tastes kind of weak.

>> No.14451697

Nigger can make cold brew in any container . The container doesn’t matter

>> No.14451702

Literally a communist

>> No.14451707

just use a mason jar and one of those reusable flax bag coldbrew makers
specialty containers are for fools

>> No.14451723

ok. do you suggest i start with hot water to extract more shit from the shit? or is that a meme? i just use cold filtered water and apparently it tastes weak.

>> No.14451813
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Since we're talking espresso machines, I got a gaggia myself, specifically this model, and while the coffee is real good I've never been able to foam the milk for cappuccino with the steam lance, every time I try milk just goes flying everywhere and at the end of the day I have some lukewarm, barely frothy milk in my cup that's not fit for making anything with. Is there a trick to this?

>> No.14451828

use cold filtered water
make sure to check your grounds after about 2 hours, sometimes they float to the top and form a hard puck
push them back into suspension if they do
otherwise you can go up to 36 hours, wouldn't do much more than that

>> No.14451850
File: 158 KB, 881x803, BrewersIndeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks - good shit, i'll try the 2 hour check. already i notice they kind of float to the top immediately as i fill it up - guess i should be pushing them down during the initial filling?

>> No.14451861

give them a good stir during the initial fill, I've found this helps
also perhaps this is worth saying, you should be using about a cup to a cup and 1/4 of beans for a 32 oz mason jar, measured before grinding

>> No.14452022
File: 266 KB, 500x325, WWF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. what's the ratio you recommend for bagged grounds?

>> No.14452025

i mean ground beans, not literally grounds

>> No.14452051
File: 90 KB, 697x572, based coldwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta my way cold brew fucking shits, superior cold coffee coming through

>> No.14452052

This gave me a boner.

>> No.14452309

Looks like that model has a helper nozzle on the steam arm.
They do not help.
I always found it helpful to start my frothing by making a whirlpool in the milk pitcher. Lift the pitcher, all the way so the arm bottoms. 1/3rd of the way across the pitcher. Drop the pitcher 1/4". Knob slightly open. Swirl formed. Knob open more, lower pitcher until the sound just changes ("finding the sweet spot"). From here you'll need to keep lifting the pitcher as long as you want to keep steam frothing.
At the end, lift the pitcher while closing the knob, then remove the pitcher, wrap a damp towel around the nozzle, open the knob to purge, close the knob, wipe that arm off.

With the froth aiding arm tip, you "just" put it all the way in and it does what it does and you are probably using too much steam.

>> No.14452314

Reminder that you mostly piss coffee out

>> No.14452320

Yeah no I was doing something entirely different and really have no idea how to froth milk. Thanks, I'll try this.

>> No.14452976


>> No.14453546

i usually get preground coffee because im not yet autistic enough to care about fresh beans. im also very impatient. ive never made drip or pour over coffee in my life. i use cubita in my moka pot and whatever my grocers has in a caffetiere. i like them both but i think the coffee from the moka pot ends up feeling a lot thicker

>> No.14454716
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Any anons read this?

>> No.14455080
File: 571 KB, 1196x872, 592c5222-7e11-4ae4-8c12-aa33a6787f7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your preferred method to make coffee with a V60 or similar for small quantity (250ml or less). I've been trying the Perger method and it's giving me good results, but I find the James Hoffmann recipe a lot easier to master.

>> No.14455355

April V60 method
13 g ground, four pours of 50 g at 0, 0:30, 1:00, 1:30.


>> No.14455368

>people are naming methods of pouring hot water after themselves like they invented pouring hot water over coffee

>> No.14455410

Thanks anon, it looks good. I'm going to try it tomorrow, it's easy enough, I'll have to play a bit with the grind size because he didn't say anything about it in the video, only what he used in his comandante.

>> No.14456006

There is a replacement tip for the steam wand.
I think Gaggia calls it the "latte art pannarello".
You can take the shroud off and get a traditional steam wand, or leave the shroud on and get the easy-mode steam wand that doesn't do as well.
Probably $20, but I think you can get the same parts kit from Saeco for less.
There are youtube videos of how to steam milk.
Easiest to start with 2% or 4% ("whole") milk, and once you've got it down you can try 10% (half and half) or higher (heavy whipping cream).
The right shape and size pitcher helps a LOT. You need to leave room for expansion, so don't start over half full.

Best of luck, anon. People dumber than you have learned, so I like your chances.

>> No.14456078

I jump between intelligentsia, onyx, and counter culture depending on price and shipping promo
any other good roasters recommended here?

>> No.14456095

If you're in the PNW, Stumptown's good.

>> No.14456118

I like collectivo

>> No.14456161

99 posts and 3 days later, this awful thread needs to die

>> No.14456190

saw some cancer on their site and couldn't go further
thanks, they're relatively cheap. will give them a try - hoping for decent quality

>> No.14456240
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For a moment there, I thought the man in the OP image was wearing one of those caps.

