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15166278 No.15166278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My vegan hippie girlfriends wants me to become a vegan, what should I do?

>> No.15166282

would 100% suggest you stop making up imaginary partners first

>> No.15166285

that's a pretty normal diet for an average person i'd say? the reason a vegan diet gets old so fast and satiates so bad is because theres not much protein. i wound't WANT to be a vegan, but i could easily

>> No.15166286

Ask for them to pay for your last meat meal, then breakup with them.

>> No.15166296

Shit on her side of the bed

>> No.15166299

Tell her you will become a vegan after she eats nothing but animal products for 30 days.

If she does it and still wants you to be vegan, leave her.

>> No.15166300
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>> No.15166315
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Just take your meds and she will disappear

>> No.15166326

Why are you dating a vegan hippie girl in the first place?

>> No.15166333

vegan hippies suck really good dick

>> No.15166341
File: 380 KB, 572x322, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fucking joke. This looks like a shitstain slaughterhouse in mexico where there are no regulations or inspectors in order for this sloppy shitty slaughter to happen.

Raise your own fucking food for meat and learn how to properly slaughter an animal. My livestock die faster than a pet euthanasia. And the pet that died for the euthanasia had to go through WAY more pain before he died.

It's like showing me a video of someone beating the shit out of their pet dog and telling me not to get a dog, or someone abusing their spouse and then telling me to die alone. Take your propaganda and shove it.

>> No.15166348

So do fat people apparently. Just leave her for any other hungry bitch, if you don't like fat asses get a girl with anorexia (anorexics might not like food but they are HUNGRY). It's pretty much the same thing anyways, except the anorexic will eat nothing. But the anorexic wont expect you to become anorexic.

>> No.15166351


>> No.15166358

i'd take any girl above a 4 at this point

>> No.15166362


I've been in so many modern western slaughterhouses and lets be real, there's a reason one-or-two slaughterhouses in the U.S./CA get shut down every now and then because even the fucking Halal slaughterhouses here are 100x more streamlined, clean & ethical than that video from Mexico like no shit

>> No.15166372
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>> No.15166386
File: 16 KB, 399x300, I'm getting a word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I have been in so many slaughrthouses trust me guys, No animals suffer for us, we have the BEST welfare Ever. SO MUCH BETTER THAN EUROPE, where we ban American meat!!!!!!


>> No.15166393 [DELETED] 

and f this is EU sanctioned meat, fuck knows what anyone else is doing.

>> No.15166402
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Dump her for a fat chick

>> No.15166411

What part of I raise and slaughter my own animals for meat does your propaganda shilling ass not understand? And guess what? it doesn't happen like in your videos, BECAUSE I AM NOT A CAFO.

Grow your own food, faggot. That pig shit in those cafos are going into your organic crops.

>> No.15166428

>I raise and slaughrt my own animals

Ah yeah, you and your little rinkydink farms will feed 7 billion people I forgot that.

>> No.15166435

No individual farm will feed 7 billion people.
At least I feed more people than you do.

>> No.15166437

Nothing you can do, bro. Better get used to the idea of not eating meat ever again kek.

>> No.15166441

Punch her right in the cunt and leave her.

>> No.15166464
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Well I don't pretend to feed people, I'm a vegan and live in the countryside. It costs way more agiruculatral space to feed livestock than it does humans.


>> No.15166485

Aren't orangutans mostly dying because of palm plantations?

And it's nice you aren't a cityfag, what do you grow?

>> No.15166503

I mean I wasn't keen on making comments on the relevancy of corruption having an effect on the meat industry, but I do generally agree that it would be better to literally not exist at all - you're being a dipshit to broadly compare conditions across polities and cultures

>> No.15166512

If the vag tastes good give it a try; if not, tell her the vag doesn't taste good, so "no".

>> No.15166556
File: 164 KB, 960x1280, eco3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't believe America fucks their animals up what can I say. The UK is trying to ban American slaughtered animals in a trade deal and what we do to them in the UK is fucking horrific.


