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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14656261 No.14656261 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most complicated kitchen appliance you've seen? I want to turn my kitchen into a factory

>> No.14656280
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>> No.14656425

Ngl that looks pretty cool. How are you supposed to use the steamer lid when the grittle isnt recessed? its practically flat

>> No.14656454
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>> No.14656510

ha, reminds me of the dog food or ice maker in bttf or the bullshit thing that the dad in casper made

>> No.14656518

Looks cool, but each part is barely adequate for its intended function.
The toaster oven is too small for most serious toast oveners (4 cramped slices is too small), the coffee maker drips, the griddle is a sad afterthought.

You aren't THAT cramped for space.
Get a 6+ slice toaster oven and a standalone coffee machine.
You can easily cook eggs and sausage in a larger toaster oven.

>> No.14656526

this is genius! my toaster oven puts out sooo much wasted heat through the top... actually not wasted heat, it heats all the spices in the cabinet above them!

>> No.14656537

I store some of my cast iron on top of the toaster oven. I like that it regularly warms it up so there's no moisture issues. I once left a bag of bread too close to it and it melted to the side

>> No.14656776

>most complicated kitchen appliance

Ur mom :)

>> No.14657158

I heard she was pretty easy

>> No.14657212

Why would you need to toast 6 toasts at once? Do you eat cold toasts?

>> No.14657256

Only In bed, she is complicated In the kitchen. Its like she isn't supposed to be there 24/7 waiting on my everywhim until its seksi time :^)

>> No.14657268

my kitchen needs a throughput of at least 6 slices per 2 minutes in order to not run into any stalls further down the line

>> No.14657277


>> No.14657311

honestly that looks comfy as fuck to cook with

>> No.14657315

my sister got one of these things as a gift once and nothing on it worked as intended

>> No.14657394

4 slice toaster ovens are unitaskers. They toast. Too small to do other things.
6+ slice toaster ovens can a lot of other stuff. Bake cakes, cupcakes, muffins, frozen pizzas, hot sandwiches...
4 slices of simultaneous toast is usually adequate, but 6 better suits the needs of my household.

>> No.14657417

If this worked it might be good for space saving in like a camper van or something.

>> No.14657422

stop playing factorio it's melted your brain

>> No.14657434

>Coffee maker

>> No.14658013
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A good kitchen device will do one thing, and do it well.

>> No.14658057
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everyday we stray further from gods light...

>> No.14658108
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That’s pleb mode. Behold... the Thermomix. Straight from Fallout 2 right into this reality.

>> No.14658124

You forgot to mention this thing has 30 functions and costs thousands

>> No.14658148

*broken robocoupe blocks your path*

>> No.14658187
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It's a strong blender with build-in heating components. Pretty cool for soups or sth like that, but at current market price, not worth it in my eyes.

>> No.14659172

Dude, we've had heavily processed salt+grease freezer meals since forever. That at least is going to be fresher and healthier.

>> No.14659247

chitty chitty bang bang in the beginning

>> No.14659838

They're called rube Goldberg machines

>> No.14659888
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>> No.14659950

you're an idiot
the marketing teams of these gimmicky "scan the barcode and it cooks for you XD" are trying to make the consumer believe they are literally incapable of thinking for themselves
they want the consumer to be scared of working without a recipe fed to them on a bluetooth device that will be obsolete in 3 years so they have to buy the newest model and continue the cycle

they could cook for themselves using the same recipes in a conventional toaster/convection oven without the dumb gimmicky shit

>> No.14660185

cant wait until all these smart device companies can no longer afford the operating costs to keep their servers and shit online and begin charging customers to continue to use the products they paid for years ago. Or they'll just go out of business completely and leave you with a paper weight

>> No.14660205

assuming the products themselves will last that long..

>> No.14660504

in bttf it was just a can opener that dumped it into a dog bowl. I wouldn't exactly call that a rube goldberg machine

>> No.14660692


>> No.14660914

juicero already went out of business I don't think they lasted even a year

>> No.14661244

how immeasurably stupid does a person have to be that they can't even set a timer on a device, such as toaster or microwave, but has to scan a QR code that puts in the time for you?

>> No.14661279

Something like this seems to be meant for those really poor fuckers out there who don't even have a kitchen. I know some college/university dorms are still like that, or maybe if you live in a regular car/van.

>> No.14661604

honestly, the tovala doesn't offend me as much as it originally did. my husband saw an ad for it while we were scrolling through instagram together and was like WHOA that's awesome, i totally would have bought one of those when i was a bachelor.
looked it up, and it's only like $300, or $200 if you sign up to buy so many of their meals.
i'm not busy enough or a bad enough cook to justify such a purchase, but someone else out there is, and i can't begrudge them.

>> No.14661624

you and your husband are retards if you excuse the pure laziness of not reading a temperature and time off a box and turning the knob as being a 'bad cook'. even complete retard like your husband should be able to make a tv dinner without a meme scanner built into his fucking toaster

>> No.14661650

lol are you illiterate? i don't want one, i'm a good cook. him, though... poor thing, no knife skills at all.
i'm not referring to the "scan the frozen pizza" function, rather their expensive meal delivery system. good on whoever out there needs it that they're at least trying to eat their chicken and broccoli instead of ordering pizza again.

>> No.14661846

I get it, they're made for complete retards and your husband is so retarded you can understand him buying one

>> No.14662286

>what's the most complicated kitchen appliance you've seen?
I consider dish washing machines and garbage disposals abominations before God
never use them and don't want to either

>> No.14662383

imagine having one next to your bed. you could fuck while eating garbage

>> No.14662387

>or maybe if you live in a regular car/van.
can you heat a pot of soup on the coffee cooker?

>> No.14662425

I used to keep my george foreman grill near the bed until I burned my foot

>> No.14662430

the filter removes all of the nutritious parts of soup

>> No.14662529

It's pretty much the same price as a decent oven and works like one, just with an extra feature for lazy people. So it's hardly a waste.

>> No.14662554

A very good toaster oven of that size is usually around the $100 point.
This particular oven is $299.

Spending triple the money so that it can maybe automatically set the time and temperature for you?

>> No.14662560

are people seriously this lazy to spend $300 over 30 seconds to read some fucking labels on boxes and pushing a couple of buttons?
(((smart))) devices are such a fucking god damn meme holy shit

>> No.14662915

>$300 toaster oven
That shit is like $59 bucks
Or just buy a fucking air fryer if you're afraid of burning your baby fingies

>> No.14662998
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That's what I do while having a 3-some with your mom and sister. Eat one while fucking the other. They're both garbage so it doesn't matter who I fuck and who I eat so we mix it up

>> No.14663115

Is anyone else reminded of that juicer?

>> No.14664076

>if you live in a regular car/van

Then go to a truck stop and spend the $35 on a 12 volt electric lunchbox, just like the truckers have been doing since the '90s.
And also go to walmart and get a butane stove from the camping section, again, like truckers have been doing since the '90s.
Thinking this fragile, underperforming 1500 watt 110 volt appliance is convenient when you need a $300 inverter plus another $200 in installation to power it is a sad fallacy.