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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 457x359, oats2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14757591 No.14757591 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most minimal diet possible? can i live off oats and multivitamins only?

>> No.14757609

That Huel powdered shit probably.

>> No.14757620

>50€ for a week
too expensive

>> No.14757644

potatoes and milk

>> No.14757647

I know of a guy who ate Apples and tuna lol

>> No.14757701

minimal diet or cheapest diet, pick one

>> No.14757705

A bowl of rice a day

>> No.14757708

cheapest then. same thing right? does oats and multis cover all the bases?

>> No.14757714

Sure but why would you?

>> No.14757716

Soylent would probably be the most minimal diet considering it can come premade or in a powder that you add water to

>> No.14757748

36 eggs a day and 2 multivitamins.

>> No.14757825

There's a lot of ways to approach that problem. You have to be more specific.

Doomsday prepper websites are probably the best resource if you're just trying to eat calories and survive. You could also look into MREs for ideas, and even purchase them online. Soylent is a product that you can buy online, but I don't know much about it.

If, however, you like the taste of food, then you need to look at what poor people around the world eat. Bread with butter, potatoes, rice and beans, etc. are almost certainly going to be the result of that research.

Something else to research would be Age of Exploration expeditions such as the Lewis & Clark expedition. They hunted and gathered a lot of what they ate, but you can find the supply lists for the other foods online. Here's one (search the page for "flour"): http://www.lewis-clark.org/article/2977).).

Search for the YouTube channel called "Townsends" if you want to see some of those recipes. Especially the portable soup recipe which the L&C expedition took with them. It's basically Knorr stock pots. The world's greatest and most based living Chef, Marco Pierre White, officially endorses the product.

Speaking of stock pots, adding a bunch of shit to a pot and bringing it to a boil is a legitimate way of feeding yourself and a lot of people throughout history did exactly that. Oatmeal qualifies as well as soups and one-pot pasta dishes. If you desire texture, then I would look into stir fries.

Lastly, you're a faggot.

>> No.14757832

I subsisted for a while on 2 protein shakes and a multivitamin per day, gram per gram its very cost efficient.

>> No.14757833

No you fucking retard. You need fat and protien.

>> No.14757837

Soylent was shut down for health violations and mental retardation years ago anon. Ensure meal replacents still exist though.

>> No.14757843

Based rancid fart and bo anon.

>> No.14757846

Yeah, go for it, at the same time, start buildin a coffin.

>> No.14757851

Snow will keep you alive for 60 days if you don't move

>> No.14757855

He gets protein from oats. All he needs is fat.

>> No.14757857

Marco looks like he's about to hang himself in those stock cube videos

>> No.14757862

can i just buy olive oil for that?

>> No.14757866

Does pouring hot water on oats destroy their healthy benefits ? For digestion and vitamins and shit ?

>> No.14757870

Oats aren't a complete protein.

>> No.14757875

what is then? tuna?

>> No.14757946

I actually don't get the infamous protein farts, not sure why.

>> No.14758152

Add chia seed or banana to the oats.

>> No.14758284

Soylent is still in operation and you can buy their pap. They did get hit with health violations years ago, though.

>> No.14758454

Pure butter/oil when you somehow don't puke, but peanuts + supplements is probably the cheapest way.

>> No.14758508
File: 259 KB, 1533x2048, fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my diet minimalist enough? top part is my flatmate's

>> No.14758514
File: 482 KB, 483x644, hyller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also have chicken legs and vegetables in the freezer

>> No.14758548

The four hour body guy had something like lentils and chicken breast only. I don't remember the details only that my ex made me make it for him for a while.

>> No.14758614

Black beans, Milk, Meat, and Peppers. Could probably just make it in a big pot of you wanna minimize it that much.

>> No.14758623

Imma try this

>> No.14758628

Just eat Quinoa and a multivitamin. The former has all the amino acids people need.

>> No.14758682

Christian bale

>> No.14758744

dehydrated soi protein

eggs are based as a minimalist protein source
just don't eat too many of the yolks

>> No.14758783

Cholesterol is a myth

>> No.14758811

Add beans root-fruits and fruits to that, and berries.

Lingonberries, cloudberries, blueberries ...

>> No.14758971

It's his choice.

>> No.14759098

>€200 a month for food is expensive
What shithole do you live in?

>> No.14759102

Right now I spend about 130€

>> No.14759117
File: 5 KB, 250x229, 1599341071432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs or milk, then supplement with multivitamins. Maybe some bread or potatoes for extra calories and to fill your stomach.