>> No.14456244
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>> No.14456429

Redbird is pretty good.
Very good if you can do 5lbs at a time.
(I always freezered in mason jars.)

>> No.14456842

Pretty much the only coffee I drink these days is the drip coffee at work. I don't even remember the brand we get in. It's not great, but I make it palatable by making poverty mocaccinos with it.

>> No.14456926
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Coffee by Equatorians

>> No.14456937

My mother loves this stuff, that and the snickerdoodle one.

>> No.14456984

Thinking of getting a Jura espresso maker, which ones should I stay away from getting?

>> No.14457339
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Just starting to try making coffee outside of a drip machine, is this thing worth it?

>> No.14457370

What's the best coffee I can get off of Amazon?

>> No.14457555

no, is it good?

Also, general coffee book recs?

>> No.14457562

all of them faggot. get a proper machine and grinder

>> No.14457564
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Don't believe the memes saying that they are pure shit. It just so happens that this is the brewing method of choice for those either starting to dip their toes into specialty coffee on a budget, and those who are trying to show off but haven't a clue what the fuck they're doing.
They can make good coffee, but you need to get your ducks in a row before you begin.
>The press
Generally, they all function the same. You will find little difference between these outside their volume. I'd suggest a 1 litre size, but 500 millilitres is also fine. Just don't get anything smaller. Yes they look cute and can fit in a drawer at work, but the brew ratios are fucked.
Get yourself some good coffee, I'd suggest a nice medium because you'll be brewing for longer than other methods and darker roasts are just a bit easier to over-extract . If you don't have a grinder at home, ask the place you're buying it to grind it to french press. If you've ordered in coffee form somewhere else, you can always ask politely if they can grind it for you, if you buy something from them too. Once ground, stick it in an air tight container in a cupboard.
Get yourself a set of digital kitchen scales, a pen, paper and the stopwatch on your phone. What you want to do now is just keep track of the weight of your water used, weight of coffee and brew time. If it tastes sour, bitter or just like shit, you have it written down so next time you can try something different. Rinse and repeat.

Enjoy your press fren.

>> No.14457571

>you can always ask politely if they can grind it for you
Shit, I mean if you order it in and go to a local coffee shop

>> No.14457971
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What are some good lever-operated espresso machine? At under 1k, and from 1k to 4k.

>> No.14457972


this looks like a gynecology instrument for elephants

>> No.14457978

The workflow seems simpler on the Signature's grouphead, but the Pro's is larger.

>> No.14457987

>At least they might slide us another check so I can buy more pricey coffee stuff.

Did the same. My work didn't disappear for covid shit, actually got a lot of overtime.

>> No.14458062

I think you misread the spending rule
Grinder should be half the cost of the espresso machine - not the other way round.

Get a La Pavoni Europiccola. I have a flair too and thats what Im looking to upgrade to

>> No.14458225

lads is freshly ground coffee really that much better, or should I just get pre-ground?

>> No.14458259

Anyone try roasting beans with an air gun? Worth trying?
Noticeably better if the beans are also fresh roasted. You can get a cheap little grinder from aliexpress and it opens the door for you. But thats throwing away money because you will immediately want to upgrade.
1Zpresso Q2 gets some attention online, but I will try to go to their shop in taipei next month and post back here.

>> No.14458300

dunno, but how come it's resisting globally? I think the mask deal and COVID19 was ultimately a convenient distraction for the massive trade war going on right now and the stock market crash caused by the decoupling of Chinese and American interests globally. America has >30,000,000 total cases and <200,000 COVID deaths. I dunno man I just don't think this virus is all that they're making it out to be. I don't deny its existence or claim that there's a massive conspiracy just a subtle shifting of media focus that causes an anxious hyper feedback loop.

>> No.14458358

I haven't read any rules, but I felt the asymmetry should be rectified.

>La Pavoni Europiccola.

Was this one that people had issues with the grouphead getting too hot after pulling a few shots?

>> No.14458369

Used to use a hot air popper.
Wasn't happy.
Tried a Fresh Roast (Nuwave at the time; not sure about now).
Wasn't happy.
Bought a Behmor.
Much happier.
By all means, try your hot air gun experiment, but the nicer appliances are nicer and worth it to me.

>> No.14458374

>1Zpresso Q2
jeez man I just looked up and its £96 on amazon
do you recommend any other grinders that are a bit more affordable?

>> No.14458382

Baratza Encore

>> No.14458415

What scales do you use? Are hario ones worth it? I want a small one that I can use with my flair

>> No.14458852

Thats a real downgrade in everything but workflow.

Get a flair. Enjoy your tasty espresso for a few years until you get bored and feel like dropping 4k on a cremina.

>simpler workflow

Literally the exact same, other than the pro coming with a silicon cap to preheat the chamber. Signature's workflow is "slightly" more complicated since you need an extra dish. I use a yeti cup. You have no clue what you're talking about.

