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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 158 KB, 600x357, 1396156637485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14482583 No.14482583 [Reply] [Original]

ITT basic shit you fucked up for way too long before realising it.

I only just bothered reading the instructions on a pack of ramen for the first time in years and it says to cook the noodles in plain water, drain then add the flavor powder to the noodles. I looked up several brands and they all say that. I've been doing wrong for almsot two decades, I've always put the flavor packets in the water to make a broth.

Also I only recently learned that you're supposed to only eat the beans in edamame pods. I always though they were just shitty beer snacks.

>> No.14482605

What does this pic mean

>> No.14482619

It's variations of a simple cookie recipe if you alter it a bit.

>> No.14482681

I've never been able to make a decent pizza dough, it always comes out chewy.

>> No.14482749
File: 479 KB, 709x709, 1593580381752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much sesame oil first time using it. killed the flavor on my general tso chicken, but it was fixed with garlic salt. another time i left gumbo out on the stove too long because i heard you could leave it out over night. had to throw all of it out.

my first month of learning how to cook was full of shit like this.

>> No.14482802

i have this pic related. super important stuff.

>> No.14482809

try not really mixing your dough

also, you dont need sugar or oil for dough

>> No.14482857

I still add too much sesame oil on accident sometimes. It's potent.

>> No.14482938

That's good anon, everyone should have it. Super important stuff

>> No.14483211

I once thought it would be a good idea to make ramen only using beef stock and it made me piss out my ass for a solid 3.5 hours

>> No.14483899


Make it sloppy wet, use only a little bit of yeast and keep it in the fridge for like 4 days. The extra water will make turn to steam when you bake it leaving it more crispy. Keeping it in the fridge will relax the gluten so it's not so chewy.

>> No.14484067


>> No.14484074

why follow the directions on packaging when you can be creative

>> No.14484340

I still to this day fucking suck at cracking eggs, about 50% of the time I get shell in and a good 10-20% I break the yoke. I dunno what it is or what I'm doing wrong, I've tried one hard hit, many light taps, everything in-between, edge of the pan, on the flat, everything I'm just retarded

>> No.14484347

>using the salt packet
don’t do this

>> No.14484641

i didn't use water. i only used beef stock which is extremely concentrated and my stomach couldn't handle it.

>> No.14484701
File: 87 KB, 700x604, 1574851840654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I looked up several brands and they all say that.
Not all of them. Maruchan and Nissin at least neither have you drain the water. Ramen is supposed to have broth. What brands were you looking at?

>> No.14484710


>image shows a bunch of cookies without any control cookie

What the fuck is even the point?

>> No.14484713

You might not be making it thin enough. Don't overwork it either.

>> No.14484740


>I only just bothered reading the instructions on a pack of ramen for the first time in years and it says to cook the noodles in plain water, drain then add the flavor powder to the noodles. I looked up several brands and they all say that. I've been doing wrong for almsot two decades, I've always put the flavor packets in the water to make a broth.

I did this when I was a kid. Didn't bother reading the instructions until my mid 20s.


Your oven is probably too cool. Just crank the oven up to the max temp.

>> No.14484788

>I only just bothered reading the instructions on a pack of ramen for the first time in years and it says to cook the noodles in plain water, drain then add the flavor powder to the noodles. I looked up several brands and they all say that. I've been doing wrong for almsot two decades, I've always put the flavor packets in the water to make a broth.

I just checked the 2 brands of ramen I had (nissin and maruchan) and those say to add the powder to the water you cooked the noodles in. In fact, I had been adding the powder to just the noodles for years until someone told me that wasnt right

>> No.14484866

shouldn't this pic have a control cookie to compare to?