Remember, eggs and milk are the two, true superfoods: their very purpose is to sustain a life, as the sole source of nutrition, during the most formative stages of life.

>> No.14759379
File: 40 KB, 828x421, 1596648874762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pb in the fridge

>> No.14759388


Rice and beans form a complete protein.

It's what poor people have survived on for centuries, and you don't get sick of them if you do different types of seasoning, beans and rice combinations.

>> No.14759584

My brother has eaten nothing but bread and margarine for over 6 months. The margarine may have run out some time ago though.

>> No.14759588

How is he doing mentally/physically? Why is he doing it

>> No.14759593

I heard that mashed potatoes gives you everything you need except Vitamin D so just take your ass outside.

>> No.14759609

No you cannot, OP. Even Ensure isn't going to do it all.
Follow the food pyramid. You need more than grains and multivitamins, but meat, fruit and veggies too, and some of the right fats.
If it's a matter of budget, do the mexican diet, or indian diet, and just pay attention to good stocks and cheaper cuts, and more beans, and homemade flatbreads.

>> No.14759720

No one knows. I've been feeding him for 3+years now. He's been in our grandmother's house for 5 years. The first 2 years he had money from stealing a life insurance policy our mother left me. Once it was obvious he ran out of cash I got a couple of his childhood friends to reach out to him and that's when I started leaving food. They told they think he was stealing food from their houses. He stopped talking to them a little over a year ago before he could get called out on his behaviour.
No one has seen him sneak out of the house in a year or more. I used to feed him well but now I mostly just leave bread. I dropped off 19 lbs of margarine this summer. He has to have scurvy and every other disease of malnutrition by now.

>> No.14759800

Is he mentally ill? Why don't you get him into therapy or something? Do you hate him or do you enjoy his autistic behaviour?

>> No.14760059

>Is he mentally ill?
His behaviour is extreme but he's never been diagnosed with mental illness. He's hikikomori, he's always been like this there's just no one left for him to mooch off of anymore. He didn't use any of the money he stole from me to pay the property tax on the house he's in, it was going to be up for tax auction but I paid the back taxes.
>Why don't you get him into therapy or something?
I could press charges for the money he stole but I don't have anyone to help me with him. He's right next door to me and he has a history of violence and messing with people's property. He has nothing to lose and he could burn everything down. I can't watch this place all the time I have to go to work. His childhood friends were talking about calling adult protective services on him but that was just before the lockdown.
>Do you hate him or do you enjoy his autistic behaviour?
He's a monster who makes everyone around him miserable one way or another. I'll be relieved when he's gone. He can't stay alive forever just eating bread.

>> No.14760090

lmao just call the police

>> No.14760111

Oats are around 18% fat. You don't need more than that.

And "complete proteins" are a myth.

>> No.14760169

>all these big pharma reps recommending scam ((multivitamins))

They're at best placebo. At worst they actively harm you.

The most minimal diet you could survive off long term without suffering nutritional deficiencies, and be relatively healthy would be imo some sort of dairy product and some sort of carb. So something like milk + potatoes, or cheese + bread. Or oats cooked with milk. Add eggs if you can afford. You may need to supplement with salt.

>> No.14760334
File: 528 KB, 1200x2049, 1479793493890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and eggpilled

>> No.14760583

Just learn how to cook, it isn't that hard

>> No.14760959


>> No.14761010
File: 54 KB, 695x316, 25 eggs a day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>[Pre-mixed and expensively-packaged meal replacement].
>["Plausibly cheap"].
Protein powders, vitamins, minerals, and oils are some $97/mo. for 150g. protein / 2k Cals dieting.

The website has it at $3.25 / bottle, at 400 Cals., which is ~$487.50/mo. ..Not that only getting "20% DV" is actually anywhere near optimal..


"It's not that vague or complicated." Fundamentals such as "essential nutrients" are already documented..

Omega 3.

Oats aren't very "healthy". E,g, >>14757870

Tuna is expensive and has mercury.

Not very much.

>> No.14761015
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (edited).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761023
File: 309 KB, 916x1262, nutrition - protein-updated; ~$97 per month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761028
File: 375 KB, 948x1388, PS; Keto_VLC; WL; Some Sweeteners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761032

Modernism was a mistake

Thanks for the new tripcode to add to my filter

>> No.14761050
File: 138 KB, 340x482, 1598921516666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the way. Can't believe how far down I had to scroll before I found someone who isn't retarded.