>> No.15166565

Again, I am agreeing with that sentiment, I do not work in the meat industry

>> No.15166597

You don't know the first thing about eco fascism you fucking tool.
Why don't you go eat at Unity Diner and then leave a fat donation to Mr. Gaunt for the farm sanctuary he will never build?

>> No.15166608

>Just kill millions of calves and retired dairy cows for my cereal and milk hehehe my tasty wasty buddies fuck the jewssss

have fun with your depression and killing yourself because nobody likes you

>> No.15166641

Or I raise my own dairy animal? And then raise any male babies she births for meat? And I wouldn't kill them as babies, why do that when I can get a giant whole cow that can easily feed me for a year?

:) Lots of people like me because I am honest. Also supporting local farms helps me make friends. It's pretty cool. Try talking to farmers like they are human beings instead of cartoon villain's and you'd be surprised how nice they can be. You know? Be empathetic?

Oh, and maybe develop a healthier relationship with death. We all gotta die sometimes bru. I wouldn't mind a quick and painless death to be honest.

>> No.15166751

I dont know how many vegan anons are out there but I hate you all equally as much.

>> No.15166803

do it, it makes your semen taste better

>> No.15166820

Just tell her no. Do not capitulate at all under any circumstances. Your will is stronger than hers.

>> No.15166911

Pussy make a man do strange things, becoming a vegan just to score, what a waste.

>> No.15167132
File: 341 KB, 589x725, 1585532387210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people are stupid.
I don't care how much they suffer, they're dying either way to feed me.
All lower lifeforms exist purely for humans to take advantage of for entertainment, food, or genetically engineered companionship.
And vegans are all lower lifeforms.

>> No.15167141
File: 266 KB, 521x937, holyfuckingbased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15167274

Stand up for yourself, like your father, and his father, and his father's father would have done.
You spineless putz.

>> No.15167396

>vegan debate thread number 13848382

>> No.15167544

propose a compromise with pescatarian or vegetarian
I advise pescatarian cause it's hard to get your omega 3s in adequate amounts any other way

>> No.15167566

No, but you should be willing to compromise a bit. Eat vegan food a couple days per week perhaps, or at least vegetarian if she really presses on about you being vegan. Make this come up as per her questions so it almost seems like her idea, if you can.

It's easy for vegans to eat foods that leave them at a nutritious deficit. That leads to irritation and unreasonable thoughts. Keep this in mind, you cannot fight that.

>> No.15167789

Continue eating meat.
Differences in diet is a deal breaker in most cases. You'll either give it up and resent her for it (and eventually go to the steakhouse behind her back) and end up divorcing her or you'll live a life of misery, eating kale and beans every day and making your bones brittle.
Have your fun, break her in for her future husband for a while, then move on when the chemistry dies.

>> No.15168080

>implying my tulpa isn't real

Read descartes bro

>> No.15168097

>still leave

>> No.15168135

Tell her you respect her food choices so she should please respect yours. If she's insistant, break up because she clearly doesn't understand boundaries.

If you think she's worth it, you should probably at least try it though. Maybe tell her you'll try it for a week or two but no promises of it being for life. Maybe if she's a really good cook she can make vegan dishes that will win you over.

>> No.15168165

Stop being a pussy and give her a meat injection.

>> No.15168167

Why are you still eating unflavored meat that only taste good only if it salted and seasoned? Pure meat is disgusting

>> No.15168194

If you give in now she will demand more of you later, hold your ground soldier that's an order!

>> No.15168202

Maybe if you only buy meat from walmart. Truly good meat tastes excellent without anything added, spices & sauces are to compliment the meat, not mask it.

>> No.15168240

You mean... real meat does not taste as MUSCLE and FIBER?

>> No.15168247

Same thing with veggies, all food need seasoning, it's something basic

>> No.15168257

this, quite literally
get a caulk gun, fill it with ground beef and shove it up her ass

>> No.15168262

At least i can tell there are some veggies that tastes good without salt and seasoning such as garlic, onion, tomato, carrot, green onions, pepperonis, basil, coriander leaves.

Ooops, already mentioned 8