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File: 270 KB, 1024x683, Flickr_pointnshoot_642959103--Patty_melt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14893776 No.14893776 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14893802

They're alright, I guess.

>> No.14893814

Pretty based

>> No.14893826

what is dif between pattymelt and cheeseburger

>> No.14893830

I don't feel anything anymore.

>> No.14893833 [DELETED] 


>> No.14893855

Good if done properly, but otherwise pretty shitty. It's one of those things where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Patty can't be too thick and needs great caramelization, onions have to be tender, and on rye bread that's been toasted on both sides. I'm flexible on which type of cheese. So often when you get them it's soggy bread, a fat, undercooked patty and stringy or undercooked onions.

>> No.14894073

I don't think there's really anything different other than a pattymelt will use bread instead of hamburger buns. If anything I think the sandwich itself is grilled, like a grilled cheese, rather than only the patty. It gets more grease in the bread which can be more savory

>> No.14894083

if you want something like burgers at home, i think patty melts are the better route

it's kind of like making a pan pizza at home. it's better suited to home ovens.

patty melts are impossible to fuck up and god damn they're good

>> No.14894164

No, a patty melt is very specific thing, it doesn't have endless variations like a burger: grilled rye bread, caramelized onions, cheese, and a hamburger patty. There's some variance in cheeses, but it needs those things to be a patty melt.

>> No.14894174

thanks for the clarification. Either way, I enjoy a good patty melt

>> No.14894220

I live on the east coast and I feel like it's really hard to find them here, whereas in the southwest/west coast they're much more common on menus.

>> No.14894224

sonic is garbage and I hate all of their food but their patty melts are alright.

>> No.14894226

what is this dumb rye bread distinction? it's not a fucking rueben. it can be any bread >>14894174

>> No.14894234

Every rime Ive ordered one or made one at home it was on rye. The rye is essential

>> No.14894277

rye is best, but you can definitely use white bread and it still qualify
no need to gatekeep patty melts, lmao

>> No.14894283

it's literally just a grilled cheese with a patty. from there you can put whatever the fuck you want on it. I've never seen them with buns so the only thing you really need is to have sliced bread facing outside. hamburger buns turned inside out would work fine for a patty melt since they'd crisp up nice

>> No.14894440

If a diner can't do a good patty melt then it's not really a diner.

>> No.14894445

100% true

>> No.14894707

I hate the terminology "patty melt".

>> No.14894713

what, you don't like some sunny-side up eggs with a patty melt, home fries, and a hot cup of joe?

>> No.14894716
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 123451254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, only burst of crippling anxiety amidst the emptiness.

>> No.14894719

nobody cares

>> No.14894746

Too greasy. I would have to eat them with a fork to avoid getting all that grease on my mouth.

>> No.14894774

you cared enough to respond, you fucking retard
what a useless post

>> No.14894796

based and dinerpilled, but better with sourdough.

>> No.14894804
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, yike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this cringey motherfucker for real lmao

>> No.14894836

it's derogatory, Seamus

>> No.14894864

rye is mandatory and i love em... they can be quite messy as well as cause multiple heart attacks but i'd say it's worth it