100% I'm on a heavily modded popper and happy. I know guys who have wired in to a breadmachine to only use the paddle for agitation, and use a heat gun jammed in the top. Works great. Slightly lower tech version, point a heat gun at a metal dog bowl filled with beans, move them around with a wooden spoon.

Acaia lunar fits riiiiiiiight on the flairs tray. Before that I used a 300g/0.01 resolution jewelers scale off ali express. Was like $2 shipped.

Sounds like you're just bad at roasting?

>> No.14458858

Yes it is.

>> No.14459185

Morning coffee:
Double shot of espresso
Teaspoon of sugar
1.5 oz. Vodka
3 oz. Milk

Highly recommend, usually drink 3 or 4 every day before and after work

>> No.14459298

>being this open about alcoholism

>> No.14459736

I bought a bag of beans in March, then got covid, and I haven't had any coffee since then. I'm afraid to try it now

>> No.14459868
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Mixed double shot wawa with that Sprite not-bubble tea drink. Honestly tastes better than expected.

>> No.14459937

Cold brew's a good way to use up stale beans.

>> No.14459967

There doesn't seem to be much 'crust' when I use a french press, any ideas why? I'm guessing it's probably down to coarseness or bean freshness but I can't pinpoint it

>> No.14460081
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Any of you have experience with the flair? Does he really need a good grinder? i'm not sure about all the reddit autism.
I have graef model that works very well with my V60 but I wanted get into espresso without spending literally one grand.

>> No.14460354


>> No.14460502

the fact that my coffee, roasted and dropped off at USPS three days ago, is offgassing in some warehouse and hasn't even been scanned in yet because Trump has decided to use the mail service as a political tool for some reason

>> No.14460508

Why didn't you drink and coffee? Fuckin weird m8.

>> No.14460524

covid fucks your sense of smell and taste, kind of takes the fun out of it if you're a hobbyist

>> No.14460538

I still need the caffeine to stave off the withdrawals. Besides, now you got stale beans so what's the diff? If you don't use it you lose it. Shoulda just drank it with sub par faculties and bought some more but now you gotta worry about tasting off beans.

>> No.14460647

I have a Flair NEO with the pressure gauge/bottomless portafilter. The NEO comes with a pressurized portafilter by default, which might be OK if your grinder can't grind for espresso. The Signature and the Pro both have a normal portafilter, which relies on the grinds to provide your back pressure.
Otherwise, you'll absolutely need a grinder that can do a good espresso grind, which will either be a high end hand grinder or electric grinders in the $400+ range. When I first had my Flair, I had a Baratza Encore, which can technically grind in the espresso range, but it doesn't have nearly enough adjustability in that range to consistently pull shots in the right time range.

>> No.14460753

Kinu m47p or any other stepless handgrinder pairs wonderfully with the flairs.

>> No.14460835
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Oh latest batch of koke honey btw. I'll pull some shots in the morning. Maybe a v60 tonight.

>> No.14460878

faggotry knows no bounds

>> No.14460973
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Cafe Du Monde cans are getting harder to find locally. French Market still available.

Panic is setting in.

>> No.14461064

Thanks anons, I may look into the comandante or other grinders easier to find in EU, the chink grinders are more or less the same price. I like grinding my 15gr of coffee in 3 seconds but I guess I'll have to change a bit my workflow if I want to try a good espresso at home.
I live in a small place so the flair and a hand grinder can be what I need, because I doubt I am going to pull an espresso daily.

>> No.14461622

I keep seeing counter culture mentioned. Are they really that good? They sell it in my local grocery store

>> No.14461645

they're decent. I personally prefer Intelligensia or Onyx but get counter culture every once in a while when they have a shipping promo.

May want to get it directly for them if you care about roast dates

>> No.14461649

I love matty matheson, hes so fried in the head but still loveable.

>> No.14461685


Give that a watch. Flair plus a decent hand grinder may just be BIFL for you. Make sure to keep your orings lubed with food grade ptfe so they'll stay supple and last.

>> No.14462026

she looks like she has a big meaty clit

>> No.14462176

Try aliexpress, long shipping time but it will be around GBP80. Aergrind is made in the UK and GBP99 too.
You really get what you pay for and other mid tier options are few and far between. This is a gear queer hobby but you cam have a very enjoyable experience for many years with this initial investment at this price range.
I have watched guides on dog bowl roasting. Good to know it isnt a meme, I guess I will take the plungle.

>> No.14462231

Honestly just order the sweet marias popper. They give you 4lbs of beans with it, makes the popper essentially free. Think I paid $27 shipped.

>> No.14462294
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The shipping isnt kind to Canada. Local roaster is also very affordable for green beans.
Already have a heat gun but CAD$36 for the popper isnt bad. Bless your heart

>> No.14462344
File: 95 KB, 1024x623, Pouring-Camping-Coffee-1024x623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking some dollar store shit borrowed form a neighbor
its got caffeine
Is boiling the grounds in a pot and poring off the top (cowboy coffee) acceptable?
I have a coffee maker but its been sitting around in a cabinet and its filthy. who knows what bugs and shit have infested the thing. whats the best way to clean it out or should I just keep going the pot route until I can get a proper coffee maker? I wish I still had my old camping percolator.

