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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14537360 No.14537360 [Reply] [Original]

you know, i think the absolute worst thing about dating recently is that i've learned the majority of women (or maybe just people?) do not have a fucking clue how to cook whatsoever. at first it was kind of amusing, like a "oh, well i'll cook for you! we'll learn!" but they end up complaining, not wanting to wash dishes, and otherwise give up and just want to order takeout. it genuinely makes me angry at this point, and one of the first things i ask to filter someone out is what their favorite food to cook is or something along those lines.

is this only happening to me?

>> No.14537378

that's just the free market in action. women have a monopoly on the supply of sex (a product in very high demand) which means they can charge whatever the fuck they want for it, provide shitty customer service, and still get away with it.

>> No.14537387

It's a result of tv dinners, chain resturaunts, and fast food dominating food culture while school budgets get cut and Home Economics gets removed from the curriculum.

Modern Americans don't know how to cook wholesale. Our government and economic system has made us fat and unskilled.

>> No.14537398

first off, something we are all guilty of here. dont be too autistic about knowing how to cook

that said, i think everyone is the world should know the basics and it shits me up the wall when people cant cook a basic thing or are flat out unwilling to prep, cook and clean in order to feed themselves
my brother will live off things already portioned or can be quickly assembled. so its primarily sandwiches, cheese toasties or a plate of sausage&eggs
this fucking baffles me sometimes because its it even easier to rough dice some potato, oil & season with whatever you got and roast for 10-15

>> No.14537401

all of those things have existed for 70+ years
this is by no means a modern phenomenon

>> No.14537404

i can appreciate the sentiment behind not wanting to sperg over cooking, but how can i feel anything but frustration when a girl i'm seeing expresses interest in learning to cook but then acts like a child throughout the whole process?

>> No.14537425

people do that cause it seems like work that could easily be someone else problem
having convenience products have made people lazy
i think the best way to ingrain new life habits, like cooking and housecraft, is to make it fun
well at least that how im teaching myself to cook well
i put on a podcast and an apron
tidy the kitchen as a workspace
set my gear up and read the recipe
collect ingredients
prep cook
i try to have an active flow to it, taking appropriate breaks to have some tea or when to tidy up before moving on, and that helps me find the whole process easier, and therefore more enjoyable
so yeah, put on some music, make it a game and lots of positive reinforcement

>> No.14537432

i find myself annoyed by the idea that i have to set up "positive reinforcement" for a woman. i'm not dating children here, so why do i need to treat them like so? music during cooking is good though. i let my last date play DJ while i cooked us some soup

>> No.14537452

i understand what you mean by not wanting to treat them like a child, and agree
but i still think that the best learning environment is a positive one
so while youre not babysitting a child, you are actively dating someone
if they are resistant to learning anything new and are lazy. then fuck 'em, not worth the time

>> No.14537454

They're also extremely fussy. They always have some random list of shit they *absolutely* can't stand like fuckin onions or rice or tomato. How do you grow up and not immediately feel shame at saying "oh I can't eat that"? They may as well be children at that point, literally every last bit of interest in seeing them is completely gone.

>> No.14537459


1. Cooking is a high effort pass time, not a lot of people give a shit unless they actually enjoy doing it, and cooking with another person is NEVER fun.

2. Women have the subconscious belief that cooking is "sexist" due to decades of stigma against the "traditional housewife" stereotype, so most who aren't right of center have little interest in it and are probably offended that you expected them to.

>> No.14537464

Many women think like children, they have the habits and mannerisms of children. It's rare to find one who isn't to some degree.

>> No.14537468

I think that's how most people do it anyway. You enjoy cooking because it's an enjoyable process for you. If you didn't no amount of ingredient preparedness would help you.
Some people just have no tolerance at all for cooking and never will. They don't care enough to work on their technique so their attempts will always be shit compared to their expectations, and because of the convenience of simply buying a meal - or having someone buy it for you, which women are already accustomed to when eating with a date.

>> No.14537469

Men have the patience,discipline and cooperation to be great cooks. 50% science 50% Art. Anyone who says Cooking is for women have a casserole hag that cooks for them.