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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14768066 No.14768066 [Reply] [Original]

> find a flaw protip you cant.

>> No.14768073

factory farmed chickens have too much fat on them and the fat doesn't taste good

>> No.14768078

You eay chicken fat?
Are you shure your human?

>> No.14768095
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>> No.14768099

they're apparently packed with salt and not the healthiest but desu it doesn't stop me

>> No.14768126
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Lol stop it!

>> No.14768139

They're nice but make my guts do flips after eating.

>> No.14768143

I don't really like chicken.

>> No.14768171

No dark meat because all un-used muscle.

>> No.14768192

what the fuck even is this post

>> No.14768785

Too hard to get the meat off once you get past the big pieces thus a lot of waste.

>> No.14768875

you're supposed to eat the good big pieces and then turn the rest into baller soup anyway

>> No.14768903

Mass produced wasteful salty oily sloppa

>> No.14768936


>> No.14768975

It's not grilled with charcoal/mesquite

>> No.14769015

>Too hard to get the meat off once you get past the big pieces
So, the whole chicken? The only small bits are the wings.

>> No.14769062

The stuck on meat next to the ribs/top area and the unusable fatty bottom layer. Been thinking of boiling it all off to make chicken stock but too lazy.

>> No.14769100

most groceries stores around where I live sell those roast chickens ready to eat. Always kino hot chicken sandwiches. a hot chicken sandwich is classic white bread, roast chicken, and slathered in gravy and canned peas. can't get more classic canadian than that imo

>> No.14769104

that's pretty sad, for the chicken

>> No.14769107

It's not as good as roasting your own chicken, and is marginally more expensive.

>> No.14769124

Nothing wrong with those at all. They're a loss leader to get folk into the place in the expectation that they'll buy other stuff where the store will make a profit.

>> No.14769141

Not everyone has a grill. Even in NYC I've only seen one in a building, an aunts place and that's because it's built into a their porch and the laws grandfathered that kind of stuff in. It can't be tipped over because it's bulit into the building and no way that could be built these days.

>> No.14769152

Just cook it in an oven? Spatchcock the bird and roast it in a cast iron skillet.

>> No.14769157

For the price it's not bad, though I've found them increasingly on the greasy side.

>> No.14769160

imagine not owning a lawn.

>> No.14769161

>Spatchcock the bird and roast it in a cast iron skillet.

Sure and while it's cooking I'll post in my favorite cuck porn subreddits since my entire life is apparently an embarassing online meme

>> No.14769167

I know, but there's nothing like cooking something over an open fire where and when possible.

>> No.14769169

Rotisserie chicken are typically loss leaders for grocers like Costco. The goal is to get people into the store. Filtered.

>> No.14769172

I know, that's why I left that place. I still have family there though.

>> No.14769191

Yes I'm aware of that. Yet it's more expensive for the customer to buy a precooked bird than it is for them to cook their own.

>> No.14769224

no it's not

>> No.14769228

Costco rotisserie chickens are $4.99

>> No.14769238

One of these days I'll get one of my own, it's no fun though just on my own. I don't about me with some wifey and some white picket fence kind of thing. I guess I just have to try it out and find out.

>> No.14769240

I live in the third world, and rotisserie chickens are the same price as raw whole chickens.

>> No.14769251

Well, a cooked chicken from Costco weighs 3 lbs and they sell it for $5.00. I can buy a 6 pound raw bird (4.5 lbs. after cooking) from the Fred Meyer down the street for $4.84 right this second. Costco loses money on each chicken because they're paying an employee to make them and because the margins on the bird aren't as good as selling them raw.

>> No.14769261

>High levels of sodium
>sugar in the barbecue sauce

>> No.14769264

why dont these cheap fucks sell turkeys the same way

>> No.14769267

They make a decent chicken stock. Unless of course it's been basted with some lemon pepper goop or the other stuff they use. Herb roast chicken is the one to get.

>> No.14769268

I think a little sugar is needed so the sauce sticks, a lot of sauces go way overboard and why that's a good thing to make on your own.

>> No.14769272

Doesn’t matter
Whether a muscle is dark meat or not is genetical

>> No.14769273

Try creamed corn next time instead of peas.

>> No.14769280

Life is sad. You'll go the same way as the chicken, unless you do the coffin in the ground thing...

>> No.14769283

Spinach is never bad.

>> No.14769297

Too big. They want to be able to put as many birds in the oven at once.

>> No.14769299

In olden tymies rich folk would have a little bell hooked up inside their coffins so that if they were mistakenly diagnosed as dead they could pull a string to ring the bell and hopefully someone would hear it and go and unbury them. Of course sometimes sinister family types who'd want to inherit the estate might cut that string or somehow prevent the bell from ringing. Tales of the macabre.

>> No.14769365

Being buried alive was a real thing though... and here:


>> No.14769389

Yeah, doctors are a bit more careful these days but in oldy times especially with estates there was a lot of treachery going on.

>> No.14769395

This just happened a month ago:


>> No.14769407

That's just plain crazy.

>> No.14769417

Wtf happened with rotisserie chickens, anyway? Up until a few years ago they were used as a loss leader and only cost around $5. Now they're almost double that.

>> No.14769439

I don't know would be more scared the person waking up on some table about to be embalbed or the embalmber. That would scare the living daylights out of anyone.

>> No.14769453

They're still about $5 in southern tier NY grocery stores. I haven't seen any doubling in prices. The crazy price increase that I have notices are taxis in NYC. It's went from being economical to being insane now over some years.

>> No.14769464

They're still between $5-$7 most major grocery stores I see. Costco's will always be $4.99 because the economics of Costco are a bit of a mindfuck.

>> No.14769468

I can't help wondering if the embalmer has creepy dreams of that, worse wondering if the person hadn't come alive and he embalmed a living person so he'd have killed someone.

>> No.14769488

Kroger sells them for $8 which feels like a ripoff. I should move somewhere cheaper.

>> No.14769496

Wouldn't the move and all the hassle of it cost more than a dollar difference in a rotisserie chicken?

>> No.14769498

costco chicken, while priced attractively, isn't as good as the supermarkets in my area.

and the supermarkets in my area are also comparably priced - on wednesdays they have $5 chickens.

>> No.14769513

It's $3, you dumbo. And no, I eat a lot of these.

>> No.14769518

I can't help wondering if the ghosts of all those chickens haunt people... poultrygeists.

>> No.14769521

True enough.

>> No.14769523

Do a cba on it.

>> No.14769590

could be interesting. I am also considering beans

>> No.14769596

thats probably because the massive competition from uber, lyft etc now

>> No.14769763

Should have mentioned my location, southern PA. They went from 4.95 to 8.99. Bullshit!
gib Nirchi's and Phil's chicken

>> No.14769826
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>Not eating chicken fat
Why even live!?

>> No.14771382


>> No.14771392


Costco chickens are great for a satisfying weeknight dinner.