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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1300x865, 94112867-cooking-asian-woman-housewife-in-the-kitchen-making-healthy-food-with-vegetables-diet-dinner-at-home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14608790 No.14608790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it gay for a man to cook? or have we moved past that as a society in the year 2020? what's your opinion on the matter?


>> No.14608798

nice projection faggot

>> No.14608802

it's an honest question, anon. you didn't even read the thread

>> No.14608809

>not cooking a meal with the homies

>> No.14608810

I'm a man
I cook
I'm attracted to women

>> No.14608815


>> No.14608822


It was never gay for a man to cook. Men have been cooking since the caveman days, and those men were so manly and straight they cooked the giant mammoths they kill with nothing but rocks and sticks in order to provide for his WIFE and kids.

>> No.14608823

That doesn't mean cooking isn't gay, which it is.

>> No.14608826
File: 99 KB, 1300x957, cooking-asian-woman-housewife-kitchen-making-healthy-food-cooking-asian-woman-housewife-kitchen-making-healthy-food-110064752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traditionally, cooking was seen as a woman's job. now lots of men cook. the question still stands - is cooking gay? is it a woman's job?
i cook for myself because i'm poor and it's cheaper but i'm still hesitant to really learn to cook because i still view it as a womanly interest. am i just a backwards, bigoted homophobe?

>> No.14608827

i would like to know, what about chopping onions and putting them on your burger is homosexual?
i didnt suck a cock. i didnt get fucked in the ass. my cock wasnt sucked. i didnt fuck in the ass. no one got jerked off. and i didnt kiss another man.
what is homosexual about it?

>> No.14608828

No gays are usually shit cooks or don't cook at all. Cooking is a skill and an art.

>> No.14608830

At the home women cook, at work men cook.

>> No.14608834
File: 124 KB, 689x652, f6f360eff5b448dcf335573a4cfb4bce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the modern equivalent of that would be hunting and grilling. this is why BBQ is seem as manly and a dad thing. BBQing isn't gay

>> No.14608840

He asked if it's gay, not if it's homosexual. Leave the goalposts where they stand, please.

>> No.14608846
File: 37 KB, 652x437, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He asked if it's gay, not if it's homosexual
What is the difference. Last time I checked, gay was a synonym for homosexual.
According to google, it still is, unless you use the (DATED) definition. which, in that case, yes, cooking is gay. because i feel lighthearted and happy when i cook.

>> No.14608851


You have to suck at least 3 dicks to be a good cook so yes, it is gay.

>> No.14608859

OP here, i too feel lighthearted and carefree when i cook so i guess it is gay. cooking is really easy and pleasant

>> No.14608862
File: 29 KB, 300x213, mcdonalds microwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that why every thread is about fast food here? Because the only non-gay way to eat food is if it hasn't been cooked?

>> No.14608868

>best chefs and restauranteurs are men

>> No.14608869

yes, unironically. i for one am too homophobic to really learn to cook. if you just eat out or eat microwavable dinners it's not gay though

>> No.14608875

God damn. This board finally makes a little bit of sense.

>> No.14608881
File: 613 KB, 498x498, 1536814390046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you're more attractive to women if you can cook, since the only thing they love more than complaining is eating

>> No.14608882

Only in the home; professionally, female cooks haven't really existed in any modern age.

Every restaurant you've ever been to, chances are, it was a full team of male cooks making your food.

It's literally a skill every human being should be capable of, at least at a basic level; you're seen as pathetic by most if you can't.

>> No.14608887
File: 126 KB, 1019x772, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting a w*man in the kitchen

>> No.14608889

>I'm scared to make food that actually tastes good because I might be gay.

This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.14608894

Definitely not gay for a man to cook never has been, you think men solely rely on women to cook for them lmao.

>> No.14608896

Literally anything effeminate that you can do women will like that, because what they want is not a man, but a projection of themselves. The fact remains that cooking is effeminate.

>> No.14608908


>Every restaurant you've ever been to, chances are, it was a full team of male cooks making your food.
yeah true but i've had some kitchen jobs and i hate being stuck in a kitchen so close to other men. seems kind of gay to me

>It's literally a skill every human being should be capable of, at least at a basic level; you're seen as pathetic by most if you can't.
that's true i guess. i've known women who can't even cook eggs though. most women i've know are incompetent at cooking even for themselves and others

true i guess. i bought some garlic and cajun seasoning this week and now my food has flavour. but i don't want to become a recipefag

>> No.14608909

Insecure faggot, straight men do that shit for a living

>> No.14608915

I can smell the incel vibe coming off of you through my computer screen. Have sex.

>> No.14608916

>what they want is not a man, but a projection of themselves
not true, they want power (power is the continuity of self in the other), and women doing effeminate things is proof of women's power over men.