>> No.14462368

Any popper will do. Check kijji or whatever its called up there.

>> No.14462372

Nothing wrong with Folgers. Its a solid, all arabica, consistent coffee. There's a reason everyone knows the name. The fact that hipsters hate it makes it even better.

>> No.14462461

I just use James Hoffman's video and adjust the amount for the ratio depending on what I feel like.

>> No.14462707

Good grinder should be the first thing you get.

If you like it, it works. Can't expect a better coffee if you don't have the kitchen for it.

>> No.14462807

All coffee needs a good grinder.
The autists know what they're talking about.

There are good tastes in coffee, and bad tastes in coffee. The goal is to get the good tastes into the cup, and leave the bad tastes in the beans.
If you have a mix of big (coarse) grounds and tiny (powder) grounds, the powder will be extracting the bad tasting parts while the coarse grounds haven't extracted any flavor yet.
Good grinders make coffee grounds that are all very very close to the same size.

>> No.14462828

>just bad at roasting?
Always got pretty decent results.
Just got tired of fucking around with the toys so much to get the results, modding another popper, tiny batches, etc.
My goal in roasting was to get fresh coffee that I liked, not to build a lab experiment and tinker with the machine perpetually.

>> No.14462900

convince me to get a nice electrical grinder instead of the Lido2 that I have, which does a perfectly fine job and it's not like I make more than 2 coffees per day for myself

>> No.14462966

Has anybody here tried hoffmann's coffee beans?

>> No.14462970

I have a comandante mk3 for pourovers I've been using for a while.
I'm looking to buy a flair, my question is will the redclix and mk3 be sufficient for high quality espresso shots or should I purchase something like an m47? I'd like something nice that will last me a long while.

>> No.14463038

oh shit I didnt know people had these already. I have a flair signature, is the pressurised portafilter worth getting as an attachment? Just to play around with

>> No.14463042

I have a flair and a ROK GrinderGC. Not very portable but if its for home then I would definitely consider it. Grinds really quickly and a lot of issues people have with it can be very easily addressed.

>> No.14463048

put the grounds in a mug. Add hot (not boiling) water - think 90 c. Leave it for a while then give it a stir. Leave it again for a few minutes then scrape off the scum from the top with a spoon. Leave it another few minutes and pour it into another mug

>> No.14463138

Honestly, I got my de-longhi for £200 and I've only had to regularly descale it because of London hardwater. Best purchase I've ever brought, fantastic quaility.

>> No.14463151
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Anyone know of any good UK bean subscriptions? Was using Coffee factory but looking to change things up a bit

>> No.14463196

Having a nice electric grinder will make you want to make more coffee than you can drink. Out of all the manual things you can do when making any kind of coffee the least enjoyable aspect is manually grinding.

>> No.14463205

That's my setup in the image. With a good grinder any of the Flairs will make good espresso. With a good electric grinder the entire process of making espresso is a breeze and enjoyable.

>> No.14463206 [DELETED] 
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I like Kaui Coffee Peaberry because I like to support local business and it's nice.

>> No.14463210
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I like Kauai Coffee Peaberry because I like to support local business and it's nice.

>> No.14463295

extract, hasbean, rave and grain and grind.

>> No.14463536
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Thanks man, went for extract in the end

>> No.14463722

Hand grinding is my favorite part of the espresso process. I adjust my grind based on how easy they grind. Very tactile experience.

But not good enough results to not go through 3 machines.
Redclix should be fine. Won't be stepless, but you'll have way more variability than you had.

>> No.14463735

>only drinks instant coffee, normal coffee tastes like ash

It's gotta be SEA. Sounds like Singapore or Malaysia

>> No.14463752

West side?

>> No.14463818

>3 machines
I found I was burning out modded poppers. No big deal.
Went to a Fresh Roast. Glass cracked. Replaced. Glass cracked. Replaced. Glass cracked... because they do that.
Went to something less fragile with a batch size I wanted.
You wanna mount a paint stripper on a swingarm and point it into a burned out bread machine and try to make coffee, I'm not stopping you.

>> No.14463845

>I broke 2 machines that last most people decades

>Always got pretty decent results

I've got a big scoobydoo airpopper thirdhand from the 80s,, Hasn't burned out yet. People are still using westbend poppery 1 and 2s just fine. Not only did you fuck up a basic resistive heating element somehow, you broke a commercial product. Several times. Its user error, nothing more.

>> No.14463857

Nah, the deepest depths of soulless low-income Honolulu concrete boxistan. But I still like to believe I've got a lot more in common with folks on the neighbor islands than mainlanders, y'know?

>> No.14464468

I fucking hate hand grinding, and it fucks with the workflow.

