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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14766320 No.14766320 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get an honest opinion on this? How is it any different than a cheaper meal replacement beverage like Ensure?

>> No.14766576

Ensure is for old people and doesn't have the marketing/branding Soylent does. That's the only real difference. Soy boys can only relate to the world through movie/TV/game references, as a result Soylent in particular speaks to them.

>> No.14766583

Ensure is more or less sugar. This stuff isn't. Neither is particularly good for you though.

>> No.14767386

seriously though, why do people drink this? interested in honest non-meme answers

>> No.14767400

why does anyone do anything by that logic...

>> No.14767402

If you don't have time to eat, you should consider fasting for the day instead. Actually good for your health instead of just destroying it.

>> No.14767405
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>> No.14767536


>> No.14767568

gay foodplay

>> No.14767574
File: 39 KB, 620x330, Tuesday-Soylent_Green_Wafer_Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what your asking is for someone on 4chan to validate you coming across as a pathetic soccer mom? It wont be from me. Enjoy your wafers and bug food.
Tuesday is soylent green day.

>> No.14767592

Based. You're probably better off skipping a meal and just drinking some water instead of drinking this crap.

>> No.14767661

Soylent is gay buy huel or yfood.

>> No.14767709

Legitimately not bad for its intended function of meal replacement, all the flavors but caco suck. Helped me through impacted wisdom teeth for a week.

>> No.14767779

I liked the vanilla and the mint. Strawberry is awful, havent tried any of the others

>> No.14767797

Non-meme answer is that it's supposed to have been developed using nutritional science to ensure that it covers all over your macro and micro nutrients, so you don't have to worry about any deficiencies. You could also just eat a balanced diet but some people are lazy shits.

>> No.14767818

speaking of ensure or any other protien/meal replacement does it have soy on the level of this?

>> No.14768692

I like it for breakfast because it makes me not hungry while also not feeling like I've eaten anything. The chai flavor is caffeinated so it's two birds with one stone.

>> No.14768700

A guy I worked with had a box of of the powder.

I had one serving,
apparently I wasn't supposed to drink it so fast.

It tasted like cardboard that had been blended up it no a smoothy

Shortly after it was banned in canada for not meeting health regulations.

it is absolute garbage and should only be consumed post surgery if solid food is not an option. Even then, there are better things.

>> No.14768704

This, but somehow I don't think I needed any more dichromate in my diet

>> No.14768718

There is no "meal replacement"
Either fast and give your body a rest or eat food that's valuable, tasty and that's going to help you
"meal replacement beverage" is the stupidest, worst concept for a product I've heard of

>> No.14768742

Lol, my roommates buy this stuff by the box. Is that healthy. I've never noticed it was these till now.

>> No.14768745
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I do like the concept of food of the future but söi just isn't it. I'd rather have animal derived proteins in a paste or shake-like substance so I can actually make gains and not a weak body.

>> No.14768750

It was only temporarily banned from sale in Canada due to regulatory compliance regarding its composition versus the CIFA's definition of a "meal replacement" not for health concerns (hence it was not recalled). It returned to a salable state in 2017 so you are full of shit.

>> No.14768781

because when you're on a meth binge you don't care what anything tastes like you just want to get your nutrients in so the meth keeps working

>> No.14768808

I don't normally believe in schizo stuff but why the fuck did they call it Soylent? It just reminds me of that movie. Almost like a taunt.

>> No.14768889
File: 144 KB, 800x687, soyboy-trio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At some point you gotta give soy boys a break since they are obviously mentally handicapped easily swayed by marketing and unable to make thier own decisions. It pains me to see the legitimacy of abuse due to out of control capitalism. You cant agree pic related is normal rational behavior.

>> No.14769532

i have an eating disorder so if i could just get a premade shake that tastes decent and has the correct calories and nutrients that would help a lot with my anxiety around food. i wouldn’t have to think about it i’d just drink the juice and be done

>> No.14769819

It's also good if you can't keep anything down because of alcohol withdrawal, but you need to eat something to give yourself the strength to get out of bed to go and get more booze.
Don't drink, kids. there's nothing cool about going to a 24h convenience store at 5am with gluey congealed sweat dripping off you and liquid shit running down your legs because, uh-oh! - you blacked out and drank the box wine you were saving for breakfast again, didn't you. What a silly sausage.

>> No.14769825

Back when I first graduated high school and went full time at my job in the summer and then started school I was a lazy fuck who didn't want to make lunches to bring with me

>> No.14769833

Also as an addendum to this, this is before the flavored version came out and only the regular one was available. I thought it tasted fucking awful when it was cold but it was tolerable lukewarm did anyone else feel this way?

>> No.14769836

Agree on vanilla, haven't tried strawberry or mint. Chocolate tastes like chocolate milk.

>> No.14770896

>my anxiety around food
>on /ck/
Jesus christ stop being a faggot.