>> No.14484940
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 180649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know hot cocoa packets? you're not supposed to just dump it in and stir but, rather, slowly pour in while consistently stirring. i didn't realize until i actually looked at the instructions, either. if you do it like that, it mixes all much smoother

>> No.14485103
File: 19 KB, 500x451, 1442476988920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chilling your dough for a whole day before baking

>> No.14485124

This works for dumping any powder into any liquid, brainlet
I sincerely hope this was ironic

>> No.14485154

make a double batch and save some for later

>> No.14485235

yeh i've been doing it for baking my whole life but for some reason never thought about it with hot cocoa

>> No.14485306

At some point I wanted to make a mushroom chicken risotto. It was my first time so I wasn't trying to archive some gourmet standard or whatever. I thought "I'm not making my own stock, that's for sure. And surely I don't need to go to the shop to buy litres of packaged stock, I'll just use stock powder." unfortunately I forgot manufacturers make their stock powder like 95% salt so it's cheaper. It was basically inedible, it was so salty.

>> No.14485352

melted butter master race

>> No.14485407

Place your hand face-down on the table along with your elbow. Lift your hand all the way up keeping your wrist and elbow on the table. Relax your muscles entirely and let gravity slap your hand back down. That's about how hard your should be cracking your egg on a FLAT surface. Only need one tap. Two if you're starting out or messed up

>> No.14485525

Yeah the double-boiler method is pretty common. wanna know a great drink? mix a pack of swiss miss and a scoop of instant coffee

>> No.14485537

You add too much sesame oil BY accident. Why do so many retards make that grammatical error? Nobody ever says they do things "on mistake."

>> No.14486136

Neither of these are sold where I shop but I'm in a small canadian city.

>> No.14486190

Well, you should keep that in mind more for these kinds of thoughts.
American pop culture almost universally refers to ramen as these two brands.

>> No.14486220

>age 16 or something
>just get into cooking, want to make tonkatsu for my family
>spend ages prepping the pork, seasoning as perfectly as I could and trying to create a nice, even thickness
>start heating oil
>wait a stupid amount of time until I get impatient and put the meat in before it boils
>remove a few minutes later
>used olive oil and didnt know shit about boiling points
>got really upset and mum had to console me1

>> No.14486288

I have two plastic scoops my mom always used to call measuring teaspoon and tablespoon. She gave me a new set when I moved out so I kept using them. A couple years later a friend was baking brownies here for a party, he asked for my measuring spoons so I took them out and he looked at me weird. Turns out they're way bigger than a tsp and tbsp. Everything always tasted great and I measure more sensitive stuff by weight so it's never been a problem.

>> No.14486367

I add less water than recommended and add the seasoning while it boils. However, I boil the noodles until 100% of the water is absorbed into the noodles. I learned this from real Korean and Japanese people.

>> No.14486402

One sharp tap on a rounded (not flat or thin) edge like the edge of the counter, sink or stove.

>> No.14486409

for me it's /both/

>> No.14486413

Bullshit dude, you're supposed to add the flavor powder while the noodles are simmering in the water.

>> No.14486436

Based. I'm also granulated sugar.

>> No.14486507

English is a highly nuanced language anon.

>> No.14486834

Every single time I roast a chicken it fucking sucks
Drives me up a wall

>> No.14486857

All brown sugar melted butter and baking soda is the winning combo

>> No.14486859

This. Slow rising and fermenting the dough in the fridge is top tier.

>> No.14486978

I don't have an issue with chicken in particular but I know that feeling of doing something over and over and not being happy with the results...

>> No.14486990

Congratulations on making a grammatical error, dipshit. Wouldn't care otherwise, but you've proven to be a raging faggot that can't handle conversation.

>> No.14487695

Half butter/half Crisco makes for softer cookies

>> No.14487734

>I've always put the flavor packets in the water to make a broth
In some thats actually correct. Depends on whether or not its a soup, or just noodles.

>> No.14488582

Is this legit? You're supposed to boil the water out?

>> No.14488660

Well you gotta put only just enough water to cook them or else they get all soggy and gross

>> No.14488685

faggots detected

>> No.14488713

cope harder

>> No.14488761

Pizza should always be almost-burnt, you probably grew up on bowling alley pizza where the cheese is horribly undercooked and white as snow.