>> No.14464507

>I still like to believe I've got a lot more in common with folks on the neighbor islands than mainlanders, y'know?
I don't know, man. Kauai and Honolulu are pretty different. Sounds like some whataboutism to me.

>> No.14464614
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My family came over when we were still a kingdom. I've never known a life other than this. I visited California once and only found a strange wasteland with mostly callous, overworked folk with whom I shared precious little and who thought of me in terms of stereotypes. Lotta crime and tribalism.

Maybe it is whataboutism, but I'd still prefer to buy local, because this thing of ours is precious. I would probably neck myself if I ever had to endure exile in the mainland. And hey; the coffee's good.

>> No.14464643

Fair enough. I've just never liked Honolulu.

>> No.14464687

I don't like it either. Things are a terrible mess. I'm doing candidate research right now; got my ballot in hand. I hope it gets better, but sometimes it just feels like every politician's a gladhanding special-interests man who talks a good talk until elections are over.

Makes me wish I could get out of this place more often. Maybe see what my buddy up in volcano is doing.

>> No.14464785

Hit the gym. How do you feel about can openers?

>> No.14464796

I don't think it's worth it unless your grinder can't grind well for espresso.

>> No.14464849

I love the taste of coffee but every time I drink it my stomach feels strange and I gag every few minutes for a while after. Is it too hard on my stomach? I have been able to drink it no problem for years, but this has been happening the past few weeks. It's uncomfortable. It's especially bad if I drink alcohol the night before.

>> No.14464851
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Do it like in Costa Rica, a chorreador is basically a sock, so put about a teaspoon and a half of ground coffee in a sock and pour hot water through it. It's very similar to percolator coffee and if you use the same chorreador it gets it's own distinct flavour.

>> No.14464885

Might be the acidity. Try eating some food along with it.

>> No.14464901

pretty cringe to wear a red hat in these times. hope nothing bad happens.

>> No.14464943

What kind? Aeropress with a short wet time will dramatically reduce acidity, but all paper filters will help with the oils that cause heart burn and indigestion.

>> No.14465125

I don't like electric can openers.

My main issue with hand grinders is the workflow.

>> No.14465230
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This would be enjoyable to use.

>> No.14465469

>user error, nothing more
Oh surely. I turned the fan speed down too far, so that I could get the first crack faster. Changes the flavor, you know.
Fresh roast... well, the design was shit. Held too much heat when the roast was done, and when you pull the glass to dump the beans to start cooling... cracking was common at the time.

Popcorn poppers were never meant to be coffee roasters.

>> No.14465655

Cope instantcoffeer, cope.

>> No.14465695

Your freshroast and behmor both use virtually identical resistor based heaters, like a popper. Freshroast and most poppers are a steel coil, newer behmors use twin quartz resistors.

>and when you pull the glass to dump the beans to start cooling

>start cooling

You turn the heater off and leave the fan on...

> Its user error, nothing more.

I want a stance.

>> No.14465699

Pretty natty, i would hire her for duels.

>> No.14466008

Sup lads, got a dripper and manual grinder and want just a good quality, medium-strong coffee bean that I can but in bulk in the UK. Any suggestions?

>> No.14466071

>Good quality
>Buy in bulk
Unless you've got a large household, your coffee's going to go stale by the time you've gone through a large bag of coffee. In Burgerland, the good quality coffee is usually sold in 340g bags, for about $10-$15 a pop.

>> No.14466220

Legend, cheers mate

>> No.14466303
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Is Dear Green out of Glasgow good? I read somewhere that the owner refuses to roast beyond medium because she doesn't believe coffee should taste bitter. That seems like the right idea, but I haven't had the chance to taste it myself.

>> No.14466832

Cooling in the freshroast was retaining too much heat. Carryover was doing things I didn't like.
Dump for quality.

>> No.14466871

Dump to break 6 borosilicate, heat resistant chambers. Between the freshroast, all your fuckups, and the behmor, how deep are you? How much money could you have spent on beans and getting better? Its almost like the usta 3s I know who spend hours researching the latest racquets, tweaking and changing their strings and tension, and still serve about 45mph.

>> No.14467024

Coffee is a drug that appeals to the most pretentious people on earth. They have a name for it: cafe society.

>> No.14467880


It's Anglo coffee culture. It's the reason why all the tables are taken up by college fucks. I want to open up a coffee shop with tiny tables bolted down, no Wi-Fi, no power outlets, and all coffee drinks are espresso based.

>> No.14467902

Blue Bottle has no wifi, no outlets, and no group sitting to chase away these leeches.

>> No.14467941
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Gween tea.

>> No.14468161

>tfw I have washed heirloom from Guji, Ethiopia coming in mail soon

>> No.14468878

sounds pretty based - I never roast to 2nd crack or beyond. Might give them a go

>> No.14468881

good idea. Wish I had somewhere like this nearby. Closest thing I have is an espresso bar where there is pretty much only bar seating

>> No.14468956

By Anglo, do you mean USAian?
Cos I would love the cafe you described...