>> No.14608920

>are you a fag or a manbaby that lacks basic skills
guess i like sucking dicks now

>> No.14608925

traditionally it's the woman's job to cook. single men are considered homosexual. men are supposed to be married and have a wife who stays home and cooks

>> No.14608934

>i don't want to become a recipefag

Recipefags can't cook. They follow directions. When you can cook you can wing it and still make something that gets her pussy wet.

>> No.14608937
File: 38 KB, 644x750, bourdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One very virile man lost his life doing that shit for a living.
I think the difference is, if you go for the michelin star-rated chef de cuisine, that's masculine. Many of them kill themselves, that's how challenging it is. But if you're just dabbling, that's gay as fuck.

>> No.14608938

Cooking for the family is obviously a female role most of the time, as the male's role is providing whether that be agricultural labor/hunting or misc modern income. However, all men should still be able to cook for themselves and the family when necessary, and professional cooking is still largely male-dominated.
Basically, men should be able to competently cook for themselves and potential mates until they can settle down with a woman who can do it better, and men should continue to help with cooking but in a secondary role (basically, help your fiance/wife with kitchen prep or just cook together).

>> No.14608944

>Recipefags can't cook. They follow directions.
word and based
making shit up and being creative seems like the fun part of cooking imo

>> No.14608969

why would you want to be a chef though?

>> No.14608974

You'd have to ask the most virile among us. I'm not one of them. I'm a pretty flagrant homosexual by comparison.

>> No.14608978

gay guy here
it isn't gay to cook

>> No.14608980

i'm a virile man and i think that any man who wants to be a chef either has mommy issues or is gay

>> No.14609030

It's not gay, it's just subservient to cook for people and a skill that doesn't get you admiration in todays world. That why i would never cook for girls i barely know. It's only acceptable once you have established yourself as the dominant part in the relationship.

>> No.14609047 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 640x360, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be great to have a mature trans housewife to bend over the stove.

>> No.14609056

Who's this sexy lady?

>> No.14609066

realistic viewpoint

>> No.14609067

If cooking is gay then I'm a really big gay

>> No.14609069

Looking at the pic, Natalie Mats

>> No.14609084


>> No.14609091

>relying on a wom*n to provide one of the basic necessities to life
the chance of you making it is less than 5%

>> No.14609098
File: 112 KB, 640x960, stock-photo-adult-basket-washing-machine-laundry-beautiful-home-sexy-active-housewife-623b8ef8-d297-4e0a-948e-3b8563171cb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no gf
>have to cook for myself
>wash my own clothes
>clean my own place
>make myself coom

just imagine having a housewife who did all those things for you and how awesome that'd be

>> No.14609105

>admitting that there are things that wom*n can do better than you
dropping down a 2% chance of making it anon, you're slipping

>> No.14609108

I would really like a housewife to do all the house things then I could go out and do work to get money then we would be happy together and we would be happy because all the things are taken care of and we can rely on each other to take over when the other is sick.

>> No.14609118
File: 30 KB, 576x448, 94cf61db1dde99e1046ef90a67c6fec8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that they can do it better than me, it's just that they're the ones who are meant to do those things, not men. it's not right to live this way

>> No.14609125

>dealing with subpar things because you don't want to do it and that someone else told you not to
now you've done it, you're NEVER going to make it

>> No.14609129

that's the way things should be, anon. that's the way things are meant to be

>> No.14609138

I just want somebody around to hit when I feel like being cruel. Insulting people on 4chan isn't cutting it for me anymore.

>> No.14609139

>>dealing with subpar things because you don't want to do it and that someone else told you not to
this sentence makes no sense... are you ESL by any chance?

>> No.14609144
File: 30 KB, 552x615, 76a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying traditional gender roles are bad

>> No.14609149

Doesn't that mean like 99% of the things we dabble in are for fags, because we don't achieve any success and notoriety through it. Most things I do just for fun.

>> No.14609152
File: 17 KB, 300x225, a6cde1878363b95fc036c208c565a7ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preparing a hearty, healthy, balanced and tasty meal is not gay. Now, cooking overly intricate recipes for "fun"? I would consider that gay...not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.14609157

Did you respond to the wrong person? I implied no such thing.

>> No.14609162

oh, my bad. thought you were being sarcastic

>> No.14609167


>> No.14609190

I'm a self sufficient man, as my parents raised me to be.

>> No.14609193

But three-star chefs are not subservient. They often tell their richest customers that there are no substitutions.

>> No.14609746

This thread is stupid. Do what the fuck you want.

>> No.14609770

That's the core value of LGBTI culture.

>> No.14609776

Doing your own butler/maid work is overrated. It's also inevitable many cases.

>> No.14609805

being a cook or chef was traditionally a man's job

>> No.14609807

And what's the "core value" of your culture? Deciding how to run your life based on the opinions of randos on 4chan? It's cooking food. Who cares?

>> No.14609825

I can already tell you lack the ability to think critically. I don't believe I have anything to gain from continuing a discussion with you.

>> No.14610045

good thing I'm a boywife or it'd be gay to cook!