>> No.14761302
File: 70 KB, 736x634, Screenshot_44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Not a specific criticism or argument].


>> No.14761424

Heh fucking hell there really isn't a recipe is there?

>> No.14761427

Are you from Norway you heathen?

>> No.14761454

didn't some college kid get mercury poisoning doing this

>> No.14761460


just eat the best quality eggs and olive oil, multivitamins are garbage, the best source of vitamins is real food

>> No.14762136

>multivitamins are garbage, the best source of vitamins is real food

>> No.14762194

Why do you purchase the expensive organic peanuttbutter when the Rema 1000 brand is half the price?

>> No.14762198

Rice and beans is by far the best, most consistent suggestion here. Multivitamins are also nice. I'm surviving on 800cal/day of eggs, milk, vegetable soup and various supplements at the moment to cold turkey my corona binge eating habit

>> No.14762200


>> No.14762202

Yes, carbs

>> No.14762210

>Remember, eggs and milk are the two, true superfoods: their very purpose is to sustain a life, as the sole source of nutrition, during the most formative stages of life.
This is extremely redpilled

>> No.14762230

> >>14761028

>> No.14762233


>> No.14762239


>> No.14762242

OP is asking for minimality not health, your post is irrelevant

>> No.14762246

There are options within the same budgets.

>> No.14762247

So? Two ingredients is less minimal than one ingredient

>> No.14762248


>> No.14762250

Cope more, tripfag

>> No.14762251

>[Deflected, and an ad hominem].
I won.

>> No.14762254

There's nothing to win, anon; schizophrenically conjuring carbohydrate conspiracies in service of fumbling contrarian reply spam & supposing this to be a "fight"

>> No.14762255

ESL Bot Nutriments Nigger General/ aka Autistic Ian Thread
>Will fly instantly into an uncontrolled fit upon seeing this pasta and accuse the poster of being a liar.
>May post a screen capped argument against this very pasta.
>Posts almost every reply in nonsensical quotations.
>"Warm memos" and other ESL sayings. Just doesn't understand English turns of phrase.
>Text likely scrambled through Transformer and Google Translate.
>Instead of using "is", he uses "of", when discussing subjects. Example? "Quality is of objectivity."
>En and Em dashes uses with reckless disregard for their meaning.
>Punctuation marks used improperly constantly.
>Crazy shit like starting a paragraph with ellipses.
>Entire paragraphs, semicolons, colons, and dashes between parentheses like some sort of lunatic.
>Arguably the worst grammatical usage ever encountered on 4chan.
>Crazy claims about videogame and art objectivity that are never backed up.
>Starts talking about vitamins for no reason.
>Legit thinks botting communities are a good thing.
>Legit thinks multiplayer is better than singleplayer.
>When pressed for evidence, shows charts about neurotransmitters a off /fit/ threads where everyone laughed him off the board.
>Claims eventually boil down to his preference.
>*gets dabbed on by jannie*

>> No.14762260

LMAO, I've done a number on you

>> No.14762264

Try not to reply to the ban-evading autismbot.

>> No.14762291
File: 65 KB, 506x374, From ''warm memos''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was; you posted vague, non-scientific opinion, got called out for it, reacted with negativity (throughout), and (also) now brought up and projected nonsense. That's not even a reasonable usage of "conspiracies", nor of posting that incomplete sentence after the semicolon.. et al.


No, you obviously haven't.

>[Not a "valid" response].

>> No.14762294


>> No.14762298

It's not; correcting garbage behavior improves morale and other subforum tendencies.

>> No.14762303

>[Took up for all of that, misinformation, etc., via suggesting my counters were irrelevant].

>> No.14762341

Go away

>> No.14762351

Carbs are literlly Satan.

>> No.14763768

if that were the case redditors would worship carbs.
since these fuckers hate carbs, I think carbs are a Jesus christ.

>> No.14763793


>> No.14763818

chickpeas and lentils

>> No.14763820

fordi eg vil framleis vera sunn

>> No.14763833
File: 44 KB, 1067x264, 2020-09-19_1067x264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use chickpeas and lentils to form a cheap and nutritious base, and supplement with home grown vegetables and lard

>> No.14763885
File: 18 KB, 320x212, havregryn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only oats and vitamins doesn't sound too healthy in the long run but oatmeal porridge with milk and lingonberryjam is god tier breakfast

>> No.14763907

No bordershopping in Sweden really did a number on you norwegians O.o