>> No.14469516


>> No.14469590

They get good reviews from what I've seen. Will use them at some point tbqh.

>> No.14469596
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I think I like Talormade a lot less now after finding out their roastmaster looks like this.

>> No.14469653

I think every Western toastmaster looks something like Wojak anon

>> No.14469798

I wonder how Folgers would work in my cold brew pitcher

>> No.14469881

I like eight o clock for my cheap coffee.

>> No.14470135
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Americans, Australians, Canadians, and the British, all seem to have this idea that spending more than 10 minutes at a coffee place isn't obnoxious.

I have no idea about finances, but I like the idea for a business. There's a lot of working people who want good coffee sans the pretense and inconvenience.

Never heard of them.

>> No.14470222

Picked up one from an auction cheap, like 100USD, if you can get it for that price it's worthwhile. But the grinder isn't really suited to just grinding a bunch of beans, 'cause the way it's set up it spits out exactly enough to fill the cup, then stops. So, if you have a french press, then you need another grinder, and you can see the problem. If you only want this machine though, it's a pretty decent model.

>> No.14470255

> He doesn't have any friends to grab a coffee with

>> No.14470422

We are nothing compared to Asians.
Koreans will spend days on end in the same coffee shop. They will buy a cheap iced Americano and use the coffee shop as a hub to charge their computer and phone while studying. The small goshiwon rooms and cost of electricity makes coffee shops more affordable than staying at home.

>> No.14470444

That's not because they love coffee, it's because they're broke and it's a weird loophole in the system that poverty has exposed. I fully expect those sorts of places to show up in the west soon.

>> No.14470488
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Face it m8, obnoxious intellectuals lingering in coffeehouses fueled the Enlightenment all over Europe.

>> No.14470522

I saw a video about a french coffee house / laundromat yesterday. Real interesting idea. With the right retail space and corresponding neighborhood clientele, I can see how it would be extremely successful. Pop in, drop off your laundry, grab a coffee, come back to flip it over, eat a muffin while it dries.

>> No.14470560
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>french market
I actually just bought this cause it was on sale and they didn't have Du Monde. Never had chicory coffee mix before but its good. Its rich but not bitter at all. Though I make it a little stronger than regular coffee in my French press to bold it up. It makes a thicc brew that holds up well to cream.
I see not that flavor, but brand in publix. I'll give it a go next time I see it.

>> No.14471388
File: 37 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee with some homemade blueberry milk

>> No.14472430

A lot of cafes in Seoul don't have Wi-Fi and have tiny ass tables that you can't safely balance a laptop on because of this. Customers still come because most people value not having to be in the same space as entitled students (who will take up entire tables with books from morning to store closure but never actually study) and the basically homeless (who do the same thing and pretend to be students) over the minor inconvenience of having to use cellular data while they sip their coffee.

>> No.14472763

I will second this, gesha is pretty good but not quite up to the hype worth it to at least say you tried it though.

>> No.14472787
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>roaster claims blend is "bright and complex"
>it's actually a mix of Vienna and full French beans

Why do they always lie like this?

>> No.14472839

Because people like you buy it.

>> No.14472849

About $350 in, covering the 3 modded poppers, freshroast (parts replaced under warranty), and behmor.
Thanks for your concern.
Fuck off. My coffee is fine.

>> No.14472911

commodity coffee businesses masquerade as specialty roasters- the marketing is enough to fool most people. research products before buying

>> No.14472933

Doubt it. Everyone on homeroasters knows behmors are trash.

>> No.14472937

that's actually a pretty cheap geisha. geisha has a good reputation because of two or three farms and the good stuff is much more expensive. it might very well be a decent coffee, but it won't be the mindblowing experience of a top lot from Hacienda Esmeralda or La Palma Y El Tucan.

>> No.14474281


>> No.14474309
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I swear it's literally impossible to fuck up an aeropress cup

I could piss in it and my coffee would still come out tasting decent. How did frisbee man do it?

>> No.14474527

Is the Baratza Sette 270 a good match with the Gaggia Classic Pro? I got about $500 I can put into a grinder.

>> No.14474551
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Coffee in a waffle cup

>> No.14474556

I do, but I don't linger unless there's hardly anyone else around.

>> No.14474576

Is it really a bad thing to linger in a coffee shop? I'll sometimes kick back and read for a couple hours and have a few drinks. It's nice to get out of the house and enjoy a change of scenery.

>> No.14474773

I won't linger if it's busy. Otherwise I see no issue.

I've been to coffee shops where all the tables are taken up by laptop-people, seating that would've accommodated multiple people taken up by one person for hours, people rushing to drop their bags to save a table then order, people rush past pregnant women to beat them to a table, and plenty of other egregious things.

But lingering is nice on slow days.

>> No.14474790

Don't yet captialists make it so you can't exist anywhere without spending money

>> No.14474886

Yes. The worst part is that, it brainwashes people into thinking the need of the capital is their own need and get mad at people not spending money even when they aren't going to make any money themselves from those people spending or not spending money and thus have no stake in it.

>> No.14475632
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oh man so right
anyway, can't wait to crash at your place for as long as I like for free

see u soon bud!

>> No.14476614

I dont't think the owner would mind either if you order 2 or 3 coffees and something to eat during that time.
That's how you make regular customers nowadays I guess.

Now that I have a laptop I'm praying to be able to do it anytime soon, it's been a while since I could enjoy a good cup of coffee in a good place.

>> No.14477550

If you see Hoffman's old aeropress recipe you can get sour, under extracted coffee. 15g/200g for 1 minute was not pleasant. His 18g/90g for 90 seconds is my go to every morning.
Havent tried frisbee man recipe with nicer coffee yet.
Go to aeropress recipes? Should I go through champion recipes?

>> No.14477859

Does anyone unironically drink coffee before going to sleep?

>> No.14478617

All the damn champion recipes use 25-35 grams of coffee for a cup and a refractometer to measure the tds so I don't bother with them in the morning

>> No.14479759

Use the recipe that comes with the fucking box. Every retard likes to post their own recipes, the owner made the best one and put it in the box for you.

1 scoop, fill with hot water to the number 1 line, press. Top up concentrate with hot water.

>> No.14479766

Sugar fags, doubtful any1 drinks coffee black

>> No.14479785

? coffee is best black

The only time you should be putting sugar in coffee is if it's instant and you need to curb the stale, bitter flavours or if you're having a Starbucks style coffee. Flat whites are acceptable with sugar too.

>> No.14480484


>> No.14480843

The inventor is a boomer who uses his filters 80 times, i ignore everything he says about making coffee with it.

>> No.14480851

>do people actually like coffee or just drink it because your supposed to

I drank it at first because I needed caffeine in the mornings and thought it was more healthy than /sips/, didn't like the taste much. But I definitely developed a taste for it over time and like it a lot now.

>> No.14480879

>coffee is best black

People who say this as if it's some sort of objective fact probably also think putting ice or a splash of water in whisky ruins it

>> No.14480894

again, wrong, because both of those things are proven to chemically alter the whiskey positively and allow you to taste it better

you sound like an insecure faggot who is mad people roast him for putting half n half in his nespresso

>> No.14480953


Yeah I'm definitely the one who sounds insecure here. Not you, the guy crying about how upset he is that other people don't drink their coffee the "right" way. Lol

>> No.14480967

Ice does ruin it tbqh. For me anyway - it kills the flavour. I'll add water if it needs it (some at 60% need it, some don't).

>> No.14480977


Right, that's your personal taste, which is fine. I'm talking about the fags who think their way of drinking whisky, coffee, or whatever is objectively superior and anyone who has different preferences is a worthless pleb.

>> No.14481059

How do I adjust my coffee brew?
I’m using a Baratza grinder and a chemex and my brew comes out a tad bit bitter. I’m using some medium roast beans with a 1:15 ratio

Ideally I want more of the coffee flavor with the same amount of strength

>> No.14481143

If it's a burned flavor, reduce water temperature. Otherwise maybe try a slightly more coarse grind. If it's still bad, try different beans.

>> No.14481795

hot water won't cause a burned flavor. That will ONLY come from over roasting

>> No.14482212

I love when people just outright tell you they have no clue what they're talking about. Saves alot of time.

>> No.14482969

Be careful with Baratza quality. I just got my 270 replaced on warranty.

>> No.14482991
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For me, it's the Dunkin Donuts Original Blend. I've tried nearly every kind in the store, and all different roasts from around the world from some specialty roasters too. I come back to the Dunk every time though, you just can't beat it. This is the perfect roast and blend.

>> No.14484510


>> No.14485561


>> No.14485721
File: 11 KB, 128x128, shimmy bowsa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u ok bro

>> No.14485875
File: 950 KB, 2400x2400, Petes coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some of this. It is pretty bad but its economical. Make a large batch at night and put it in the fridge for iced coffee in the morning

>> No.14486197
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Besides being in Florida, fine.

>> No.14486207


Different coofers.

>> No.14487053

Ney, it is I, the one and only, coof.

>> No.14487323

hard for nogs to fuck up what is basically tea

>> No.14487645

Hello /ctg/

I recently got a french press and a grinder, and I want to calibrate my method to get the best out of what I have.
As far as I can tell, I can make the grind coarser or finer, or I can adjust the ratio of water to coffee.
Which is best to adjust first?

>> No.14487693

Lowercase coof def wasn't you. You were slacking.

>> No.14487831 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14487841

Hoffman method

>> No.14487958

Ok /pol/ redpill me on a coffee machine with or without grinder (in that case please suggest me one of them) to make the best Italian espresso of my life*. Only espresso, nothing else.

Total budget 500€ to 1000€ only if it’s worth the money.

>> No.14487997

Handgrinder +manual press. We're talking kinu, apollo bplus, maybe commandante +redclix, and a flair or robot. Might be able to push your grinder a bit further by going secondhand.

>> No.14489097
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Do you guys recommend any inexpensive coldbrew grinds that i can buy online? How long can i store a sealed bag?

>> No.14489982

Kinu grinders are great, only catch is it's kind of hard to find them in stock right now.

>> No.14490764


>> No.14492102
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Cold brews come in bottles or cans

>> No.14492787
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but i want to brew it myself

>> No.14494113


>> No.14495126
File: 1.68 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200731_173103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmmmmmm coof

>> No.14495139

I like to use Folger in my Moka pot.

>> No.14495189

That is a very cute image. Have a nice day!

>> No.14495453

any recommendations for a relatively cheap way to make espresso? i'm thinking a moka pot but i'm not sure on what to get as i've only ever used a drip maker for regular coffee
i know that making it myself is way cheaper than anything i can get on my college campus, but i'd prefer to not break the bank on expensive espresso machines right now

>> No.14495789

Coffee grinder, bialetti, water, stove, coffee beans. That's it. Don't waste any more money than that - espresso machines are a gimmick.

>> No.14495828

that's the one i was looking at, thanks anon

>> No.14495892


>> No.14495933

You won't make espresso with this. You can still make a good coffee though

>> No.14495945 [DELETED] 

Is this overkill?


We’re a family of 4

>> No.14496478



>> No.14496641

my budget is a fair bit lower than that other anon you linked, i don't really mind if it's not technically espresso like that one anon said, as close as i can get for cheap is good enough
as a broke college student, a $33 moka pot and the cheapest grinder i can find is probably the best option i have on my budget

>> No.14496670
File: 1.77 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200731_235159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you allowed to have an electric coil stove in your dorm room? I know for a fact you're allowed to have a kettle. That gets you legitimate espresso. You could go the cheap fgr route for a while and go with the pressurized flair basket and get away without a grinder until you can shell out for it.

My camera settings are fucked. Might just be my phone processor dying desu. Ill try a new gcam apk in the morning I guess. Photos look like shit.

>> No.14496700
File: 1.83 MB, 2592x1944, 00000IMG_00000_BURST20200801000127929_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better. Monteblanco purple caturra nat.

>> No.14496718

i'm actually just moving out of on-campus housing into my own place real soon, i didn't really bother with making my own coffee the past 2 years since i didn't have a kitchen and any appliance that had a heating element other than an electric kettle was banned
i have a full kitchen now and can make coffee using pretty much any method within budget, so i want to get back into drinking/making my own instead of overpriced bullshit on campus especially since half of the places are probably going to be closed anyways
it's probably better for me to just get some cheap shit like cafe bustelo or store-branded dark roast grinds until i figure out how to brew well using the moka pot before i go and buy a grinder or any fancier equipment/beans

>> No.14497078

The sooner you buy things you aren't going to replace, the longer you go between upgrades. Spend your money wisely, do a nice little cursory search of your secondhand market/coffeeswap over on reddit.

>> No.14497390

that's pretty nuts. I'm in Japan and I get indonesian beans sometimes - they're pretty good and not so pricey

>> No.14497396

if you live near IKEA you could get a french press
they're like 7 bucks

>> No.14497400

I use a moka pot. There's no problem with moka pots in my opinion. it's not quite espresso but its equally as good imo.

and if youre going to mix it with milk or whatever then its essentially the same as espresso imo

>> No.14497402

oh, and i dont recommend cheaping out on the grinder. i bought an $8 (800jpy) chinese one and it broke after a couple months. Just get a $20 one if you can afford it and itll last you forever

>> No.14497505


Sorry coffeegay, you're just not going to convince me you know anything about gina.

>> No.14498014

Waffle cup

>> No.14498041
File: 41 KB, 910x690, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got one of those coffee subscriptions which has been pretty ok so far but this stuff they just sent me is gross. just tastes like burnt coffee and it leaves this like sludge at the bottom of the cup if i leave it too long

>> No.14498448

is an aero press good or just a meme? im using afrnch press right now and want to try more stuff

>> No.14498507

you can make good coffee with it, i like it more than the french press, easy to clean, good for traveling also.

>> No.14498822

Entirely a meme with leftover frisbee plastic. For years designer didn't understand he couldn't leech bpa into your cup. Used by americans and fat europeans exclusively.

>> No.14498899

PT is my least favorite of all the roasters I've been through
Not a fan of subscriptions, I just try whoever offers a free shipping promo but have a few roasters I stick to.

>> No.14499563

>bag label
>very dark roast
>heavy body
>no indication of where the beans were grown or processed before being shipped to the roaster
>tells you the roaster just bought the cheapest, shittiest green coffee beans on the market and roasted them to charcoal so that the defects can no longer be tasted due to every flavor that's not bitterness getting burnt off
>"why do I hate this???"

>> No.14499769

>falling for the smart scale meme

>> No.14499791

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